Let's Go 2023 - Vihti NAT 16-17.09.2023
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FCI 1 - Sheepdogs and Cattledogs
Judge Lehtonen Maija
2. Pyrenean Sheepdog, Long-hairedLaniou Du Pic D'espade, owner Jussila Johanna & Hurskainen Kati & Riihimäki Lea
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 2 - Pinscher and Schnauzer type, Molossians
Judge Mäkinen Maija
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 3 - Terriers
Judge Dumitrescu Alin
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 4 - Dachshunds
Judge Koskelo Arja
4. Standard Dachshund, Smooth-hairedCarosan Leanne, owner Rantanen Minna
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 5 - Spitz and primitive types
Judge Taulos Tiina
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 6 - Scenthounds and related breeds
Judge Ryk Jan
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 7 - Pointing Dogs
Judge Straume Jurgis
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 8 - Retrievers, Water Dogs and Flushing Dogs
Judge Koskelo Arja
1. Spanish Water DogZorrazo Iconic I Am, owner Aittamaa Savolainen Päivi & Aittamaa Savolainen Jerri
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 9 - Companion and Toy Dogs
Judge Stiklius Valentinas
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo
FCI 10 - Sighthounds
Judge Razpotnik Bojana
Photographs by Antti Ruotsalo