| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 84 | Helmiäisen Basically Black | | 3 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Erinomainen otsapenger. Hyvät leveät leuat. Hyväasentoiset, oikean muotoiset korvat. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Hyvänmuotoiset, mutta hieman ulkonevat tummat silmät. Hyvä kaula ja ylälinja. Lupaavan muotoinen rintakehä. Hyvät lavat. Hieman lyhyt olkavarsi. Eturaajat eivät aivan suorat. Hyvät käpälät. Erinomaiset takaraajojen kulmaukset. Hieman pitkä lanneosa. Hieman alas kiinnittynyt häntä. Liikkeitä vaikea arvostella, sillä pentu arastelee uutta ympäristöä. Pöydällä miellyttävä käytös. |
| | | | 85 | Primelina Half Of My Heart | | 2 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Iloisesti esiintyvä. Hyvä kallon muoto ja otsapenger. Kuono-osa voisi olla aavistuksen pidempi ja alaleuka leveämpi. Erinomainen korvien asento. Tummat oikeanmuotoiset silmät. Toivoisin voimakkaammin kulmautuneen etuosan. Hyväasentoiset eturaajat. Hieman lyhyt rintakehä. Toivoisin voimakkaammat takaraajojen kulmaukset. Hyvä vahva ylälinja. Hyvänmuotoinen oikein kiinnittynyt häntä. Nostelee voimakkaasti eturaajoja ylöspäin ja takaraajojen liike jää rungon alle. Saisi liikkua tehokkaammin. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. |
| | | | 86 | Teakway's Gatekeeper | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Sopiva otsapenger. Hyvä kuonon leveys. Vielä pentupurenta. Hyväasentoiset korvat, jotka melko teräväkärkiset. Hyväasentoinen lapa. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi. Hyvät käpälät. Lupaava rintakehän muoto, saisi olla pidempi. Oikean mallinen häntä, jota kantaa hyvin liikkeessä. Liikkuu varsin yhdensuuntaisesti. Melko pitkä sääri. Voimakkaat kinnerkulmaukset. Saisi liikkua pidemmällä askeleella. Hieman pitkä lanneosa urokselle. Itsevarma käytös. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 87 | Helmiäisen Magical Gangster | | 3 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | Liki 9 kk. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Hyväasentoiset, mutta varsin teräväkärkiset korvat. Hyvän mittainen kuono. Hyvä otsapenger. Varsin leveät leuat, mutta kieli tahtoo tulla ulos. Hyvä kaula. Kovin niukasti kulmautunut edestä, voimakkaammin takaa. Hieman painuneet ranteet. Hyvät käpälät. Lupaava rintakehän muoto. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä. Köyristää hieman selkäänsä niin seistessä kuin liikkeessä. Hieman luisu lantio. Kääntää polvia ulospäin liikkeessä. Edessä hackney-liike. Hieman alas kiinnittynyt häntä, joka saisi nousta paremmin liikkeessä. Erinomaisessa lihaskunnossa. Hieman pitkä lanneosa. Esiintyy varsin reippaasti. |
| | | | 88 | Pretty Wild Captain Hook | | 2 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 8 kk. Melko hyvät mittasuhteet, tosin lanne saisi olla hieman lyhyempi. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Hyvä otsapenger. Hyvät leveäasentoiset korvat, jotka voisivat olla hieman pyöreäkärkisemmät. Vankka kuono-osa. Hyvä leveä alaleuka. Vahva kaula. Varsin hyvin kulmautunut edestä. Varsin hyväasentoinen lantio ja hyvä leveä reisi. Liikkuu riittävän yhdensuuntaisesti ja hyvällä askelpituudella, mutta liike saisi olla tehokkaampaa. Varsin itsevarma esiintyminen. |
| | | | 89 | Pretty Wild Shere Khan | | 4 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Erinomaiset korvat ja otsapenger. Hyvä leveä kuono, joka saisi olla hieman pidempi. Vielä pentupurenta. Kyynärpäät kääntyvät sisäänpäin ja etukäpälät ulospäin. Rintalasta saisi olla pidempi. Hieman pitkä lanneosa. Lantio saisi olla viistompi. Hieman alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Etuliikkeessä vielä löysyyttä, koska kyynärpäät eivät saa tukea rintakehästä. Antaa tällä hetkellä hieman pitkän ja matalan vaikutelman. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Erinomaiset hapsut. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 90 | Pretty Wild Winnie The Pooh | | 1 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hyvänmallinen kallo. Hyvä otsapenger. Lupaava kuonon leveys. Tiiviit huulet. Hyväasentoiset korvat. Hieman lyhyt ja pysty olkavarsi. Varsin suorat eturaajat. Hyvät käpälät. Rintalasta saisi olla pidempi. Hyvä tiivis lanneosa. Hyvänmallinen häntä. Nostelee hieman eturaajojaan ylöspäin, mutta varsin hyvä sivuaskel. Hyvät raaja-asennot seistessä. Itsevarma olemus. |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 91 | Bemillan Let Me Be The One | | 2 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Sirorakenteinen narttupentu, jolla saisi olla hieman pidempi kuono ja leveämmät leuat. Hyväasentoiset korvat. Hyvä kaula. Niukasti kulmautunut edestä. Kyynärpäät kääntyvät ulos. Lupaava rintakehä. Voimakkaasti kulmautunut takaosa. Köyristää hieman lanneosaa niin seistessä kuin liikkeessä. Liikkeessä kääntää kyynärpäitä ulos ja käpäliä sisään. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Hyvät nartun mittasuhteet. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 92 | Fantabulous Linnea Borealis | | 4 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Erinomaiset mittasuhteet. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Kuono-osa saisi olla hieman pidempi ja leuat leveämmät. Toivottavasti alakulmahampaat asettuvat aikanaan oikein. Hyväasentoiset, joskin hieman teräväkärkiset korvat. Erinomainen eturinta, lupaava rintakehä. Hieman painuneet välikämmenet. Hyvin tasapainoisesti ja hyvin kulmautunut kauttaaltaan. Hyväasentoinen leveä lantio. Hyvä tiivis ranneosa. Liikkuu edestä hieman leveästi ja nostelee mielellään eturaajoja ylöspäin. Muuten hyvä pitkä sivuaskel. Saisi esiintyä itsevarmemmin ja nostaa häntänsä liikkeessä. Hyvin lupaava kokonaisuus. Tarvitsee aikaa. |
| | | | 93 | Helmiäisen Yellow Tourmaline | | 3 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Pitkähkö jopa nartuksi. Erinomainen otsapenger, silmät ja korvat. Tiiviit huulet. Alaleuka saisi olla voimakkaampi. Hyvä eturinta ja rintakehä. Hieman lyhyt kaula, joka saisi liittyä sulavammin lapoihin. Hyvänmittainen olkavarsi, joka saisi olla hieman viistompi. Hyvä leveä, mutta hieman luisu lantio. Oikeanmallinen häntä. Hieman kapea reisi. Tahtoo kääntää polvia ulos liikkeessä. Saisi liikkua tehokkaammalla askeleella. Hyvät käpälät. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 94 | Kivisillan Sissi | | 1 | | KP, ROP, BIS PEN-2 | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 5 kk. Hyvänmallinen kallo. Oikea otsapenger. Erinomainen vankka kuono-osa. Pentupurenta. Erinomaiset korvat. Lupaava rintakehän muoto. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä. Varsin hyvät raaja-asennot ja hyvät käpälät. Hyväasentoiset lavat. Hieman pystyt olkavarret. Köyristää hieman lanneosaa liikkeessä. Liikkuu hyvällä askeleella ja varsin yhdensuuntaisesti. Hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Erittäin reipas esiintyjä. |
| | | | 95 | Lovelane's Luxurious Lovebird | | | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Siroluustoinen narttu. Hyväasentoiset korvat. Hyvä kallo. Hieman suippo kuono-osa. Alaleuka saisi olla voimakkaampi. Toivoisin voimakkaammat eturaajojen kulmaukset. Hyvin kulmautunut takaosa. Lupaava rintakehä. Hyvä leveä lanne ja lantio. Antaa tänään hieman pitkän ja matalan vaikutelman. Luisu lantio. Alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Selkälinja saisi olla vakaampi. Kyynärpäät kääntyvät liikkeessä ulos ja käpälät sisään. Takaraajojen liike tahtoo jäädä rungon alle. Esiintyy ajoittain reippaasti. |
| | | | 96 | Lovelane's Smiling Songbird | | | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyvä kallo ja korvat. Riittävän voimakas kuono. Alaleuka saisi olla leveämpi. Hieman silmävuotoa. Hyvät viistot lavat. Melko hyvä olkavarsi. Hyvät suorat eturaajat, mutta hieman painuneet välikämmenet. Hieman lyhyt rintalasta. Hieman luisu lantio, joka saisi olla leveämpi. Polvi- ja kinnerkulmaus saisi olla voimakkaampi. Hieman alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Köyristää lanneosaa liikkeessä. Takaraajojen liike tahtoo jäädä rungon alle. Siro luusto. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 97 | Biscuits Fancy Clancy | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 98 | Chimiwas Josie Jasmine | | 3 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 7 kk. Erinomaisessa lihaskunnossa esitetty narttupentu. Erinomainen korvien muoto ja asento. Hyvä kallo. Melko lyhyt kuono. Alaleuka saisi olla voimakkaampi. Pentupurenta. Hieman silmävuotoa. Erinomaisesti kulmautunut etuosa, mutta rintakehä saa vielä täyttyä, jotta kyynärpäät saavat tukea. Hieman uloskääntyneet ranteet. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä. Hieman luisu lantio ja alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Voimakkaat takaraajojen kulmaukset. Liikkeessä köyristää selkää eikä nosta häntäänsä lainkaan. Liikkuu pitkällä sujuvalla askeleella. Saisi esiintyä reippaammin. |
| | | | 99 | Diamante Bebés Miss Golden Devil | | 1 | | KP | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 7 kk. Erinomainen sukupuolileima. Pentupurenta. Aavistuksen lyhyt kuono-osa, mutta lupaavat leveät leuat. Kaunis kaula ja ylälinja. Hyväasentoinen lapa. Hieman lyhyt ja pysty olkavarsi. Erittäin lupaava rintakehä, jossa hyvä mitta. Oikeanmuotoinen häntä. Reisi saisi olla leveämpi. Hieman löysässä lihaskunnossa. Etuliikkeessä voimakas hackney sekä kiertää eturaajoja niitä pyöräyttäen. Takaraajojen liike tahtoo jäädä rungon alle. Hyvä vahva selkä liikkeessä. Riittävän hyvä häntä liikkeessä. Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 100 | Helmiäisen My Dear Gangster | | 2 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | Lähes 9 kk. Hyvä kuono-osa ja tiiviit huulet. Hyvät leveät leuat. Hieman matala rintakehä. Tällä hetkellä kyynärpäät eivät saa tukea siitä. Hieman uloskääntyvät välikämmenet. Hyvä leveä lanne. Hyväasentoinen lantio. Hyvin kiinnittynyt häntä. Hyvin kulmautuneet takaraajat. Hyvät rungon ja raajojen mittasuhteet. Sivuliike suuntautuu enemmän ylös kuin eteenpäin. Toivoisin tehokkaammat takaliikkeet. Saisi olla itsevarmempi käytös. Lupaava karvanlaatu. |
| | | | 101 | Leinottaren Gisella Talvenihme | | 4 | | | Nygård Taina | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tänään varsin pulskassa kunnossa esitetty. Hyväasentoiset korvat. Hyvänmuotoinen kallo. Hyvä otsapenger. Hieman lyhyt kuono. Alaleuka saisi olla voimakkaampi. Niukasti kulmautunut edestä, liian voimakkaasti takaa. Hieman lyhyt rintakehä. Liikkeessä nostelee eturaajoja ylöspäin. Taka-askel saisi olla tehokkaampi. Antaa tänään pitkän, paksun ja matalan vaikutelman. Hieman alaskiinnittynyt häntä. Laihdutuskuurille! Esiintyy reippaasti. |
| | | | 102 | Unirock's V For Vendetta | poissa | | | | | |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1 | Bemillan Just My Kind | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male. Lovely round head. Big, round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Good bite, but would like teeth to be bigger. A bit straight in shoulder. Very good fore-chest for age. Excellent rib-cage. Very good top-line. Moderate angulations behind. Well set and carried tail. High stepping in front. Still working on his coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 2 | Biscuits Smiling Boss | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 3 | Helmiäisen Älä Länkytä | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, JUN-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent type. Beautiful male. Well rounded skull. Excellent mouth with big white teeth. Beautiful round eyes. Well set and carried ears. Excellent fore-chest. Very good angulations front and rear. Excellent top-line. Nice deep chest but would like breast bone to be a little longer. Tail set a little low but carried correctly in the move. Parallel movement up and down. Excellent free carriage from the side. Beautiful coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 4 | Kivisillan Tahmatassu | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely junior male of excellent size. Beautiful skull. Big round eyes. Good bite. Would like the nose to be a little longer. Enough fore-chest for age. Well angulated in front. Moderate angulations in rear. Good top-line with excellent chest, good depth and length. Well set tail that could be a little longer, well carried on top. Walking parallel up and down but would like a little more reach and drive on the side. |
| | | | 5 | Namkliv Matti Brother Of Teppo | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male but is still in the development. A bit heavy head. Excellent bite. Big round eyes. Enough fore-chest. Excellent top-line. Moderate angulations front and rear. Very nice rib-cage. Good tail-set. Excellent coat. Needs a bit more confidence in the ring. |
| | | | 6 | Pretty Wild Master Of Illusion | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine short bodied male. Beautiful head. Excellent rise of skull. Big round eyes. Muzzle a bit too square. Well set ears but a little soft in texture. Well angulated front and rear. Good top-line. Excellent rib-cage. Good tail-set could be carried a bit tight. Good movement up and down. Would like a little more reach in behind from the side. Excellent coat. Good temperament. |
| | | | 7 | Zzman's Liquorice Gunpowder | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male. Excellent rise of skull. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Good mouth. Fore-chest is still developing. Well angulated front and rear. Good top-line. Excellent rib-cage. Nice short loin. Excellent tail-set. A little high-stepping in front but very nice parallel movement. Great chihuahua temper. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 8 | Diamante Bebés Dazzle Me | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent chubby male. Beautiful round skull. Big round eyes. Excellent mouth. Muzzle is a little too short. Well set ears. Excellent fore-chest. Moderate angulations front and rear. Good top-line standing losing it a little bit in the move. Well shaped rib-cage that could be a little bit longer. Nice short loin. Moving a bit open in the front. Would like a little more reach in the rear. Excellent coat. Good temperament. |
| | | | 9 | Helios-Pl Di San Gimignano | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, BIS-2 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Beautiful male, excellent size. Beautiful, typical chihuahua head. Excellent rise of skull. Beautiful, big, round eyes. Good mouth, would like teeth a bit bigger. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent top-line, especially in the move. Beautiful rib-cage, with good depth and length. Nice short loin. Tail-set a little low. Moving parallel up and down. Excellent reach from the side. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 10 | Hilpeän Umbreon | EH | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male. Bit bigger in size. Strong head. Big round eyes. Excellent length of the muzzle. Good fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Good top-line. Well built rib-cage. A bit long in the loin. Excellent angulations behind. Would like overall like a little more drive on the move. Excellent coat but due the size very good. |
| | | | 11 | Lummelammen Kevätpäivän Usva | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well bodied, short male. Beautiful round head. Excellent rise of skull. A bit round eyes. Excellent body. Excellent fore-chest. Very nice angulations front and rear. Good top-line. Good depth of rib-cage. Would like breast bone to be a little longer. Excellent tail-set. Parallel movement up and down. Excellent reach and drive. Excellent coat. Good temperament. |
| | | | 12 | Monkeybone Öölaps | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized male. Big beautiful eyes. Well marked stop but would like a little more rise in the skull. Good mouth. Would like a little more fulling under the eyes. Good length of muzzle but a little bit snipey in the tip. Enough fore-chest for age. Good laid back shoulder. Excellent angulations in rear. Strong top-line. Well developed rib-cage. Strong short loin. Well muscled overall. Good tail-set but would like tail a little longer. Moving a little open in the front. Very nice movement in the rear. Still working in his coat. Good temperament. Due a little bit lack of breed type very good. |
| | | | 13 | Rix Chix Vip Strom | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male. Good size. Well rounded skull. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle, two canines in the inside. Well set ears. Good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Would like top-line a little more straight. Rib-cage of good depth but would like it a little bit longer. Well set tail. Moves with nice energy. Excellent coat. Good temperament. Due the mouth good. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 14 | Diamante Bebés Swanky Pants | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent type male of good size. Beautiful skull. Big dark eyes. Ear-set a little low. Good bite. A bit short muzzle and a bit heavy lips. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Beautiful top-line. Excellent rib-cage. Nice short loin. Well set tail that could be a little bit longer. Carried a little bit tight in the move. Beautiful movement up and down and side. Excellent coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 15 | Elith Xplore Universe | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male, a bit up to size. Well rounded skull. Big dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent mouth. Enough fore-chest. Strong bone. Enough angulations front and rear. Good shape of rib-cage with good length. Excellent top-line. A little bit fat today. Well set tail that could be a little bit longer. Moving parallel up and down. Needs a little bit more confidence in the ring. Good coat. Due the size and temper very good. |
| | | | 16 | Galago's Fluffy Playboy | ERI | 2 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male. Good size. Well rounded skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Well set ears, good size but little bit soft in the side. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good fore-chest. Good top-line. Good shape of rib-cage but would like breast bone to be a little bit longer. Excellent tail-set. Moving parallel up and down. Nice reach in the front would like a little bit more reach in the behind. Good coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 17 | Good Idea Pretty Wild | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very nice shaped male. Excellent skull. Big beautiful eyes. Would like muzzle a little longer. Could have a little stronger lower jaw. Well set ears. A bit straight in shoulder. Good top-line. Rib-cage of good depth but would like a little bit longer. Nice short loin. Enough angulations behind. Excellent tail-set. Moves parallel but would like a little more action from the side. Beautiful coat. Would like temper a little stronger. |
| | | | 18 | Helmiäisen Driving The Express Lane | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male, up to size. Strong head. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent shape of rib-cage. Strong loin. Excellent tail-set. Moving parallel up and down with nice reach in side. Coat could be in better condition. Good temper. Due to size very good. |
| | | | 19 | Helmiäisen Right Lane Is The Express Lane | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 20 | Hilpeän Cedric Diggory | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized male. Good shape of skull. Very nice rise. Beautiful round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Mouth could be tidier. Well set ears. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent fore-chest. Good top-line. Good depth of rib-cage but would like a little longer. Good loin. Well set tail. Moving parallel up and down. Showing the tongue quite a lot. Excellent coat. But due the tongue very good. |
| | | | 21 | Kekkapään Valtteri Pottas | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 22 | Lummelammen Kevätaamun Valo | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male. Standing a little high on legs. Beautiful head. Excellent rise of skull. One canine in the inside. Beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Well angulated front and rear. A bit soft in pasterns. Good top-line. A little skinny today. Well set tail. Moving quite narrow. Due the canine good. |
| | | | 23 | Lummelammen Kevätaamun Vire | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent male of good size. Beautiful shaped head. Bit round eyes. Excellent rise of skull. Good mouth. Beautiful big ears. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent fore-chest. Good top-line. Good shape of rib-cage, a little skinny today. A bit long in loin. Well set tail. Moves a bit narrow up and down but excellent reach and drive from side. Coat could be a bit better. |
| | | | 24 | Mamapama's Attitude From Saaga | EH | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Male of good size. Nice rise of the skull but would like it a little bit wider. Nice round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Would like a little bit more filling under the eyes. Enough fore-chest. Nice shape if rib-cage with good length. Good top-line. Short loin. Enough angulations in rear. Good tail-set. Moves parallel up and down. Would like more reach behind. Needs a little bit more confidence. |
| | | | 25 | Middyn Karmiva Calle | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Smaller male. Good rise of skull but like a little wider. Big ears set a little low. Big round eyes. Excellent bite. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Quite open in the front. Good top-line. Well shaped rib-cage. A bit skinny today. A bit long in the loin. Good angulations behind. Excellent tail-set. Moving a bit narrow and untidy in front. Good temperament. |
| | | | 26 | Saagan Maman Of Their Dreams | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good sized male. Good shape of skull. Big round eyes. Good bite. Well set ears. A bit open in front. Enough fore-chest. strong top-line. Good shape if rib-cage. A bit long in loin. Well angulated behind. Well set tail. Moves a bit narrow up and down. Good reach seen in side but is ruined a little bit by his shyness. Excellent coat. Due the temperament very good. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 27 | Boldmian Megamind | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent male, good size. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent, big, well set ears. Good fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Well shaped rib-cage. A little skinny today. Strong loin. Well set tail that is carried a little tight. Parallel movement up and down, good reach and drive seen from the side. Good temperament. |
| | | | 28 | Daliana's Thunderbird | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely male, up to size. Well rounded skull. Beautiful dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Well set ears that could be a little bit bigger. Excellent fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent rib-cage. Nice short loin. Excellent top-line. Tail is carried a little tight. Beautiful movement from all sides. Excellent coat condition. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 29 | Koivukosken Gaius | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well shaped male. Strong bone. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Big ears set a little low. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely fore-chest. Strong top-line. Excellent shape of rib-cage. Strong loin. Excellent tail-set carried correctly over the back. Moving parallel up and down. Good reach and drive. Excellent coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 30 | Lovelane's Homemade Apple Pie | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good size. Beautiful round skull. Beautiful, round, dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Excellent top-line. Rib-cage of excellent depth would like breast bone a little longer. Lovely short loin. Moderate rear angulation. Excellent tail-set. Moving with excellent reach and drive seen from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 31 | Piccolinin Ibo Celikkol | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good type. Lovely head and expression. Good dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Could have a bit stronger lower jaw. Well set big ears. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely neck. Strong top-line. Good depth of rib-cage would like breast bone a bit longer. Nice short loin. Excellent tail-set. Towing a little out on the front in the move, but otherwise very nice open movement. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 32 | Piccolinin Marshmallow | ERI | 4 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male, excellent size. Lovely round skull. Big expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle, would like a little stronger under-jaw. Excellent fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Nice short back. Good length of rib-cage. A bit too much of tuck-up. Excellent tail-set. Moving parallel up and down. Good reach and drive seen from side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 33 | Piccolinin Turkish Pepper | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Good size but a little skinny today. Lovely head. Excellent rise to skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle but little bit snipey to nose. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Excellent big ears. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good fore-chest. Lovely top-line. Enough rib-cage. Excellent tail-set. Moving a bit narrow behind. Moving with good steps from the side but would like a little more speed. A little out of coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 34 | Pretty Wild King Of Kisses | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Excellent male. Good size and proportions. Beautiful head. Big round eyes. Excellent bite but would like a little more length to the muzzle. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely fore-chest. Excellent top-line. Excellent tail-set. A bit short rib-cage with good, short, strong loin. Excellent movement from all sides. Excellent coat. Great temperament. |
| | | | 35 | Rix Chix Masterpiece | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely sized male. Good shape of skull. Big round eyes. Excellent ear-set. Good length of muzzle. Very nice fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Strong short back. Rib-cage of good depth but would like breast bone a little bit longer. Nice short loin. Excellent tail-set. Moves with ease with nice reach and drive. Lovely coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 36 | Tähtitaian Why Do You Smile | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely short male. Beautiful apple shaped head. Excellent ear-set. Big beautiful expressive eyes. A bit straight in shoulder. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good top-line. Well built rib-cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tail-set. Moving parallel up and down. A bit short-stepping seen from the side. Good coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 37 | Altesse Luxurline's Pint Of Guinness | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built, compact male. Beautiful skull, big expressive eyes. Well set, big ears. Lovely fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent rib-cage. Nice strong loin. Good tail-set. Moving a little open in the front but lovely movement seen from the side. Sweet gentleman with lovely coat. |
| | | | 38 | Biscuits My Lord | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built male of good size. Lovely skull. Beautiful big eyes. Well set ears. Good shape of muzzle, would like just a little bit longer. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good fore-chest. Strong short back. Excellent shape of rib-cage. Good tail-set. Moving parallel up and down with good steps seen from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. Well kept veteran. |
| | | | 39 | Chantico's De La Soul | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Masculine male of good size. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Good top-line. Good shape of rib-cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent angulations in rear. Beautiful tail-set. Moving with lots of energy. Beautiful movement. Excellent temper. Coat texture could be a bit better. |
| | | | 40 | Jymyhunajan Muskeli Massimo | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well bodied male. Strong male head. Big, round eyes, good length of muzzle. Beautiful big ears. Good fore-chest. A bit straight in shoulder. Excellent length of rib-cage. Nice strong loin. Excellent rear angulations. Lovely tail-set. Lovely movement seen from the all sides. Lovely coat condition. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 41 | Bemillan Jewel In Black | ERI | 4 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female of good size. Beautiful, apple shaped head. Lovely round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent set and carried ears. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good top-line. Lovely rib-cage. Tail-set a bit low but carried correctly. Lovely movement from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 42 | Helminan Bellatrix | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Petit smart little girl. Lovely skull. Beautiful dark eyes. Excellent bite. Lovely, clear tan markings. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely top-line. Excellent rib-cage. Excellent tail-set. Lovely movement up and down. Would like little more hind action. Beautiful coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 43 | Helmiäisen Vapaus Käteen Jää | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely girl up to size. Beautiful big eyes. Good bite. Good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent rib cage. Good tailset. Lovely movement behind, moves elbows out in front. Excellent reach and drive from side. Coat still developing. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 44 | Kivisillan Vilijonkka | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely sized female. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Showing tongue. Good fore-chest for age. Excellent angulations front and rear. Straight topline. Excellent rib cage. Too strong tuck-up. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down, a little bit high-stepping on front. Would like a little more action in behind. Lovely coat and temper. |
| | | | 45 | Lummelammen Kevätpäivän Ulpukka | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, JUN ROP, BIS JUN-2 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very appealing female of excellent size. Beautiful head. Big dark eyes. Excellent mouth. Well set ears that could be a little bigger. Excellent front chest. Very nice angulations front and rear. Excellent rib cage. Strong short loin. Well set tail that is carried correctly on back. Excellent movement from all sides, nice and airy. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 46 | Microschihuas The Hope Of Marjoy | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female of good size. Lovely expressive eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent rib cage. Tail set a little low. Beautiful front movement would like a little more hind action. Still developing coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 47 | Pretty Wild Mistress Of Magic | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 48 | Pretty Wild Touch Of The Masterpiece | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female of excellent size. Beautiful head. Lovely big eyes. Excellent earset. Beautiful neck. Big white teeth. Excellent fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Amazing rib cage. Good short loin. Excellent tailset. Moving with long steps, beautiful energy. Still developing coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 49 | Saagan Black Pearl | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 50 | Siruliinun Whirlwind | ERI | 3 | | SA, SERT, JUN-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely feminine female. Good shape skull. Beautiful big eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Very nice bite. Excellent earset. Enough fore-chest for age. Beautiful elegant neck. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Amazing topline on table and on the move. Well filled out rib cage. A little long in loin. Good tailset. A bit open in front and a little high-stepping but a nice reach and drive seen from the side. Needs a bit more confidence in the ring. |
| | | | 51 | Victorious Paws Unika | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well bodied female. Nice wide skull. Would like a little more rise on front of the skull. Beautiful dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Well set big ears. Excellent front chest. Well laid back shoulder. Good topline. Excellent rib cage. Nice short loin. Excellent angulations behind. Tailset a little low. A little high-stepping in front, would like more reach in behind. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 52 | Zzman's Delicious Dip | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well proportioned feminine female. Lovely apple shaped head. Big, dark eyes with lovely expression. Excellent bite with big white teeth. Lovely neck. Excellent fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good topline. Nice deep chest but would like breast bone a bit longer. Excellent tail set. Moving a bit narrow in front and would like a bit more reach behind. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 53 | Zzman's Eleanor | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very smart female, good size and proportions. Lovely width of skull, would like little more rise to her skull. Excellent earset with big ears. Beautiful big eyes. Very nice forechest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Lovely short back. Excellent ribcage. Excellent tailset that is carried a little tight. Moves parallel up and down but a bit uncomfortable, lovely reach from the side. Excellent coat. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 54 | Bemillan Impressive Design | ERI | 3 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built female. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Would like a little bit ore filling under the eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Good earset. Excellent fore-chest. Strong topline. Excellent shape of rib cage. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good tailset. A little high stepping in front, would like a little more reach in behind. Good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 55 | Diamante Bebés Dusky Blush | ERI | 1 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very appealing female of good size. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Lovely big ears. Good length of muzzle. Good fore-chest for age. Elegant neck. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Excellent angulations behind. Lovely tailset. Beautiful movement seen from all sides, with long steps in behind. Good coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 56 | Hilpeän Flareon | H | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female of good size. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Two canines in the inside. Excellent fore-chest. A bit sloping topline. Good angulations front and rear. A bit round rib cage. Tailset a little low. A bit high-stepping in front. Good reach in behind. Good coat. Due the teeth good. |
| | | | 57 | Siruliinun Calamity Jane | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Beautifully shaped female. Lovely typical head. Big, round, expressive eyes. Excellent earset. Excellent bite. Excellent fore-chest. Very good angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent rib cage. Nice, strong loin. Excellent tailset. Moves a little open in front and would like a little more reach in the rear. Good coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 58 | Taruttaren Kara Melli | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Beautiful female of good size. Lovely shaped head. Big beautiful eyes. Would like muzzle a little bit longer. Good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Good topline. Excellent rib cage. Tailset a little low. Moves very narrow behind and little bit messy in front but with lovely drive. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 59 | Bemillan Classic One | ERI | 4 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female of good size. Lovely head. Big round eyes. Lovely bite. Excellent earset. Very good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Good topline. Excellent rib cage. Short loin. Excellent tailset. Little high-stepping on front, good reach behind. Losing her silhouette on the move. Excellent coat. Good temper. |
| | | | 60 | Chilibulls Sidney Prescott | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 61 | Duppy Bit Of Luck | ERI | 2 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely compact female. Lovely apple shaped head. Big dark eyes. Excellent bite. Very good earset. Lovely fore-chest. Topline sloping a bit. Good shape of rib cage. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good tailset. A little high-stepping on front, would like little more reach in behind. Enough coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 62 | Helmiäisen Cindy Crawford | EH | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female up to size. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Good bite. Lovely fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. A little round today. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Good tailset. Moving parallel up and down with good reach from the side. Good coat. |
| | | | 63 | Hilpeän Brienne Of Tarth | ERI | 1 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Female of good size. Well rounded skull. Big beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Excellent bite. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Big beautiful ears. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Good shape of rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moving parallel up and down, lovely reach from the side. Beautiful coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 64 | Hilpeän Rosita Espinosa | ERI | 3 | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Feminine female. Beautiful big ears. Lovely dark eyes. Woudl like a little bit wider skull. Good bite. Good fore-chest for age. Balanced angulations front and rear. Would like little stronger topline. Lovely shape of rib cage, a bit long in loin. Towing out a bit in front. Excellent tailset. A little narrow in front and a bit high stepping, would like a bit more reach in rear. Lovely coat and temperament. |
| | | | 65 | Kivisillan Kummitus | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely square female. Beautifully rounded head. Big dark eyes. Excellent bite. Would like longer muzzle. A bit low earset. Good fore-chest. Very coppy in body. Would like a little straighter topline. Lovely rib cage. Nice short loin. Markedly angulated front and rear. A bit low set tail with a bit of turn in the end. Moves parallel up and down. Would like more reach and drive seen from the side. Lovely coat. Very good temper. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 66 | Bemillan You're The One | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well built female. Excellent size. Lovely head. Big dark eyes. Lovely big ears. Excellent fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Very good topline. Excellent shape of rib cage. Very good tailset. Moving a little bit narrow in behind. Would like a little more hind action. Beautiful coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 67 | Biscuits High Flyer | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely compact female. Excellent type. Beautifully apple shaped skull. Lovely round eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Beautiful big ears. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Good shape of rib cage. Short loin. Excellent tailset. Beautiful movement seen from the all sides. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 68 | Diamante Bebés Goddes Of Cabaret | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Beautiful feminine female of excellent size. Lovely shaped head. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent bite. Beautiful big ears. Very nice fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Excellent topline. Very nicely sculpted rib cage. Lovely short loin. Excellent tailset carried correctly in the move, but would like tail a little longer. Moving parallel up and down with excellent energy and reach from the side. Excellent coat. Lovely coat. A true little doll. |
| | | | 69 | Diamante Bebés Ms Moulin Rouge | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very appealing female. Lovely apple skull. Beautiful, dark, expressive eyes. Excellent bite. Well set big ears. Lovely fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent topline. Excellent rib cage. Strong, short loin. Excellent tailset. Moves parallel up and down. Lovely balanced from the side excellent reach and drive. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 70 | Piccolinin Cotton Candy | ERI | 4 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female of good size. Beautifulle shaped head. Big round eyes. Excellent bite. Good length of muzzle. Balanced angulations front and rear. Enough fore-chest. Strong topline. Excellent rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Moves with excellent reach from all sides. Beautiful coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 71 | Pretty Wild Dream Come True | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 72 | Pretty Wild Kiss Of An Angel | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Compact female. Lovely round head. Beautiful dark eyes. Excellent bite. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely fore-chest. A bit short rib cage. Lovely short loin. Excellent angulations. Moving parallel up and down would like a little more reach in behind. Beautiful coat. Very good temper. |
| | | | 73 | Zzman's Dusk Till Dawn | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female of good size. Well shaped head. Beautiful dark eyes. Excellent bite. Beautiful big ears. Very good fore-chest. Excellent angulations front and rear. Good topline. Excellent shape if rib cage. Strong loin. Excellent tailset. Would like more reach and drive from all sides. Lovely coat. Very nice temper. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 74 | Biscuits Hello Honey | ERI | 4 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Very nice veteran female. Beautiful head. Big, round eyes for days. Good length of muzzle. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Excellent fore-chest. Beautiful rib cage. Very good, short loin. Excellent tailset. Beautiful movement. Excellent coat. Lovely old lady. |
| | | | 75 | Biscuits Lady Lynsey | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, VET ROP, BIS VET-1 | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Perfect little veteran package. Beautiful chihuahua head. Big eyes I could look into forever. Excellent earset. Lovely fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Strong, short back. Excellent rib cage. Strong, short loin. Excellent tailset. Lovely reach and drive seen from all sides. Beautiful, well kept female. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. Can I bring her home? |
| | | | 76 | Biscuits Lady Marmalade | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely compact female. Beautifully shaped head. Big round eyes. Would like muzzle to be a little longer. A bit straight in shoulder. Very good angulations behind. Strong short back. Excellent rib cage. Excellent tailset. Moves a little bit open in front. Very good movement for veteran. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 77 | Daliana's Glinting Ginger | ERI | 2 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely female. Good size. Beautiful head. Big expressive eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Excellent angulations front and rear. Nice short back. Excellent rib cage. Very good short loin. Excellent tailset. Excellent movement from all sides. Beautiful coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 78 | Jymyhunajan She Is The Lady | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Well balanced female. Lovely shape of skull. Big round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Excellent big ears. Very nice fore-chest. Excellent angulation front and rear. Good shape of rib cage. A bit long in loin. Well set tail. Excellent movement from all sides. Lovely coat. Excellent temper. |
| | | | 79 | Lovelane's Coco Chanel | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely square female. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Excellent fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Lovely topline. Good shape of rib cage. Excellent tailset. Could carry the tail a bit more over the back. Excellent, free movement from all sides. Excellent coat. Lovely temper. |
| | | | 80 | Nikoli's Rebel Queen | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely well kept female. Good size. Lovely rounded skull. Big round eyes. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. A bit straight in shoulder. Strong back. Short loin. Very good angulations behind. Moves with good reach and drive from all sides. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 81 | Piccolinin Miss Maya | ERI | 3 | | SA | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Beautiful petite female. Lovely head. Big beautiful eyes. Excellent length of muzzle. Would like a bit more stronger under jaw. Lovely neck. Well balanced front and rear. Lovely short back. Good shape of rib cage. Short strong loin. Excellent tailset. Moving with ease and beautiful long steps from all sides. Lovely coat. |
| | | | 82 | Symbolic Blackberry | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely veteran female. Beautiful skull. Big, round eyes. Good length of muzzle. Would like a little more filling under the eyes. Very good fore-chest. Well balanced angulations front and rear. Lovely topline. Excellent length of rib cage. A bit long in loin. Excellent tailset. Excellent movement from all sides. Very good temper. |
| | | | 83 | Taruttaren Sweet Perfection | ERI | | | | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | Lovely compact female of good size. Beautiful round head. Big expressive eyes. Excellent muzzle. Very good fore-chest. Well angulated front and rear. Strong, level back. Well rounded rib cage. A little bit unstable in movement. Lovely coat. Good temper. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 1000 | Bemillan | | | | | | |
| | | | 41, 54, 59, 66
4 combinations. 4 lovely individuals with lots of breed type. Beautiful big eyes and ears. Lovely toplines. Moving very evenly. Excellent tempers. Lovely breed work. Congratulations to breeder. |
| | | | 1001 | Biscuits | | 1 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 38, 67, 75, 76
2 combinations. 4 individuals oozing breed type. Lovely short bodies. Excellent rib cages. Beautiful big eyes. Lovely free movement. Excellent tempers. And with couple veterans in the group showing that the breeding work is healthy through time. Excellent breed work. Congratulations to the breeder. |
| | | | 1002 | Diamante Bebés | | 2 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 8, 14, 55, 69
2 combinations. 4 individuals with consistent breed type. Lovely size. Strong chihuahua tempers with lots of attitude. Excellent movements. Congratulations to the breeder for excellent breeding work. |
| | | | 1006 | Piccolinin | | 3 | | KP | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 31, 32, 70, 81
3 combinations. Lovely individuals. Strong movers. With lots of air and body to move from. Beautiful expressions. Excellent tailsets and lots of attitude. Congratulations for excellent breeding. |
| | | | 1007 | Pretty Wild | | 4 | | - | Lind-Rasmussen Dorthe | |
| | | | 6, 34, 48, 72
2 combinations. 4 individuals that differs a little in the body substance but still very strong in type. Lovely movers. Beautiful substance in the fore-chest and rib cage. Lovely coats. Lovely breed work. Congratulations. |