Riihimäki NORD 02.09.2023
sileäkarvainen kettuterrieri
Tuomari Rørdam Vibeke
| ROP | Wolfheart Best Bib'n Tucker (Viitanen Sari) | |
| VSP | Wolfheart Simply Stunning (Liusvaara Riitta) | |
| SERT uros | Wolfheart Beaujolais (Pekkinen Jari) | |
| SERT narttu | Wolfheart Pina Colada (Leminen Taina) | |
| Nord SERT uros | Wolfheart Best Bib'n Tucker (Viitanen Sari) | |
| Nord SERT narttu | Wolfheart Simply Stunning (Liusvaara Riitta) | |
| ROP juniori | Wolfheart Diadora (Heikkinen-Lehkonen Paula) | |
| VSP juniori | Wolfheart Beaujolais (Pekkinen Jari) | |
| ROP kasvattaja | Wolfheart (Heikkinen-Lehkonen Paula) | |
| | Nartut |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 859 | Battlebeast All You Get | | 1 | | | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Short backed bi of excellent size and type. Well shaped head. Good skull. Lovely dark eye. Strong muzzle. Correct bite. Well set ears unfortunately carried almost upright. Strong neck, straight strong back. Well set tail. Rather upright shoulder. Well developed chest, still developing in depth. Spannable. Strong loin. Slightly steep angulations. Moves close behind, correct in front. Lovely temperament. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 860 | Wolfheart Beaujolais | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, NORD VARA-SERT, JUN-SERT | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Square, short backed male. Excellent size and type. Well shaped head. Well set little large ears. Dark eye. Strong muzzle. Correct bite. Balanced angulations. Strong back. Well set tail carried rather happy. Good forechest. Well shaped deep long ribcage. Strong loin. Slightly falling croup. Excellent hocks. Excellent coat. Moves with reach and drive. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 861 | Wolfheart Rochester | ERI | 1 | | | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Masculine. Strong male. Excellent type, up to size. Well shaped head. Good expression. Well set and carried large ears. Correct bite. Good neck. Slightly pushed forward but well angulated front. Well shaped deep, not spannable, ribcage. Strong back. Strong loin. Slightly low set tail. Well angulated strong hind quarters. Towing in behind, moves correct in front. Lovely temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 862 | Ajier's Rock Beat It | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 863 | Wolfheart Best Bib'n Tucker | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, NORD SERT | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Masculine. Square short backed male. Well shaped head. Good skull. Dark eye. Well set and carried ears. Correct bite. Well angulated front. Strong bone. Well shaped deep almost spannable ribcage. Strong loin. Moderate hind angulation. Correct coat. Moves somewhat unsteady. Moves correct on a loose lead. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 864 | Wolfheart Orfeu Negro | ERI | 2 | | | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Masculine, square, short backed male. Excellent type. Up to size. Excellent head and expression. Well set small ears. Dark eye. Correct bite. Strong neck. Pushed forward well angulated front. Strong bone. Short very strong excellent tail set. Well shaped deep almost spannable ribcage. Well angulated behind. Excellent colors but would prefer more white. Moves steady. Excellent temperament. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 865 | Wolfheart Diadora | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN ROP | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Energetic, square and short backed hunter. Excellent size and type. Feminine head. Good skull. Dark eye. Well set ears. Correct bite. Strong neck. Well laid shoulders. Excellent upper arm. Strong bone. Well shared deep brisket. Spannable. Short strong back. Excellent tail set. Moderate hind angulation. Correct feet. Excellent coat quality. Moves springy, correct in front little unstable in back. Lovely temperament. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 866 | Wolfheart Simply Stunning | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, NORD SERT | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine, short back bitch. Excellent type and size. Lovely head expression. Dark eye. Correct bite. Well angulated front. Strong bone. Well shaped deep spannable ribcage. Strong loin. Well angulated behind. Moves with reach and drive, towing little in behind. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 867 | Wolfheart Kylie | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Square bitch. Excellent size and type. Dark eye. Excellent head. Well set lightly carried ears. Correct bite. Strong neck. Well angulated shoulders. Excellent upper arm. Strong short back. Correct tail set. Deep spannable ribcage. Strong loin. Slightly falling croup. Excellent coat quality and colors. Moves with reach and drive and springy. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 868 | Wolfheart La Cumparsita | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 869 | Wolfheart Pina Colada | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, SERT, MVA | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Square short backed hunter. Excellent size and type. Feminine head. Dark eye. Cheeks should be fuller. Correct bite. Excellent neck, topline and tail set. Well angulated front and rear. Strong bone. Well shaped deep almost spannable ribcage. Excellent coat and colors. Moves springy. Lovely temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 870 | Minerva | HYL | | | | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Balanced bitch. Excellent size and type. Feminine head. Little wide set and little thick ears. Good skull. Dark slightly wide eyes. Correct bite. Excellent neck, topline and tail set. Balanced angulation. Good forechest. Strong bone. Well developed deep spannable brisket. Good conditions. Moves springy with reach and dive. Sadly she bites the judge so she is disqualified. |
| | | | 871 | Texforrier Snow Me The Way | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, NORD VARA-SERT | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | Feminine. Square short backed hunter. Excellent size and type. Lovely head and expression. Would like more pigmentation around the eyes but extremely dark and intense look. Strong muzzle. Correct bite. Excellent neck, topline and tail set. Well angulated front and read. Strong bone. Strong pasterns. Well shaped deep spannable ribcage. Excellent coat quality. Moves steady. Excellent temperament. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 4032 | Wolfheart | | 1 | | KP | Rørdam Vibeke | |
| | | | 860, 863, 866, 867
A group of very similar dogs. Four compinations but all of them same type. Males easily distinguished from females. All alert and energetic temperaments. True fox terriers. Gongratulations to breeder. |
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