| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 831 | Huntstars Flaming Wind | EXC | 1 | | | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Young male 15 months who needs to develop in his head. The proportions are quite good but in general I wish the head to be more masculine. Correct expression. Excellent earset. I wish muzzle a bit longer. Correct scissor bite strong teeth. Clean neck connecting to nice topline. Excellent length. I wish better angulation in the shoulder. A good size of none compared to his size. Good drive in rear, wish better reach in front. Excellent coat condition and black color. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 832 | Heilurihännän Joshamee Gibbs | EXC | 1 | | | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Well developed male of g size and type. The best part of him is his head. Beautiful lines between the skull and the muzzle and beautiful expression. I wish a slightly longer neck and the stop is perfectly light pronounced. Good withers but I wish a better front angulation. The upper leg in front is too short. Acceptable developed ribcage I want a bit more sprung. Must not be longer in general. Excellent croup. He is rolling his back today and he doesn't use his rear angulation sufficiently. Walks a little bit stiff. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 833 | Flat Garden's Milord Xxviii | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, VET-CERT, VUCH | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Very nice veteran male. Excellent well proportioned head, skull and muzzle is in perfect harmony. Excellent expression. Sufficient strong muzzle . Correct scissor bite. Very good neck and to the shoulder and even here wish a better angulated front. Good developed ribcage. Goog height-length proportions. Moves with drive, but a little bit close in the hocks. I wish a little better croup. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 834 | Ninjatähden Black Smoke | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, VET BIR | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Beautiful picture. Excellent veteran with a most beautiful head which is correct proportioned. Correct expression, strong teeth, correct scissor bite. Excellent type of neck and length and powerfulness. Correct sternum. Well angulated. Correctly developed ribcage. Tiny long in loin. Even he is 9 he could carry his topline a bit better. Excellent angulation with strong bone. Correct move in front and rear. Excellent tail carriage. |
| | Tikar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 835 | Dantaran First Of May | VG | 1 | | | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Beautiful outlined bitch. Excellent female head with correct proportions between skull and muzzle. Correct scissor bite. Correct neck. Excellent topline and sternum. Well angulated in front. Correct size of bone. Adequate angulation in rear. A little bit tiny in the rear. She is not the most outgoing temperament today. A little shy and not in the mood for a dog show but I saw her teeth, due to this the prize. |
| | | | 836 | Kvicksans Champagne Heaven | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 837 | Pikestar's I Have A Dream | VG | 2 | | | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Good feminine size of bitch. Quite good head but I wish stronger muzzle. Correct bite. A bit short in neck. Normal front angulations. Good length. Strong topline. Well develop ribcage. Her coat is not in the best condition and shines today a bit brown. |
| | | BKL/JKL |
| | | | 838 | Huntstars Arctic Light | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, CERT, UCH | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Lovely head. Excellent proportion in skull, nose stop, eye expression, all perfect. The way she carries is extraordinary. Excellent neck. Too soft in the topline. A bit too long in loin. Excellent ribcage. Excellent size of bone with excellent angulations. Good depth of ribcag., Shown at a little thinner side. A very strong mover, withholds a fantastic contact with the handler. I wish a bit more independent. |
| | | | 839 | Ninjatähden Dirty Diana | EXC | 2 | | | Pedersen Gitte Finnich | |
| | | | Quite good bitch. Excellent shape of head. Skull and muzzle are nice proportioned. Correct strong bite. Good length of neck. Correct topline, a bit long in loin. Acceptable angulation in front. Sufficient ribcage. Quite good size in bone. I wish she had stronger hocks, a bit cow hooked on the move. She’s shown in summer coat. |