| | Tikar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 474 | Happy Harlekin's Dirty Little Secret | | 1 | | HP, BIR | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | Good size, black. very good coat condition. shows much air under him. nice head. could have little bit darker eye. Correct bite. Good neck, which could be little more Arched. chest should reach to the elbows. Good topline. standing little bit steep in front pasterns. correct rear angulation. according to age good movement. little bit shy temperament, but well presented. |
| | Hanar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 475 | Happy Harlekin's Alfa Centauri | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, CERT, UCH | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 2 years old, correct size, correct proportions, nice head, correct bite. good length of neck, could have little more forechest. correct rear angulations, tail carriage little bit high on movement, good side movement with good reach and drive. Nice temperament, well presented. |
| | | | 476 | Happy Harlekin's Harald Finehair | VG | 2 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | Good size, good proportions. Good head, parallel head plains. Correct proportions, in skull and muzzle. correct bite. Good neck which could be more arched. Correct chest, good front angulation. Could be a little bit more angulated in rear. Unbalanced in rear movement, and wide open elbows in front movement. Nice temperament, well presented. |
| | | | 477 | Piistar Michelangelo | VG | 3 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 2 year, 5 months old. Good size. correct proportions. Correct head, correct bite, slightly in rolling underlips. excellent lips, as well as length on neck, which could be a bit more arched. In front standing narrow, Knuckling over in the wrist. Good topline, Good angulation. good side movement. little bit close in hocks, in front movement shows soft pastern. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 478 | Perfect Sunshine James Hetfield | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 4,5 years old, correct size. with proper proportions. Nice head. correct bite. Short palpebra is slightly visible. Correct chest. Soft in pasterns. Correct shoulder, and rear angulations. Good side movement, with lot of drive. Good head carriage. Good temperament and well presented. |
| | | | 479 | Wysiwyg's Black Carbon Wolf | borta | | | | | |
| | Tikar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 480 | Amelie Von Der Sonsbecker Ley | VG | 1 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 2 years old, harlekin. good size, correct proportions, correct head plains. little bit light eyes, would like to see little more wider muzzle. which is in correct propose to skull. Correct front. with parallel strong limps. Good Feets. should show a little more reach in movement. nice temperament. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 481 | Grand Oak's Baba Yaga | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | 2 years old, good size good proportions, correct head plains, nice head. Correct bite. Well developed chest. level topline. could have little bit longer upperarm. very nice rear angulation. Correct croup. Close but parallel in behind, good side movement. Good temperament, well presented. |
| | | | 482 | Happy Harlekin's Queen Lagertha | EXC | 3 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | Almost 4 years old. Love to see little more stop. Proportions in Muzzle and skull on correct, Correct bite. Correct ear set, but ears are a little bit long. very nice neck. Good chest. Good bones. Correct up and underlines. Good side movements, nice temperament, well presented. |
| | | | 483 | Perfect Sunshine Kimberly | EXC | 2 | | | Salina Loredana | |
| | | | Good size, good proportions, correct head plains, and good proportions in muzzle (which could be little wider) and skull. Slighlty Shown third Palpebra. Excellent neck. Correct chest. Correct front and rear angulation. Correct side movement, good temperament, Good coat condition, well presented. |