| | Hanar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 1238 | Barroco's Stop And Stare | | 1 | | HP, BIM | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 7 months old, still in full development. Correct head type, he shows a bit white in eyes. Lovely ear set. Exc underjaw. Open nostrils. Exc front and feet. Compact body. Still a bit arched topline. Exc angulations. Beautiful color. Very nice neck. Still some air under himself. Keeping the correct silhouette. Very promising. |
| | Tikar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 1239 | Barroco's Showstopper | | 1 | | HP, BIR | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 7 months old, very attractive female. Exc underjaw, open nostrils. Lovely ear set. Nice dark eyes. Shows some white in them. Exc chest, feet. Compact body. With very straight topline. Very nice angulation front and rear. Well marked color. Exc neck. Correct movement for age. Keeping the right silhouette. Show attitude. |
| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 1240 | Comaster I Am Legend | G | | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 9 months old. Enough correct head. A bit light eyes. Correct ear set. Open nostrils. Could have more underjaw. Good front, chest and bone. Very compact in body. Too arched topline. Enough correct angulations. Short croup. Well marked. Good coat. A bit close behind. Could have a better silhouette. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1241 | Barroco's Oh North Breeze | VG | 1 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 2 years old. Typical head, good eyes. Correct underjaw. Open nostrils. Correct ear set, a bit big. Nice front and feet. A bit long in line. Correct angulations. Exc neck. Very nice color. Moves parallel. Silhouette is disturbed by the long line. |
| | | | 1242 | Herttileidin Boston Adonis Adidas | G | | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 3 years old big boy. Could have better head shape. With short muzzle. Correct nostrils. Correct ear set. Too open eyes, a bit light. Correct front. Could have better feet. Could be more compact. A bit skinny today. Tail set is a bit high. Correct angulations front and rear. Well marked color. Enough parallel. I’d like to see better silhouette. |
| | | | 1243 | Shandita's Designed For Action | VG | 2 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 4 years old, big boy. Correct head shape. Could have more underjaw. Open nostril. Dark eyes. Correct ear set. Too much lips. Good chest, front and feet. Long in line. Well angulated. Well marked color. A bit close behind. Silhouette is disturbed by the long line. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 1244 | Journey To Fame Des Gardiens Du Bois Clerbault | EXC | 1 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 8,5 years, in type. Keeping himself in very good condition. Lovely head, open nostrils. Dark eyes. Nice ear set. Missing chest, that’s why his feet are not straight. Compact body. Correct angulations. Well marked color. Moves still well keeping the silhouette. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 1245 | Wilibo's Sweetest Cassie | VG | 1 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 1 year, female of good size. Could have better ears. Good underjaw, nice eyes. Open nostrils. Good front and chest, with correct feet. Enough compact body, with correct angulations. Tail set is very high. She needs to improve a little bit in the ring. Could move more coordinated. Enough silhouette. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 1246 | Wilibo's Sweetest Beata | G | | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 21 months, good size. Could have better head profile and shape. She shows some white in her eyes. Could have better ears. Enough chest for the age. Good feet. Long in line. Correct angulation. Still very empty under herself. Well marked. Moves parallel. Could have better silhouette. |
| | | | 1247 | Wilibo's Sweetest Bubblan | G | | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 21 months, correct size. Could have better head shape. Shows white inside the eyes. Correct front and feet. Compact body, a bit shy on the table. Correct angulations. Nice brindle color, well marked. Enough parallel, dropping a bit in silhouette. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1248 | Barroco's Perhaps Perhaps | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK, RES-CERT, RES-CACIB | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 2 years old, good size. Exc head profile, correct muzzle. Correct eyes, open nostrils. Exc ear set. Good chest, front and feet. A bit short in upper arm. Compact body. Correct angulation. Well marked color. Beautiful brindle. Moves parallel. Keeping the silhouette. |
| | | | 1249 | Shandita's Maiev Shadowsong | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 1250 | Wilibo's Alice | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, CERT, CACIB | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 4 years old. Good size girl. Correct head, nice eyes color. Open nostrils. Correct ear set. Nice front, chest and feet. Compact body. Exc angulations. Well angulated. Well marked color, beautiful brindle. A bit open elbow. Moves parallel, keeping the silhouette. |
| | | | 1251 | Wilibo's Amy | EXC | 3 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 4 years old strong girl. Beautiful head, correct ears, dark eyes. Open nostrils. Correct underjaw. Nice front and feet. Exc neck, a bit long in line. Exc angulation behind. Well marked with beautiful brindle color. A bit close behind, a bit close in front. Keeping the silhouette. |
| | | | 1252 | Zimyrs Little Frida | VG | 4 | | | Pontone Vincenzo | |
| | | | 6 years old strong girl. Correct head profile, a bit light eyes. Correct ear set. Exc underjaw. Good front and feet. A bit long in line. A bit too low in legs, enough angulation front and rear. Could be better marked. Nice color. A bit close behind. Silhouette a bit arched in topline. |