Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio NORD 03.08.2024
perro dogo mallorquín/ca de bou
Domare De Giuliani Claudio
| BIR | Grandes Guardia's Salvador (Mäkelä Santtu) | |
| BIM | Alita (Nelis Jana, Estland) | |
| Nordic CERT hane | Grandes Guardia's Salvador (Mäkelä Santtu) | |
| Nordic CERT tik | Alita (Nelis Jana, Estland) | |
| BIR-junior | Alita (Nelis Jana, Estland) | |
| | Hanar |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 345 | Grandes Guardia's Salvador | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT | De Giuliani Claudio | |
| | | | Right size & type. Well strong bones. Right undershot bite. Right head proportions with typical lips. Well carried ears. Excellent body proportions. Strong topline. Right croup. Enough strong feet. Excellent chest. Right rear angulations. Right tail carriage. Excellent movement, very typical. Right coat & colour. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 346 | Alita | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, JUN BIR, NORD CERT, NORD JUN-CERT, JUN-CERT, JUCH | De Giuliani Claudio | |
| | | | Well feminine. Right type & size. Right undershot bite. Well dark eyes. Well carried ears. Could have a little more square face. Right rectangular body with typical topline. Right chest. Enough short loin. Tail carried little too high. Right feet. Right movement, coat & colour. |
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