Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio all breed show 02.08.2024
Great Dane, blue
Judge Inzoli Massimo
| BOB | Blue Hood's In Da Club (Jaakonsaari Petra) | |
| BOS | Stonepaw's Above Your League (Koskinen Krista) | |
| BOB junior | Stonepaw's Above Your League (Koskinen Krista) | |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 440 | Blue Hood's Balerion | Very Good | 2 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Good strong underjaw. The nose bridge should be level. Correct neck. Well boned. French front. Well padded. Free movement from the side view with the croup sloping away. |
| | | | 441 | Bonel Nothing But Cash | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Not correct bite. Correct length of the head. Low defined stop. Correct neck. Well padded. Correct length of the body. Well-developed withers. You should be more parallel in the back legs. Parallel front movement. The croup is sloping away in the movement. |
| | | | 442 | Bonel Nothing But Poirot | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Low defined stop. Should be more parallel in planes of head. Correct neck. Well boned. A little bit open angulations in the forelegs. Correct length of body. The croup is sloping away in movement. Coat in good condition. |
| | | | 443 | Stonepaw's Above Your League | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, JUN BOB | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. Correct bite. Very nice head. Correct lips. Correct neck. Well boned and padded. Well-developed thorax for the age. Should be more parallel in back legs in the movement. Free movement from the side view. |
| | | | 444 | Stonepaw's Accept The Challenge | Very Good | 3 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Nice head with correct stop. Correct lips. Correct neck. Slightly turned out front feet. A little bit long in loin. Should be more parallel in the forelegs in movement. Free movement from the side view. |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 445 | Bonel Moreno Valley | Very Good | 1 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size and substance for a male. Correct bite, but missing one premolar. The nose bridge should be level. Correct neck. Strong boned. Well-developed forechest. Well padded. Should be more parallel in the forelegs in movement. Free movement from the side view. Well handled. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 446 | Blue Hood's Dmx The Rain | Not Judged | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Strong dog of correct size with a very nice head. Correct lips. Strong boned. Well padded. Correct proportions in general. Unfortunately, the dog cannot be fully judged today as he is not willing to move. |
| | | | 447 | Bonel Legend Of Galax | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct size for a male. Medium defined stop. Correct balance between muzzle and skull. Correct neck. Well boned and padded. Correct length of the body. Should be more parallel and stronger in the back legs in movement. Parallel in front. Medium drive in the back legs. |
| | | | 448 | Grande Gremin's Legacy Of Roland | Not Judged | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct bite. Very nice head with correct neck. Well boned. Correct length of the body. Unfortunately, today the dog is limping so he cannot be judged. |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 449 | Stonepaw's Admire Me For A Bit | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Medium substance for a female. Should be more lippy and with a more defined stop. Correct length of the neck but good shape. Medium bone. Correct length of the body. The thorax needs to finish in development. Parallel movement. Croup is sloping away in the movement. Needs time to finish in development. |
| | | | 450 | Stonepaw's Ain't She Sweet | Good | | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Medium size for the age. Correct bite. Low defined stop and should be more lippy. Correct length and shape of the neck. Medium boned. Correct length of the body. Needs more thorax and needs to finish in development. Free moving. Good temperament. Needs more training. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 451 | Blue Hood's Chesma Iyesi | Excellent | 2 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Good substance female with a very nice head. Correct neck. Well-angulated in the forelegs. A bit long in loin. Parallel movement in the back legs. Free movement with medium drive in the back legs. |
| | | | 452 | Blue Hood's In Da Club | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Excellent size and substance for a female. Very nice head. Correct expression. Well-developed forechest. Proportionate in bone. Parallel movement in the back legs and in front. Typical movement. Very well handled. |
| | | | 453 | Bonel Manhattan Beach Ca | Very Good | 3 | | | Inzoli Massimo | |
| | | | Correct height at the withers. Feminine with good substance. Should have a more defined stop and be more lippy. Correct neck. Well padded. Topline should be more level while standing. Could be more parallel in the back legs in movement. Free movement. |
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