| | Dogs |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 4288 | Jigme's Cola Twister | | 1 | | HP, BOB | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 8 months old. Very nice proportions. Well shaped head. Dark eye, lovely expression. Good neck & shoulder. Good length of body. Carries his tail very well. Correct feet. Superb coat for age. Lovely temperament. |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4289 | Celebdil's Dacapo | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4290 | Chanelstyle My Handsome Heartbreaker | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well developed for age. Well shaped head. Very sweet expression. Well set ears. Good bone & feet. Well set tail. Excellent coat. Moves well from side, bit tight behind. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4291 | Flying Carpet's Gold Miner | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Masculine young dog. Well developed for age. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Well set ears. Bit loose in elbows. Good substance in body. Well set tail. Moves well from side, should be more precise in front. Excellent coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4292 | Shibazhan Matricaria | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well balanced. Well shaped head. Well set ears. Correct bite. Good forechest. Body in excellent condition. Could be slightly better angulated behind. Good coat. Moves well from side bit tight behind. Correct feet. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4293 | Skaidikurun Basse-Beaivi | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC, CACIB-J | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very well developed for age. Masculine all over. Very well balanced. Well shaped head. Well set ears. Strong bone. Correct feet. Moves well. Superb coat. Makes a really nice profile standing. Superb temperament. |
| | | | 4294 | Villiruusun Mustikka | Excellent | 3 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Well balanced. Very good type. Good proportions in head. Lovely expression. Well constructed front. Bit low tail set. Superb coat. Correct feet. Moves very well. Excellent temperament. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 4295 | Qi Gong's Magic Mike | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ, RES CACIB | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type & size. Really nice head. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Lovely expression. Well set ears. Moves with great attitude Nice neck & shoulder. Good topline. Well carried tail. Correct feet. Strong rear. Moves well. Very well presented. |
| | | | 4296 | Shibazhan Laurus | Excellent | 3 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Young boy with his own opinions. Very attractive temperament. Well sized head. Sweet expression. Correct bite. Well set ears. Good length of body. Would like some more feathering of feet & slightly better angulation in rear. Good coat structure. Good movement when he wants to. |
| | | | 4297 | Snowmuzzle's Lovable Honey Gold | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very well developed for age. Masculine all over. Big enough head. Lovely expression. Dark eyes. Good neck & shoulder. Correct feet. Good substance in body. Could be slightly better angulated in rear. Superb coat. Move well from side, bit tight behind. Excellent temperament. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 4298 | Celebdil's Kingstar | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Masculine, but not overbuilt. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good neck & shoulder. Excellent forechest. Good substance in body. Good bone for size. Correct feet. Moves very well from side, bite tight behind. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4299 | Kiiramanna Q-Tamo | Excellent | 3 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type. Substanceful male. Masculine all over. Lovely head. Should not have more coat. Well constructed. Well set tail. Good bone & feet. Moves easily. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 4300 | Vanessan Basbartoo | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well shaped head. Well set ears. Dark eyes. Good forechest. Bit short in neck. Could have slightly better shoulder. Good substance in body. Bit low tail set. Good bone & feet. Would like slightly more efficient movement. Excellent coat & temperament. |
| | | | 4301 | Yawiles Elvis | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Good size. Good proportions. Gives still young impression. Lovely head. Well set ears. Could be tighter in elbows. Body in excellent condition. Would like some more feathering in feet. Well set tail. Good bone for size. Moves well. Not overdone in coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4302 | Zhigatsey Rubert | Excellent | 1 | BM4 | CQ, RES CAC | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type & size. Very good proportions. Nice head. Well set ears. Good reach of neck. Good forechest. Strong body in excellent condition. Very good coat structure. Correct feathering of feet. Enthusiastic movement. Very well presented. Excellent temperament. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 4303 | Kiiramanna Only For Diamonds | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type & size. Well balanced. Nice proportions. Excellent head & expression. Well set ears. Good reach of neck. Superb forechest. Well set tail. Correct feet. Lovely coat. Moves with arrogant attitude. He knows he’s the sweetest. |
| | | | 4304 | Queeneela's Amory | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well balanced. Bit short neck. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good substance in body. Correct feathering in feet. Well set tail. Lovely coat. Moves well from side, bit tight behind. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4305 | Snowmuzzle's Jazzy Poppysbutton | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type & size. Moves with attitude. Masculine all over. Lovely head. Good reach of neck. Strong rear. Good feathering of feet. Good coat structure. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4306 | Tor Oskan Ricardo | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Would like slightly better set shoulder. Good proportions in body. Strong rear. Good coat structure. Moves well. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4307 | Tor Oskan Titan | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, CACIB | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type. Correct size in head, well shaped. Well angulated front & rear. Well set ears. Correct feathering. Good substance in body. Moves with good reach & attitude. Excellent coat structure. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4308 | Arundina Barba La | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ, JUN BOS, RES CAC, JUN CAC, CACIB-J | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Attractive junior. Lot to like about her. Moves with great attitude. Lovely reach of neck. Very sweet head. Well angulated front & rear. Good substance in body. Good coat for age. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4309 | Chanelstyle My Beautiful Charlotte | Excellent | 3 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well shaped head. Nice dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Should not be any heavier in body. Well set tail. Good coat structure. Correct feathering of feet. Still a bit unprecise in movement. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4310 | Chanelstyle My Sweet Summer Wind | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Still very much a baby. Very sweet. Bit short in body. Good reach of neck. Well shaped head. Good forechest. Well set tail. Good feathering of feet. Bit in between in coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4311 | Fyrrykyrön Pramia Balleriina | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good substance for age. Well shaped head. Good reach of neck. Good forechest. Well set tail. Good bone for size. Excel coat. Still a bit young in movements. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4312 | Kiiramanna Only For Me | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Substanceful young bitch. Very good type. Good proportions. Well balanced. Good reach of neck. Nice forechest. Could be slightly better angulated in rear.. Good feathering of feet. Excellent coat structure. Moves efficient. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4313 | Shibazhan Festuca | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Still very much a baby. Feminine all over. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Should be tighter in pasterns. Well set tail. Would like better angulation behind. Bones fit the size. Moves could be more efficient. Good coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4314 | Shibazhan Gloriosa | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Bit low on legs. Lots of coat. Should not be heavier in body. Well set tail. Good bone & feet. Could be more efficient on move. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4315 | Snabb Tibbies Fiona Gallagher | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Still very young over all. Solid underbite. Dark eyes. Bit high set ears. Good forechest. Long in loin. Would like more substance in bone. Body in excellent condition. Bit low in tail set. Sweet temperament. |
| | | | 4316 | Springwind Candy | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good reach of neck. Lovely head & expression. Well set ears. Should still develop in forechest. Good coat structure. Good bone to size. Correct feet. Moves with attitude. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4317 | Tibland's Full Moon Dancer | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Substanceful young bitch. Would like slightly smaller head. Good expression. Well set ears. Correct bite. Good forechest. Bit heavy in body. Good bone & feet. Good coat for age. Could be more efficient on move today. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4318 | Tib-Sak Edna | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type. Still very much a baby. Lovely head & expression. Well set ears. Would like slightly more bone & stronger pasterns. Good length of body. Well angulated behind. Correct feet. Good coat. Moves well. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4319 | Zhigatsey Tindra | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good reach of neck. Solid underbite. Well set ears. Good substance in body. Well set tail. Excellent coat. Moves well. Good feathering on feet. Shown teeth with mouth closed. Lovely temperament. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 4320 | Celebdil's First Of All | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Lovely head. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Good bone. Good substance in body. Hard condition all over. Moves well when she wants to. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4321 | Olazza Khaleesi | Excellent | 2 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Feminine all over. Well shaped head. Would like more substance on muscle. Well set ears. Well feathered feet. Good bone for size. Moves well. Lovely temperament. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 4322 | Bhu Laen's Isadora | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, CAC, CACIB | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type & size. Well balanced. Good proportions. Lovely head. Good forechest. Well feathered feet. Good substance in body. Moves very well. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4323 | Flying Carpet's Pam Pam Pamela | Excellent | 3 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Moves with reach & drive. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Very good bone. Would like some more feathering of feet. Good substance in body. Good coat structure. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4324 | Fyrrykyrön Hiano Hupulaanen | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type. Feminine all over. Well shaped head of correct size. Dark eyes. Well set ears. Good forechest. Would like little more substance in bone & body. Bit timid on table. Correct feet. Good coat structure. Would like some more efficient movement. |
| | | | 4325 | Hoswin Mary Poppins | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4326 | Mintoscan True Love | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good substance. Moves with reach & drive. Well shaped head. Slightly light eye. Good forechest. Correct feet & bone. Well set tail. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4327 | Snowmuzzle's Kiss Of Paris Sky | Very Good | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well shaped head. Solid underbite. Shows teeth mouth closed. Well set ears. Good dark eyes. Good forechest. Would like some more lines on body. Good coat structure. Correct feathering of feet. Well set tail. Correct bone to size. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4328 | Zhigatsey Ramona | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Feminine all over. Very balanced. Good size on head. Well shaped head. Well set ears. Would like some more feathering in ears. Good reach of neck. Good substance in body. Strong rear. Correct feet, could also be more feathered. Moves efficient. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4329 | Zhigatsey Selina | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4330 | Ziestan Miss Mimosa | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Well balanced Good proportions. Good substance in body & bone. Lovely head & eyes. Well placed ears. Correct feet. Strong rear. Good coat structure Super attractive temperament. She just ask for attention. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 4331 | Flying Carpet's Aerobic Anne | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type. Shows her self beautifully standing & moving. Good reach of neck Very efficient movement. Beautiful head. Would like some more feathering on feet. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4332 | Flying Carpet's Witch Of Polar Night | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type. Well balanced. Moves with good reach of neck & efficient. Nice lines in body. Correct feet. Would like some more feathering on ears. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4333 | Mintoscan Wonder Woman | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Well shaped head of good size. Well set ears. Good forechest. Substanceful body. Good bone Well feathered feet. Moves well. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4334 | Olazza Mon Cheri | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 4335 | Shibazhan Mentha | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good proportions. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Good forechest. Well feathered & placed ears. Moderate length of neck. Well set tail. Good substance of body. Good coat structure. Efficient movements. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 4336 | Tashi-Gong Venus | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, RES CACIB | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Excellent type. Very well balanced. Good substance. Well shaped head. Well placed & feathered ears. Very good forechest. Correct feet. Lovely coat. Moves with good reach of neck Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4337 | Tuuling Point Aurelia | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | Very good type & size. Good substance, still elegant lines. Good reach of neck. Well shaped head. Well set ears. Correct forechest. Strong rear. Well feathered feet. Not in very best coat today, good structure. Moves well. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 4338 | Olazza Milady | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 12 years, still in wonderful condition. High quality bitch. Loveliest of head. Very healthy teeth. Well balanced. Moves with dignity & reach of neck. Such a wonderful dog to go over. |
| | | | 4339 | Qi Gong's Flying Witch | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, VET BOB, CACIB-V | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 10 years. Excellent condition for age. Lovely head. Beautiful teeth for any age. Superb coat. Well set tail. Good feathered feet. Moves with good reach of neck. Wonderful veteran. |
| | | | 4340 | Raigomillin Evening Star | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 8 years. Very good type & size. Very feminine. Good size of head. Well set ears. Could have more substance in body & some more angulation behind Well feathered feet. Good coat structure. Moves well. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4341 | Shibazhan Brunnera | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 9 years old. In very good condition for age. Well balanced. Well shaped head. Dark eyes. Well set & feathered ears. Correct bone for size. Extremely healthy teeth. Well done by owner. Moderate length of neck Moves well Super temperament. |
| | | | 4342 | Shibazhan Elisena | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 9 years. Very sound & well going. Would like some more feathering on ears & feet. Super teeth. Good coat structure. Correct bone for size. Good show temperament. Moves well. Wonderful veteran. |
| | | | 4343 | Shibazhan Gentiana | Excellent | | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 8 years. Very feminine. Still in good shape. Excellent teeth. Well set ears. Lovely dark eyes. Moderate length of neck. Body in excellent condition. Would like slightly better angulated rear. Well feathered feet. Moves well. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4344 | Tashi-Gong Essence | Excellent | 4 | | | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 9 years. Moves very efficient. Still in very good shape. Excellent coat today. Well feathered ears & feet. Beautiful dark eyes. Healthy teeth. Could be slightly stronger in pasterns. Body in excellent condition. Lovely temperament. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 6220 | Flying Carpet's | | 1 | | KP | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 4291, 4323, 4331, 4332
3 combinations. Very similar in type. Substanceful without being overdone in any way. Well going group. Lovely temperaments. Good proportions. Excellent coats. Thank you for coming. |
| | | | 6221 | Shibazhan | | 2 | | KP | Sandö Siv | |
| | | | 4292, 4335, 4341, 4342
4 combinations. Similar in type & size. Good coat. Good feet. Well set tails. Efficient movement. Excellent temperaments on the whole group. Thank you for coming. |