| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 181 | Kekkapään Herra Ja Hidalgo | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Tiivisrakenteinen. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Erinomaisesti asettuneet hyvänmuotoiset korvat. Hyvät tummat pyöreät silmät. Tiiviit huulet. Pentupurenta. Lupaava eturinta. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut etuosa. Lupaava rintakehän tilavuus. Hyvänmittainen lanne. Voimakkaasti kulmautuneet takaraajat. Hyvä vahva selkälinja. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä, joka on hyvin kiinnittynyt. Liikkuu pitkällä askeleella, etuliikkeessä pientä hackney-taipumusta. Yhdensuuntaiset liikkeet. Hyvä vahva selkä myös liikkeessä. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Erittäin reipas esiintyjä. |
| | | | 182 | Siruliinun Flame Of Legacy | | 2 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Erinomainen kallo-osa ja korvat. Rodunomainen kuonon ylälinja. Hyvä otsapenger. Tiiviit huulet. Pentupurenta. Alaleuka saisi olla voimakkaampi. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut etuosa. Lupaava eturinta. Erinomaiset suorat eturaajat ja hyvät käpälät. Rintalasta saisi olla hieman pidempi. Aavistuksen pitkä lanneosa. Varsin hyväasentoinen lantio. Hyvä leveä reisi. Melko korkea kinner. Etuliikkeessä hieman hackney-taipumusta. Erinomainen vahva selkälinja, jonka pitää myös liikkeessä. Hyvä häntä. Sujuvat sivuliikkeet. Reipas esiintyjä. |
| | | | 183 | Teakway's Gambling Man | | | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Kuono-osa saisi olla hieman vankempi. Pentupurenta. Hyvänmuotoiset tummat silmät. Hieman silmävuotoa. Erinomaiset korvat. Hyvä kaula, joka liittyy kauniisti lapoihin. Hieman lyhyt pysty olkavarsi. Hyväasentoiset lavat. Lupaava rintakehän muoto. Hieman pysty lantio. Toivoisin voimakkaamman polvi- ja kinnerkulmauksen. Liikkeessä kääntää hieman polvia ulos ja astuu takaliikkeessä lähes ristiin. Nostelee etujalkoja ylöspäin. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Esiintyy reippaasti. Hieman lyhyt karvapeite. |
| | | | 184 | Te-Biit's Ihana Iisakki | | 3 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Erinomainen karvanlaatu. Erinomaiset mittasuhteet. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Tummat oikeanmuotoiset silmät. Hyvä suora kuononselkä. Pentupurenta. Varsin hyvä alaleuka. Kaula liittyy kauniisti lapoihin. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut etuosa. Erinomainen eturinta. Ei aivan suorat eturaajat, tahtoo kääntää käpäliä ulospäin, mikä näkyy etenkin etuliikkeissä. Lupaava rintakehän malli ja tilavuus. Varsin sujuvat sivuliikkeet, mutta liikkeiden tulee vakaantua. Hyvä häntä, myös liikkeessä. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 185 | Unirock's Way To Atlantis | | 4 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Erinomainen kallo ja korvat. Erinomainen kuonon pituus ja otsapenger. Aavistus kaulanahkaa. Pentupurenta. Hyvät tummat silmät. Erinomainen eturinta. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut edestä. Erinomainen raajaluusto. Hyvät käpälät. Tiivis runko. Hyvä leveä lantio. Hyvin kulmautunut takaosa. Liikkuu varsin hyvällä askeleella ja yhdensuuntaisesti. Hyvä vahva selkä. Hieman alaskiinnittynyt häntä, mutta kantaa sen hyvin liikkeessä. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 186 | Siruliinun Knight Of The Full Moon | | 1 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 7 kk. Erittäin ryhdikkäästi esiintyvä. Erinomainen kuonon pituus ja voimakkuus. Alaleuka voisi olla hieman leveämpi. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Erinomaisesti asettuneet hyvänkokoiset korvat. Hyväasentoinen lapa. Hieman lyhyt ja suora olkavarsi. Hyvät suorat eturaajat. Hieman litteät käpälät. Hieman lyhyt rintalasta. Lupaava rintakehä. Hieman pitkä lanneosa. Voimakkaasti kulmautuneet takaraajat. Varsin pitkä sivuaskel, mutta nostelee eturaajojaan ylöspäin. Tässä vaiheessa köyristää hieman selkää liikkeessä ja häntä saisi nousta ylväämmin. Oikeanmallinen häntä. Saisi olla itsevarmempi käytös. |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 187 | Te-Biit's Ihana Illusia | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 188 | Tähtitaian Hetken Tässä Kaikes On Järkee | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 189 | Tähtitaian Sua Seuraa Aurinko | | 2 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Erinomaisesti asettuneet korvat, joissa oikea muoto. Hyvänmuotoiset tummat silmät. Hyvä vahva kuono-osa. Leveät leuat. Pentupurenta. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut etuosa. Erinomainen eturinta. Hieman ulospäin kääntyvät eturaajat. Vielä matala rintakehä, joten kyynärpäät eivät vielä saa tukea. Aavistuksen pitkä lanneosa. Hyväasentoinen lantio. Hyvä leveä reisi. Hyvät pakarat. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Oikeanmallinen häntä. Erottuva säkä. Liikkuu hyvällä sivuaskeleella. Etuliikkeessä vielä löysyyttä. Lupaava reipas pentu. Hyvä karvanlaatu. |
| | | | 190 | Unirock's Way To Pandora | | 1 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Erinomainen sukupuolileima. Erinomainen kallo. Hyvänmittainen kuono. Tiiviit huulet. Alaleuka voisi olla voimakkaampi. Hyvät silmät. Erinomainen eturinta. Erittäin hyvät eturaajojen kulmaukset. Eturaajat voisivat olla hieman suoremmat. Erinomainen rintakehän malli ja pituus. Hyvä tiivis lanne. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut takaa. Hyvät pakarat. Erinomainen hännän malli. Hyvä leveä lanne ja lantio. Liikkuu hyvällä sivuaskeleella, edestä vielä hieman leveästi, joka parantunee iän ja lihaksiston myötä. Seistessä erittäin lupaava pentu, joka saisi esiintyä reippaammin. Tyypiltään ehdottomasti rodunomainen ja lupaava, mutta jää ilman kunniapalkintoa itsevarmuuden puutteen vuoksi. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 191 | Lesexelles Mun Muruseni | | 2 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | Liki 9 kk. Pitkänomaisen vaikutelman antava narttupentu. Rodulle hieman vieras ilme. Hieman kapea kallo-osa. Hyvänmittainen kuono. Alaleuka saisi olla leveämpi. Vasen alakulmuri saisi olla paremmassa asennossa. Hieman ulkonevat suuret silmät, joissa silmänvalkuaiset näkyvissä. Hyväasentoinen lapa. Lyhyt ja pysty olkavarsi. Niukka eturinta. Varsin suorat eturaajat. Hyvät käpälät. Hyvänmallinen rintakehä. Pitkä lanneosa. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä. Hyvä lantio. Leveä reisi. Pitkä sääri ja polvikulmaus saisi olla voimakkaampi. Alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Etuliikkeessä vielä löysyyttä. Takaraajojen liike tahtoo jäädä rungon alle. Niin seistessä kuin liikkeessä etuosa putoaa. Esiintyy touhukkaasti. |
| | | | 192 | Pretty Wild Mary Poppins | | 1 | | KP, ROP, BIS PEN-1 | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 8 kk. Erinomaiset mittasuhteet. Erinomainen koko ja sukupuolileima. Erinomainen otsapenger. Hyvä kuono-osa. Hyvät leveät leuat ja tiivis saksipurenta. Pitkä kaula, joka liittyy kauniisti lapoihin. Erinomainen eturinta. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut niin edestä kuin takaa. Hyvät pakarat. Lupaava rintakehä. Hyvä leveä tiivis lanne ja leveä lantio. Erinomaiset raaja-asennot. Erinomainen karvanlaatu. Liikkuu varsin yhdensuuntaisesti sujuvalla sivuaskeleella. Esiintyy reippaasti. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 103 | Pretty Wild God Of Mischief | EH | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine boy of good size. A bit long in body. Lovely shape of skull . Big beautiful eyes. Acceptable bite. Muzzle a bit too square. Still developing fore-chest. Nice long rib cage. A bit long in loin. Enough angulations front and rear. Still a bit untidy up and down. Would like more reach behind. Beautiful coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 104 | Pretty Wild God Of Thunder | ERI | 2 | | SA, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely male of good size. Beautiful masculine head. A bit round eyes. Excellent earset. Good length of muzzle. Very nice bite. Good fore-chest for age. A bit soft in pasterns. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Very good tailset. Beautiful flat structure to tail. Moving parallel up and down. Nice reach to front, would like more reach to rear. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 105 | Redrowan Lodge The Valiant Silence Kid | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely masculine male. Excellent size. Beautiful apple skull. Lovely big eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Would like a bit more strong under jaw. Good fore-chest for age. Excellent bone structure. Lovely short back. Nice, firm, long rib cage. Short loin. Excellent angulations front and rear. Tailset a little low. Moving with nice reach and drive from all sides. Beautiful coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 106 | Small Is Beautiful's Hunter | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, JUN ROP, BIS JUN-1 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely male. Perfect square shape. Nice width of skull. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent earset. Very good length of muzzle. Perfect bite. Good fore-chest for age. Excellent topline. Perfect rib cage. Nice short loin. Excellent tailset, very nice shape over the back. Moving parallel up and down. Sound movement from side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 107 | Topolino Marco Polo | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 108 | Tähtitaian Ässä Hihassa | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportioned boy. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Would like muzzle a little longer. Excellent bite. Enough fore-chest for age. Moderately angulated front and rear. Very good topline. Good depth of rib cage, would like breast bone a little bit longer. Nice short loin. A bit too much of up-tuck. Moving a bit narrow behind. Losing the topline on the move. Would like more reach and drive behind. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 109 | Good Idea Stars Beneath My Feet | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | A bit airy male. Masculine head. Big beautiful eyes. Very good earset. Would like a bit more rise to the skull. Very good bite. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Excellent fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent topline. A bit short in rib cage which makes a bit too much of up-tuck. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down. A bit high-stepping on front but nice reach in rear. Very good coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 110 | Jason Lee Di Rio Galeria | EH | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male. Lovely width to the skull. Would like just a bit more rise to the skull. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent earset. Excellent length of muzzle. One canine placed to inside but not touching the gum. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. A bit long in loin. High set tail that is carried a bit tight in the move but lovely flat structure. Moving parallel up and down. Lovely reach and drive seen from the side. Very good coat. Lovely temper. Due the canine very good. |
| | | | 111 | Jymyhunajan High Fives | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male up to size. Excellent earset. Big beautiful eyes. Underbite. Lovely fore-chest. A bit too heavy in bone. Sloping topline. A bit short in rib cage and a bit long in loin. Excellent angulations behind. Moving parallel up and down. Would like more reach to the behind. Good coat. Good temper. Due to bite and size good. |
| | | | 112 | Marjoy's I'm Your Mickey Mouse | ERI | 2 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Smart boy. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Excellent bite. Good length of muzzle. Earset a little high. Very nice fore-chest. Markedly angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit open in front. Lovely energy from side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 113 | Of Snowstorm Xmas In Rome | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine boy up to size. Beautiful head. Big round eyes. Excellent bite. Enough fore-chest for age. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. Bit to much of tuck-up. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely tail, good flat structure. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach to front, would like more reach to behind. Excellent coat. Needs a bit more confidence on the table as he has enough on the ground. |
| | | | 114 | Siruliinun Happy Whiskers | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent size, masculine boy. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent earset. Lovely fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Strong short back. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent tailset, beautiful tail. Moving parallel up and down. Would like little more reach on the move. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 115 | Biscuits Moonraker | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VARA-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well bodied boy of good size. Lovely skull but would like little more rise on the front. Beautiful big eyes. Excellent earset. Excellent bite. Good length of muzzle but a little snipey to end. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent forechest. Strong topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach and drive from side. Beautiful coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 116 | Chijou's Heylel | EH | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male. Lovely rise to the skull. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent earset. Good length of muzzle. Acceptable bite. Enough fore-chest. A bit open in shoulder. Lovely topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent angulations behind. Excellent tail and set. Moving a bit narrow in front. Enough reach from the side. Would like him carry the tail more over the back. Very good coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 117 | Good Idea Ladies I Have Arrived | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized male. Lovely round skull. Big round eyes. Way too short muzzle. Showing his tongue. Excellent earset. Good fore-chest. A bit open in shoulder. Lovely rib cage, would like a little longer. Excellent topline. Too much of tuck-up. Excellent angulations behind. Lovely tail. Moving parallel up and down. Needs a bit more confidence. Good coat. Due to tongue and length of muzzle good. |
| | | | 118 | Hilpeän Rikkovaaran Riku | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well bodied boy of good size. Excellent skull. Round eyes that could be a little bit bigger. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Strong short back. Excellent rib cage. Excellent tailset. Nice structure. Moving a little open in front, would like little more reach to rear. Excellent coat and temper. |
| | | | 119 | Tähtitaian Pala Graniittia | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized male. A bit extreme in type. Excellent rise to skull. Beautiful big eyes but a bit protruding. Would like muzzle a little longer. Excellent bite. Very good fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent angulations behind. Moving open in front. Good reach and drive in side. Could carry tail more over the back. Good coat. Good temperament. |
| | | | 120 | Unirock's Sex On Fire | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good size. Lovely width to the skull. Big beautiful eyes. Acceptable bite. Good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. A bit soft on pasterns. Good topline. Lovely depth to rib cage, would like it a little longer, therefore looks a bit long in loin. Tailset a little low and could be carried a bit over the back. Moving parallel up and down, but would like more reach and drive seen from the side. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 121 | Yorone Great Expectations | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 122 | Hilpeän Kroisos Pennonen | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine boy, excellent size. Good rise to skull. Big round eyes. Earset a little high. Excellent bite. Muzzle a little snipey and would like a little more filling under the eyes. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Very good topline. Excellent rib cage. Would like a bit more muscle to loin. Excellent tailset. Would like tail a little longer. Excellent parallel movement. Excellent reach from the side. Beautiful coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 123 | Jymyhunajan Pumping Iron | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportioned male. Good size. Masculine head. Big round eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Very good mouth. Excellent earset. Very good forechest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent length of rib cage, would like breast bone a bit longer. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset, beautiful structure. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach and drive seen from the side. A bit rough in coat texture. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 124 | Lummelammen Kevätaamun Vihma | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built masculine male. Beautiful head. Excellent rise to skull. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Beautiful tail structure. Moving a bit narrow up and down but lovely reach and drive to the side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 125 | Marjoy's Nutcracker | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good size. Big beautiful eyes. Lovely shape of skull. Excellent bite. Excellent earset but would like them a little bigger. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Moving a bit narrow behind. Little high-stepping in front. Would like a little more reach in behind. Excellent coat and temper. |
| | | | 126 | Piccolinin Happy Tiger | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male. Beautiful skull. Big beautiful eyes. Enough length of muzzle. Mouth could be better. Well balanced front and rear. Excellent topline. A bit short in rib cage but lovely shape. Excellent tailset, beautiful structure. Moving a bit open in front. Nice reach from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. Due to mouth good. |
| | | | 127 | Piccolinin Lionel Messi | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportioned male. Beautiful head and expression. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. A bit short rib cage. Excellent tailset. Good parallel movement. Excellent movement seen from the side. Good coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 128 | Piccolinin Muumipeicco | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Smart compact boy of excellent size. Beautiful head. Big round eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Acceptable bite. Excellent earset. Excellent fore chest. Well angulated front and rear. Very good topline. Lovely short back. Very good rib cage. Excellent tailset and lovely structure. Moving with excellent reach and drive from all sides. Very good coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 129 | Piccolinin Popcorn | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportioned male. Excellent skull. Very nice rise. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Would like a bit more filling under the eyes. Lovely big ears, set a little low. Enough fore-chest. A bit open in shoulder. Strong topline. Excellent rib cage. Enough angulations behind. Moving a bit open in front, nice reach from the side. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 130 | Pretty Wild Dream Catcher | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male with powerful body. Short in back. Excellent width to skull. Big round eyes. Bit of a wrinkle over the nose. Would like a little more length to muzzle. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent depth of rib cage, breast bone could be a little longer. Excellent tailset with beautiful structure. Moving a little open in front, excellent reach and drive. Lovely coat and temper. |
| | | | 131 | Pretty Wild Honey Bee With Zzman's | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Coppy male. Beautiful round skull. Big round eyes. Acceptable bite. A bit of a wrinkle over the nose. Would like bigger ears. Enough fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Strong topline. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit open in front. Good reach and drive from the side. Would like a bit thinner coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 132 | Small Is Beautiful's World Changer | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportion male of excellent size. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Acceptable bite. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely neck. Strong topline. That's kept very well on the move. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Excellent movement from all sides. Lovely smooth coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 133 | Sweetpanache The Dogfather | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male up to size. Lovely rise to skull. Big round eyes. Excellent bite. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Excellent earset. Very nice fore-chest. Strong topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely tailset. Excellent movement from all sides. Lovely character. Beautiful coat. |
| | | | 134 | Tähtitaian Prinssi Riemumieli | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good size. Lovely skull. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Nice short back. A bit short in rib cage. Lovely short loin. Excellent tailset with beautiful structure. Moving a bit narrow in front and a bit high-stepping but a nice reach to rear. Good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 135 | Gestavo Moonbeam Of European Friendship | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male up to size. Beautiful head. Big round eyes. Excellent earset. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Lovely rib cage.A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset, beautiful structure. Moving a bit narrow behind. Excellent free movement seen from the side. Very good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 136 | Imperial Luxury Diamond Kid | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male up to size. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Excellent fore-chest. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent angulations front and rear. Bit sloping topline. Excellent rib cage. Quite long in loin. Tailset a little low. Moving well up and down. a bit high-stepping on front. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. Still playful. |
| | | | 137 | Kolumbus White Wolf | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely compact male. Well rounded skull. Big round eyes. Would muzzle a little longer. Earset a little high. Enough fore-chest. Enough angulations front and rear. Strong topline. A bit short rib cage. Nice strong loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down a bit short-stepping seen from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 138 | Marjoy's The Spark And Flame | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male of good size. Lovely shape of skull. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent earset. Excellent fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent topline. Lovey rib cage. Excellent tailset, would like a bit more flat texture. Moving balanced from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 139 | Piccolinin Billy Elliot | ERI | 2 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely male of excellent size. Beautiful skull. Big expressive eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent short back. Lovely rib cage. Short strong loin. Excellent tailset. Would like him carry the tail a bit more over the back. Moving a bit narrow behind a bit open in front. Excellent reach and energy seen from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 141 | Jymyhunajan Happy Smiles | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female of good size. Lovely head. Big, beautiful, expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Lovely fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Lovely topline. A bit short rib cage. Excellent tailset, beautiful flat structure. Parallel movement up and down, a bit high-stepping on front but nice reach in the rear. Lovely coat and temperament. |
| | | | 142 | Kingdom Dream's Sweet Queen | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. Lovely expression. Big beautiful ears, set a little low. Lovely round eyes. Excellent bite. Good fore-chest for age. Excellent topline. Bit open in shoulder. Still developing rib cage. Bit too much of tuck-up. Excellent angulation behind. Tailset a little low. Still a little unstable up and down, high-stepping on front, okay movement behind. Excellent coat, a little soft. |
| | | | 143 | Monkeybone Lenkkareissa Reikä | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. A little high on legs. Big beautiful eyes. Lovely big ears, set a little low. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite with big white teeth. Would like a bit more filing under the eyes. Good fore-chest for age. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. A bit short in rib cage. Very good angulations behind. Moving a bit narrow front and back. Still needs to settle from side. Very good coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 144 | Pretty Wild Empress Of The World | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Beautiful ears, set a little low. Enough fore-chest for age. well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Nice shape of rib cage. A bit too much of tuck-up. Excellent tailset, but would like the tail to be a bit more flat in structure. Moving parallel up and down. Loses the outline seen from the side. Excellent coat. Needs a bit more confidence in the ring. Due the soft temper very good. |
| | | | 145 | Redrowan Lodge The Fanfare To Silence | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent female. Good size. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Excellent earset. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Excellent fore-chest. Still a bit soft in pasterns, turning her legs out a little. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Strong short loin. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent tailset. Lovely movement from all sides. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 146 | Tashi-Gong Precious Drop | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN VSP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female. Excellent proportions. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent bite. Excellent earset. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely fore-chest. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Nice strong loin. Perfect tailset. Moves with ease with beautiful long steps from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely chihuahua temper. |
| | | | 147 | Topolino In Onore Di Tintarella | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized female. A bit long in body. Lovely expressive eyes. Excellent shape of skull. Excellent bite. Would like muzzle a bit longer. Lovely fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Nice depth of rib cage. Would like breast bone a bit longer. Tailset a little low and would tail a little longer. Moving parallel up and down, little high-stepping in front and would like a little more reach to rear. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 148 | Lummelammen Kevätpäivän Ulpu | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Excellent size. Excellent skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. Well balanced front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. Excellent short loin. Excellent tailset. Would like tail a little longer. Still a bit unstable going up and down. Excellent movement from the side. Good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 149 | Minipippurin Gimme Gold | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 150 | Perfect Sweet Dream Wizardess | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 151 | Pretty Wild Touch Of Class | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Elegant female. Good size. Well rounded skull. Beautiful expressive eyes. Excellent bite. Good length of muzzle. Good fore-chest for age. A little soft on pasterns. Excellent topline. Markedly angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Good shape of rib cage but would like breast bone to be a bit longer. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit narrow in front but nice reach and drive seen from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 152 | Riu Ritsu Mariella De Dinaja | HYL | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Female up to size. Little bit rough on the expression. Big round eyes. Wry mouth. Earset a little low and still a little bit soft in texture. Excellent fore-chest. Turning elbows out a little. Good topline. Excellent length of rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent angulations behind. Tailset a little low. Moving a bit narrow behind. Bit short-stepping from side. Good coat and temper. Due the mouth disqualified. |
| | | | 153 | Siruliinun Unique Diamond | ERI | 1 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine, excellent female of good side and proportions. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Earset a little low. Excellent bite. Excellent fore-chest for age. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good topline. Excellent rib cage. Beautiful short loin. Tailset a little low and would like tail to be a bit longer. A bit unstable up and down Excellent free movement from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper but a bit unfocused. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 154 | Borjomi Sweet Breath | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, BIS-1 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female. Excellent size. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. Good laid back shoulder. Excellent topline, standing and moving. Lovely rib cage. Strong short back. Lovely angulations behind. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down, excellent free long steps from the side. Excellent smooth coat. Lovely chihuahua temper. |
| | | | 155 | Cherry Dale Jennifer Cream | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Feminine head. Big round eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Acceptable bite. Good fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Low set tail. Moving parallel up and down. Would like little more reach and drive from the side. Losing her nerve on the move. Excellent coat. Needs more stability in the temper. |
| | | | 156 | Fortuna Victory Mira | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. Light in bones. Beautiful head. Bit expressive eyes. A bit short in muzzle. Good earset. Acceptable bite. Enough fore-chest. Bit open in front. Very good topline. Good depth of rib cage, but would like a little longer. Bit too much of tuck-up. Excellent angulations behind. Moving a bit narrow behind, a little bit messy and high-stepping in front. Would like tail to be carried more over the back. Excellent coat. Needs a bit more confidence in the ring. |
| | | | 157 | Hilpeän Maija Maitoparta | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Female of good size. Good rise of skull would like a little wider. Big round eyes, colour fitting the colour of the coat. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Very good fore-chest. Bit soft in pasterns. Lovely topline. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Rib cage of good depth, would like breast bone to be a bit longer. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moves balanced from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 158 | Marjoy's Prima Ballerina | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female. Excellent size. Beautiful round head. Big expressive eyes. Excellent mouth. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. Tailset a little low. Moving wide behind, a little high-stepping in front but nice reach from side. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 159 | Piccolinin Solig | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. Lovely elegant head. Big beautiful head. Excellent rise to skull. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Enough fore-chest for age. Well balanced front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down. Lovely reach and drive from the side. A bit unconfident on table. But excellent temperament on ground. Perfect coat. |
| | | | 160 | Pretty Wild Star Of Sierra Leone | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely square female. Well rounded head. Excellent earset. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Markedly angulated front and rear. Turning out a bit in elbows. Excellent topline. Would like breast bone to be a bit longer. Nice short loin. Excellent tailset with excellent structure. Moving parallel up and down. Nice reach from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 161 | Siruliinun Happy Happy Joy Joy | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Excellent size. Well rounded skull. Big round eyes. Would like a bit more filling under the eyes. Excellent bite. Earset a little low. Very good fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Very good topline. Excellent depth of rib cage, but would like breast bone to be a bit longer. Nice short loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 162 | Siruliinun Penny For Me | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA, SERT, MVA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female excellent size and proportions. Beautiful head. Nice rise to skull. Big expressive eyes. Excellent bite. Lovely fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good topline. Lovely rib cage. Good short loin. Excellent tailset with beautiful flat structure. Lovely free movement with lots of attitude from all sides. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 163 | Topolino Thumbeline | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female of good size. Well rounded skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Enough fore-chest. Enough angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit unstable up and down and quite short-stepping from side. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 164 | De Gozette Voldemort Maybe Monkeybone | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female. Excellent outline. Beautiful head. Big dark eyes. Excellent bite. Beautiful big ears set a little low. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Lovely shape of rib cage. Just a bit long in loin. Excellent tailset, would like it a little more flat. Moving parallel up and down excellent reach and drive seen from the side. Perfect smooth coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 165 | Helmiäisen House Of Tortillas | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 166 | Marjoy's Baby Ghost | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Lovely head and expression. Big round eyes. Acceptable bite. Good earset. Very good fore-chest. Very good topline. Good depth of rib cage, would like breast bone a bit longer. Well angulated behind. Good tailset. Moving parallel up and down. Little high-stepping in front would like more reach behind. Excellent coat and temper. |
| | | | 167 | Of Snowstorm Aamun Usva | ERI | 4 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female of excellent size. Lovely round skull. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent earset. Very good fore-chest. Excellent topline. Bit short in rib cage. Long loin. Excellent angulation front and rear. Excellent tailset, would like tail to be a little bit longer. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent drive and reach seen from the side. Excellent coat and temper. |
| | | | 168 | Piccolinin Mymlan | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 169 | Pretty Wild Sound Of Silence | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Lovely head. Big expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle. A bit heavy lips. Excellent earset. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. A bit soft in pasterns. Good length of rib cage. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit narrow in behind. Lovely movement in front. Nice reach in the side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 170 | Pretty Wild Sounds Of The Sun | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Female up to size. Big beautiful eyes. Nice width of the skull. Good length of muzzle. A bit weak under jaw. Excellent earset. Enough fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Lovely flat structure to tail. Moving a bit narrow behind. Little bit high-stepping in front. Would like little bit more reach to behind. Lovely coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 171 | Te-Biit's Dear Darling | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Excellent size. Lovely expression. Big beautiful eyes. Lovely rise to skull. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moves parallel up and down. Lovely reach and drive from the side. Excellent coat and temper. |
| | | | 172 | Triangel Joy Sabrina Lorena | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Elegant female. Excellent size. Lovely proportions. Beautiful shape of head. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Good bite. Big beautiful ears. Well balanced angulations. Good fore-chest. Excellent topline. Lovely shape of rib cage but would love breast bone to be a bit longer. Short, strong loin. Excellent tailset. A bit high-stepping in front but lovely reach and drive from side. Perfect smooth coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 173 | Adele | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 174 | Jymyhunajan Dragon Diamond | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built veteran female. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Lovely fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent tailset with beautiful flat structure. A bit high-stepping in front and short-stepping seen from the side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 175 | Marjoy's Piri Piri | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Elegant veteran female. Beautiful head. Lovely, dark, expressive eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent depth of rib cage. Excellent tailset, lovely structure. Moving parallel up and drive, excellent drive and reach seen from the side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. What an 11-year-old. |
| | | | 176 | Mistyway All American Girl | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. Lovely outline. Well rounded skull. Big round eyes. Lovely bite. Excellent earset. Lovely forechest. A bit soft in pasterns. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent rib cage. Short strong loin. Tailset a little low, carried correctly. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach and drive from the side. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 177 | Piccolinin Fairy Tail | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely, coppy veteran female. Beautiful head. Big round eyes. Excellent earset. Lovely forechest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Lovely rib cage. Strong short loin. Tailset a little low. Moves parallel up and down. Lovely reach in front would like a little more reach in rear. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 178 | Piccolinin Solsidan | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP, BIS VET-2 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well kept veteran female. Lovely balance. Good shape of head. Big beautiful eyes. Well set ears. Excellent balance angulations front and rear. Strong topline. Excellent rib cage with a little extra stuffing. Nice short loin. Excellent tailset. Lovely reach and drive from all sides. Very good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 179 | Piccolinin Tiger Lily | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Smart female. Lovely size. Beautiful round head. Excellent rise to skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent earset. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced front and rear. Excellent topline. Good depth to rib cage. Would like breast bone to be just a little bit longer. Excellent tailset. Moving a bit narrow in behind, a bit open in front. Lovely reach to front but would like little more reach to behind. Good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 180 | Topolino Foschia | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built female. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. Bit straight in shoulder. Good topline. Excellent rib cage. Well angulated behind. Tailset a little low. Moving stable from all sides. Good coat. Lovely temper. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 1010 | Marjoy's | | 4 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 112, 125, 138, 175
4 combinations. 4 individuals, all one and the same type. Lovely expressions. Happy tempers. Excellent constructions. Lovely consistent movers. Congratulations for excellent breeding work. |
| | | | 1011 | Piccolinin | | 2 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 127, 128, 129, 178
4 combinations. 4 individuals. with the perfect arrogant attitude. Lovely expressions. Excellent movers with lots of reach and drive. Lovely fronts and rib cages with excellent depth. Nice short bodies. Congratulations for excellent breeders work. |
| | | | 1012 | Pretty Wild | | 3 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 104, 130, 131, 160
4 combinations. 4 individuals with lovely round skulls. Very consistent in type. Big expressive eyes. Strong toplines. Excellent tailsets. Lovely tempers, full of character. Congratulations for excellent breeder's work. |
| | | | 1013 | Siruliinun | | 1 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 114, 153, 161, 162
3 combinations. 4 individuals oozing breed type. Consistent movers. Excellent reach and drive. Lovely tails with excellent carriage and good structure. Beautiful eyes. Lovely bites. Strong toplines. Excellent bone. Congratulations on great breeding work. |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 2001 | Marjoy's The Spark And Flame | | 2 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 112, 125, 158, 163
3 combinations. Individuals pulling the same type through out the line. Beautiful expressions. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent length of the muzzles. Lovely tempers. Keep up the good work. Excellent progeny group. |
| | | | 2002 | Small Is Beautiful's World Changer | | 1 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 103, 104, 144, 167, 171
2 combinations. Lovely individuals. with lots of breed type. Taking the movement out of their father. Strong tempers. Lovely short backs. Having a party when they are going to ring as a group and individually. Congratulations to breeder. |