| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 381 | Aetherlands The Main Attraction | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 382 | Black Elles Specialized In Love | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine dog. needs ring training. he is very stressed in the ring because of all the excitement. good size. quite nice head. correct ears and eyes. nose line falling off a bit. fitting bones. quite good head and topline. moves a bit close behind. carries his tail too high over the back. good temperament but needs to settle down. |
| | | | 383 | Crofter's Only Viking Legend | VG | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. very masculine. full of himself with a lot attitude. nice head. needs a bit more stop. ears a bit heavy. shoulder upright but has a nice silhouette with a good croup. fitting bones. moves very narrow behind. correct in front and from the side. tail carriage is straight up which unfortunately ruins the whole silhouette. nice coat and handling. |
| | | | 384 | Golden Amore's Amazing Prince | EXC | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | correct type size and substance. masculine with beautiful silhouette. beaufiful ears. flat skull. quite nice expression. wonderful neck and topline. correct rise over the loin. well angulated. moves correct with long tail carried well. with more perfect expression he would be stunning. |
| | | | 385 | Roxier's Power Baron | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very nice type but he doesn’t like to be handled by judge and needs more ring training. perfect balance and substance. pleasing head with attractive ears. I would like eyes slightly bigger and more almond shaped. perfect neck and topline. moves well and sound with correct tail carriage. colour is correct blue merle. |
| | | | 386 | Samuways Reason For My Smile | G | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | good size and substance. very masculine. correct wedge shape head. beautiful clean cheeks. flat skull. parallel planes. nice ears. a bit round in eye. fitting bones. a bit high in hocks. unfortunately he curves the tail like Siberian Husky when he moves which destroys the overall picture. moves a bit tight behind, otherwise nice. |
| | | | 387 | Samuways Royal Blue Sensation | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | elegant and correct type. very masculine. very eye-catching because he is very clear blue merle colour. nice silhouette. a bit small eyes. very nice placed ears. perfect neck and topline. needs to be trained to let the judge handle him. moves correct but tail carriage is too high. beautiful coat texture. |
| | | | 388 | Silverlady's Qu'il Est Divin | EXC | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very happy outgoing boy. masculine. perfect size. good balance. attractive clean head. nose line falling off a bit. beautiful eyes and ears. perfect neck and topline. strong bones. moves well when he is not jumping for joy. most of the time acceptable tail carriage. very nice coat. a bit narrow in underjaw. |
| | | | 389 | Starspangle's Nevada | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, JUN BIM, CERT, JUN-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. needs to be trained to let the judge handle him. very nice silhouette even if his coat is very heavy which is typical for the age. a bit heavy ears and eyes could be bigger and more almond shaped. beautiful skull, neck and topline. well rounded croup. needs more angulation in hocks. moves sound. very nice tail carriage. makes a nice picture standing and moving. I would like wider underjaw. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 390 | Breezy Meadow's First In Line | EXC | 1 | | CK, RES-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | happy masculine male. perfect size and substance. correct balance. unfortunately round in eyes and ears are wide set. skull flat. correct stop. I would like a bit stronger underjaw. correct neck and topline with slight rise over the loin. correct angulated and moves good. nice coat. shows very well. |
| | | | 391 | Kristallisäde Blue Kingmaker From Atlantis | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 392 | Lassie Line Dare To Lead | EXC | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. correct silhouettre. very nice size and balance. his head is broad and deep in backskull. ears are too heavy and eyes too round. nice underjaw. beautiful dark tan colour. nice neck. well angulated. beautiful well rounded croup. moves nice. but he is not groomed to the bottom, he has big mats of old hair under the top coat. |
| | | | 393 | Norte Pastor Chilly Stripe | EXC | 2 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | attractive type. very nice silhouette. perfect balance. masculine. unfortunately with very heavy ears. almond shaped eyes. good skull. a bit upright in shoulder. correct rise over loin. correct angulations behind. well rounded broad croup with correct tailset. nice tail carriage and moves correct. wonderful coat texture and deep orange colour, |
| | | | 394 | Roxier's One And Only Man | VG | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice size and balance. masculine with good temperament. clean nice typical head with parallel planes. very nice eyes. ears wide set. I would like underjaw broader and stronger. attractive neck and topline. well angulated. nice blue merle colour. unfortunately his tail carriage is curled over the back which destroys the overall picture but standing he is a very nice specimen. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 395 | Black Mimi's Just A Charmer | VG | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine but a bit long in proportions. he is weak in topline. falling down in back both standing and moving. quite nice head with good skull. wide set ears. strong underjaw. almond shaped eyes. good neck. a bit weak in pasterns. well angulated. moves quite well but unfortunately he is very proud of his tail which distracts the whole picture. groomed to perfection. perfect coat texture. wonderful temperament. |
| | | | 396 | Lassie Line Coolest Guy Ever | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | finally he came - the male I have been waiting for. everything fits together like a hand in a glove. he has a silhouette to die for. well constructed in perfect balance. well angulated. and very well moving. correct head with perfect ears well tipped. almond shaped eyes, very dark. flat skull. good underjaw. this dog stands with dignity and not even a bomb could distract him. wonderful croup. perfect tailset and carriage. groomed to perfection. thank you for coming. |
| | | | 397 | Rising Light Perfect Poker | VG | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. nice size. but he is very fine in foreface and underjaw must be wider and stronger. beautiful almond shaped dark eyes. nice stop and skull. perfect ears. good neck and topline but he is falling off too much at croup. he is standing and moving a bit cow-hocked behind, high tail carriage. shows very well. wonderful temperament. |
| | | | 398 | Saruskan Unique Prince | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 399 | Twilight Moon Sending Soldier | VG | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male who could show with more attitude and he is very reluctant to show his ears. very strong nice underjaw. a bit deep in back skull. ears a bit wide set. quite nice eyes. good neck. a bit flat in paws. nice rise over loin. moves correct but I would like him to take longer strides. tail carriage a bit high. beautiful colour. nice coat but he looks very bored at the situation. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 400 | Golden Mist Ideal Northern Dream | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. perfect temperament. but he moves a bit tired and stiff. typical attractive head. very clean in outline. ears very wide set. short in neck. correct fitting bones. well filled body. correct angulations. nice croup but he is very proud of his tail. I hope that he will have nice old days but I think that his time as a show dog is perhaps over. |
| | | | 401 | Roxier's Blue Maxman | EXC | 2 | BH3 | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very attractive type with long elegant lines which is typical for collie. absolutely wonderful head, so clean in the wedge. nice topline. ears a bit wide set. acceptable underjaw. very nice neck coming smooth to topline with slight rise over loin. so well constructed and well angulated. moves effortless with long stride and beautiful tail carriage. I would like the blue merle colour to be bit more silvery blue. shown to perfection. |
| | | | 402 | Siniketun Sininen Voitto | EXC | 3 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | beautiful type. absolutely stunning silhouette. clean elegant head. ears wide set. stop placed a bit low. nice underjaw. beautiful eyes. beautiful neck. slight rise over loin. well angulated. white colour a bit dominating all the way behind the shoulder but I can easily accept that on a dog like this. well rouded croup. good angulations. moves nice. wonderful temperament. expertly handled. |
| | | | 403 | Speedycrown's Black Sparkler | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, VET BIR, NORD CERT, VET-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | this extremely beautiful and well constructed veteran fits my impression of the collie 100 per cent. he is in perfect balance standing with impassive dignity as if he is a king of Helsinki. his outline is to die for and so is his head. to be very critical, I would like slightly bigger eyes but ears are as if taken out of the standard. but when he moves he really stands out. he could move from here to eternity without putting a foot wrong and never be tired. no need to say he has a perfect tail carriage. please breed more of this type! |
| | | | 404 | Twilight Moon Openly Outstanding | EXC | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | quite a big boy but still nice balance. he is light footed compared to size. bit coarse in backskull. beautiful eyes. perfect flat skull but ears a bit wide set. correct neck and topline. well angulated. stands a bit cow—hocked behind but that disappears when he moves. very nice coat texture. perfect temperament. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 405 | Aetherlands The Songstress | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | attractive type. super feminine. well trained and alert. making a nice picture both standing and moving. I would like her head sightly longer especially backskull, and her eyes are a bit round so her expression is not perfect. well placed ears. beautiful silhouette. well angulated. nice croup. moves very well and balanced. groomed to perfection. |
| | | | 406 | Androma Niagara Song | EXC | 2 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. I don’t want her bigger but she is very balanced. beautiful silhouette with nice neck and croup. quite nice head but ears a bit big and wide set. flat skull. good underjaw. correct angulated. moves very well. shows perfect. |
| | | | 407 | Breezy Meadow's Glowing Star | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of nice size. wonderful temperament. her underjaw is too weak and narrow.! I would like more almond shaped eyes. good flat skull. ears tipped a bit heavy. nice neck and topline. good rise over the loin. not groomed to the skin. moves parallel but could take longer stride, espe-cially in front. beautiful coat. |
| | | | 408 | Crofter's Only Myth'n Legend | EXC | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | attractive young bitch of high quality. well balanced. well constructed with beautiful head and ex-pression. acceptable ears. wonderful neck and topline. slight rise over loin. moves with lot of atti-tude. carrying her tail to one side but that is a minor thing. quite good colour. perfect temperament. shows well. |
| | | | 409 | Crofter's Only Soulkisser | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of nice size. at the moment very high behind, but that will probablay change when she settles in angulation behind. very reluctant to move so she needs a lot of ring training. pleas-ing head with nice expression. good neck and shoulder placement. acceptable angulated behind. good coat. |
| | | | 410 | Crofter's Only Soulsister | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of correct type. well put together. a lot of attitude and perfect temperament. pleas-ing head with parallel planes. beautiful ears. a bit round in eye. very attractive silhouette with broad round croup and rise over loin. moves efficient. well handled. |
| | | | 411 | Frozen Styles Do It For Love | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very feminine. correct type. perfect shape and silhouette. very nice head and expression. lot of attitude and shows very well. nice neck. perfect croup. moves nice but is a bit proud of her tail. |
| | | | 412 | Irokon So Much Spirit | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. good proportions. straigh angulation in front and still a bit loose in front movement. acceptable angulated behind. nice silhouette with good neck. clean head with nice expression. a bit heavy ears. well rounded nice croup. moves sound behind with very beautiful tail carriage. missing two premolars (P2). |
| | | | 413 | Samuways Relax Take It Easy | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. good size but she needs ring training as she is very taken by the situation, especially the judge handling her. clean head but very wide set ears. a bit round in eye. good neck. nice croup. moves extremely narrow behind and crossing a bit over in front. nice tail carriage. good an-gulations. |
| | | | 414 | Saruskan Ladylike Zoe | EXC | 3 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very pretty and100 per cent feminine bitch of perfect size. wonderful temperament, super silhou-ette. nice head and expression. a bit wide set ears. beautiful eyes. good underjaw. round broad croup. well angulated. never putting a paw wrong when moving. carries a tail to one side but I can live with that in a quality bitch like this. nice colour. shows very well. |
| | | | 415 | Silverlady's Qu'elle Est Belle | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, NORD RES-CERT, JUN-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | beautiful young bitch of high quality. shows very well. nice temperament. clean head with beautiful almond shaped eyes a bit heavy ears. nice underjaw. perfect silhouette and croup. well angulat-ed. strided out well with fantastic tail carriage. beautiful coat. well presented. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 416 | Heidelind's Kadora Rose For Moonray | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK, RES-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | beautiful young bitch. everything fits together. lovely shape and balance. attractive head. I would like better eyes, they are bit round. could have wider underjaw. all the rest is as I like it. well con-structed. beautiful topline and croup. moves very sound. one for the future. |
| | | | 417 | Sinkkiperän Hedy | VG | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of nice size, but she needs more ring training as she could show with more self-confidence. quite nice head. a bit round in eye. nice skull and underjaw. good neck but a bit flat in topline and slightly long in loin. lacks slight rise over loin. very well angulated. moves sound. she wants to move. shows well. |
| | | | 418 | Unicometa'n Black Beauty | VG | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | happy feminine girl. I don’t want her any bigger. clean nice head but could have bit more stop. well placed ears. a bit narrow in front. well filled body. very proud of her tail when she moves. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 419 | Black Elles Never Ending Driftin | EXC | 2 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | a big girl but in nice balance. well put together with lovely silhouette. perfect neck. correct rise over the loin. clean head. parallel planes. very well placed ears. missing two P2s. lovely croup. toeing a little in front but has lovely stride. acceptable tail carriage. shows very well. |
| | | | 420 | Black Mimi's Million Dollar Lady | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. feminine bitch but she needs more self-confidence and does not like to be handled by judge. shown almost out of coat today but still has nice shape even if she is a bit long in loin. nice head. very beautiful almond shaped eyes. perfect ears. a bit narrow in front. could be slightly bet-ter angulated in front. good croup and angulation behind. moves correct. must come back in full coat and more self-confidence. perfect handling. |
| | | | 421 | Black Mimi's Shine Like A Star | EXC | 1 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of very attractive type. I would like her ears to be more tipped as they are very light. otherwise her head is very beautiful and beautiful expression. underjaw could be wider. well con-structed with nice shape. correct rise over loin. a bit proud of her tai but moves with a lot of atti-tude and self-confidence. |
| | | | 422 | Crofter's Only Maid Remastered | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch wIth nice temperament. I don’t want her any bigger. shown today almost out of coat. correct head with nice expression but very wide set ears. neck could be a bit longer. but body is well filled and croup correct. I would like more angulation in knee and hock. she is slightly cow-hocked seen from behind when he moves. good tail carriage. |
| | | | 423 | Kristallisäde Sparkling Love From Atlantis | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 424 | Kuunneidon Glamour Sophia Loren | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 425 | Oceanbourn Walk Thru Fire | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. a bit narrow and shown almost totally naked. head a bit narrow in backskull. a bit round in eye. acceptable ears but they look big as she is out of coat. quite nice neck and topline. moves correct and has good colour. but she is very proud of her tail. nice temperament. |
| | | | 426 | Serasecret Wind Beneath My Wings | EXC | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice temperament. good size and balance. pleasing head. a bit heavy ears. nice expression. a bit straight in front angulation. good silhouette. very nice croup and tail. moves sound. shows very well. perfect handling. |
| | | | 427 | Sograte's Loved Darling | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch of nice size but her left ear is pricked which disturbs the expression. long in loin and looks long. nice head. good neck. correct croup. nice blue merle colour. moving a bit staccato. could have a bit more more drive. very nice handling. |
| | | | 428 | Speedycrown's Secret That She Keeps | EXC | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. perfect shape but head lacks the finer detail. a bit deep in backskull and foreface must be more round, it is a bit too refined. eyes a bit round. extremely nice ears. perfect neck and top-line. correct angulated. moves nice in front, acceptable behind. nice croup and tail carriage. shows extremely well. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 429 | Black Mimi's Born To Shine | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice champion bitch of high quality. nice shape and expression. lovely neck and croup. moves sound. shows well. a bit proud of her tail. |
| | | | 430 | Black Mimi's Queen Of Love | EXC | 4 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | pretty bitch of very nice size. feminine. with good shape. perfect eyes. a bit wide set ears. bebeau-tiful neck. correct croup. well angulated and moving. shown in perfect coat. could show with bit more attitude. |
| | | | 431 | Blomlane's Soul Sister | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very nice type. perfect shape and silhouette. attractive head with beautiful expression. nice ears and eyes. perfect neck and topline. better standing than moving as she is not 100 per cent paral-lel behind. beautiful tail carriage. expertly handled. |
| | | | 432 | Breezy Meadow's Flaming Star | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very feminine attractive bitch. perfect size and balance. a bit round in eye but has nice clean head. good ears. nice neck and well rounded croup. could be slightly longer in upper arm. well angulat-ed behind. moves very well. beautiful blue merle colour. |
| | | | 433 | Crofter's Only Ebony Queen | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very nice type. perfect size. feminine. in nice balance. I would like slightly longer neck. pretty head. well placed ears. good skull. dark eyes. correct topline and croup. nice angulated. moves with lovely attitude. correct tail carriage. lovely temperament. |
| | | | 434 | Crofter's Only Pearly Queen | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. but I would like slightly longer lines especially in neck. very straight angulated in front. her head is a bit small compared to body. nice expression. good ears. fitting bones. strong topline. nice croup. moves quite well. shows well. blue merle colour. |
| | | | 435 | Dolmaris Änkza Äitse | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very feminine. beautiful silhouette. perfect balance. attractive head. clean in wedge. beautiful eyes but ears a bit big and dominating. correct neck. well filled body. nice topline with good croup. moves sound but is a bit proud of her tail. shows very well. |
| | | | 436 | Flying Arrow Collympic Wind | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. but she should show with much more self-confidence, especially as a champion. nice clean head but eyes very round. ears wide set. I would like wider underjaw. nice neck. a bit level in topline. correct angulated behind. a bit straight in front. shows very well when on her own with her mom but does not like judge touching her. moves well. |
| | | | 437 | Lassie Line Dream Of Rainwood | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. beautiful size and substance but she is never going hungry to bed underjaw a bit narrow. eyes not almond shaped. nice neck and topline. good croup. toeing extremely much in front when moving but moves nice behind. perfect colour. shows well but could stand with more dignity when judge is handling her which she does not like at all. |
| | | | 438 | Roxier's Voque Woman | EXC | 3 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine with very nice silhouette. she is narrow in chest. and stands very narrow as well. pleas-ing head with nice dark eyes. a bit wide set ears. I would like a bit more filling in foreface. beautiful neck and topline. perfect croup. nice colour. moved well. expertly handled. |
| | | | 439 | Silverlady's Name Me Chaos | EXC | 2 | BT4 | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | bitch of high quality. beautifully constructed. nice shape. and silhouette. beautiful long elegant lines all over. one of the best expressions today. good ears. very nice topline. very nice angulated. moves beautiful around the ring. perfect coat condition. shows well. |
| | | | 440 | Siniketun Merletta | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | bitch with very nice silhouette. long elegant lines but a bit narrow in front. nice eyes. wide set ears. wonderful neck and topline. perfect croup. well angulated and moves well. wonderful tempera-ment. perfect colour. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 441 | Black Gary Wonderful Birdie | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIM, VET-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very happy grandmother full of herself and full of attitude. nice silhouette. clean head but I would like bit more filling n foreface. well placed ears. beautiful eyes. good neck. strong topline. good neck. moves very nice. correct tail carriage. could be better prepared for show. acceptable blue merle colour. |
| | | | 442 | Goldentroll's Song Of Ice And Fire | VG | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | happy veteran in nice condition. unfortunately her left ear is pricked. the other ear is correct which often happens when they get older. a bit round in eye. bones could be heavier compared to size. good neck and topline. moves with lot of attitude and correct tail carriage. a bit flat in topline. nice colour and coat. |
| | | | 443 | Speedycrown's It's A Miracle Succes | EXC | 2 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | a big grandmother but still feminine. lovely shape with correct lines. very attractive clean head with correct ears on top and wonderful expression. nice neck. correct topline. well angulated. cor-rect moving. shows her head off. I hope that she has lot of nice children and grandchildren. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 8023 | Black Mimi's | | 1 | | HP | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | a group where the three bitches are far better than the dog. three bitches are very pleasing with beautiful silhouettes, correct heads, male is a bit coarse and heavy in type. I hope the breeder will continue making collies of the bitch type and hopefully some males of the same quality type. |
| | | | 8024 | Crofter's Only | | 2 | | HP | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | a group of a bit different type. some have correct elegant lines. one is a bit short in neck. some have too small round eyes. one has correct eyes. all have beautiful croups. nice angulations. and beautiful temperaments. two blue merle have correct colour and two tricolours are very black. for me, the best type is number 308 and I hope the breeder will continue making lovely collies of this type. keep up the good work! |