Helsinki Winner 2023 16.12.2023
belgisk vallhund, laekenois
Domare Redmer Sharon Ann
| BIR, HeW-23 | The Curly Flammeus Superstar Da Casa Mont'alves (Hotanen Tiina & Hotanen Ann-Sophie) | |
| BIM, HeW-23 | Flammeus Where Have You Been (Lehtimäki Noora) | |
| CERT hane | Flammeus Where Have You Been (Lehtimäki Noora) | |
| CERT tik | Flammeus Shine Bright Like A Diamond (Hotanen Tiina & Hotanen Ann-Sophie) | |
| Nordic CERT hane | Flammeus Where Have You Been (Lehtimäki Noora) | |
| Nordic CERT tik | The Curly Flammeus Superstar Da Casa Mont'alves (Hotanen Tiina & Hotanen Ann-Sophie) | |
| BIR-junior, HeJW-23 | Flammeus Shine Bright Like A Diamond (Hotanen Tiina & Hotanen Ann-Sophie) | |
| BIM junior, HeJW-23 | Flammeus Where Have You Been (Lehtimäki Noora) | |
| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 890 | Flammeus Where Have You Been | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, JUN BIM, CERT, NORD CERT, JUN-CERT | Redmer Sharon Ann | |
| | | | 10 mounths. Beautiful puppy. Lovely square silhouette. Good withers. Straight legs. Developing chest. Exc tail. Good underline for age. Super coat dry & crisp. Developed face. Good parallell in head. Moderate stop. Slightly almond eyes, medium brown. I`d like darker pigmentation to eye lids. Fabulous charachter. Easy side gait, little wild down & back. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 891 | Flammeus Shine Bright Like A Diamond | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, NORD RES-CERT, JUN-CERT | Redmer Sharon Ann | |
| | | | 9 mounths. Good profile. Just a little off square but rock hard topline. Good height at withers. Correct croup. Carries tail perfectly. A little more rear angulations than front but handles it well. Medium head lenght. Good parallelism. Well set ears and medium height. Dark eyes. Back skull little rounded. Moderate stop. Beautiful coat texture. Moderate side gait. Lovely chracter. |
| | | BKL/JKL |
| | | | 892 | Xenakis La Fille Magnifique | EXC | 2 | BT3 | CK | Redmer Sharon Ann | |
| | | | 20 mounths. A little off square but very balanced. Lovely topline. Little sloaping croup. Exc lenght of neck, good arch. Chest needs to develop but correct for age. Straight front legs with good cat feet. Medium head lenght , very clean. Little rounded back skull. Very dark eye, could be more almond shape. Beautiful color & texture in coat. Developing coat. Super character. Clean coming & going. A little excited side gait. |
| | | | 893 | The Curly Flammeus Superstar Da Casa Mont'alves | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT | Redmer Sharon Ann | |
| | | | Slightly off square but exc prototions of leg to body. Beautiful neck line. Level topline. Croup a little bit steap. Tail to the hocks. Good straight legs with nice feet. Lovely feminine expression. Clean head. Medium eyes. Beautiful under jaw. Warm fawn color, good coat texture. Wonderful temperament. Covers ground easily, clean coming a little close close. |
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