Sawo Show 2024 Kuopio NORD 03.08.2024
basset hound
Domare Cox Laura
| BIR | Kaijanlammen Genevieve (Lindström Jonna) | |
| CERT tik | Kaijanlammen Genevieve (Lindström Jonna) | |
| Nordic CERT tik | Kaijanlammen Genevieve (Lindström Jonna) | |
| | Tikar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1445 | Kaijanlammen Genevieve | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, CERT, NORD CERT | Cox Laura | |
| | | | Correct type. ok outline. good skull and mushel. good eye expression. good front. little tight in sholder. shoft topline in the move. good tailset and back end. prefer underline. moves easy. |
| | |