Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio all breed show 02.08.2024
Great Dane, fawn and brindle
Judge Inzoli Massimo
| BOB | Dogdom's Like Expected (Kolstad Elisabeth Grøtte, Norway) | |
| BOS | Edendane's Dance With Me Henry (Salmi-Aalto Teija) | |
| CAC dog | Dogdom's Like Expected (Kolstad Elisabeth Grøtte, Norway) | |
| BOB breeder | Edendane's (Salmi-Aalto Teija) | |
| | Dogs |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 417 | Paddington Vom Wasaland | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. Very nice head. Correct bite. Correct lips. Correct stop. Correct length and shape of neck. Well-padded paws. Parallel movement. Should be more level in topline. Correct coup. Correct tail and correct tail carriage on the movement. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 418 | Dogdom's Like Expected | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, CAC, CH, BIG-2 | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size and correct bite. Very nice head. Correct expression. Correct neck. Well-developed withers. Well padded. Correct length of body. Could be more level topline. Parallel movement in the back legs. Correct tail. Medium drive in the back legs in movement. Typical movement. |
| | | | 419 | Edendane's Marty Mc Fly | Excellent | 3 | BM4 | CQ | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Very narrow scissor bite. Medium defined stop. A little bit of Roman nose. Correct neck. Strong padded. Correct withers. A little bit long in the loin. Correct carriage of the tail. Free and sound movement from the side view. |
| | | | 420 | Edendane's Mocha Frappucino | Excellent | 2 | BM3 | CQ | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Nice expression. Typical head. Correct neck. Strong boned and well padded. A little bit narrow in the back legs in movement. Parallel in front movement. Free movement, should have better extension in the forelegs. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 421 | Edendane's Hold Me Now | Very Good | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Medium size for a female. Very feminine head. Correct bite. The lips should be more abundant. Medium length of the neck. Well padded. Correct length of the body. Narrow in the back legs in movement. Free movement from the side view. The croup is sloping away. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 422 | Edendane's Dance With Me Henry | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Feminine of good substance. Correct bite. Medium defined stop. Correct neck. Well boned and well padded. Correct length of the body. Parallel movement. Free movement with medium drive. |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 4010 | Edendane's | | 1 | | KP | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | 419, 420, 421, 422. Good quality in general. In some them the planes between the muzzle and skull should be more parallel. Well built. Good temperaments. Good stock of breeding. |
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