| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 40 | Pinserella's Return Of The Dark Side | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ, JUN BOB, RES CAC, JUN CAC, JCH | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size. correct proportions. very nice head, correct ears. well set parallel headlines. correct neck. excellent strong topline. well set tail. balanced angulation. typical movement. good body. correct color and placement of tan marking. very good behavior for puppy. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 41 | Pinserella's Dark Temptation | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | correct size. correct head with parallel lines. a bit wide set of light ears. correct neck and topline. excellent tailset. very good strong body. balanced angulations. in good physical condition. moves well. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 42 | Pinserella's Game Of Thrones | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size format in proportions. nice head. correct set ears. good pigmentation. would prefer a bit stronger underjaw. good body but would like a bit pronounced bristbone. moves parallel. a bit open in elbow. nice temperament |
| | | | 43 | Pinserella's Mighty Ravendark | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, CAC, CH | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | strong male of a good format. bite is on the limit. correct head and proportions. well set ears. correct neck and topline and tailset. excellent body. well filled front. balanced angulations. typical parallel movement covering a lot of ground. enough correct tan markings. |
| | | | 44 | Pinserella's Sun King | Excellent | | | | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | correct size and format. nice head. bite is ok but lower canine left side position could be more correct. head of parallel lines. typical expression nice ears. good neck. correct topline and tailset. balanced angulation. moves well. nice temperament. |
| | | | 45 | Real Queen's How I Met Your Mother | Excellent | 2 | BM4 | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | correct size. format in proportion. nice head with correct lines. a bit wide set ears. correct neck, well set topline well set tail. ribcage is a bit too narrow and would prefer better filled front. moves well. nice temperament. |
| | | | 46 | Riihikarsinan Ll Keeping The Goal Clear | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size. strong male. nice head. good proportions. good ears. strong underjaw, good chin. correct neck. excellent topline and tailset. good body volume, but prefer more pronounced brisbone. balanced angulation. good coat quality. small white spot on the chest. typical movement and good temperament. |
| | | | 47 | Riihikarsinan Rain Man | Excellent | | | | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size, correct proportions. head of good lines. a little bit wide set of ears. enough strong jaws. would prefer a better pronounced withers. good tailset. good body volume. good angulation behind enough in front. typical movement. correct coat quality and color. typical behaviour. |
| | | | 48 | Riihikarsinan Your Eyes Only | Excellent | | | | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size square. nice head and expression. correct ears. strong jaws and good teeth. good neck. correct topline and tailset. excellent body and forechest. a bit short in upper arm. moves parallel behind and a bit open in elbow. correct coat quality. nice behavior and presentation. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 49 | Made In Line Golden Victory | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-2 | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | elegant. good size. square format. nice head. strong teeth. correct set of ears. elegant neck. correct topline. good body with excellent front. balanced angulations. typical behavior. |
| | | | 50 | Pinserella's Tangerine Dream | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | correct size. a bit long in format. nice head and expression. correct ears. excellent bite. correct, neck topline and tailset. enough filled in front. typical movement. moving up and down is parallel. in angulation a bit straight in front. correct coat quality and behavior. |
| | | | 51 | Pinserella's That's My Boy | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size and format. nice head. with good set of ears. correct lines of head. strong jaws. correct topline. good ribcage volume. would prefer better pronounced breastbone in front and a bit longer. moves well. balanced angulations. typical behavior. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 52 | Pinserella's In Your Darkest Dreams | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | 12 month. feminine. correct size. format in proportion. bite is on the limit. correct head and expression nice ears. good neck and topline, bit low tailset. good body for her age. well filled forechest. balanced angulation. moves typically with drive. correct color. would prefer stronger coat on her chest. |
| | | | 53 | Pinserella's Little Bit Of Heaven | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 54 | Pinserella's Whole Lotta Love | Excellent | 1 | BB4 | CQ, JUN BOS, RES CAC, JUN CAC | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | one year old. feminine. nice format. good type. nice head and pretty expression. correct ears. excellent topline, well set tail. good chest and fore chest. well balanced angulation. moves free. parallel coming and going. excellent presentation. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 55 | Pinserella's Chariots Of Fire | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ, CAC, CH | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine, elegant. correct size and proportions. parallel lines of head. correct bite with strong teeth. correct neck. enough pronounced withers. correct topline and tailset. good tail carriage in movement. balanced angulations. good mover. excellent temperament. correct color. well presented. |
| | | | 56 | Pinserella's Dance With Dragons | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine. good size in proportions. nice head with correct lines. a bit soft ears. correct neck. good topline and tailset. she likes to eat well. correct rib cage and google filled frot. balanced angulations. moves parallel up and down. typical side movement. correct color. nice presentation. |
| | | | 57 | Riihikarsinan Da Wearing The Golden Helmet | Excellent | 3 | | | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine. strong. nice head with parallel lines. good neck. would prefer a better ear position. correct topline well set tail. excellent body. well filled front. correct angulation. a little bit arced loin. typical movement. parallel coming and going. correct coat quality and color. typical behavior. |
| | | | 58 | Riihikarsinan You're My Superstar | Excellent | 4 | | | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size. format and proportions. nice head. strong underjaw. a little wide set of ears. correct neck, topline and tailset. good volume of ribcage. enough filled front. moves with a little bit open elbows. typical side movement. nice temperament. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 59 | Pinserella's Buttercup | Excellent | 2 | BB1 | CQ, BOS | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine with a great temperament. good size and all proportions. correct ears. ex cellent topline and tail set. excellent front. balanced angulations. typical movement but a bit high stepping. well presented. Started to move better in best female class. |
| | | | 60 | Pinserella's Cuteness Overload | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size, correct proportions, feminine and elegant. excellent temperament. nice lines of head. excellent ears. correct neck and topline and tailset. good body. enough pronounced breastbone, medium balanced angulation. moves free with drive. in best female class the second dog moved better, so today best female 2 |
| | | | 61 | Pinserella's Diamonds Are Forever | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine. a bit heavy in body. with correct head. a bit wide set of ears. correct neck, topline and tailset. would like chest more filled under elbow. in the movement parallel in back and little bit open in elbow. nice temperament. well presented. |
| | | | 62 | Pinserella's Marigold | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | feminine. strong. good size and format. nice head, correct set of ears. correct topline and tailset. good body, enough filled forechest. balanced angulations. good movement parallel up and down. nice temperament end presentation. |
| | | | 63 | Riihikarsinan Dazzling Deb | Excellent | | | CQ | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | good size. correct proportions. a bit long in format. correct head. parallel lines. correct set of ears. lovely expression. nice neck, correct topline. good tailset. good body and well filled front. balanced angulation front and behind. typical movement. well presented. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 2000 | Pinserella's | | 1 | | KP | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | the group of four dog is very typical for breed and very similar type. shows good movement and well presented. |
| | | | 2001 | Riihikarsinan | | 2 | | KP | Kokonena Svetlana | |
| | | | Showed four dogs of good type. enough similar. moves well. well presented. |