| | Hanar |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 1383 | Barecho Cinnamon Bun | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, CACIB | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 1,5 years old male, nice elegant but powerful male, really nice breed type, lovely head and expression, nice correct ear position, lovely elegant neck, correct front and chest, really nice pleasant topline, normally balanced angulations front and back, nice soundness movement. Nice movement from all sides. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1384 | Dingolina's Piece Of Moon | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, CERT | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 2 years old male, nice elegant males head, nice earset, correct neck, but could be a little bit more elegant, nice front and chest, really nice topline, croup and tailset, really nice balanced angulations front and back, nice free mover. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 1385 | Baskethill's Oscar For Life | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, RES-CACIB | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 3 years old male, lovely breed type, strong but elegant head, really nice earset, nice elegant neck, excellent shoulders, fulfilled front, nice topline, I would like to see him a 1kg or 2 kg less, nice balanced angulations front and back, really nice mover from all sides. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 1386 | Grouseseeker's Skyflyer | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, VET BIR, VET-CERT, CACIB-V, BIS VET-2 | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 8 years old male in lovely condition, nice shaped head, correct eyes, nice earset, nice correct neck, shoulders, a little bit longer in body format, excellent tailset, nice topline, nice front, chest, nice balanced angulations in front and back, really nice mover for his age. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 1387 | Wildomar's It Takes Two To Tango | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, JUN-CERT, CACIB-J | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 11 months old female, correct nice breed type, a little bit elegant, nice shaped head, nice earset, nice neck and shoulders, correct front, nice deep chest, i' prefer a little bit better topline, correct tailset, correct angulations in front and back, nice, free mover. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 1388 | Bardem's Zabaglione | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 20 months old female, really nice typical shaped head, she is a little bit overweight, great neck and shoulders, nice fullfilled front, correct topline when she stands, but she looses it a little bit when she moves, because of a little bit overweight, nice balanced angulations in front and back, nice free mover. |
| | | BKL/JKL |
| | | | 1389 | Baskethill's Nightwish Special | EXC | 2 | | | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 3 years old female, nice breed type, nicely shaped head, a little bit overweight, correct neck, shoulders, front, really nice angulations afront and back, for one working bitch I would like to see a better topline when she moves, all others is very correct. |
| | | | 1390 | Grouseseeker's Party Star | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 3 years old female, very nice breed type, lovely shaped head, nice correct neck and shoulders, nice fullfilled front, she is in very good condition for a working bitch, really nice angulated and balanced in front and back, nice mover from all sides. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 1391 | Bardem's Paloma Blanca | EXC | 2 | | | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 7,5 years old female, really nice breed type, beautiful shaped head, nice earset, correct neck that could be a little bit more elegant, correct shoulders and front, correct topline when she stands, really nice balanced angulations front and back, nice free mover, but she looses a little bit topline in action. |
| | | | 1392 | Baskethill's Original Olive Blossom | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, CACIB | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 3 years old female, nice beautiful breed type, nice feminine head, excellent earset, very nice neck and shoulders, really nice front, correct topline, lovely angulated in front and back, nice mover from all sides. |
| | | | 1393 | Dingolina's Jurgita | EXC | 3 | | | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 4 years old female, nice correct breed type, nice elegant neck and shoulders, she is a little bit wide in front legs, correct topline when she stands, nice tailset, correct angulated in front and back from the side, she little bit looses her nice topline when she moves, a little bit fluffy coat. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 1394 | High Score Just Like Flying | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIM, RES-CERT, VET-CERT, CACIB-V | Milosevic Bratislav | |
| | | | 9,5 years old veteran bitch, in lovely condition, nice correct shaped head, nice earset, she could have a little bit more of neck, nice shoulders, front and chest, nice topline for a veteran in that age, excellent tailset, nice pleasant angulations in front and back, really nice free mover for her age. |