| | Bitches |
| | | MPUP |
| | | | 1 | Kyang La's Adela | | 1 | | HP, BOB | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Exc format. Very nice head. Good expression. A little light eyes. Exc topline. Very good tail set & carriage. A little narrow front. Good bone. Very good angulations. Exc movement. |
| | | | 2 | Prisha Dewi Radocynka | | 3 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Good format. Strong head. A little narrow skull. A little bit long ears. Loose lips. In movement topline a bit arched in loin. Enough angulations. Very good front. Good movement. |
| | | | 3 | Quiang Shi Saint Lucia | | 2 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Good size. Good type. A little long in body. Head with good expression. Little narrow muzzle. Very good size of ears. A little low set tail. Good angulations & front. Very good movement. |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 4 | Owelan Adamya | Very Good | 1 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Very good size & format. Exc propotions in head. Very nice broad skull. Topline is not harmony in movement. Very good forechest. Good bone. A little light eyes. Front is east - west. Movement is not elegant & harmony. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 5 | Zeriida's Gandalf The White | Excellent | 1 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type. Very good format & size. Noble expression in head. Very good size of ears. Level bite. Exc topline. Well set & carried tail. Good angulations. Good front. Too much tacked up. Exc bone. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 6 | Drakyi Dreamland Jebei | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 7 | Hanumila's Thousand Lakes | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type. Good size. Good format. Noble expression in head. Exc broad skull. Very good shape of muzzle. Little light eyes. Exc topline. Well set & carried tail. Little narrow front. Good bones. A bit loose in pasterns. Nice cat paws. Very good angulations. Exc pure color. Good movement. |
| | | | 8 | Owelan Ogodei At Mm | Excellent | 4 | BM4 | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type & size & format. Nice head. Good propotions. Strong head. Broad muzzle. A little bit too much loose skin. Exc topline. Well set & carried tail. Little narrow front. A little bit pinched elbows and little bit east - west in front. Very good angulations. Exc bones. Very good movement. |
| | | | 9 | Owelan Villanova | Excellent | 3 | BM3 | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Good type. Exc format & size. Good propotions in head. Skull should be more arched. Strong muzzle. Too close eye lids. Little bit light eyes. Exc topline. Exc tail set and carriage. Exc forechest. Very good bones. Exc angulations. Very good movement. |
| | | | 10 | Parbat Nepal Mahatma La | Excellent | 2 | BM2 | CQ, CAC, CH | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type. Exc format. Good size. Noble expression in head. Exc shape of muzzle. A little light eyes. Exc topline. Very good tail set & carriage. Good front. A little pinched elbows. Bones should be little stronger. Good angulations. Typical movement. |
| | | | 11 | Shang Yu's Che-Cos | Absent | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 12 | Royaldog's Family Brug Long | Absent | | | | | |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 13 | Owelan Aditi | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, JUN BOB | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Very good format. Exc expression in head. A little bit narrow in muzzle. Exc earset. Exc topline. Exc tail set & carriage. Very good front. Good bones. Front is little bit east - west. Very good angulations. Typical movement. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 14 | Owelan Zora | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type & format & size. Noble expression in head. A little bit long ears. Exc shape of muzzle. Exc pigmentation. A little bit light eyes. Exc topline. Exc set & carriage of tail. Chest should be a little bit wider-. Exc cat paws. Exc bones. Very good angulations. Exc harmonic movement. |
| | | | 15 | Zeriida's Glinda Gwendylon | Very Good | 2 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Good format. Nice head expression. Little narrow skull. Good shape of muzzle. In movement loin is little bit arched. Exc bones. Exc cat paws. Enough angulations. Tail is well set, but in movement it should be higher, over the topline. Narrow front. |
| | | | 16 | Zeriida's Hecate Of Magic | Very Good | 4 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Good type. Very good size & format. Head is little narrow. Very good shape of muzzle. Little bit light eyes. Exc topline. Tail is little bit low set and in movement all the time down. Little bit shallow chest & narrow front. Very good movement. Good bone. |
| | | | 17 | Zeriida's Maleficent Of Moors | Very Good | 3 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Good type. Very good size. Good format. A little narrow head. Very good shape of muzzle. Little light eyes. Exc topline. Good set & carriage of tail. Narrow front. A little bit shallow chest. Good bones. Very good angulations. Exc cat paws. Very good movement. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 18 | Nandakini Mahatma La | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, CAC | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good type. Exc format. Exc expression in head. Little bit light eyes. Very good propitions muzzle to skull. Exc topline. Very good set & carried tail. Exc front. Exc bones. Very good angulations. Typical & harmonic movement. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 19 | Hanumila's Enchanted By The Moon | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 20 | Owelan Ramoche | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type. Exc format. Head with noble expression. Very good propotions skull to muzzle. Ears little low set. Good shape of muzzle. Little strong lips. Exc topline. Exc set & carriage of tail. Little narrow front & pinched elbows. Very good bone. Front is little bit east - west. Exc angulations. Harmony movement. |
| | | | 21 | Owelan Umaid | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type. Exc size & format. Noble expression in head. Exc shape of muzzle. Skull should be more broad. Little bit low set ears. Exc topline. Well set & carried tail. Very good front. Exc bones. Front is little bit east - west. Very good angulations. Harmony movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 22 | Drakyi Khulan | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Very good condition. Exc type & format. Head with exc expression. Exc propotions skull to muzzle. Exc shape of muzzle. Exc topline. Well set & carried tail. Good front. Little bit pinched Exc bones. Exc cat paws. Exc angulations. Typical movement. |
| | | | 23 | Namahu's Ceaggai Barfi | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type & format & size. Head with noble expression. Exc propotions skull to muzzle. Very good shape of muzzle. Very good topline. Well set & carried tail. Exc front. Very good bones. Nice cat paws. Exc angulations. Very good movement. Exc condition. |
| | | | 24 | Namgru's Chuntse | Excellent | 3 | | | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | Exc type, size & format. Very nice head expression. Skull should be more broad. Light eyes. Very good shape of muzzle. In movement loin is little bit arched. Good front. Nice mocement. Good bones. Exc condition. |
| | | | 25 | Torma Bučnovaška | Absent | | | | | |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 3000 | Owelan | | 1 | | KP | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | 9 14 20 21 4 different combinations. All dogs are very good type. Exc sizes. Also everyone have same type of head. They have good bones and all move in harmony. Congratulations to the breeder. |
| | | | 3001 | Zeriida's | | 2 | | KP | Lembas Bartlomiej | |
| | | | 5 15 16 17 1 combination. All dogs are same very classic type with exc temperament. Older dog is very good. Congratulations to the breeder for the correct type. |