| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1970 | Siimline's Happier Then Ever | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, JUN BOB, JUN CAC, JCH, CACIB-J | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 14 months, cream sable, flashy and with elegant beautifully presented double thick coat. Typical breed outline his mouth is okay. His eyes are beautiful and dark. His head is broad. He has desirable patent ears. Good elbow and fore chest. Correct lay of shoulder. A level topline. Tailset is just right. He has correct top coat and stink correct under coat. He has correct turn of stifles. His movement has excellent reach in front and drive in back. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 1971 | Chic Choix Anton By Picasso | Excellent | 1 | BM4 | CQ | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 18 months cream sable spectacular looking dog. With a thick double coat a correct top coat. He has masculine head with beautiful dark eye and well set patient ears. His nose has plenty of room for breathing. Teeth are okay. I would like to see bite more level. Still a beautiful dog with strong shoulder. Proud neck. Chest is good, ribs are excellent. I can feel muscles in his back legs. Beautiful breed outline. He has excellent rear drive, excellent front reach. He is well trained and beautifully prepared. Beautiful kick back. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1972 | Chic Choix Barjea Trystin-Mekhi | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | Black & white impressive male, 2 years old. With beautifully prepared coat beautiful tail set. Top coat is slightly harder than under coat which is more soft. He has very good size of head which set beautifully in his body, dark eyes. Correct stop and broad skull. His teeth are good. His bite is not perfect but near. He has firm shoulder and proud arch in his neck. He has level topline. He has correct turn of stifles. He is king to move, excellent reach. I can´t se his rear paws when he is moving. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1973 | Diamella Oh My Goodness | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, CACIB, BIG-1, BIS-4 | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 3 years old, very impressive male, very well presented gold coat with white chest and black tips on the ears. Fabulous dark eyes with dark pigment. Correct head & stop. Nose has plenty room for breathing. Shoulder are correctly angulated. And this is why front movement is very good. Good chest and rib. He has correct hind angulations. He has level topline & high tail. He has silky top coat and underneath correct soft under coat. He is in beautiful shape. Bite is almost level, which is what I expect. He has excellent rear movement and excellent front reach. And when he moves away from me he has wonderful drive, I can see his paws. |
| | | | 1974 | Heart-Breaker Just Parti-Trick | Excellent | 2 | BM3 | CQ, RES CACIB | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 3 years old impressive male. Pale gold sable & white with well-presented coat and breedy outline. He has beautiful dark eyes, masculine skull, correct stop nose has plenty room for breathing. Mouth is a little bit under shot but not terrible. Lovely shoulder, firm. Proud arch of neck. Good chest. Firm body and well developed thigh and muscle. He has silky topcoat and softer under coat. He is a good mover, I like his rear drive, there could be more in front. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1975 | Chic Choix Dion Kassios | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB, CACIB-V, BIS VET-3 | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | A rich cream sable, 8,5 years old. With a beautiful coat. Missing tooth but his jaw is firm and almost level. He has lovely masculine head, dark eyes, mature head & good stop. Plenty nose for breathing. Nice medium size with good shoulder, proud neck. Nice deep chest and rib. Correct hind angulation. He has level topline. Top coat is silky, under coat is softer, which is what I´m looking for. He is a breedy lovely boy. He has good reach in movement, he is very happy to show. |
| | Bitches |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1976 | Chic Choix Egretta Alba | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, RES CAC | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 2 year sold, rich sable. Breedy outline with a high tail. Medium size, dark eye feminine head. Good bite, almost level. She has correct lay of shoulder. Good chest and rib. Correct turn of stifle. Level topline. She is not long or short, just perfect and well balanced for her size. She has silky top coat and soft under coat. I do admire her shape. Her coat is beautifully prepared. She is moving very well with excel reach and drive behind. |
| | | | 1977 | Waioming Dar Tibetu | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | Dark smoky sable. 3 years old. Feminine dark eye, correct skull and nose. I like her muzzle. She has beautiful level bite. She has excellent shoulder and elbow. I think she is a bit too long in loin. She has good turn of stifle. I like her feet. Top coat is silky, under coat is softer which is what I´m looking for. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1978 | Chic Choix Cayenne Parti | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, CACIB | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | 6,5 years old, a very flashy and elegant silver & strip bitch. Beautiful breedy outline. Beautiful dark eyes. Fabulous muzzle, head, feminine expression. Teeth okay, I would like to see more level bite. She has a lovely shoulder, she has medium size, firm body. Plenty of body & substance. Rich shape of body. Good muscle in her thigh. She is a beautiful example of breed. She has an excellent rear drive and excellent front reach. She is a super package. |
| | | | 1979 | Siimline's Love Legacy Summerparti | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, CAC, CH, RES CACIB | Williams-Wegmann Vanessa | |
| | | | Almost 8 years old, nice medium size, well balanced. Cream & white party colour. Breedy outline. High tail. Beautiful arch of her proud neck. She has fantastic dark feminine expressive eyes. Her skull fits into her face. Her stop is correct Her nose has plenty room for breathing. I would like to see her bite more level, but she has very good teeth. Strong shoulder, deep chest, firm rib. Good topline. Correct turn of stifles. She has silky topcoat and soft under coat. She has very good reach and drive and free and happy mover. |