Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio all breed show 02.08.2024
St. Bernard, Long-haired
Judge Suta Nedim
| BOB | Beloved King Olimpia (Tulla Satu) | |
| BOS | Tenderhill Saint's Aragorn (Tulla Satu) | |
| CAC dog | Tenderhill Saint's Aragorn (Tulla Satu) | |
| CAC bitch | Beloved King Olimpia (Tulla Satu) | |
| BOB junior | Tenderhill Saint's Aragorn (Tulla Satu) | |
| BOS junior | Beloved King Olimpia (Tulla Satu) | |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 472 | Tenderhill Saint's Aragorn | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Exc size. Beautiful type of head with correct muzzle. Good ear set. Strong neck. Bit empty in chest and short shoulder. Topline still developing. Correct tail set. Bit weak in back legs. Needs more clean movement. Needs better grooming. Stabile temperament. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 473 | Beloved King Olimpia | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, JUN BOS, CAC, JUN CAC | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Medium size. Correct type of head. Good neck. Parallell front legs. Correct topline for age. Tail it bit up on set. Bit weak in back legs. Moves well Stabile temperament. |
| | | | 474 | Svänasjöns Ultimate Dream Of Mine | Good | | | | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Medium size. I would like better head expression. Short neck. Short in shoulder. Narrow in front. Soft topline. Tail is low in set. So weak in back legs. Needs better movement, more balance. Needs better condition. |
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