| | Urokset |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 522 | Silver Hillock's Cause For Alarm | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, SERT | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | correct type and size, correct expression, strong topline, correct tailset and -carriage, correct volume of body for his age, moderate angulation, free movement, coat texture ok, nice temperament |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 523 | Entice Quickstep | ERI | 2 | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | strong male, a bit too long in body, strong masculine head, a bit loose lips, correct toipline when standing, could be straighter and stronger in movement, a bit long in loin, correctly angulated, but could have more parallel movement in front, excellent coat, nice temperament |
| | | | 524 | Northstorm's Easy Way Out | ERI | 1 | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | correct type, enough well balanced, correct type of head, bit loose lips, correct topline, enough volume of body, a bit straight angulation in front correct behind, moves ok from side, could be better coming and going, correct coat and temperament |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 525 | Entice O'really | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | strong masculine male, correct proportions, strong head, would prefer a bit more elegant, good neck, excellent topline when standing, enough strong in movement, very well developed body, correctly angulated, moves well from side, ok coming and going, correct coat, nice temperament |
| | | | 526 | Fansett Dream A Little Dream Of Me | ERI | 2 | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | correct type and proportions, correct head and expression, correct topline and tailset, broad body, correcttly angulated, bit out in elbow, could show better in movement, moves bit wide in front, correct coat and temperament |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 527 | Jet Star's Sweet Lady Sabotage | EH | 4 | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, could have better balance, bit long in body, a bit small having comparison to body but very feminine, straight topline when standing, could be better in movement, bit long in loin, broad body, a bit straight in front, could have better movement, correct coat, nice temperament |
| | | | 528 | Original Xcuse Me Mr Officer | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, enough well balanced, enough correct proportions between head and body, very feminine head with excllent expression, correct topline, broad body built enough, correctly angulated, elbows close enough, movement correct enough, correct coat and colour, nice temperament, excellent presentation |
| | | | 529 | Wildrind's Nightsky Under Aurora Borealis | ERI | 3 | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | nice young bitch, correct proportions, correct type of head and expression, a bit loose skin, good make, a bit too sloping croup, correct volume of body, correctly angulated, could have better movement in front, correct tail, colour and temperament |
| | | | 530 | Wildrind's Nightsky Under Milky Way | ERI | 2 | | SA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | nice type, correct proportions, correct head and expression, strong topline, broad deep body, correctly angulated, moves well from side, enough correct movement coming and going, correct coat, colour and temperament |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 531 | Forestset Liana | H | | | | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, with enough pronounced breed type, could have stronger muzzle, expression of head, needs straighter topline, enough volume of body, angulation ok, could show her better in movement, a bit shy, correct colour, could have more coat |
| | | | 532 | Sarmando Dream Special Design | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, correct proportions, correct type of head, but could have stronger underjaw, correct topline, volume of body, a bit straight in front, correct angulation behind, moves well from side could be better in front, coat ok, correct temperament |
| | | | 533 | Wildrind's Love Me Like You Do | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | nice type, correct proportions, correct head and expression, correct topline and volume of body, correctly angulated, moves ok, correct coat, colour and temperament, excellent presentation |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 534 | Glow's Blow Me A Kiss | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | correct type and proportions, correct type of head, with strong enough underjaw, earcarriage ok, good neck, topline, correct developed body, well angulated, moves well from side, correct enough in front, correct tail, colour and temperament |
| | | | 535 | Raistar Snow White | ERI | 3 | | SA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, a bit too long in body, lovely head, typical expression, strong enough topline, very well developed body, correctly angulated but bit out in elbows, would prefer a bit more temperament in movement, could have more parallel movements in front, correct tail and colour |
| | | | 536 | Sarmando Dream Set Fire To The Rain | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, RYP-2 | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | feminine bitch, enough well balanced, lovely head, correct expression, excellent neck, topline when standing, could be stronger in movement, correctly developed body, a bit straight upperarm, correct angulation behind, moves well from side, could have better movement in front, excellent coat, colour and temperament |
| | | VET |
| | | | 537 | Glow's Affairs O'the Heart | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP, VET-SERT, VMVA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | 8 yrs old veteran in excellent condition, correct head and expression, straight topline. broad deep body, a bit straight angulation in front, correct behind, moves well from side, front movement correct enough, correct tail, colour and temperament |
| | | | 538 | Surprise Polish Vodka Z Arislandu | ERI | 2 | | SA | Zake Ligita | |
| | | | nearly 9 yrs old veteran in good condition, nice feminine head, correct expressiob, strong neck, correct topline, broad body, a bit short upperarm, correct angulation behind, would prefer bit more temperament in movement, could have more parallel movements in front, coat and colour ok |