| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 5815 | Adlit Bring It On | Excellent | 4 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | utmärkta proportioner. maskulint huvud. ngt bred skalle. ok I ögon. Väl upfyllt nosparti. utm. hake. bra bett. Framskjuten skallparti. Behöver tid. för dagen för tunnt. välvinklad bak, välbyren svans. ngt väl pälskvalitet. Rör sig med bra resning, behöver mer tid, för att stabilisera rörelser. Välklippt o välvisad. |
| | | | 5816 | Canmoy's Panama Jack | Excellent | | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | hane på större sidan, byggt med lite längre linje. Välskuret, maskulint huvud. mörka ögon. bra bett. ngt sframskuten skalleparti. Skulle fyll up bröstkorg. kunde fylla up I armbågarna. Väl ansatt svans, lovende pälskvalitet. rör sig med fin steg från sidan, men behöver stabilisera fram o bak. Tydling temperament, välkilppt, välvisad. |
| | | | 5817 | Cen Clarence's Son Of The Sun | Excellent | 2 | | CQ, CAC, JUN CAC | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | utmärkt storlek. Fina proportioner. maskulint huvud. mörka ögon. ngt tunnt nosparti. utm. bett. kort strang rygg. välansatt o byren svans. Tillräckligt o välutvecklad I fronten, välvinklad bak. ngt nog pälskvalitet. utm. färg. rör sig väl från sidan, välklippt, välvisad. |
| | | | 5818 | Haydee's Salute | Very good | | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | hane av den större. utm. proportioner. ngt kraft maskulint huvud. Bred skalle. bra bett. all för framskjuten I skalparti. Lösa armbågar. väl ansat svans. väl musklad. utm svart. utm. pälskvalitet. välklippt. behöver mer tid. önskar lite mera attityd och mer parallel rörelser. mycket trevligt temperament. välvisad, välklippt. |
| | | | 5819 | Haydee's Shadow | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 5820 | Jasenak D'artagnan | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, NORD CAC | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Vacker hane, utm. proportioner, Fin storlek. maskulint huvud, ngt bred skalle. fin hals, kort strang rygg. tillr. vinklad bröstkorg. väl musklad, välvinklad bak. utm. svarta. rör sig med fin steg, välkippt. välvisad. Tydligt. |
| | | | 5821 | Romea's I Know I'm Ironman | Excellent | 3 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Tydligt helhet o proportioner. maskulint huvud. som inte ska blir bredare. ngt bred skalle. mörka ögon. välvisad nosparti. bra bett. framskjuten skullparti. behover lite tid med mogna, för dagen för tunn. väl ansatt o byren svans. Välmusklad. välvinklad. fantastisk pälskvalitet o färg. rör sig ngt trång bak, ostabilt fram. trevligt temperament. Välklippt. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 5822 | Chic Forever Perfect Shine | Very good | 2 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Grov hane, som behöver mer elegans. önskar renare linjer I ansiktet. bred skalle. kort hals. behöver lite tid. fina tassar. god vinklad bak. utm. pälskvalitet. rör sig bred fram. mycket trevligt temperament. |
| | | | 5823 | Chic Forever Treasure | Very good | 3 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | utm. storlek. maskulint huvud. mörka ögon. ngt tunnt nosparti. ngt kort hals. framskjuten nosparti. kort stram rygg. väl musklad. ngt mjuk pälskvalitet. bra färg. ngt brant kors. rör sig ngt undersält bak, trevligt temperament. |
| | | | 5824 | San-Jo-Le's Federer | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Hane av större sidan. utm. proportioner. maskulint huvud, ngt bred skalle. Välmejslat nosparti. utm. hake. lång hals, kort strang rypp, väl ansatt o byren svans. ngt framskjuten nosparti. välvinklad, utm. svarta. rör sig med vägvinnande steg, ngt ostadigt I front. välklippt. välvisad. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 5825 | Adlit Always On The Run | Very good | 1 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Byggd o lite längre linjer. Kroft huvud. vackra mörka ögon. ngt lösa läppar. behover tid med sin front. Vackra tassar. ok vinklad bak. utm. päls o färg. behover mer stil o attitude I rörelser. ska stabilisera sig I sin front. behöver tid. Trevligt temperament. välklippt, välvisad. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 5827 | Haydee's Stadium | Excellent | 4 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | utm. storlek. maskulint huvud. ngt markerade ok ben. välmejslat nosparti. bra bett. fin hals. ng utåtvridet fram.väl musklad. ok vinklad bak. önska bättre svarta. rör sig bra från sidan, önskar mer påskjut I bak, trevligt temperament. |
| | | | 5828 | High Heels Mr Purple Rain | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | tillatalande modell, utm. proportioner. vackert maskulint välskuret huvud. välmejslat nosparti. bra bett. utm. hake. lång hals. ok front. ngt lång I länden. väl ansatt o buren svans. goda vinkla bak. utm. pälskvalitet. super klippt. rör sig ngt trång bak. Stilfull från sidan. Välpresenterad. |
| | | | 5829 | Likely Black Martin | Excellent | 2 | BM4 | CQ | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Utm. proportioner, Fin storlek. maskulint huvud, mörka ögon. ngt. tunnt nosparti. bra bett. fin hals. bra rygg. väl ansatt o väl byren svans. Framskjuten skulleparti. ngt platta tassar. Väl musklad. Bra färg. rör sig med fin steg från sidan, ngt ostabilt fram o bak. Trevligt temperament. Välklippt. |
| | | | 5830 | Time To Win S Tsvetochnoi Poljany | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | lovely type, nice size excellent proportions. refined head. little bit thin muzzle. dark eyes. nice neck, short compact body, good front. good tail set. good colour, little bit soft coat texture. nicely groomed. lovely attitude. little bit loose in rear and front. poodly. nice temperament. |
| | | | 5831 | Woolly Bohemia's Taste Of Hurricane | Excellent | | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | good proportions, little bit heavy in skull, masculine head, would prefer little bit smaller eyes. good neck. Short body. little bit loose in front. well-muscled. good angles behind. Good coat texture. would prefer better colour. moves ok from side, wants more drive behind. nicely groomed, nice temperament. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 5832 | Chic Prince Charming | Very good | 2 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | 8 years old gentleman, wonderful dark eyes, well Scissored muzzle. a little straight in front and back. need to eat more Christmas food. well-muscled. good tail, good coat. not in best show condition today. Very nice temperament. nice energy on move, needs more drive in back. |
| | | | 5833 | Damocan You Know My Name | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOS | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Good proportions. masculine head, nice eyes, well made muzzle. very nice forechest. little bit loose elbows, good back, good tail set, carrying well. Well angulated back, good coat, colour and texture. moves like young dog. Nice attitude and well presented. nicely shown. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 5834 | Canmoy's Mafaldina Zeppa | Very good | 3 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | young brown bitch, based on longer lines. Feminine head, nice eyes, beautiful. little bit thin muzzle. Good bite. little bit short neck, needs time to develop front. good tail set, good angulation behind, good coat, wonderful colour. needs much more time to come all her tensions. Nicely groomed. Nice side moves, still little loose in front. |
| | | | 5835 | Olymbinar's Run For The Roses | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, JUN BOS | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Lovely outline. exc. proportions. nice size. Fantastic head, beautiful dark eyes, Well made muzzle. god bite. Long neck. strong short back. Good front. Good angulations. Groomed to perfection. Exc. coat and colour. could carry tail better. Excellent movement. nice temperament. well presented. Poodly. |
| | | | 5836 | Romea's Drama At La Scala | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Lovely bitch with exc. proportions. Up on legs. Lovely feminine head, dark eyes, well Chiselled muzzle. Nice neck and outline. needs a little bit time to develop in front. Very nice feet. excellent tail set. Very well muscled. nice angulations, Exc. coat and colour, groomed to perfection. nice movement from side, could carry tail better. Poodly. Well shown. nice temperament. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 5837 | Chanson D'ete Heaven Sent | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, RES CAC | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Excellent size and proportions. nice head, little bit wide in skull, nice eyes, well Chiselled muzzle. good bite. nice neck. ok front. little bit loose in elbows, good strong short back, little bit low set tail. good angulations behind. Wonderful coat and colour. very nice feet. nicely groomed. moves nice from side, wants a little bit more energy. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 5838 | Chic Forever Living Dream | Very good | 2 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Good size, little bit heavy head, wonderful dark eyes, little bit thin in muzzle. little bit short in neck. ok front. Strong back. Well muscled. Good angulations behind. Exc. colour, coat and texture. Nice feet. Exc. temperament. Need more attitude and drive behind. |
| | | | 5839 | Damocan Ps I Love You | Very good | 3 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Good size. Feminine head. Excellent skull and needs to fill out in muzzle. dark eyes. straight in front. loose elbows. Little bit thin today. Good angulations behind, nice tail set, nice colour, coat under development. Needs bit more time to come full potential. moves ok from side, bit unstable from coming and going. Nicely groomed, nice temperament. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 5840 | Black Nougat's Moulin Rouge | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, CAC, CH | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Nice size, good proportions. Lovely head, dark eyes, good stop. good front. little bit loose in elbows. Strong short back. well-muscled. well angulations. Superb colour. good coat. Lovely on the move. poodly. well presented. needs a little bit more self-confidence. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 5841 | Canmoy's Farida | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, NORD CAC, BIG-2 | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Lovely bitch, exc. size, nice proportions. lovely feminine head. Well chiselled muzzle. nice bite. nice neck, little bit straight in front. Strong short back. good tail set. nice angulations. Good coat quality and colour. Groomed to perfection. moves well. nice attitude. Poodly. Well presented. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 5842 | Olymbinar's Mandisa Mazikeen | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | nice bitch, good proportions. Feminine, long head, bit wide in skull. dark eyes, good bite. nice forechest. good strong short back. well set tail. good angulations behind, good coat and colour. nice attitude. moved well. Poodly. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 5843 | San-Jo-Le's Eudaimonia | Excellent | 2 | BB2 | CQ, NORD RES-CAC | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | Lovely bitch, exc. proportions. High on legs. Exceptional head, expressive dark eyes. Well chiselled muzzle. nice outline. bit straight in front. Short strong back. well set tail. good angulations behind. Exc. coat and colour. Groomed to perfection. lovely movements from side. bit tight behind. very poodly, well presented. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 5844 | Chic White Shine | Very good | 2 | | | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | 8 years old, little low on legs, feminine head, little bit wide in skull, nice eyes, wonderful teeth. good front. little bit heavy today. Good tail. moderate angulations behind, Exc. coat and colour. Nice temperament. Needs a little more attitude, nice temperament. |
| | | | 5845 | Nutlee Issey Miyake | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB | Drott Staedler Alexandra | |
| | | | almost 11 years old, in exc. condition, exc. head, nice eyes, well Chiselled muzzle. Exc. teeth. Excellent work of owner. Little bit straight in front. nice feet. likes food. Good angulations behind. Exc. coat and colour. moves very well, which does not show her age. |