| | Tikar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 2135 | Cuddlier No One Else | | 1 | | HP, BIR | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely developed and balanced, feminine head, well placed nose and eyes, nice coat, nice se ears, nice neck, a bit rounded in group, nicey bodied, well angulated, nice coat, well marked, moves soundly and balanced, nice temperament |
| | Hanar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2136 | Cuddlier Fortune Cookie | VG | 1 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Strong male of very good type, masculin head,, a bit heavy and strong, would like a stronger underjaw, well place eyes, nice skull and well set ears, nice neck and topline, nicely developed body, well angulated, nice coat and markings, moves enough soundly but need more power behind, nice temperament, well presented |
| | | | 2137 | Keep Fire Bookwalter Brandy | G | | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Masculin male of good type and rolling person, head strong, well placed nose and eyes, goos skull, well set ears, short neck, rounded in group, heavy body and bones carried a bit too much weight, well angulated, nice coat, too much weight in chest, moves enough balanced, but too high carried tale, lovely temperament |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2138 | Cisosan Everytime We Touch | EXC | 3 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely balanced of exc type and overall in person, well shaped head, woud like a bit stronger underjaw, well placed nose and eyes,, good skull and well set ears, nice neck and topline and well set tale, nice depth of body, a bit open in shoulders, well angulated, well marked, would like a bit stronger colour, moved balanced, needs time to stabilise in front |
| | | | 2139 | Cisosan Magic Monet | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely balanced male of exc type in over all in person, well shaped head, would like a bit stronger underjaw, well placed nose and eyes, good skull and well set ears, exc neck, good topline, exc body and bone, well angulated, moves soundly and balanced, outgoing personality |
| | | | 2140 | Jablen Edinburgh | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, CACIB | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Masculin male of exc type in overall person, lovely head and expression, well set ears, exc neck and topline, well set and carried tale, nicely bodied, well angulated, nice coat and markings. moves soundly and balanced, lovely temperament |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2141 | Jablen Katherine | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK, JUN BIR, JUN-CERT, JUCH, CACIB-J | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely balanced female of exc type in overall person, lovely head and expression, good skull and well set ears, exc neck and topline and well set and carried tale, nice developed body, well angulated, moves nicely from the side, needs time to stabilise in front |
| | | | 2142 | Kinglesin Love Me Like You Do | EXC | 3 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nicely balanced female of exc type and overall in person, well shaped head, well placed nose, well placed eyes, strong pigmentation, good neck, and topline, a bit rounded ingroup, nice steps of body, well angulated, nice colour, moves soundly in side, need time to stabilise in front, lovely temperament |
| | | | 2143 | Lakatu Cinderella | VG | 4 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | lovely sweet feminine of exc type, lovely head and expression, nice neck and topline, a bit rounded in group, nice developed body, nice angulated, good coat and colour, moves enough soundly but need to have more open temperament, therefore the prize |
| | | | 2144 | Radix Super Sun | EXC | 2 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nicely balanced female of exc type, nicely head, a bit strong underjaw, good skulla and well set ears, nice neck and topline, a bit rounded in group, well develope in body, nice coat and markings, moves soundly and balanced, lovely temperant |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 2145 | Cuddlier Call Me Queen | VG | 2 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely alanced female of very good type in overall person, too strong underjaw, good skull and well set ears, nice neck and topline, nice set tale, nice steps of body, needs time to develop, a bit open in shoulders, nicely angulated, nice coat and markings, moves soundly but needs time to stabilise infront, lovely temperament |
| | | | 2146 | Gillespie Someone Like You | EXC | 1 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | lovely balanced female in exc type, lovely head and expression, well se ears, exc neck and topline, nice steps of body carrying too much weight, a bit long in loin, well angulated, lovely coat and colour, moves soundly with lovely temepramenta, well presented |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2147 | Cuddlier Daydream | EXC | | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | Nicely balanced female of exc type in overall person, sweet head and expression, good skulla and expression, good skulla and well set ears, exc neck and topline and well set tail, nice steps of body, a bit open in shoulders, well angulated, moves soundly and balanced, would like abit stronger colour, nice temperament |
| | | | 2148 | Jablen Desdemona | EXC | 2 | | CK, CERT | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nocely balanced female of exc type in overall in person, nice head and expression, well placed eyes, good skull and well set ears, nice neck and topline,nicely bodied, good coat, would like a bit more broke in markings, moves soundly and balanced, lovely temperament |
| | | | 2149 | Juhellus Flawless Nightfall | VG | | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | feminine female of very good type in overall in person, nicely shaped head, would like abit more fill under the eyes, good skull, well set ears, nice neck, a bit rounded ingroup, nicely bodied, moves enough soundlu, needs more strenght in front movement, needs more training , nice coat and colour, |
| | | | 2150 | Kinglesin Indica | EXC | 4 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nicelly balanced female of exc type in overall in person, nice head and expression, good skulla and well set ears, good neck and topline, well set tail, nice depth of body carrying a bit too much weight, moves enough balanced, would like a bit more energy, lovely temeprament |
| | | | 2151 | Kinglesin Love Of My Life | EXC | 3 | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | fwminine well female of exc type, well set head, would like a bit more depth in underjaw, good skulla and well set ears, nice neck and topline, well set tail, nice steps of body, well angulated, nice coat and colour, moves soundly, would like to see more temperament in the move |
| | | | 2152 | Panda's Miracle Of Christmas Night | EXC | 1 | | CK | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | well balanced female of exc type in overall in person, well shape in head, good skulla and well set ears, exc neck and topline, well set and carried tail, exc body and bone, moves soundly and balanced, a bit high taila, lovely outgoing personality |
| | | | 2153 | Sonza's Game Of Chance | VG | | | | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nicely balanced and strong female of very good type in overalla in person, well shaped head, would like a bit stronger underjaw, big skulla and well set ears, a bit rounded in group, nice neck, strong body and bone, open in shoulders, would like a bit stronger angulted behind, moves sound from the side but for me too round and close behind, lovely temperament |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2154 | Cuddlier Dream With Me | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | lovely balanced female of exc type in overall person, klovely head and expression, good skulla and well set ears, exc neck and topline, nice body and bone and well angulated, nice coat and colour, moves sound and balanced, lovely temprament |
| | | | 2155 | Panda's Royal Miracle | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, CACIB | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | lovely balanced female of exc type in oaverall expression, lovely shaped head, exc neck and topline, exc body condition, lovely coat and colour, moves very sound, balanced wit a lovely breed character, lovely temperament, well presented |
| | | | 2156 | Sonza's Ä Ction Wish | EXC | 3 | | CK | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | nicely balanced female of exc type, lovely head and expression, well set ears, nice neck and topline, nice body condition, well angulated, nice coat and colour, moves soundly and balanced, with a lovely temeprament, well presented |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 2157 | Cuddlier My Mama Said | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK, VET BIR, CACIB-V | Jevne Frode | |
| | | | feminine well kept of exc type of over all expression, lovely head and expression, vital eyes, exc neck and topline, exc body condition for age, nice coat and colour, moves very sound with a lovely outgoing personality, well presented |