| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1019 | Tulkkiaavan Qusti | Excellent | 1 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | excellent type, still immature but very good quality, excellent length in body & colour, typical mask, good bones, excellent fore and hindquarter, excellent carriage of tail, stronger topline, fluent movement, needs just to be stronger in front |
| | | INT |
| | | | 1020 | Nuhamäen Kajo | Excellent | 1 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | masculine, excellent type, a little bit too short in body and slim, bit heavy lips, very good bones and angulation front and rear, well carried tail, needs wider chest, stronger topline, needs drier throat, strong movement, colour and mask typical and correct |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1021 | Erähelmen Chilla | Very good | 4 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type and eyes and length of body and coat and colour, strong bones, well angulated front and rear, well carried tail, movement fluent, still narrow in rear, topline not strong due to last season |
| | | | 1022 | Joonellin Kira | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 1023 | Jämtens Imouto | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOB, CAC, NORD CAC, JUN CAC | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, nice bitch, elegant, excellent length of body, strong bones, excellent shoulder and chest for age, excellent hindquarter and carriage of tail, stronger topline, fluent strong movement |
| | | | 1024 | Perkauden Sinttura | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, RES CAC, NORD RES-CAC | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, top quality coat for age, strong bones, well angulated front and rear, well carried tail, typical colour, excellent chest for age, excellent eyes, fluent and correct movement |
| | | | 1025 | Tulkkiaavan Qtar | Excellent | 3 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, good length of body, right colour, good enough coat for age, strong bones, well angulated in front and rear, good enough croup but well carried tail, stronger topline, movement fluent needs to be more elegant |
| | | | 1026 | Vähäskosken Cenita | Not judged | | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | excellent type, good length of body, strong bones, typical colour, well angulated front and rear, very good chest for age, a little bit heavy lips for age, not judgeable because she moves always in pace |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1027 | Kokalmuksen Kaste | Good | | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, very good type, needs stronger forehead, nice stop, too large size, typical coat and colour, very good length of body, very well angulated in front, still cowhocked in rear standing and movement, excellent temperament, good enough movement, markings good |
| | | | 1028 | Kokalmuksen Lumi | Very good | 1 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, a little bit long in body, strong bones, needs better croup as well topline, well angulated in front, needs stronger hindquarter, nice colour, good coat, movement really narrow in rear |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 1029 | Jälkijäärän Gimma | Excellent | 2 | | | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, and length of body, larger size, strong bones, excellent forequarter, needs better croup and more angulation in rear, good carriage of tail, typical colour, very good chest, movement fluent a little bit narrow in rear |
| | | | 1030 | Tulkkiaavan Martta | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type and size and length of body, typical colour, very good coat, strong bones, excellent shoulder, very good chest, well angulated in rear, well carried tail, fluent and correct movement |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1031 | Tulkkiaavan Luna | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | feminine, excellent type, a little bit empty in foreface, excellent body, for length and proportion, strong bones, well angulated in front and rear, typical colour, well carried tail, needs stronger forehead, excellent movement |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 4031 | Tulkkiaavan | | 1 | | KP | Di Lorenzo Antonio | |
| | | | 1019, 1025, 1030, 1031
excellent average for type and size and colour, very good average for movement and length of body and proportion |