Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio all breed show 02.08.2024
Great Dane, black and harlequin
Judge Inzoli Massimo
| BOB | Grand Oak's Baba Yaga (Forsstén-Klint Sari & Klint Niko) | |
| BOB junior | Grande Gremin's Obvious Choice (Wahlman Heidi) | |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 423 | Grande Gremin's One Dream One Soul | Very Good | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. Nice head. Should be more lippy and have a more defined stop. Correct length of the neck. Chest and thorax in development. Well padded. The croup is sloping away in the movement. Medium drive with medium extension. |
| | | | 424 | Great Bel's Unforgettable Boy | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. Correct bite. Quite good expression due to the position of the eyes. Correct length of the neck. Well boned and padded. Should be more parallel in the movement in back legs. Low set of the tail. Good temperament. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 425 | Grande Gremin's One Prize One Goal | Excellent | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size and substance for a male. Stop should be more defined. Correct length of neck. Quite good shape of neck. Well padded and well boned. Parallel movement. Level topline. Correct carriage of the tail. Free movement from the side view. |
| | | | 426 | Happy Harlekin's Knockout | Very Good | 2 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. The nose bridge should be more level and the stop should be more defined. Well boned and padded. Too long in body. The croup is a little bit short and falling away. Free movement with medium drive. Correct carriage of the tail. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 427 | Blue Hood's Silverwing | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Quite good size for a female. Correct bite. Muzzle should be more square. Medium length of the neck. Proportionate size of the bone. Slightly turned-out feet in front. Parallel in the back legs. Correct carriage of the tail. Free movement. |
| | | | 428 | Bonel North Black Pearl Of Dream | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Low defined stop. Correct color of the eyes. Should be more lippy. Medium boned. Needs more forechest. Well padded. Roached back in the movement. Croup is falling away in the movement. |
| | | | 429 | Bonel Nothing But Nebula | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a female. Muzzle should be more square and the stop should be more defined. Correct length of the neck. Quite good on pasterns. Correct length of the body. Forelegs turning in in the movement. In the movement the croup is falling away. Good temperament. |
| | | | 430 | Finskilän Hulda Huoleton | Very Good | 3 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Medium defined stop. Correct carriage of the ears. The nose bridge should be level. Correct neck. Well-angulated in the forelegs. Excellent forechest. Correct length of the body. Slightly crossing in front movement. Free movement from the side view. Correct carriage of the tail. |
| | | | 431 | Grand Oak's Snow White | Very Good | 4 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Medium developed lips. Low defined stop. Correct length and shape of the neck. Well boned. Well padded. Correct length of the body. Slightly cow-hocked in the back legs. Excellent movement from the side view. Should be more confident in the ring. |
| | | | 432 | Grand Oak's Tinker Bell | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 433 | Grande Gremin's Obvious Choice | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, JUN BOB | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a female. Correct bite. Nose bridge should be more level. Correct length of the neck. Well boned and padded. Parallel front movement. Correct carriage of the tail. Free movement from the side view. |
| | | | 434 | Rock Element's Pearl Grey Queen Made'n Heaven | Very Good | 2 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Correct head planes and correct lips. Correct neck. Well boned. Should be more level in topline. The croup is sloping away. Parallel movement in the back legs. Free movement from the side view. |
| | | INT |
| | | | 435 | Happy Harlekin's Blaze Of Glory | Very Good | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a female. Correct bite. Low defined stop. Muzzle should be more square. Correct length of the neck. Medium boned. Correct length of the body. Parallel movement in the back legs. Croup is sloping away in the movement. Medium drive in the back legs. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 436 | Finskilän Gypsy Queen | Very Good | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Feminine in general. Correct bite. Nice head. Correct neck. Medium bone. Well padded. Correct length of the body. A little bit open angulations in the forelegs. Parallel movement in the forelegs. Mediun drive and extension. Croup is sloping away in the movement. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 437 | Genedda Inouï Succès | Excellent | 3 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Should have more parallel head planes and a more square muzzle. Correct neck. Well-angulated in the forelegs and well boned. Well-developed thorax. Parallel movement in the back legs. Should be more square in body. Excellent tail. Movement with excellent drive and extension. |
| | | | 438 | Grand Oak's Baba Yaga | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a female. Correct bite. Correct planes between muzzle and skull. Should be more lippy. Correct neck. Well-developed forechest. Well padded. Correct proportions in general. Parallel movement in the back legs. Free movement from the side view. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 439 | Happy Harlekin's All I Want For Christmas | Excellent | 2 | BB3 | CQ | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size. Correct bite. Well built in general with correct construction. Stop should be more defined and should be more lippy. Correct neck. Well padded. Well-developed thorax for the age. Parallel movement. Croup is slightly sloping away in movement. |
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