| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1054 | Northgate's All Or Nothing | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOB, CAC, NORD CAC, JUN CAC, JCH | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | masculine, excellent type and length of body and chest for age, a little bit overangulated at hindquarter, standing well angulated in front, excellent topline and neck, movement fluent, needs to be better in front |
| | | | 1055 | Winpoint I Am Ironman | Excellent | 2 | BM2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | masculine, excellent type, very good length of body, strong bones, well angulated in front and rear, very good croup and set of tail, very good chest for age, strong topline, excellent carriage of ears, fluent movement, strong enough in front, longer knees, excellent colour |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1056 | Northgate's Xpertti | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | masculine, excellent type, good enough level skull muzzle, very good length in body, excellent bones, needs longer chest, standing well angulated front and rear, long enough croup, movement fluent |
| | Bitches |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1057 | Northgate's Written In The Stars | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | excellent type, good enough level skull to muzzle, very good length of body, well angulated in front and rear, good enough croup, very good chest, needs better topline, movement fluent, needs to be stronger in front and rear, excellent coat and colour |
| | | | 1058 | Winpoint W Like Winner Takes It All | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, NORD CAC | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | excellent type, feminine, elegant, strong bones, well angulated in front and rear, very good croup, needs longer chest, stronger topline, movement fluent and correct, excellent coat and colour |