Jyväskylä Monster Dog Show NAT 24.06.2023
Domare Salina Loredana
Inga BIR-resultat | |
| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 427 | O'zone Åsiris | VG | 1 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 10 months old, big male, little bit heavy, but correct proportions. correct head plains. correct bite, good eye. correct tan. love to see little more forechest. good bones. little bit short in upper arm. little bit steep in croup. correct rear angulation. Correct coat. Needs a little bit ring training. could have firmer topline on movement. good rear movement. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 428 | Iituvaaran Denver | VG | 1 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 20 months old, good size, good proportions. correct head plains. the head is not in proportions to the body, shows snipy in muzzle. Should have more under jaw. Correct ear set. straight in shoulder. good in rear angulation. Good parallel front with excellent paws. Unstable in front movement, good temperament, nice presented. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 429 | Winningmood Xoxo X-Bomb Betty | VG | 1 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 11 months old, good size, brown, with shows light tan. correct head plains. with small eyes which shows third palpebra. which gives her not typical expression. correct bite, should have more under jaw. Good length of neck, excellent forechest, strong and parallel front. Excellent feet, good rear angulation, good under line. Excellent coat condition. Moves little bit unstable and loose and soft in elbows. Excellent presentation. |
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