| | Dogs |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 1466 | Frostlady's Fullmetal Alchemist | | 1 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 8 months. male of correct size, enough length of body, well proportioned masculine head, correct muzzle and bite , typical eye shape, hooded ears, good neck, level topline, correct tail set and carriage, equally angulated in front and rear, strong bone, good feet, correct coat with urajiro, on the move he needs more time to improve in hind quarters, okay in front |
| | Bitches |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 1467 | Kowhai Hold The Stage | | 1 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | lovely type, correct in size, lovely expressive head with broad forehead, typical expression, hooded ears, scissor bite, good neck, well bodied, typical tail set and carriage, well angulated around, with good bone and feet, correct urajiro, sound mover, needs a bit more exercise, |
| | | | 1468 | Odoroki No Densetsu Elaine | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 1469 | Odoroki No Densetsu Merlin | | 2 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | a bitch of correct size and length of body, nice expressive feminine head with hooded ears, correct bite, dark slenting eyes, good neck, well bodied, typical tail carriage, good bone and feet, lovely coat, typical urajiro, on tthe move she needs more time to improve in hind quarters, a bit more exercise would suit her |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1470 | Amadare No Koyo Takaichi | Excellent | 1 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 17 months, a male of correct size and length of body, still needs more time to mature in body, masculine head, broad skull, well carried hooded ears, strong muzzle and bite. dark slenting eyes, good in neck, level topline, correct tail set and carriage, equally angulated in front and rear, good bone, strong feet, lovely coat, with urajiro, on the move he shows drive on behind, needs more stability in front, well presented |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1471 | Hiromitsu Ryujiro Go | Excellent | 2 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | sturdy champion male, correct in size and length of body, strong masculine head with broad forehead, dark eyes, thay could be slightly more slenting, correct bite, small hooded ears, good neck, well bodied, typical angulations around, correct tail carriage, lovely coat, with urajiro, moves sound and easy, very well presented |
| | | | 1472 | Konomi Nadora Superman | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, CACIB | Douma Rob | |
| | | | high quality male, breed type shouting, correct in size and length of body, has a gorgious head with typical expression, hooded ears, dark eyes, good neck, super body with typical angulations around, correct tail carriage, super coat with urajiro, on the move would like to see slightly more stability in hind quarters, but he shouts breed type, be proud of him, well presented |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1473 | D'zeus Go Shiroiarashi | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, VET BOB, CACIB-V | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 10 years, very lovely type, correct in size and length of body, well proportioned masculine head with broad forehead, dark eyes, enough slenting, correct bite, hooded ears, good neck, well bodied for his age with typical angulations around, correct tail carriage, strong bone, good feet, lovely coat, he moves easily and sound, well presented, |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1474 | Japoniška Imperija Nagaharu | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC, CACIB-J | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 9 months, very lovely youngster, correct in size, and length of body. well proportioned feminine head with typical expression, correct bite, hooded ears, good neck, well bodied for her age, correct tail set and carriage. well angulated around with good bone and strong feet, lovely coat, typical urajiro, she moves easily and sound, well presented |
| | | | 1475 | Odoroki No Han'ei Sarimam | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 1476 | Odoroki No Mugen April | Excellent | 2 | BB3 | CQ | Douma Rob | |
| | | | very lovely youngster, correct in size and length of body, well proportioned feminine head, with broad forehead, dark slightly slenting eyes, hooded ears, correct bite, good neck, well bodied, typical angulations around, correct tail set and carriage, good bone, and feet, lovely coat texture with urajiro, she moves with drive, very well presented |
| | | | 1477 | Vuorenvarman Uneton | Very Good | 3 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 12 months, a real youngster, correct in size and length of body but still needs more time to mature in chest, feminine head, with typical expression, hooded ears, correct bite, good neck and withers, I would like to see stronger topline stacked and on the move, correct tail set and carriage, eqaully angulated in front and rear, good bone and feet, out of coat at the moment, typical urajiro, on the move she needs a bit more stability behind and is a bit loose in front, she shows quality but needs a bit more time all over, |
| | | INT |
| | | | 1478 | Hitomi No Kiyo | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, CACIB | Douma Rob | |
| | | | very lovely type, correct in size and body proportions, lovely expressive head with dark slightly slenting eyes, hooded ears, correct bite. good neck, well bodied, typical angulations around, strong bone, good feet, correct tail set and carriage, lovely coat, she moves with drive, very well presented, |
| | | | 1479 | Yasuko | Absent | | | | | |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1480 | Arasakura No Chiara Amadare | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 1481 | Kaminari Pride Rayana | Excellent | 1 | | | Douma Rob | |
| | | | medium size bitch, slightly longer than high, feminine head, with broad forehead, hooded ears, dark eye, correct bite, good neck, level topline, correct tail set, angulations in balance, good bone, strong feet, correct coat with urajiro, on the move I would like to see more parallel on behind and more stability in front on the move, very well presented . |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1482 | Kaminari Pride Yanira | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ, RES CACIB | Douma Rob | |
| | | | 4 years, lovely champion bitch, correct in size and length of body, feminine head, dark eye, slightly slenting. hooded ears. correct bite. strong neck. correct topline and tail set and carriage, well angulated behind, needs a bit more angulation in front, strong bone, good feet, lovely coat texture with urajiro, moves with drive but would like to see a bit more stability in topline and front, well presented, |