Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio NORD 03.08.2024
saksanpystykorva, keeshond
Tuomari Suta Nedim
| ROP | Eerondaali Be Happy (Turunen Petri) | |
| VSP | Ikurin Imperator Leonum (Vatanen Pia) | |
| Nord SERT uros | Ikurin Imperator Leonum (Vatanen Pia) | |
| Nord SERT narttu | Eerondaali Be Happy (Turunen Petri) | |
| ROP veteraani | Eerondaali Queen (Turunen Petri) | |
| ROP juniori | Eerondaali Diva (Eisto Leena & Turunen Petri) | |
| ROP kasvattaja | Ikurin (Vatanen Pia & Saarilahti Katariina & Saarilahti Ida) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 1400 | Finriikan October Oberyn | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Exc size. Correct head expression. Good size of neck. Correct topline. Narrow in front. High on hocks & weak on back legs. Needs more balance in movement. Exc coat. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 1401 | Eerondaali Beethoven | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, NORD VARA-SERT | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Exc size. I would like more stop in head. Good size of neck. I would like more chest. Correct topline. Correct tail set & back angulations. Stabile temperament. Exc coat. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1402 | Finriikan Ghost Hunter | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 1403 | Ikurin Imperator Leonum | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, NORD SERT | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Medium size. Exc propotions. Correct head expression. Good size of neck. Bit short arms & shoulders but parallell front legs. Correct topline & tail set. Moderate back angulations. Exc coat quality. Moves well. |
| | | | 1404 | Ikurin Juvenis Camillo | ERI | 3 | | | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Correct size. Correct head. Good size of neck. I would like more chest. Parallell front legs. Correct topline & tail I would like better back angulations. |
| | | | 1405 | Ikurin Lux In Nocte | ERI | 4 | | | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | 3 years. Minimum size. Nice stop in head. Short neck. Bit wide in front. Correct topline & tail set. Bit high on hocks, but can move. Good coat quality. Stabile temperament. |
| | | | 1406 | Ikurin Magnus Fennicus | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Good type of head. I would like more neck. Bit short in arms & shoulders. Narrow in front. Correct topline & tail set. I would like more back angulations. Stabile temperament. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1407 | Eerondaali Diva | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, JUN ROP, NORD JUN-SERT | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Exc size. Good type of head. Still developing in chest. Correct topline & tail set. Correct back angulations. Stabile temperament. Moves well. Good coat quality. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 1408 | Cinereus Kiss Kiss Jasmin | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 1409 | Eerondaali Be Happy | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, NORD SERT | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Correct size. Good head expression. Good size of neck. Still developing in chest. Correct topline & tail set. Good back angulations. Good coat quality. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1410 | Eerondaali Pure Gold | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Correct size. Good lines in head. Long neck. Bit empty in chest. Correct topline. Good tail set & hind leg angulations. Good coat quality. Stabile temperament. |
| | | | 1411 | Ikurin Harmonia Optima | ERI | 2 | | | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | 6 years. I would like bit more expression. Strong neck. Empty in chest. Open in elbows in movement. Topline could be better. Correct tail set. I would like better back angulations. Moves well. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1412 | Eerondaali Queen | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, VET ROP, NORD VARA-SERT, NORD VET-SERT | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | 11 years. Good face expression. Correct propotions. Still in good condition. Good coat quality. Moves well. |
| | | | 1413 | Ikurin Divina Diva | ERI | 2 | | SA | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | 9 years. Correct size & propotions. Good coat condition. Moves well. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 4057 | Eerondaali | | 2 | | KP | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Exc in size. Good coat quality. Visible sexual difference of males & females. Good movers. 1401 1407 1409 1410 |
| | | | 4058 | Ikurin | | 1 | | KP | Suta Nedim | |
| | | | Unique in type. Good size & bones. Visible sexual difference between males & females. Clean in movement. High quality group. 1403 1404 1406 1411 |
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