Jyväskylä FCI2, 5, 8, 9 09.09.2023
Domare Luscott Jeff
| BIR | Heiluvillen Heipparalla (Vammelvirta Mari & Rusanen Kirsi) | |
| CERT tik | Heiluvillen Heipparalla (Vammelvirta Mari & Rusanen Kirsi) | |
| BIR-veteran | Echo De'chien Esibelle (Markkula Kirsi & Markkula Jukka) | |
| BIR-junior | Heiluvillen Heipparalla (Vammelvirta Mari & Rusanen Kirsi) | |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 51 | Heiluvillen Heipparalla | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, JUN BIR, CERT, JUN-CERT | Luscott Jeff | |
| | | | Excellent example of typical pyrenian type. Lovely head. Good front. Built well through body. Strong quarters. Goes well on the move. Lovely to judge her. |
| | | | 52 | Qaikella On Tarkoitus Garcon | EXC | 2 | BT3 | CK, RES-CERT | Luscott Jeff | |
| | | | Good pyrenian style. Typical head and expression. Well fitted neck. More to coming in body as he grows. Strong rear end with quarters. Nice coat. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 53 | Echo De'chien Esibelle | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, VET BIR | Luscott Jeff | |
| | | | Typical in head, overall shape and rear quarters. Longer in top, but has the bones, muscles and movement. Quality girl for a eight year old veteran. |
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