Lahti INT 22-23.04.2023
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
Keeshond (Wolfspitz)
Judge Minogue Stephen
BOBIkurin Imperator Leonum (Vatanen Pia)
BOSMillblow Game Of Love (Suikkanen Laura)
CACIB dogIkurin Imperator Leonum (Vatanen Pia)
CACIB bitchEerondaali Upper Purrsonal (Turunen Petri)
CAC dogIkurin Magnus Fennicus (Westman Vilma & Vatanen Pia & Saarilahti Ida)
CAC bitchMillblow Game Of Love (Suikkanen Laura)
BOB juniorMillblow Game Of Love (Suikkanen Laura)
BOS juniorIkurin Magnus Fennicus (Westman Vilma & Vatanen Pia & Saarilahti Ida)
BOB breederIkurin (Vatanen Pia & Saarilahti Katariina & Saarilahti Ida)
1353Arcticus Fauna OllivandersVery GoodMinogue Stephen
1354Eerondaali AcousticExcellent2CQ, RES CACMinogue Stephen
1355Ikurin Magnus FennicusExcellent1BM3CQ, JUN BOS, CAC, JUN CAC, JCH, CACIB-JMinogue Stephen
1356Millblow Give Me AllVery GoodMinogue Stephen
1357Millblow Go For ItExcellent3Minogue Stephen
1358Storywood Strawberry BearExcellent4Minogue Stephen
1359Ikurin Lux In NocteVery Good1Minogue Stephen
1360Eerondaali VitoExcellent1BM2CQ, RES CACIBMinogue Stephen
1361Silvertale's Tnt DynamiteVery Good2Minogue Stephen
1362Storywood Winter SpellVery Good3Minogue Stephen
1363Eerondaali Five StarsExcellent3CQMinogue Stephen
1364Eerondaali King Of The RingExcellent2BM4CQMinogue Stephen
1365Ikurin Hic HocExcellent4CQMinogue Stephen
1366Ikurin Imperator LeonumExcellent1BM1CQ, BOB, CACIBMinogue Stephen
1367Ikurin Jocus PerfectusExcellentCQMinogue Stephen
1368Ikurin Juvenis CamilloExcellentCQMinogue Stephen
1369Storywood My Cup Of TeaExcellent1Minogue Stephen
1370Eerondaali Angel Of MineVery GoodMinogue Stephen
1371Ikurin Mirabile FennicaVery GoodMinogue Stephen
1372Just Believe Now Or NeverVery GoodMinogue Stephen
1373Millblow Game Of LoveExcellent1BB1CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC, CACIB-JMinogue Stephen
1374Millblow Go With The FlowVery Good3Minogue Stephen
1375Storywood Strawberry KissAbsent
1376Tinrose's Circle City GirlVery Good2Minogue Stephen
1377Waatan PulmonariaVery Good4Minogue Stephen
1378Only Response's Always The FirstVery Good1Minogue Stephen
1379Eerondaali Upper PurrsonalExcellent1BB2CQ, RES CAC, CACIBMinogue Stephen
1380Millblow First Star Of Northern SkyAbsent
1381Silvertale's Booby TrapVery Good2Minogue Stephen
1382Eerondaali Only LoveExcellent1BB4CQMinogue Stephen
1383Eerondaali Quick ResponseExcellentCQMinogue Stephen
1384Eerondaali Repentless LadyExcellent3CQMinogue Stephen
1385Ikurin Gaudeamus IgiturAbsent
1386Ikurin Harmonia OptimaExcellent2BB3CQ, RES CACIBMinogue Stephen
1387Ikurin Juvenes Dum SumusExcellent4CQMinogue Stephen
1388Storywood Northern MagicExcellentCQMinogue Stephen
1389Ikurin Divina DivaExcellent1Minogue Stephen
Breeder's groups
6074Eerondaali2KPMinogue Stephen
6075Ikurin1KPMinogue Stephen