| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 496 | Törnskogens Man In The Middle | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIM, RES-CERT, JUN-CERT | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 13 months. Promising youngster. Beautiful head and expression. Goof flat skull. Correct stop and muzzle. Correct bite. Round almond shape eyes. Correct ears. Well arched neck. Correct topline with slight rise oif the loin. Good chesta and underline. Straight parallel legs. Correct feet. Elbows could be tighter. Lovely coat and colour. Nice mover. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 352 | Jucaides Geppo Ghjaseppu | EXC | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. good substance and balance. quite nice head. eyes a bit small. beautiful ears. flat skull. acceptable stop. correct underjaw. beautiful neck. topline with slight rise over the loin. well angulated. good paws. moves nice from the side, a bit unsteady in front. tail carriage a bit high. I would like his colours to be more clear and more blue merle. shows well. |
| | | | 353 | Shulune Imperial Black Ice | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice male of lovely type. well built. everything fits together. beautiful typical head with very well set and carried ears. perfect parallel planes of head. I would like more almond shaped eyes. very nice underjaw. nice neck and topline. I would like more rounded croup. well angulated. moves well with nice tail carriage. perfect presented. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 354 | Magic Motion De'lia Tale | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, CERT, UCH | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type, size and substance but I would like him a bit more masculine in head and expression. eyes a bit round. and he lacks stop. nice flat skull. good underjaw. very nice neck and topline. well filled body. perfect angulated. moves really well with correct tail carriage and has nice blue merle colour. shows well. |
| | | | 355 | Timonan Notable New Nominee | EXC | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male with wonderful temperament. good size but he is never going hungry to bed. quite nice head. a bit heavy in cheeks and I would like more almond shaped eyes, giving more correct expression. beautiful neck. nice flat skull. beautiful topline with slight rise over the loin. I would like slightly better angulation in front. nice angulation behind. well-rounded croup. moves well with correct tail carriage. good coat. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 356 | Cinnaberry's Midnight Express | EXC | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very masculine but a bit coarse. all over. he would look better if he lost a bit of weight. very nice silhouette. pleasing head. perfect ears. parallel planes. a bit round in head. very nice underjaw. strong elegant neck and very nice topline with slight rise over the loin. well angulated. moves a bit out of elbows in front. very nice moving behind. perfect tail carriage. I would like colour more clear and not so heavily black marked. perfect temperament. |
| | | | 357 | Clingstone's Conspiracy Theory | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | attractive type. with correct elegant short lines from the tip of his beautiful ears to the end of the tail. this is collie silhouette at its best. if he had a better expression, he would be a dog to die for, but he is round in eye which disturbs the expression. perfect flat skull. correct stop. parallel lines in head. fantastic neck and topline. nice angulations. beautiful well-rounded croup with correct tailset. moves very sound with nice tail carriage. shows extremely well. a smooth of very high quality. |
| | | | 358 | Texforrier Read The Fine Print | EXC | 2 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. very nice balance. and attractive silhouette with soft typical collie lines. quite nice head with perfect skull. ears a bit wide set. I would like his eyes to be more almond shaped. good stop and underjaw. very attractive neck and topline. perfect angulated. moves very nice from behind. could move better in front. deep orange colour. perfect coat. nice champion. |
| | | | 359 | Timonan Keen Kind Kenward | EXC | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. very nice shape. right ear is a bit unsteady. pleasing head. beautiful skull and foreface but lacks a bit stop. nice neck. very correct topline with slight rise over the loin. would look better if he lost one kilo. correct angulation. nice paws. tail carriage a bit high. nice temperament. good coat. |
| | | | 360 | Timonan Loki Loves Loyalty | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | (vet certificate for removed teeth presented) masculine male with nice temperament. he is a bit long in loin. and because he lacks the slight rise over the loin, he gets a bit boxy. slightly coarse in head with heavy cheeks. a bit wide set ears. perfect flat skull. good stop. I would like him to be tighter in lips. beautiful neck. well angulated. bit a bit short in upper arm. nice and well-rounded croup. moves well with acceptable tail carriage. nice coat. perfect presentation. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 361 | Clingstone's Lap Dog | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, VET BIM, NORD RES-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very typical male. with lot of beautiful details. nice size and substance. prefect balance. very clean head. with beatiful wedge. nice expression. skull could be a bit more flat. perfect neck and topline. very well angulated and never puts a foot wrong when he is moving. well rounded croup. ear only very light tipped. a bit proud of his tail when he goes round the ring but he makes a very pleasing picture both standing and moving. |
| | | | 362 | Diamondfox Miracle Of Blue Sky | EXC | 2 | | CK, VET-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | masculine male. a bit coarse and heavy but with nice silhouette. beautiful clean head. good expression. wide set ears but nicely tipped. perfect neck. slight rise over croup but croup is falling off a bit too much. correct angulated. moves very well. a bit proud of his tail. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 497 | Cinnaberry's Big Dream | EXC | 2 | | CK, RES-CERT | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 10 months. Very good type. Femininen expression. Lovely wedge shaped head. Good flat skull. Correct stop, muzzle and bite. Well arched neck. Goof topline and tail. Good chest. Good angluations and straight parallel legs. Good feet. Lovely coat and colour. Elbows could be tighter. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 498 | Cinnaberry's Big Win | EXC | 3 | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 10 months. Feminine with sweet expression. Good flat skull. Correct stop, muzzle and bite. Well placed little open ears. Almond shaped eyes of correct size and colour. Well arched neck. Good topline. Correct tail. Good chest. Correct bone in feet. Still need to stabilize her movement. Lovely coat and colour. |
| | | | 499 | Diamondfox Queen Guinevere | EXC | 1 | | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, JUN-CERT, JUCH | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 1,5 years. Verry feminine. Lovely head and expression. Correct wedge shaped head with flat skull. Correct stop and muzzle. Correct bite. Almond shaped eyes with good colour and size. Well arched neck. Good topline with slight rise over the loin. Good chest. Nice underline. Correct angluations. Muscular bone in legs. Good feet. Typical movement. Lovely coat and colour |
| | | | 500 | Koiruuksien Kullanmuru | VG | | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 1 year. Very feminine, good type. Excellent head. Good skull, stop and muzzle. Correct bite. Almond shaped off good size and sweet expression. Correct bite. Well arched neck. Almost level topline. Correct tail. Good chest for the age. Well angulated. Good bone and feet. Needs to be tighten in elbows. Lovely coat and colour. A little rolling in the front in the movement, better in the rear. Lovely coat and colour. Needs time. |
| | | | 501 | Kärppälehdon Heaven Can Wait | VG | | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 9 months. Very feminine girl with a lovely head and expression. COrrect flat skull. Slight stop. Good muzzle and bite. Eyes with sweet expression. Correct ears. Good neck and topline. Good chest and forechest. Well muscleg legs. Good feet. Could have a better coat. Nice mover and good temperament. Needs more time. |
| | | | 502 | Timonan Posh Put Passion | EXC | 4 | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 1 year. Feminine. Very good type. Good flat skull. Slight stop and good muzzle. Correct bite. Dark eyes, could be more almond shaped. Well placed and carried ears. Long neck. Relatively arched neck. Good topline and tail. Well bodied for her age. Good angulations. Straight parallel legs. good feet. Could be slightly tighter in her elbows. Needs to be more stablilized in her front movement. Lovely coat and colour. |
| | | | 503 | Twilight Moon Ticket To Fly | EXC | | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | 9 months. Nice profile. Nice wedge shaped head. Good stop, skull and muzzle. Correct bite. Good ears. Could have slightly sweeter expression. Well arched neck. Good topline, rising over the loin. Good tail. Good body for her age. Well angulated. Good bone and feet. Lovely colour and coat. Needs to stabilize her front movement. Promising girl on the way. |
| | | | 504 | Viva La Kangasvuokon Angel Silvestre | EXC | | | | Laub Michael | |
| | | | Almost 15 months. Very nice type. Lovely profile. nice wedge shaped head. Correct flat skull, slight sltop and good muzzle. Correct bite. Well placed ears. Dark eyes with sweet expression Correct bite. Well arched neck. Good topline. Good chest and forechest. Moderate angulated front, better rear. Good colour and coat. Moves little unstable in front. She has sweet temperament and allows to touch her, but needs to be more selfconfident. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 363 | Bedlam Uskomaton Unelma | VG | 3 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. ears almost pricked- nice clean head. good eyes. correct neck. a bit long in loin. acceptable topline. I would like a bit more angulation behind. moves a bit close behind. a bit steep in crop. moves quite well from the side. |
| | | | 364 | Diamondfox Charger | EXC | 1 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very feminine bitch. nice size and substance. beautiful silhouette. unfortunately she has round eyes which destroys the expression. well bent ears, a bit wide set. beautiful neck. I would like a bit more rise over the loin. a bit straight angulated in front, very well angulated behind. beautiful clear silvery blue merle. acceptable e tail carriage. moves well. good coat. |
| | | | 365 | Mighty's Spring Meadow Via Valma | VG | 4 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very nice size. good balance but she is fat. and loses topline when moving because of overweight. unfortunately she is round in eye. quite good ears. good underjaw. bones could be a bit stronger compared to size and I would like broader upper thigh. good rise over loin. but she needs to be more black in coat colour. she is too brownish in body. |
| | | | 366 | Timonan Kismet Kind Kiss | EXC | 2 | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine. good size. I would like her slightly longer in head and especially in body. beautiful head silhouette with very nice skull and stop and underjaw. perfect ears. nice neck and rise over loin. well angulated. moves extremely nice with good tail carriage. shows very well. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 367 | Cinnaberry's Midnight Sun | VG | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. nice temperament. good head and ears. correct topline. quite nice colour. unfortunately there is something wrong with her right front leg. it is bent almost from the shoulder and all the way down and she stands only on half the paw and toeing extremely in but not as we normally see toeing in. she is not limping when moving but this distracts the whole picture when she stands. |
| | | | 368 | Cinnaberry's Midnight Velvet | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice size and substance. well put together. typical clean head. with perfect ears. nose line falling off a bit. round in eyes. I would like slightly stronger underjaw. perfect ears, neck and topline. nice angulated. moving very sound. I would like blue merle colour more clear and silvery blue. perfect handling. |
| | | | 369 | Clingstone's Case For You | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very nice size. and balance. feminine with beautiful silhouette. head could be softer in outline and with softer expression. very nice ears. she is a bit stressed in the ring and you see it when she moves that she is so busy that she is almost crabbing. nice angulated. perfect coat and colour. good tail carriage. |
| | | | 370 | Jekkupatterin Pampelle Spritz | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | nice type. feminine in good balance. correct eyes. good skull, underjaw and neck. overangulated behind which makes her loose the slight rise over the loin. well rounded croup. perfect tail carriage. moves nice from the side but is out at elbows in front. nice model. shows very well. |
| | | | 371 | Jucaides Belva Belaney | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | well constructed bitch but I don’t want her any bigger. nice silhouette. could have slightly more rise over the loin. correct clean head with good eyes. wide set ears. well angulated. good croup. nice tail carriage. moves well. |
| | | | 372 | Natalain Satellite Of Love | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | very attractive feminine bitch of beautiful type. ideal size. beautiful silhouette. typical expression. beautiful skull. acceptable ears. perfect neck and topline. moves as if she could go on forever, workmanlike stride, never putting a foot wrong. good tail carriage. |
| | | | 373 | Texforrier Clingstone What A Feeling | EXC | 4 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | feminine bitch. nice balance. correct clean head. with good skull and underjaw. well tipped but a bit wide set ears. could be more almond shaped in eye. perfect silhouette but needs a bit more rise over loin. well angulated. moves nice from the side, a bit close in front. |
| | | | 374 | Texforrier Clingstone Whoop It Up | EXC | 3 | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | Beautiful type but I don’t want her more angulated behind. very nice silhouette even if she could have bit more rise over the loin. quite good head but needs more filling in foreface. perfect ears, the best so far today. nice neck. correct angulated in front. well filled body. moves efficiently with correct tail carriage. |
| | | | 375 | Texforrier Roll Out The Red Carpet | EXC | | | | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | well constructed bitch. I would like her slightly more feminine in expression. a bit steep in back skull and her eyes are wide set. good skull. quite nice eyes. beautiful neck. a bit long in loin. could have a bit more rise over the loin. correct angulated. moves very efficient from the side. toeing a bit in front. shows very well. |
| | | | 376 | Timonan Joleen Joys Journey | EXC | | | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | attractive type. good balance. very feminine. wide set ears. nice underjaw. good skull. feminine expression. beautiful neck. correct topline. well angulated. moves beautifully with long stride. a bit loose in pasterns coming towards me. perfect coat and tail carriage. |
| | | | 377 | Timonan Nowadays New Nuance | EXC | 2 | BT3 | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | a bitch of high quality where everything fits together. nice size and balance. correct head with perfect ears. good skull. nice expression. very nice neck and topline. prefect angulations. beautiful rise over the loin. moves like a real worker, could carry on forever. makes a pleasing picture both standing and moving. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 378 | Bedlam Nätti Nata | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, VET BIR, NORD CERT | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | (vet certificate for removed teeth presented) this is a type I have been looking for all day. a real beautiful worker in a beautiful wrapping. everything fits together, not too little, not too much and with soft wonderful long curves the collie breed is known for. her head is to die for. this is how they are going to be so clean and correct. of course I would like ear placement to be a bit tighter. but that is the only little thing which is negative. she moves so beautifully that I could watch her all day. thank you for coming. |
| | | | 379 | Clingstone's Make My Day | EXC | 2 | BT4 | CK | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | 11 years old. performing like a youngster, so full of herself and moving fantastic. beautiful silhouette. neck is not going to be any longer. nice head. a bit straight angulated in front, nice angulated behind. she moves with beautiful long stride, ready to go on all day. a beautiful old grandmother. |
| | | | 380 | Timonan Eden Enjoys Euphoria | borta | | | | | |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 8019 | Cinnaberry's | | 2 | | HP | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | 356, 368, 497, 498
all have got typical male and female look. some a bit long in loin. and one is a bit boxy in silhouette. I like especially number 368 for type. all have beautiful skulls and nice ears. they move well. |
| | | | 8021 | Texforrier | | 3 | | HP | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | 358, 373, 374, 375
a group of very equal dogs. good size and substance. nice heads. almost looking like a string of pearls, they are so even. move well. all have nice heads. good silhouettes. keep up the good work! |
| | | | 8022 | Timonan | | 1 | | HP | Höier Charlotte | |
| | | | 366, 376, 377, 502
a group of high quality. all fit standard very well. sizes are ideal. very well put together. all have very nice silhouettes. but it is of course the veteran who is the star of the group. I hope the breeder can recreate her in the coming generations. congratulations and well done! |