Åland Dog Show 2022 24-25.09.2022
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
FCI 5 – Spitz and primitive types
Best of groups
1.Keeshond (Wolfspitz)Eerondaali Vito, owner Turunen Petri
2.Finnish Lapponian DogPeikkovuoren Cassiopeia, owner Friman Taina & Lehto Jonna
3.SamoyedRajumas Kornelia Of Power, owner Moe-Gumø Gro & Fåne Øyvind, Norway
4.Chow ChowLiusu Hei Hatchi, owner Hallberg Ann-Kathrine, Sweden
Alaskan Malamute8
American Akita8
Chow Chow13
Cirneco dell'Etna5
Finnish Lapponian Dog23
Finnish Spitz1
Ibizan Podenco, Rough-haired1
Ibizan Podenco, Smooth-haired3
Icelandic Sheepdog5
Italian Volpino4
Japanese Spitz13
Karelian Bear Dog3
Keeshond (Wolfspitz)13
Lapponian Herder7
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), black and brown3
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), other colors7
Medium Size Spitz (Mittelspitz), white1
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz), black and brown3
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz), other colours6
Miniature Spitz (Kleinspitz), white1
Norwegian Elkhound Grey4
Norwegian Lundehund4
Peruvian Hairless Dog, Medium-sized1
Pharaoh Hound2
Portuguese Podengo, Long- and Wire-haired Large1
Portuguese Podengo, Long- and Wire-haired, Small4
Portuguese Podengo, Smooth- and Short-haired, Small8
Siberian Husky12
Swedish Elkhound7
Swedish Lapphund9
Swedish Vallhund5
West Siberian Laika1
Xoloitzcuintle, Intermediate3
Xoloitzcuintle, Miniature8
Xoloitzcuintle, Standard4
Yakutian Laika1