| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 88 | Dragon Light's The Mighty Oak | | 1 | | KP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 6 kk vanha. Selvän sukupuolileiman omaava urospentu, jolla oikeat rungon mittasuhteet ja ylälinja. Hyvät pään linjat. Oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Hyvä ilme. hieno silmänympäryspigmentti. Sopivan vahva kaula. Hyvä rintakehän pituus ja rajaluuston voimakkuus. hyvin kulmautunut ja rakentunut takaa. Toivoisin hieman kootummat käpälät. Oikeanlaatuinen pentukarvapeite. Moitteeton käytös. Hieno pitkä häntä. Liikkuu ikäisekseen oikealla ulottuvuudella. |
| | | | 89 | Dragon Light's The Tough Birch | | 2 | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 6 kk vanha. Hyvän kokoinen urospentu. Selvä sukupuolileima. Tässä kehitysvaiheessa melko neliömäiset rungon mittasuhteet. Hyvä kallo-osa. Oikein sijoittuneet kookkaat korvat. Toivoisin voimakkaamman ja leveämmän alaleuan. Sopiva kaulan pituus. Niukka eturinta. Rungoltaan vielä kapea ja tarvitsee hieman lisää massaa. Hieman jyrkkä lantio. Hyvä polvikulmaus. Toivoisin kootummat käpälät. Pentukarvapeitettä tulisi työstää enemmän näyttelytilanteeseen. Moitteeton käytös. Liikkuu tasapainoisesti takaa. Iän myötä kokonaisuudessaan yllälinjan tulee tasapainottua liikkeessä. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 90 | Tinwhistle's Superman Tonight | | 1 | | KP, ROP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Erinomaista rotutyyppiä oleva, hyvän kokoinen urospentu. Erinomaiset rungon mittasuhteet ja ylälinja. Selvä sukupuolileima. Hyvä pään profiili. Oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Silmät voisivat olla tummemmat. Sopivan pituinen vahva kaula. Ikäisekseen hyvä eturinta. Kokoon sopiva runko ja raajaluusto. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Käpälät voisivat olla kootummat. Hyvät ranteet. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu. Oikea alalinja. Hyvä vahva matala kinnerkulmaus. Pitkä oikein kannettu häntä. Moitteeton käytös. Liikkuu tasapainoisesti. |
| | | | 91 | Tinwhistle's Wild In The Streets | | 2 | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 8 kk vanha. Tilavarunkoinen. Maskuliininen urospentu. Hyvä kallo-osa. Oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Silmät voisivat olla tummemmat. Riittävä kuono-osan pituus. Toivoisin hieman tiiviimmät huulet. Vahva kaula. Pitkä rintakehä. Hieman jyrkkä lantio. Vaihtaa pentukarvapeitettä. Taipumusta kääntää tässä kehitysvaiheessa hieman eturaajojaan ulospäin. Matalat litteät käpälät. Moitteeton käytös. Ylälinjan tulee tasapainottua iän myötä. Liikkuu tällä hetkellä kapeasti takaa. Vahva urospentu, jonka tulee tasapainottua iän myötä. |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 92 | Fernmark Beleram | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Tasapainoisesti rakentunut kaunislinjainen narttupentu. Erinomainen ylälinja ja rungon mittasuhteet. Kauttaaltaan feminiininen. Hyvät pään linjat. Kookkaat, mutta oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Erinomainen ilme. Hyvä pigmentti. Hyvä kaulan pituus.
Riittävä eturinta. olkavarsi voisi olla hieman viistompi. Erinomainen pitkä rintakehä. kokoon sopiva raajaluuston voimakkuus. Tasapainoisesti rakentunut takaosa. Hyvä reiden leveys. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu jo tässä vaiheessa. Toivoisin hieman kootummat käpälät. Hieno pitkä häntä. Ystävällinen avoin häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti takaa, samoin edestä. Kauttaaltaan tasapainoinen kokonaisuus joka suunnalta katsottuna.
ä |
| | | | 93 | Fernmark Bunnahabhain | | 2 | | KP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Kauttaaltaan feminiininen kokonaisuus. Hyvän kokoinen ikäisekseen. oikeat rungon mittasuhteet ja ylälinja. Hyvät pään linjat, mutta toivoisin hieman vankemman kuono-osan. Vahva pigmentti. Erinomainen ilme. Sopiva kaulan pituus. Kokoon sopiva raajaluusto, mutta toivoisin hieman leveyttä runkoon. hieman hoikassa kunnossa tänään. Hyvin rakentunut takaosa. Pitkä häntä. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu tässä iässä. Moitteeton iloinen käytös. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti edestä. Takaliikkeiden tulee vielä yhdensuuntaistua. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 94 | Tinwhistle's All I Want Is Everything | | 1 | | KP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Ikäisekseen hyvän kokoinen. Selvä sukupuolileima. Hyvä kallo-osa ja kookkaat korvat. Toivoisin hieman tummemmat silmät. Riittävä kuono-osan vahvuus, huulet voisivat olla tiiviimmät. Hyvä vahva kaula. toivoisin hieman korostuneemman eturinnan sekä viistomman olkavarren. Hyvä rintakehän muoto ja pituus, mutta lanneosa saisi olla lyhyempi, mikä erityisesti näkyy tällä hetkellä liikkeessä. Hyvä leveä reisi. Selkeä polvikulmaus. Hyvät ranteet ja käpälät. Oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite. Moitteeton käytös. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti takaa, tässä kehitysvaiheessa hieman ulkokierteisesti edestä. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 95 | De Majodian Ambassador | ERI | 4 | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Hyvän kokoinen urospentu. hieno sukupuolileima. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet ja ylälinja. Hyvä kallo-osa. oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Erinomainen kuono-osan pituus ja vankkuus. Toivoisin hieman tummemmat silmät. Vahva kaula. Riittävä eturinta. Hyvät suorat eturaajat. Olkavarsi voisi olla hieman viistompi. Erinomainen rintakehän pituus. Riittävä reiden leveys. Toivoisin hieman voimakkaamman polvikulmauksen. Oikea karvanlaatu runkoturkissa. hieman litteät ja matalat käpälät. Ystävällinen ja avoin käytös. Hieman jyrkkä lantio. pitkä oikein kannettu häntä. Erinomainen lihaskunto. Liikkuu joustavalla askelpituudella. Toivoisin hieman vähemmän kuroutuneen alalinjan. |
| | | | 96 | De Majodian Freestyler | ERI | 2 | | SA, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 10 kk vanha. Tässä kehitysvaiheessa riittävän raajakorkeuden omaava uros. Kookkaat oikein sijoittuneet korvat, mutta muuten kokonaisuudessaan erinomainen pää ja ilme kaikkine yksityiskohtineen. Pitkä, mutta vahva kaula. Selvä säkä. Hyvin kulmautunut ja rakentunut edestä. Oikea ylä- ja alalinja. Hieno pitkä rintakehä. Kokoon sopiva raajaluuston voimakkuus. Voimakkaasti kulmautuneet takaraajat. Hyvät ranteet ja käpälät. erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu. Moitteeton ystävällinen käytös. Erinomainen lihaskunto. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti ja vaivattomasti.. Hännän kanto voisi olla hieman matalampi liikkeessä. |
| | | | 97 | De Majodian Pretender | EH | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 10 kk vanha. Riittävän maskuliininen uros, jonka toivon saavan lisää kokoa ajan myötä. Samoin kuin raajakorkeutta. erinomainen kallo-osa. Oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Toivoisin tummemmat silmät. Hyvä kuono-osan pituus ja vankkuus. Sopivan pituinen vahva kaula. Riittävä eturinta. Olkavarsi voisi olla viistompi. Hyvä rintakehän pituus. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut takaa. Ystävällinen avoin käytös. Oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite. Hyvät ranteet. Hieman matalat käpälät. Lyhyt lantio ja korkeahko häntä liikkeessä. Liikkuu tasapainoisesti. |
| | | | 98 | Leonardo Yvanaea Aponi | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Erinomainen sukupuolileima. Vanha oikeanlainen ylälinja ja erinomaiset rungon mittasuhteet. Hyvä pään profiili. Pitkä uroksen pää. Ei karkeutta kallo-osassa. Hyvä kuono-osan vankkuus. Silmät voisivat olla tummemmat, mutta erinomainen silmänympäryspigmentti. Vahva kaula. Selvä säkä. Hyvä eturinta. Olkavarsi voisi olla hieman viistompi. Erinomainen rintakehän muoto ja pituus. Lyhyt lantio. Kokoon sopiva raajaluusto. Oikea alalinja. Hyvin kulmautunut takaa. Hyvät ranteet. Hieman matalat käpälät. Erinomainen lihaskunto. Hyvä karvapeitteen laatu rungossa. Toivoisin hieman vähemmän partaa. Ystävällinen käytös. Hyvä pitkä häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti oikealla askelpituudella. Säilyttää ylälinjansa liikkeessä. |
| | | | 99 | Susilaakso Hennessy Hogan | H | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 9 kk vanha. Lyhytrunkoinen uros. Riittävän maskuliininen sukupuolileima. Oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Vahva kallo-osa, jossa melko voimakkaat posket. Silmät saisivat olla tummemmat. Hyvä kuono-osan pituus, joka voisi olla silmien alta täyteläisempi. Sopiva kaula. Selvä säkä. Toivoisin korostuneemman eturinnan ja viistomman olkavarren. Kokonaisuudessaan vielä hieman kapea edestä. Hyvä rintakehän muoto. Jyrkkä lantio. Toivoisin korostuneemman polvikulmauksen. Lyhyt, mutta oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite. Ranteissa saisi olla enemmän joustoa. Matalat, litteät käpälät. Ystävällinen avoin käytös. Ylälinja ja liikkeiden takaa tulee tasapainottua . Tarvitsee aikaa. Kokonaisuudessaan vielä kovin pentumainen. |
| | | | 100 | Tinwhistle's Poker Face | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 101 | Tuulitar Dracula Dream | HYL | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Hyvänkokoinen 10 kk vanha uros. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet ja ylälinja. Hyvä kallo-osa. Kookkaat oikein sijoittuneet korvat. silmät ja silmänympäryspigmentti saisivat olla tummemmat. Hieman korostunut otsapenger. Kuono-osa saisi olla täyteläisempi silmien alta ja alaleuka leveämpi. Valitettavasti vasen alakulmahammas menee sisään ikeneen. Hyvä vahva kaula. Niukka eturinta. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi ja rintakehä hieman pidempi. Pehmeyttä ylälinjassa. Hieman jyrkkä lantio. Riittävästi kulmautunut takaosa. Toivoisin kootummat käpälät ja hieman lisää joustoa ranteisiin. Oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite, jota tulisi työstää enempi näyttelytilanteeseen. Avoin ystävällinen käytös. Pitkä häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti edestä. Palkintosija määräytyy tänään purennasta, joka kaikilla roduilla katsotaan hylkääväksi virheeksi. |
| | | | 102 | Tuulitar Dumle Dance | ERI | 3 | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 11 kk vanha. Vahva tilavarunkoinen uros, jolle toivoisin hieman lisää raajakorkeutta. Pitkä pää. Hyvät linjat. Oikein sijoittuneet, melko kookkaat korvat. Toivoisin tummemmat silmät ja erityisesti voimakkaamman silmänympäryspigmentin. Vahva sopivan pituinen kaula. Riittävä eturinta. Toivoisin viistomman olkavarren. Hyvä rintakehän pituus. Leveä reisi. Matalat litteät käpälät. Runsas karvapeite, joka kuitenkin laadullisesti oikea. Hyvä avoin käytös. Pitkä häntä. Malttaessaan liikkuu tasapainoisesti sivulta. Toivoisin hieman enemmän siistimistä, jolloin ääriviivat tulisi paremmin esiin. |
| | | | 103 | Unicorn Dei Mangialupi (Dali) | EH | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | 9 kk vanha. Neliömäiset mittasuhteet omaava uros, jolle toivoisin hieman selkeämmän sukupuolileiman. Toivon, että iän mukaan tulee lisää kokoa ja myöskin raajakorkeutta. Oikein sijoittuneet kookkaat korvat. Hyvä kallo-osa. Kevyt kuono-osa. Silmät saisivat olla tummemmat. Hyvä kaulan pituus. Niukka eturinta. Toivoisin viistomman olkavarren. Hyvä rintakehän muoto. Oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite. Hyvä leveä reisi. Hieman matalat ja litteät käpälät. Ystävällinen käytös. Tarvitsee aikaa. Pitkä häntä. Liikkuu hyvin takaa, hieman ulkokierteisesti edestä. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 1 | Bruin From Marian's Meadow | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 15 months wheat, balanced shape. Good head. Well proportioned. Dark pigmentation. Good dentition. Well placed correct ear. Good length of neck in to nice shoulder & upper arm. Good depth of chest Well ribbed back. Well in croup & tail set. Still yet to develop width of chest. Good feet & bone. Broad stifle. Good width to hock, well laid down. Moves quite well. Little unenthusiastic. Going away needs to settle in rear action. Close behind. |
| | | | 2 | Doscartha No More Pain | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 20 months black male. Nice head slightly short in muzzle. Good dentition. Small ear, well set. Fair length of neck into reasonable shoulder & upper arm. At this age lacking width of forechest. Good length of leg for balance. Slightly straight in pastern. Would like to see more rise on topline & little more width of stifle. Nice short well let do hock Move true coming & going. Flying tail today, witch I hope will settle. |
| | | | 3 | Doscartha Nroms | H | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 20 months black male. Hard to assess him as he’s not co-operating with handler. Head is good in back scull, decent length of muzzle. Well set raised ear. Good dentition. Shoulder reasonable, but upper arm is set forward. Lacks forechest at this age. Slightly upright in pastern. Good length of leg. Would like to see more angulation behind. It was not possible to assess movement coming & going, Awards good to day because of this. |
| | | | 4 | Endymion Erdor Iris | EH | 4 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 20 month wheaten dog. Good size. Lovely head, well proportioned. Good dentition. Dark eye. At this stage he’s very raw. Fair shoulder & upper arm. Good length of leg. Excellent pastern & feet. Narrow all through. In profile looks little long in loin & falling away in croup too steep. Good rear angulation. Superb width of hock set low. Good tail carriage. Moves well in all directions. Should develop well. |
| | | | 5 | Filomeides Vigorous | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6 | Filomeides Workman | H | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 17 month, tall male. Nice head. Good dentition. Ear well set, held a little flat. At this age little upright in front & narrow in chest. Move toward flapping pasterns. Good feet. Good depth of chest & topline. Nice croup. Flying tail on move. Adequate bend of stifle. Would like to see more width in thigh & more width on hock & would like them little lower. Most fantastic temperament. Absolutely love him. Today he’s very raw & needs to develop in movement. |
| | | | 7 | Pocahontasgårdens Yankee | ERI | 2 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 15 month very well balanced male. Head is well proportioned from back scull to muzzle. Light stop. Good dentition. Well furnished head. Small ears well set. Good length on neck into nice shoulder placement. Upper arm of good length, could be set further back. Good leg length. Stands little flat on pasterns, improving with age & exercise. Good depth of body. Superb top & underline. Well angulated rear. Well let down hock of good width. Good mover. Little close moving away. He’s yet to develop . |
| | | | 8 | Riverwolf Fate Whispers To The Warrior | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 19 month very tall male. At line when standing very balanced. Heavier in head. Good dentition. Dark eye. Good pigmentation. Ear set good, but too large. Good length of neck into fair lay of shoulder. Upper arm nicely laid but bit short. Lacking forechest. Good length of leg. Decent feet. Good underline. Topline rise starts little too soon & falls away too sharply in croup. Rear angulation is good with lovely width of stifle. Lovely low set hock. Movement in profile is good, little unenthusiastic today. Up & down needs to tidy up as moving little close behind. Over all appealing dog. |
| | | | 9 | Riverwolf Velho The Shaman Of Lapland | ERI | 3 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Over all lovely shape. Head a little heavy, slight stop. Ears well set, little flat. Not really co-operating with handler today. Balanced in shoulder. Good under & topline. Super sweeping stifle. Very well muscled. Superb bone. Ribs carry well back to short loin. Good topline. & line over croup. Failing today because of forward set upper arm & lack of forechest. Still developing. Promising dog. Moves well just not in co-operation with handler. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 10 | Chorenya Diego De La Vega | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Well proportioned head. Ears set correctly, but too large. Would benefit from his coat be fully stripped. Fair length of neck into reasonable shoulder & upper arm. Need more fill of chest. Good length of leg. Well boned. Good feet. Ribs carried well back & good underline. Topline dips slightly behind withers. Good line over croup. Carries tail well, but little short tail. Rear angulation adequate, would like to see more width in hock joint. Movement quite good up & down but not tidy with his handler. More practise needed. Over all a nice hound. |
| | | | 11 | Doscartha Jumpin' Jack Flash | H | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5 year old male. Super happy temperament, charming boy. Enjoying his day out. Carries too much coat & weight. Nice head. Lovely ear, nicely rosed. Shoulder & upper arm fairly laid matches with balanced rear angulation. Little short in leg. In dentition canines are correctly sized, incisives unfortunate not. Hard to assess on move as not co-operating with handler. |
| | | | 12 | Doscartha K Roms | ERI | 4 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Very nice outstanding male. Good head, well proportioned. Dark eye. Good dentition. Nice lay of shoulder matching upper arm. Reasonable forechest. Rear angulation is balanced to front. Well let down hock, good width. Good top & underline & line over croup. Well set tail. Coat is good, really needs attention to grooming to bring out best. Movement sound in profile & coming. Going away close behind. Not the most enthusiastic with handler. Over all a nice dog. |
| | | | 13 | Filomeides Uranos | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Tall male, 2 years old. Nice head. Dark eye. Ears set too low, rather large. At the moment his front is very straight. Moving towards untidy. Balanced body length to hight. Good top & underline. Rear angulation is good. Moves side profile active covering ground well, rear action ok. Dog in middle stage of development. |
| | | | 14 | Mami's Beardie Aslan | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Very balanced male. Good head. Good rosed ear well placed. Nice length of neck into good shoulder. Fair lay of upper arm. Reasonable forechest. Nice topline. Slightly heavy in underline. Good line over croup. Well angulated rear, low set hock. Moves nice coming but hind action very untidy, flying tail. Would hope this improves with age. Nice dog. Well boned. Good feet & pasterns. |
| | | | 15 | Nemain Achos | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Very houndy male. Well proportioned head. Good bite. Ears too large & flat. Good neck into fair shoulder. Well laid upper arm. Decent forechest. Well ribbed back, too long in loin. Not helped by being rather thin. Angulation behind adequate. Would like to see more width in stifle, wider hock joint. Movement light & easy & true coming & going. Completely out of coat, having been stripped, but quality is good & harsh. Very good today on delight of his movement. |
| | | | 16 | Oscailte Gamon Gaidar | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA, VARA-SERT | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Lovely dog. Beautiful head. Good dentition. Dark eye. Ears set on correctly, little too big. Lovely shoulder & upper arm & forechest. Good topline & underline. Little long in loin. Well bend stifle, plenty of width. Low hock. Would like to see more muscled in back end. 6 years and still in good condition. Well boned. Well carried tail. Lovely side action. Good front. Not in tune with handler going awy but I could see enough of his rear action. |
| | | | 17 | Oscailte Inish Ivor | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years old male. Head proportioned well. Good bite. Dark eye. Ears well set & rosed. Shoulder is little upright. Neck a little short. Upper arm of good length & well set. Has good forechest. Little flat on topline. Nice bend of stifle, good width & good width of hocks. Good bone & feet. Moves soundly, but without drive & purpose. Nice dog. |
| | | | 18 | Oscailte Joyce Jed | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 year male. Well proportioned head. Dark eye. Good dentition. Well set rosed ear. Good lengh of neck into good lay of shoulder. Good length of upper arm but set slightly forward. Good length of leg. Good pasterns. Good depth of chest. Lacks rise over the loin, witch makes him look too long. Rear angulation adequate. Moved out well in profile & coming towards, unfortunately untidy in rear action & flying his tail. |
| | | | 19 | Shashunka Gwyneth | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years male. Well balanced. Nice head. Well set ear, rosed. Dark eye. Good dentition. Would benefit from better go a neck & head to show of his line. Good type. Fair shoulder & upper arm & forechest. Ok length of leg. Good topline & underline. Falling away in croup little too steep. Rear angulation good. Unsettled today with handler. Movement is quite sound, handler can not get best out of him. Very typical male with lot to like, not presented to his best today. |
| | | | 20 | Tuulitar Big Brother | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years male. Very balanced, lot to like. Good head, well proportioned. Ears set correctly. Good length of neck into good shoulder & upper arm. Has forechest. Well boned forelegs, good feet. Good underline, ribs carried well back. Topline ok. Good line over the croup, into well angulated hind quarters. Good width to hock. Over all very balanced nice dog. Would like to see him moving in co-ordination with handler. Moves nice in profile & front. Untidy going away. Lot of quality. |
| | | | 21 | Tuulitar Casper The Friendly Ghost | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years male. Very promising, lot to like in outline & houndy shape. Nice head. Good dentition. Good roses small ear. Fair shoulder. Upper arm of good length set slightly forward. Nice lines over top & underline. Stands himself better and I can see his curls & sweeping lines. Good rear angulation. Good width of thigh. Movement easy & active. Tail well carried of good length. Good bone & feet. Hope he has a good future. |
| | | | 22 | Ulster's Mr Fantastic Of Doscartha | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, SERT | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years male. What a lovely dog. Superb head. Dark eye. Good dentition. Small ear, half rosed. Good length of neck into good shoulder. Outline flows over good topline & croup. Well set tail. Has forechest & good depth of chest. Would like upper arm little further back. Rear angulation is good with a lovely sweep of stifle to low set hock. Excellent feet & pasterns. Moves beautifully in all directions. Very much like him Lovely dog. |
| | | | 23 | Yli-Kymen Mainio | ERI | 3 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Male of good type. Beautiful head & expression. Superb well set rosed ear. Good dentition & pigment. Fair length of neck into nicely laid shoulder & upper arm. Enough forechest. Good length of leg. Good bone. Tight feet. Good depth of chest. Ribs carried well back. Hind angulation is good matching front. Lack rise over the loin & is flat in topline. Moves freely & well. Good tail carriage. Quality hound. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 24 | Brokenwheel T-Rack | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5 years balanced male. Head is a little heavy in scull. Dentition is good. Ears set a lit low. Fair lay of shoulder & upper arm with forechest. Dips slightly in his topline. Good underline. Nice line over croup. Well angulated hindquarter. Plenty on width & good width of hock. Good bone. Good tail set Not too enthusiastic on move. Profile action is good. Would like to see little more positive in up & down. For this reason today very good. |
| | | | 25 | Chorenya Cluny | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Nice male of good type. Good head. Well set ear, rosed. Balanced outline. Good length of neck into nice laid shoulder & upper arm. Good length of leg. Good coat. Would benefit from additional grooming. Top & underline good. Would like stronger rear. Angulation good, lacking muscle in second thigh. Tail well set. Giving handler hard time on move. Profile action quite free & striding out. Good coming but back end movement should be tidier. Dog of good type. |
| | | | 26 | Dahmrak's Hulk Hogan | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Outstanding male. Good hight & proportions. Nice head, but for me a little broad in scull. Good dentition. Wonderful ear set. Nice length of neck into fair shoulder. Forward in upper arm. Standing too straight in pastern. Has forechest & good top & underline. Well angulated rear. Front action little untidy. Sound going away. Today just not enthusiastic. |
| | | | 27 | De Majodian Force Majeure | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | This male awful lot to like: sight hound proportions, activity & free movement. Not too much with coat. What there is, is harsh. Too thin for me, which impact in his condition. Love his head. Ear well set, beautifully rosed. Gentle eye & expression. Good dentition. Forehand angulation good. Good length of leg & has lovely angulation in rear. Good topline with rise over loin. Good tuck up. Well let down hocks. Very much like his sight hound type, just wish bit better body condition & coat. |
| | | | 28 | De Majodian Wild And Wise | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Lovely typical male of 7 years old. Houndy shape with flowing lines. Beautiful head & expression. Well placed ear if a little flat. Superb shoulder. Plenty of forechest. Good depth of body. Ribs carried to back. Nice rise over loin into good line over croup & good tail set. Beautifully angulated quarters. Low set hocks of good width. Movement is easy & active and could out move some of younger. |
| | | | 29 | Filomeides Sphinx | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Medium size male Very balanced in shape. Nice shoulder & upper arm. Well angulated hindquarters. Good topline & underline. Has forechest. His head is a little broad & muzzle too short. Needs more length of foreface. Good bite. Ears too flat & large. Sound movement in all direction. Nice free action. |
| | | | 30 | Mami's Beardie Urho | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Outstanding dog. Well proportioned head. Dark eye. Good bite. Ears too large & flat. Fair shoulder. Nice topline Well angulated rear with nice width on stifle & low hock. Good long tail. Upper arm is of ok length, but sets far too forward. Lack width of chest & is narrow in front. This shows in front movement. Side action is lovely & free with tidy rear movement covering ground well. Head held high. |
| | | | 31 | Oscailte Inish Izod | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years male of good type. Fabulous head. Good dentition. Eye colour matches wheaten coat. Good pigmentation. Ear is small rosed & well set. Good length of neck into fair shoulder & upper arm. Has forechest, good leg length & good bone & feet. Nails are too long. Underline goes to well turn up belly. Ribs carrying well back. Good topline into well angled croup with well angulated hindquarters with good muscle & well let down hock. Would like his hind action more tidy. Profile & front action is good. |
| | | | 32 | Pitlochry's Union Jack | ERI | 3 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 3 year old. This male excels on move with fair side action, reachy movement that stays easy & active. Head is lovely. Nothing coarse of that. Good balance with scull & foreface. Good eye placement. Good dentition. Excellent ear placement. Nice neck into good shoulder. Upper arm would like to see further back. Has enough forechest. Good feet & pasterns. Clean lines over topline into croup Good tailset. Good tuck up into balanced rear with muscle & hocks let down. True movement in all dire |
| | | | 33 | Raindogs Herbie Hancock | ERI | | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5 years old male. Present lovely curly balanced outline. Good length of neck into nice shoulder & fair return of upper arm. Does however lack forechest. Good bone. Good length of leg. Tight feet. Good lines over topline. Well drawn up belly to good line over croup. Well angulated hindquarters with width to upper & second thigh. Hocks well let down, good bone. Movement easy active & true. Would like to see better quality head. Broad in scull with slight stop. Does however have wonderful rosed ears. |
| | | | 34 | Riverwolf Burning Taste Of Naga Morich | ERI | | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Outstanding male. Very balanced outline. Good head with good proportion. Good dentition. Ears set too low & flat. Nice length of neck into fair shoulder. Upper arm of good length, but could lay little further back. Has forechest & good depth from side. Is a touch narrow between the elbows. Good topline & underline. Nice line over croup down to sweeping hind quarters with low hock with good width. Moves soundly covering ground in profile. Would like to see little more precision in him front moves. Over all very appealing & handsome dog. |
| | | | 35 | Riverwolf Karl Fazer | ERI | 4 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Very balanced attractive male. Fabulous bone. Good head. Ears well set, but a little flat. Good length of neck into good shoulder. Lovely to rise over loin. Has forechest & plenty of width. Reasonable upper arm. Good depth of chest, ribs carried well back. Good underline. Superb broad muscular hind quarters. Has broad pelvis giving plenty of room to muscles to attach. Broad strong well laid down hocks. Superb mover. |
| | | | 36 | Riverwolf The Unforgiven | ERI | 2 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Good type. Nice head, good proportions. Ears well set. Fair shoulder & upper arm. Has enough forechest. Good length of neck & good feet. Shape is curvy. Balanced rear angulation. Would like to see little more width to stifle & bend at hock. Movement is free & easy & sound in all directions. |
| | | | 37 | Yli-Kymen Mylsä | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Handsome dog, balanced outline. Nice proportioned head. Most gentle expression. Small ears. Please don’t cut hair on them. Nice neck into fairly well laid shoulder & upper arm. Good depth. Appears longer cast then ideal, due to him being rather flat over the loin. Has nicely angulated hindquarters with well let down hocks of good width & bone. Profile movement is free covering plenty of ground. Would like to see him tidier coming & going. Handsome male. |
| | | | 38 | Zeus | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 39 | Doscartha Froms | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 40 | Susilaakso Dante | poissa | | | | | |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 104 | De Majodian Red Alert | EH | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Kauttaaltaan feminiininen. Melko neliömäiset rungon mittasuhteet tässä kehitysvaiheessa. Oikein sijoittuneet kookkaat korvat, jotka voisivat taittua paremmin. Riittävä kallo-osan vahvuus, jossa hieman matala otsapenger. Toivoisin tummemmat silmät. Hyvä kuono-osan pituus, joka voisi olla vankempi silmien alta ja alaleuka hieman leveämpi. Hyvä kaula. selvä säkä. Toivoisin viistomman olkavarren. Riittävä rintakehän pituus. Hieman jyrkkä lantio. Hyvä reiden leveys. Riittävä polvikulmaus. Tänään ohuessa karvapeitteessä, koska vaihtaa karvapeitettä. Hyvät ranteet. Matalat käpälät. Ystävällinen avoin käytös. Hyvä lihaskunto. Pitkä häntä. Liikkuu hieman kapeasti takaa, yhdensuuntaisesti edestä. Tarvitsee aikaa. |
| | | | 105 | De Majodian Sensation | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Tasapainoisesti rakentunut. Feminiininen kokonaisuus. Oikea ylälinja. Riittävä raajakorkeus. Erinomainen pää kaikkine yksityiskohtineen. Hyvän pituinen vahva kaula. Hyvin rakentunut edestä. Hyvä pitkä rintakehä. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut takaa. Kokoon sopiva raajaluuston voimakkuus. erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu runkoturkissa. Hyvät ranteet. Oikea alalinja. Moitteeton käytös. Pitkä häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti ja vaivattomasti joka suunnasta. Erinomainen lihaskunto. Parhaimmillaan liikkeessä. |
| | | | 106 | Filomeides Wamppi | ERI | 3 | | SA | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Erinomainen koko. Kauttaaltaan feminiininen. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet. Hieman pehmeä ylälinja. Kookkaat, oikein sijoittuneet korvat. Hyvä kallo-osan vankkuus. Toivoisin tummemmat silmät, jolloin ilme olisi huomattavasti parempi. Hyvä kuon-osan pituus ja voima. Pitkä kaula, joka kuitenkin voimakas. Riittävä eturinta. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi. Hyvä rintakehän muoto ja pituus. Oikea alalinja. Toivoisin hieman korostuneemman polvikulmauksen. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu. Hyvä pitkä häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti. |
| | | | 107 | Riverwolf Sky Full Of Stars | ERI | 2 | | SA, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Hyvän kokoinen narttu. Oikea rungon mitta ja mittasuhteet. Hyvät korvat. Hyvä pään profiili. Silmät voisivat olla tummemmat. Riittävän leveä alaleuka. Hyvä vahva kaula. Selvä säkä. Hyvin kulmautunut ja rakentunut edestä. Kokoon sopiva runko ja raajaluuston voimakkuus. Oikea alalinja. Hyvät ranteet. Hieman matalat käpälät. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu. Ystävällinen ja avoin käytös. Hyvä häntä. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti edestä Riittävä ulottuvuus ja voima takaliikkeissä. |
| | | | 108 | Susilaakso Hiolair Havan | EH | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Yleisvaikutelmaltaan vielä ilmava, lyhytrunkoinen narttu, jonka tulisi saada lisää massaa runkoon. Tänään hieman hoikassa kunnossa. Hyvä pään pituus. Sopiva kallo-osan vankkuus. Oikein kannetut korvat. Matala otsapenger. Hyvä kuon-osan pituus, joka saisi olla täyteläisempi. Kokonaisuudessaan vielä kehittymätön edestä. Kokoon sopiva raajaluusto. Taipumusta seistessään kääntää eturaajojaan ulospäin. Oikeanlaatuinen karvapeite. Pitkä häntä. Ystävällinen käytös. Tarvitsee aikaa. Liikkuu hieman kapeasti takaa. Toivoisin vähemmän kuroutuneen alalinjan. |
| | | | 109 | Susilaakso Hisolda Helen Hart | EH | 4 | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Narttumainen kokonaisuus. Neliömäiset rungon mittasuhteet. Toivoisin myös hieman lisää raajakorkeutta. Hyvät pään linjat. Kookkaat korvat. Toivoisin tummemmat silmät. Riittävä eturinta. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi. Toivoisin hieman pidemmän rintakehän ja lyhyemmän lanneosan. Erinomainen karvapeitteen laatu. Hieman korkea kinnerkulmaus. Pitkä hyvä häntä. Ystävällinen avoin käytös. Tarvitsee aikaa. Liikkuu yhdensuuntaisesti. Ylälinjassa liikkeessä vielä pentumaista pehmeyttä. |
| | | | 110 | Tinwhistle's Bad Romance | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 111 | Tuulitar Daniela Daydream | HYL | | | | Ahlman-Stockmari Tanya | |
| | | | Hyvän kokoinen. Selvä sukupuolileima. Rungossa voisi olla vielä hieman enemmän pituutta, mutta hyvä raajakorkeus. Kookkaat korvat. Hyvä kallo-osa. Vaaleat silmät. Hyvä kuono-osan pituus ja vankkuus, mutta valitettavasti oikea alakulmahammas painuu ikeneen. Hyvä kaula. Riittävä eturinta. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi. Kokoon sopiva runko ja raajaluusto. Vaihtaa karvapeitettä, joka laadullisesti oikea, tosin karvapeitettä tulisi työstää hieman enemmän näyttelyyn. Hieman pehmeyttä ranteissa. Riittävän kootut käpälät. Alalinja voisi olla vähemmän kuroutunut. Ystävällinen, avoin käytös. Liikkeiden tulee vielä tasapainottua erityisesti takaa. Jyrkkä lantio ja korkeahko häntä liikkeessä . Palkintosija määräytyy tänään purennasta, joka katsotaan kaikilla roduilla hylkääväksi virheeksi. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 41 | Doscartha Nefertiti | ERI | 3 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 18 months, shapely youngster. Good head. Rosed ears. Good dentition. Nice shoulder & upper arm. Balanced hight to length. Well angulated hind quarters. Tail carried well. Tight feet. Lovely happy temperament. Moving covering ground well. Needs to tighten little behind. Lovely bitch. |
| | | | 42 | Doscartha Nietos | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Smaller bitch of good shape. Lovely head. Dark eye. Good dentition. Ears rosed, but set a little low. Fair length of neck into nice shoulder & return of upper arm. Well ribbed back. Nice stream to hind quarters & hock. Coat is heavy, would benefit being stripped out to enhance the shape. On move very sound & true. |
| | | | 43 | Doscartha Nobody | ERI | 4 | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Lovely bitch of excellent type. Well proportioned head. Well set ear. Dark eye. Kind expression. Rangy proportions. Very much hight to body length ratio. Nice lay of shoulder. Good depth. Nice topline. Balanced hind quarters. Well boned forelegs. Tight feet. Sound on move all directions. Covering the ground. |
| | | | 44 | Europa Erdor Iris | ERI | 2 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Clear wheaten bitch. Good head. Kind expression. Rosed ears. Neck runs into nicely placed shoulder. Good length of upper arm. Has forechest, good depth of ribs carried well back. Little long in loin .Topline rises stars little forward. Nice line over croup into well angulated quarters. Well muscled. Nicely laid down hock. Movement flows very easy, ground covering. Little close behind, good coming. Lovely quality youngster. |
| | | | 45 | Filomeides Valentine | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Tall rangy bitch. Well proportioned head. Kind expression. Good dentition. Ears small & well placed, holds them well but tends to flatten them. Good length of neck into fair shoulder, forward & short upper arm. Has forechest & good depth of ribcage. At the moment lacking rise over the loin, and appears a bit over long. Nice sweep to stifle Nice low hocks. Little proud of her tail, set correctly. Moves reachy covering ground. Over all quality warrants excellent. |
| | | | 46 | Filomeides Wonder | H | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Underneath all this coat there is actually a nice young bitch. Well proportioned head. Good depth of body. Curved to forehand and rear. Has forechest. Loose in pastern. Nice topline & underline. Well bend stifles. Inexperienced handler so it was hard to asses her movement. Presentation & handling today means award of good. Lovely happy temperament which is a joy. |
| | | | 47 | Hoarystock's Paris Hilton Riverwolf | ERI | 1 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Impressive youngster. Well proportioned head. Well set ears. Dark eye. Good dentition. Good length of neck into well laid shoulder & upper arm. Plenty of forechest. Well boned forelegs. Good depth of body. Ribs carried to back. Nice rise over loin into good croup & tailset. Good angulation in rear. Plenty on breadth. Well muscled. Well let down hock of good width. Movement true excelling especially in profile. Where she just eats up ground. |
| | | | 48 | Susilaakso Fallon Fiona | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 22 months bitch. Lovely head. Ears set well but too large. Adequate angulation front & rear. Has forechest with nice depth of chest. Would like to see better ribbing. Quite flat at ribcage & quite narrow trough pelvis. This shows in move where she could be tidier in front & back. Over all nice quality but not enthusiastic to be here today. |
| | | | 49 | Susilaakso Fionnuaala Fianait | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 22 months, lovely breed type. Nice head but rather plain. Strong neck into nice laid shoulder & well laid upper arm. Has forechest & good depth of chest. Would like to see little more length of leg. Has good underline. At the moment standing high behind, is expected in youngster. Nicely angulated rear. Well set tail. Moves with ease but a touch close behind. Promising youngster. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 50 | Chorenya Donna Vekic | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years old. Tall bitch. Nice head & expression. Well placed ears. Little narrow all trough at moment. Has efficient angulation in front & rear. Good depth of chest. Well proportioned hight to length. Has free action on move Would like to see little more drive in rear Little too happy on tail but well set. |
| | | | 51 | De Majodian Wild Move | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Good type. Head with lovely proportions. Small rosed ears. Good length into fair shoulder & upper arm. Enough forechest. Good depth of body & rise over loin into well laid croup. Ribs carry well back. Good tuck up. Well bend stifle, well laid down hocks. Finer in type. I do like hear hound outline In move lovely side action covering ground well. Coming toeing in slightly. Nice quality bitch. |
| | | | 52 | Doscartha Me Myself And I | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 53 | Fernmark Wendigo | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 3 year black bitch. Would prefer more feminine head with bit more length of muzzle. Ears set well, but only half folded. Nice length of neck into fair shoulder & upper arm. Would like little more length of leg & bit more spring of pastern. She’s balanced in rear angulation. Tending to run up behind in outline. In movement wasn’t very co-operative today. |
| | | | 54 | Fernmark Yoldia | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Upstanding bitch, 2,5 years. Kind head & expression. Small rosed ears. Rather straight in front & lacks forechest. Hope this improves with age. Good depth of chest & ribs carried to back. Nice angulated hind quarters. Movement is very light easy & active. True coming & going. Has lot to like about her. Needs to develop in forehand. |
| | | | 55 | Fernmark Zelda | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Shapy 2 year old. Would like more feminine head. Good proportions. Good neck broadly set into shoulder. Reasonable return of upper arm. Has forechest & well ribbed back. Nice topline with rise over loin. Standing high behind at this stage. Good rear angulation. Moves with great ease & good ground cover & true up & down Looks like she could do what she was bred for. |
| | | | 56 | Filomeides Rowena | ERI | 3 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5,5 years. Lovely feminine head, well proportioned. Good dentition. Well set rosed ears. Good long & well muscled neck into good shoulder. Fair return of upper arm. Has forechest. Could do with less hair there. Good depth of chest. Well ribbed back. Good topline over the croup. Broad in well muscled hind with low set hocks. Good tail carriage. Stand oi her own with a lot of presence. Movement efficient & easy & true coming & going. Very lovely bitch. |
| | | | 57 | Filomeides Solvalla | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 4 years old black bitch. Would prefer more feminine head. Slight stop & flat ears. Nice length of neck into fair lay of shoulder. Upper arm is quite short & forward. Good depth of chest. Nice line over the loin. Nice line to croup. Would like to see little more bend of stifle & over all leg length. Moved out easily. Little wide in front. |
| | | | 58 | Filomeides Tallulah | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, SERT | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Lovely elegant bitch. Superb head & expression. Ears well set & held. Good length of neck into fair shoulder. Would like to see more width to the base of her neck. Upper arm is angled well, but needs to be longer. Very balanced in leg length & hight. Good underline, rise into loin sweeping in cavasious hind quarters with low hock of good width. I think I would like to see more spring of pastern & bit more forechest. Movement is light & easy & true coming & going. Lovely quality hound. |
| | | | 59 | Filomeides Unique | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | This big girl stands on lot of ground. Head is too masculine for me & ears held flat. Strong neck into a fair shoulder. Upper arm needs to be better laid. Rather narrow in front at the moment. Good underline. When stacked nice rear angulation. Movement little unenthusiastic. Tends to be loose in pastern moving towards. Lovely to see superb temperament & lovely waggy tail. |
| | | | 60 | Harmaasuden Ibiza | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years old. Smaller made, non the less shapy young bitch. Very typical head, well proportioned. Ears well set, touch large. Good length of neck into good shoulder & upper arm. Has forechest & depth, carrying to good tuck up. Topline has gentle rise over loin into good croup. Hind quarters sufficiently angulated & well muscled. Isn’t the heaviest on bone. Completely out of coat, witch means all you see is her shape. Movement is light & easy with good reach. Lovely type very young for this class. |
| | | | 61 | Oscailte Huan Hettie | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Bitch of good type. Would Iike slightly more length to muzzle. Small ears, well set. Carrying bit too much weight over shoulder & ribs. Decent neck length into fair shoulder & upper arm. Would like to see little more length of leg. Ribs carried well back. Nice topline & line over croup. Balanced hind quarters. Moves with ease. |
| | | | 62 | Oscailte Inish Ide | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 3 year upstanding bitch of nice breed type. Nice head. Kind expression. Good length of neck. Front is rather straight. Would like to see more angulation in read. Ribs of good depth, but could carry back further. Little long in loin. Good bone & feet. Profile covers ground easily. Would like to see little tidier coming & going. |
| | | | 63 | Oscailte Inish Ina | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years old. Slightly to broad in back scull. Kind expression. Well set ears. Reasonable lay of shoulder. Upper arm is of good length but could be set further back. Touch narrow in front. Good depth of body, well ribbed back. Rear angulation is balanced. Nice rise over loin & line over croup & good tail set. In movement could co-operate better with handler Moved with ease in side action. |
| | | | 64 | Tuulitar Cinderella | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Rangy bitch. Nice head. Fair length of neck into nice lay of shoulder. Upper arm of good length could set bit more back. Little narrow in front. Good length of leg & feet. Depth of chest is good. Long in loin & lacking rise, making her look flat. Enough turn of stifle to balance front. Excels in side profile with very light & easy & free movement. |
| | | | 65 | Whitefang Karma Chameleon | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Upstanding 2 year old bitch. Head could be more feminine. Flat ear. Nice length of neck into fair shoulder. Long upper arm, needs to slope more backwards. Prominent breastbone, lacks the fill beneath it. Good length & balanced outline. Good top & underline flows into nicely angulated rear. Still has lot of development to do. Clearly has lot of quality. Moves in side profile very easy with reach. Coming good. Slightly uncoordinated going away. For over all promise today excellent |
| | | | 66 | Whitefang Kindle My Heart | ERI | 4 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years balanced brindle. Feminine head. Nice ears well held. God dentition. Presents very complete outline, very curvy. Nice neck into fair shoulder. Upper arm of good length lacks fill of chest. Good ribbing carried well back. Good top & underline & rise over loin. Broad pelvis. Well angulated hind quarters. Good tail set Moves with ease, covering ground well. |
| | | | 67 | Wiglywagly's Money Honey For Tinwhistle | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Bitch of good type. Nice head. Well set ears Slightly short on foreface. Good length of neck into good shoulder & upper arm. Plenty of fill in chest. Good depth of ribs carried well back. Rise over loin does start too early. Well rounded croup & good tail set. Broad pelvis with muscular thighs. Well angulated hind quarters & low hock. Moving out well covering the ground with ease. Tendency to move her elbows little wide. Very much to like about this girl. |
| | | KÄY |
| | | | 68 | Irish Hunters Adventure To North | ERI | 1 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 3,5 years. Very appealing bitch. Slightly masculine in head for me. Strong neck into good shoulder. Upper arm of good length fairly well laid. Very balanced. Good rear angulation. Nice let down hock. Ribs carry well through body. Nice topline & tuck up. Nice line over loin into good croup. Sound mover, little unenthusiastic. Covering ground. |
| | | | 69 | Nemain Androktasia | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 70 | Fernmark Wolperting | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 3 years feminine bitch. Like her more going over. Ears well placed, slightly large. Fair shoulder & upper arm. Good forechest. Slightly finer bone. Body well ribbed up Nice loin. Good rise on topline. Well angulated muscular rear. As I would say workmanlike bitch that looks like what she’s bred to do. Movement sound very easy nothing flashy very steady. |
| | | | 71 | Fernmark Zorya | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Smaller bitch of 2 years. Very young for this class. Workmanlike type. Would like to see more lay of shoulder. Upper arm is fine & has forechest. Good hight to body length. Superb feet. Looking little long cast & flat on topline today. Nicely angled rear. Well muscled. Hope as she matures she will settle in topline. Movement is active & free. Certainly looks like she could do what she’s bred to do. |
| | | | 72 | Filomeides Primadonna | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 7 years old. Love this bitch. Beautiful head. Superb rosed ears. Lovely shoulder & lay back of upper arm. Forechest follows through good topline. Underline is giving away due to age & possible maternity. Lovely line over croup into broad pelvis. Wide muscular stifles & low hocks. Sound as they come. Feeling the heat & tired but fabulous |
| | | | 73 | Filomeides Rinsessa | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Lovely bitch of excellent breed type, 5,5 years. Head well proportioned. Small ear, rosed. Good length of neck set into good shoulder. Good length of upper arm & forechest. Good length of leg & balanced hight to length. Good topline. Underline could be tighter. Broad pelvis, plenty of width & well angulated hind quarters, plenty on muscles. Broad well let down hocks. Moves very well up & down. |
| | | | 74 | Filomeides Universal | ERI | 4 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Upstanding bitch. Good head. Well set ears. Good length of neck into nice laid shoulder. Upper arm rather too forward set making her appear little straight. Like to see lite more spring of pastern. Good forechest & depth to well ribbed back. Good topline in well angulated rear Very appealing type. In movement very free & active, covering lot of ground. Not as tidy behind as I would like. Quality bitch. |
| | | | 75 | Oceane Du Grand Chien De Culann | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 76 | Paloma Picasso Roan Inish | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5 years bitch of good type. Not putting all in today. Good head. Ears set a little too low. Nice length of neck into well laid shoulder. Nice return of upper arm. Plenty of forechest. Good bone & feet. Nice topline with rise over loin into well laid croup. Wel ang hind quarters. Nice low set hock. Loosing little in her underline. Standing presents lovely picture. Not wanting to give her everything today. |
| | | | 77 | Pyatnitca Liberty | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years, very young rangy bitch. Head could be more feminine. Ears set a little low, held partly flat. Slightly forward in shoulder. Upper arm of good length. Good length of leg & depth of body Would like ribs go further back. Nice angulated hind quarters. Needs to widen all through. Still so young and has development to do. Movement was true & active. |
| | | | 78 | Riverwolf Brigitta Mcbridge | ERI | 3 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 5 years wheaten bitch. Lovely head, dark eye. Good pigmentation & bite. Well set ears. Nice length of neck into nice lay of shoulder. Upper arm slightly short. Lacking fill under breastbone. Ribs carried well back to nice outline over croup in well angulated hind quarters. Would like to see more breadth in pelvis & more wedge shaped. Well muscled. Very lovely quality bitch. Moves well but not enthusiastic. |
| | | | 79 | Riverwolf Catnip | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 4 years. Nice head. Dark eye. Rosed ear, well set. Good length of neck. Pretty balanced outline. Angulation matching front & rear. Has forechest & depth of body. Well ribbed back. Little flat through to loin area. Slightly short steeper croup. Hind quarters sufficiently angulated would like to see little more width on stifle. Moves easily covering ground well. |
| | | | 80 | Riverwolf Guernsey | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 81 | Riverwolf Shania Twain | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Bitch of balanced outline. Would like to see more rise over loin. Head of good proportions. Correct ear set. Shoulder well laid. Upper arm of good length, touch forward. Has forechest. Appears longer cast, rear angulation is sufficient. Good width of stifle, well let down hocks. Movement is easy ground covering. Moves little close behind. Side profile is elegant and has reach. |
| | | | 82 | Susilaakso Edena Eveleen | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Pretty head. Unfortunately her forehand is very upright & forward upper arm makes her very upright in pasterns. Nice depth, good rise over loin. Sufficient rear angulation. Nicely muscled. Side profile is easy & active. Moving as one with handler. |
| | | | 83 | Tinwhistle's Lady Macbeth | EH | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years. Lovely type. Feminine head. Correct ears, well set. Would like to see slightly better angulation in front & rear. Has breastbone but needs yet to fill beneath it. Ribs are of good depth but would like to carry back little further. Movement today not going well behind. Side action is lovely & free, true coming. Seems immature at the moment although good quality. |
| | | | 84 | Tsarskaja Prihot Irish Image | ERI | | | | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 2 years. Very solid & powerful bitch. Nice head. Would like more length of foreface. Ears too big & flat. Strong neck into fair shoulder. Plenty of forechest & depth. Upper arm little short. Ribs carry well back. Would like little more length on leg. Nice angulated rear. Comes in her own in move with powerful stride true coming & going. Definitely looks like she could do what she’s brad for. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 85 | Maccaura Platinum Dolly Of Mb | ERI | 3 | | SA | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 8 years 9 months. Lovely balanced outline. Superb head. Kind expression. Still got her curves. Moves very well sound & easy. Superb bitch. |
| | | | 86 | Tinwhistle's Molto Adagio | ERI | 2 | | SA, VET-SERT | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | Beautiful head on 8,5 years. Very feminine. Dark eye. Lovely expression. Very curvy outline. Nice shoulder. Good depth of chest. Nice rise over loin. Good croup. Still well muscled. Moves around very soundly with energy & activity. |
| | | | 87 | Yli-Kymen Kymenmaa | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET ROP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 9 years 4 months. What an incredible bitch! Beautiful head. Lovely sight hound proportions. Small ears, set on well. Nice length of neck with crate into nice laid shoulder. Little forward in upper arm. Good depth of body. Well ribbed back. Has rise over her loin, shaped hind quarters. Still presenting a lovely outline. Good bone & feet. Good dentition. In move she’s outstanding covering ground as a dog many years younger. Love her type & quality. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 1000 | De Majodian | | | | | | |
| | | | 12, 41, 42, 43
Different types. Curvy & nice movers, not so much consistency. |
| | | | 1001 | Doscartha | | | | | | |
| | | | 12, 41, 42, 43
Different types. Curvy & nice movers, not so much consistency. |
| | | | 1002 | Fernmark | | | | | | |
| | | | 54, 55, 70, 71
Very consistent type. Nice outline in all. Good moving. |
| | | | 1003 | Filomeides | | 1 | | KP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 56, 58, 72, 73
Excellent quality on 3 litters. Fabulous type. |
| | | | 1004 | Oscailte | | 3 | | - | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 16, 18, 61, 63
Very good type. Very consistent shapely. 4 different litter in standard very good. |
| | | | 1005 | Riverwolf | | 2 | | KP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 35, 36, 80, 81
Excellent quality. Very consistent. |
| | | | 1006 | Susilaakso | | | | | | |
| | | | 48, 49, 108, 109
Nice family of hounds not consistent in type. |
| | | | 1008 | Tuulitar | | 4 | | - | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 20, 21, 64, 102
Nice family of lovely temperament dogs. Not as consistent in type as other groups. |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 2001 | De Majodian Wild And Wise | | 2 | | KP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 27, 95, 96, 105
This group of dogs is showing consistency in type. Sire has given nice sight hound balance. Consistent ears & heads. Over all his influence has been good. |
| | | | 2002 | Filomeides Primadonna | | 1 | | KP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 29, 57, 58, 106
In this family there is consistence in type. Dam is a beautiful bitch of outstanding type & head quality. Some have not inherited her head but have inherited shape & angulation. They are still very good dogs. Be careful not to loose the superb head of the dame. |
| | | | 2003 | Paloma Picasso Roan Inish | | 3 | | KP | Timmins Jean | |
| | | | 17, 31, 62, 63
This dam has passed on some quality on her angulations and shape. Heads are generally good. Need to be careful that fronts improve. Across all progeny groups there is room to improve. Excellent temperaments. |