| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2220 | Chaplin Line's Ernest | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIR, RES-CERT, JUN-CERT, CACIB-J | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine good size. Nice head and expression. Good length of neck. Correct topline. Well developed for age. Good bones. Good coat for age. Nice temperament. Very good movement. |
| | | | 2221 | Fiofella's Butterfly Benjamin | EXC | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine. Bigger male. Good head and expression. Correct bite. Well set ears. Good neck and topline. Enough developed in chest. A little long in line. Well set tail. Good angulation. Good movement, but could have longer steps. |
| | | | 2222 | Tigerbrand The One And Only | EXC | 2 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine. Good size. Lovely head and expression. Well set ears. Good neck and topline. A little upright in shoulder and upper arm. Enough developed in body. A little long in line. Could be in better condition in the day. Nice coat. Well set tail. Good movement, could be more steady in the front. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2223 | Red Goblin's Shadows Of Dark | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine. Nice size. Good head and expression. Well set ears. Beautiful dark eyes. Well developed in body. Enough neck. Good topline. Well set tail. Beautiful coat. Nice temperament. In good condition. Really nice in movement. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2224 | Bohemian Shades Dragonheart | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Masculine. Good size. Beautiful head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Enough neck. Nice topline. Good bones. Well set tail. Good coat quality. Strong bones. Good temperament. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 2225 | Nightfire's Ultimate Winner | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, CACIB | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Beautiful male. Good head and expression. Well set ears. Good neck and topline. Well developed in body. Well set tail. Good bone. Nice temperament. In really nice show condition. Beautiful movement, good length of steps. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 2226 | Glittra's Majestic Major | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, VET BIM, VET-CERT, CACIB-V | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Wonderful veteran. Masculine. Nice head and expression. Well set ears. Enough dark eyes. Correct bite. Good neck and topline. Wellangulated and well set tail. Beautiful coat in really nice show condition. Really nice movement. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2227 | Celine | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 2228 | Chaplin Line's Emely | VG | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Good size. Well set ears. Correct bite. Need to develop in muzzle. Nice neck and topline. Enough forechest. Good ribcage. A little low set tail. Could have stronger bones. Could be more straight in front. Good movement. |
| | | | 2229 | Golden Thing's Beautiful Like A Pearl | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIM, JUN-CERT, JUCH, CACIB-J | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Nice size , good body. Beautiful head and expression. Nice neck and topline. Correct bite. Well set ears. Nice developed in body. Enough bone for age. Well set tail. Good coat condition. Nice temperament. Beautiful movement. |
| | | | 2230 | Tigerbrand A Sign Of The Star | EXC | 2 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Beautiful head and expression. Beautiful ears. Correct bite. Good neck and topline. Nice developing body for age. Correct angulation for age. A little long in body compared to the height. Well set tail. Beautiful coat. Good temperament. Nice movement. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 2231 | Glittra's Spirit In The Sky | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK, CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Really nice type. Good head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Nice neck and topline. Enough body for the age. Well set tail. Good coat quality. Beautiful movement. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2232 | Angelluck's Fly With Me | EXC | 4 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Nice type. Good expression. Little heavy ears. Enough neck. Little straight in shoulders. Good topline. Correct angulations. Well set tail. Good temperament. Good coat quality. Nice movement, but could be more steady in front. |
| | | | 2233 | Arician Guess Who's Lady Gemstone | EXC | 2 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Nice body proportions. Beautiful head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Nice neck and topline. Enough body for the age. Could have more bones. Well set tail. Nice angulations. Good coat quality. Could have more coat on the day. Really nice temperament. Nice movement. |
| | | | 2234 | Geminga's Charlotte | VG | | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Really nice head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Enough neck. Good topline. Enough body for the age. Could be more developed in the forechest. Good coat quality. Tail could be higher set. Nice movement. Could be more happy in the ring. |
| | | | 2235 | Glittra's Kicking A Diamant Brut | EXC | 3 | | | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Good size. Little heavy ears. Correct bite. Enough neck, a little upright in shoulder. Nice topline. Well set tail. Good coat quality. Nice movement. Could be more steady in the front. |
| | | | 2236 | Tuiscalo's Lemon Drop | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK, RES-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Nice body proportions. Beautiful head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Beautiful head and topline. Well developed in forechest and body. Well set tail. Nice coat quality, but could be longer. Well angulated. Nice movement. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2237 | Northern Vivid's First Star Ever | EXC | 3 | | CK | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Nice body proportions. Beautiful head and expression. Correct bite. Eyes could be darker. Good neck and topline. Enough forechest. Well set tail. Good angulations. Nice temperament. Good coat quality. Beautiful movement. |
| | | | 2238 | Sinceres Kastehelmi | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Feminine. Beautiful head and expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Beautiful neck and topline. Well set tail. Well developed in body. Beautiful coat and show condition. Nice temperament. Elegant movement. |
| | | | 2239 | Started With A Kiss Daydream Believers | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, CACIB | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Nice size. Beautiful head and expression. Well set ears. Beautiful dark eyes in good size. Good body proportions. Really nice neck and topline. Well set tail. correct angulations. beautiful coat and show condition. Nice movement. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 2240 | Chaplin Line's Odessa | EXC | 2 | | CK, VET-CERT | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | 12 Years in beautiful condition. Good body proportions. Well set ears. Correct bite. Good neck and topline. Nice body. Good anglations. Well set tail. Nice coat for the age. Good movement. |
| | | | 2241 | Cindy | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIR, CACIB-V | Bekker Helle | |
| | | | Beautiful veteran. Nice type. 12 Years and still in very nice show condition. Beautiful head and expression. Good neck and topline. Well set tail . Correct angulations. Strong body. Beautiful coat for the age. Nice temperament. Beautiful movement. |