| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 173 | Cola's Foxytail Before Sunset | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 174 | Kivivuoren Alexander | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 5 kk. Hyvin puhutteleva, hyvin kehittynyt urospentu. Lupaava oikealinjainen kaunisilmeinen pää. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Oikea purenta. Kauniit silmät. Ryhdikäs kaula. Erinomainen selkälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Etuosa voisi olla hieman kulmautuneempi. Hyvät takakulmaukset. Hyvä häntä. Erinomainen sivuliike. Lupaava karvan laatu. Reipas käytös. |
| | | | 175 | Miniketun Syksyinen Ruska | | 4 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyväluustoinen, lanneosaltaan hieman pidempi urospentu. Kuono-osa voisi olla hieman täyteläisempi silmien alta. Vielä pyöristynyt kallo. Raskaat korvat. Oikea purenta. Hyvä kaula. Selkälinja saa tiivistyä. Lupaava runko Etuosa voisi olla hieman kulmautuneempi takaosaan nähden. Vielä hieman ylpeä hännästään. Ikään sopivat liikkeet. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Reipas käytös. |
| | | | 176 | Pirpanan Just For You | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 177 | Susadan Well Done | | 2 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | Hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Kokoon sopiva luusto. Puhdas pään kiila. Pään linjat voisivat olla yhdensuuntaisemmat. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Hieman kevyt alaleuka. Ryhdikäs kaula, hyvä selkälinja. Lupaava rintakehän tilavuus. Etuosa saisi olla kulmautuneempi. Hyvä takakulmaus. Hyvä häntä. Kevyet liikkeet, riittävä askelpituus. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Väri saa syventyä. |
| | | | 178 | Susadan Yam Yam | | 3 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 5 ½ kk. Vankkaluustoinen, tasapainoinen urospentu. Lupaavat rungon mittasuhteet. Pään linjat saavat vielä asettua. Hieman kookkaat korvat. Hieman pitkä otsapenger. Kaunis kaula. Hyvä selkälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ikäisekseen. Hyvä raajarakenne. Hyvä häntä. Riittävä askelpituus. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Mukava käytös. |
| | | | 179 | Usvasaaren Geskiyön Menninkäinen | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 5 kk. Kevytluustoinen, rungon mittasuhteiltaan oikea. Riittävä pään pituus. Kovin pyöristynyt kallo. Hyvin kevyet pystyyn pyrkivät korvat. Purenta vaiheessa. Hyvä kaula ja selkälinja seistessä. Lupaava runko. Etuosa saisi olla kulmautuneempi takaosaan nähden. Hyvä häntä. Kevyt liike. Hieman lyhyt askel. Lupaava karvan laatu. Miellyttävä käytös. Kivekset hakevat vielä paikkaansa. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 180 | Abundantia's Heavenly Frost | | 3 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | Reilu 7 kk. Hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Sopiva luusto. Lupaava pään malli. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Kirsupigmentti saa täyttyä. Oikea purenta. Hyvä kaula ja selkälinja. Vielä kevyt runko. Tänään hoikassa kunnossa. Riittävät kulmaukset. Hyvä häntä. Kevyet liikkeet. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Kaunis kirkas ja puhdas pohjaväri. Reipas käytös. |
| | | | 181 | Amor'jade Ghost Warrior | | 1 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hyväluustoinen, hyvin kehittynyt lanneosaltaan pitkä uros. Puhdaslinjainen kaunisilmeinen pää. Silmien alla voisi olla hieman enemmän täytettä. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Oikea purenta. Riittävä kaula. Lupaava selkälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt runko. Hieman niukasti kulmautunut. Hieman lyhyt häntä. Malttaessaan sujuva sivuliike. Oikealaatuinen hyvin hoidettu karvapeite. Reipas käytös. |
| | | | 182 | Mintolan Glen | | 4 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | Hyväluustoinen. Hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Puhdas pään kiila. Vielä hieman pyöreyttä kallossa. Vasen korva pyrkii pystyyn. Oikea purenta. Riittävä kaula. Hyvä tiivis selkä. Vielä kevyt runko. Niukasti kulmautunut edestä voimakkaammin takaa. Vielä hieman ylpeä hännästään. Kevyt liike. Erinomainen karvan laatu. Valkoinen nousee takaraajoissa korkealle. Hyvä käytös. |
| | | | 183 | Mintolan Tom | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 184 | Pikikuonon Riski Romanof | | 2 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hyväluustoinen & tasapainoinen, rungon mittasuhteiltaan oikea. Puhdaslinjainen pää. Hieman kookkaat korvat. Oikea purenta. Hyvä täyteläinen kuono-osa. Kaunis kaula. Hyvä selkälinja. Oikea rintakehän malli. Hyvä etukulmaus, hieman voimakas takakulmaus. Hyvä häntä. Liikkuu hieman lyhyellä askeleella. Pohjaväri saisi olla kirkkaampi. Rauhallinen käytös. |
| | | | 185 | Twisted Serenity London Dusk | poissa | | | | | |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 186 | Dreamlook Piece Of Candy | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyväluustoinen. Hyvät nartun mittasuhteet. Vielä hieman pyöristynyt kallo ja silmissä pyöreyttä. Kuono-osa saisi olla täyteläisempi. Kookkaat korvat. Oikea purenta. Toivoisin hieman pidemmän kaulan ja paremmin kulmautuneen etuosan. Selkälinja saa tiivistyä. Tilava runko. Riittävä takakulmaus. Turhan korkea-asentoinen häntä liikkeessä. Sujuva sivuliike. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Pohjaväri tulisi olla puhtaampi. Reipas, iloinen käytös. |
| | | | 187 | Esmari Amor De La Vida | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 188 | Lellukan Geimien Gämbleri | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hieman kevytluustoinen. Hyvät nartun mittasuhteet. Kevytpiirteinen pää. Kuono-osa saisi olla vankempi & täyteläisempi. Hieman leveälle asettuneet korvat. Hyvä kaula. Lupaava selkälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Tasapainoinen raajarakenne. Hyvä häntä. Kevyt liike. Malttaessaan hyvä askelpituus. Lupaava karvan laatu. Väri saa syventyä. Reipas esiintyjä. |
| | | | 189 | Lellukan Glamouri Glitteri | | 2 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | Reilu 5 kk. Hyväluustoinen, lanneosaltaan hieman pidempi kokonaisuus. Puhdaslinjainen pää. Hieman pitkä otsapenger. Silmien alla voisi olla hieman enemmän täytettä. Kookkaat hyvin asettuneet korvat. Erinomainen purenta. Kaunis kaula. Riittävän tiivis selkälinja. Ikäisekseen varsin hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Hyvä häntä. Sujuvat liikkeet. Kaunis puhdas kirkas pohjaväri. Mukava käytös. |
| | | | 190 | Miniketun Syyspäivän Unelma | | 4 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hieman kevytluustoinen, hyvät rungon mittasuhteet omaava narttupentu. Kuono-osa saisi olla täyteläisempi. Kauniit silmät. Purenta vaiheessa. Vielä hieman pyöristynyt otsa. Hieman kevyet korvat. Hyvä kaula. Erinomainen selkälinja. Vielä kevyt runko. Etuosa saisi olla kulmautuneempi. Hyvä takakulmaus. Riittävä askelpituus. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Rauhallinen käytös. |
| | | | 191 | Pilvikummun Joyful Heart Sings | | 3 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 ½ kk. Tyypiltään erinomainen. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet. Hyvä luusto. Riittävä pään pituus. Kallossa vielä hieman pyöreyttä. Hyvät korvat. Hieman pienet silmät. Pitkä otsapenger. Oikea purenta. Riittävä kaula. Hyvä selkälinja. Sopiva rungon tilavuus. Voisi olla hieman kulmautuneempi. Hyvä häntä. Tasapainoinen sivuliike. Erinomainen karvanlaatu. Mukava käytös. |
| | | | 192 | Sheepwhisper's Hold My Hand | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 6 kk. Hyväluustoinen. Hieman pitkälinjainen narttu. Puhdaslinjainen pää. Hieman haalistunut kirsu. Leveälle asettuneet kookkaat korvat. Kauniit silmät. Oikea purenta. Kaunis kaula. Selkä saa tiivistyä. Rungossa lupaava tilavuus. Olkavarsi saisi olla viistompi. Voimakkaampi takakulmaus. Tasapainoiset liikkeet. Hieman korkea-asentoinen häntä. Pohjaväri saisi olla puhtaampi. Hyvä karvanlaatu. |
| | | | 193 | Tyrskyluodon Utu | | 1 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 5 kk. Erinomaisen tyyppinen. Kaunis narttupentu. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet. Kokoon sopiva luusto. Hyvin lupaava pään malli. Kaunis ilme ja pään sivuprofiili. Purenta vaiheessa. Kaunis kaula. Lupaava ylälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Hyvä häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset & liikkeet. Lupaava karvan laatu. Reipas käytös. |
| | | | 194 | Usvasaaren Geskiyön Päivänsäde | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 5 kk. Hyväluustoinen. Lupaavat rungon mittasuhteet. Puhdaslinjainen pää. Kuono-osa voisi olla hieman täyteläisempi silmien alta. Oikea korva pyrkii pystyyn. Purenta vaiheessa. Kaunis kaula. Tiivis selkä. Vielä kevyt runko. Riittävän tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Hyvä häntä. Etuliike saa asettua. Lupaava karvan laatu. Miellyttävä käytös. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 195 | Amor'jade Glory For Fulfilled Dream | | 3 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tyypiltään erinomainen pitkälinjainen narttupentu. Puhdas pään kiila. Kuono-osa voisi olla hieman täyteläisempi silmien alta. Kaunis ilme. Hyvät korvat. Oikea purenta. Kaunis kaula. Lupaava ylälinja. Vielä kevyt runko. Hieman pitkä lanne-osa. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Hyvä häntä. Liikkuu hyvällä askeleella. Erinomainen karvan laatu. Miellyttävä käytös. |
| | | | 196 | Huisin Sweet Glory Of Mine | | 1 | | KP, ROP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | Lähes 9 k. Hyvin kaunis, tasapainoinen, hyvin kehittynyt ja hyväluustoinen narttupentu. Erittäin kaunis pää & ilme. Erinomaiset korvat. Oikea purenta. Upea kaula. Hyvä ylälinja. Täyteläinen runko. Tasapainoinen rakenne. Kauniit sivuliikkeet. Kaunis karvapeite, oikea laatu. Suuresti viehättävä kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 197 | Joystory Diamond Millenium Star | | 2 | | KP | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 ½ kk. Hyväluustoinen. Hyvät nartun mittasuhteet. Hieman leveä kallo. Hieman raskaat korvat. Silmissä hiven pyöreyttä. Oikea purenta. Kaunis kaula. Hyvä selkälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Lanne voisi olla tiiviimpi. Vielä riittävä raajakorkeus. Riittävän tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Hyvä häntä. Riittävä askelpituus. Hyvä karvan laatu. Mukava käytös. |
| | | | 198 | Usvasaaren Fiini Merenneito | | 4 | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8kk. Lanneosaltaan pidempi vahvaluustoinen narttu. Hieman voimakas kallo. Pään linjat saisivat olla yhdensuuntaisemmat. Raskaat korvat. Oikea purenta. Tyylikäs kaula. Riittävän tiivis selkälinja. Lupaava runko. Etuosa saisi olla kulmautuneempi takaosaan nähden. Hyvä häntä. Sujuva sivuliike. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Rauhallinen käytös. |
| | | | 199 | Violetdream Off The Hook | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hyvät nartun mittasuhteet. Vankka luusto. Vahva nartun pää. Hieman voimakas kallo. Keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvin asettuneet korvat. Oikea purenta. Kaunis kaula & ylälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Tasapainoisesti kulmautunut. Hyvä häntä. Riittävä askelpituus. Erinomainen karvanlaatu. Esiintyy & esitetään kauniisti. |
| | | | 200 | Violetdream Oopsie Daisy | | | | | Lehtonen Maija | |
| | | | 8 kk. Hieman pitkärunkoinen, kookas & vahva narttu. Hyvä pään pituus. Hieman voimakas kallo. Pitkähkö otsapenger. Raskaat korvat. Oikea purenta. Kaunis kaula. Selkälinja saa tiivistyä. Lupaava runko. Hieman niukka etukulmaus, hyvä takakulmaus. Hieno, pitkä häntä. Kinner voisi olla matalampi. Askelpituutta voisi olla enemmän. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Rauhallinen käytös. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1 | Castleland Amazing Whistle Of Arrow | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | pleasing head, nice set ears, good neck, good topline, needs a shade more spring of rib , enough for the age, nice long tail, good angulation, in good coat, hard to assess the movement, tail over the back, moves very wide in front with one leg , needs better colour, needs ring training, |
| | | | 2 | Dreamlook Man In Black | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good bite, rather bold in eye, needs to fill in under the eyes and in the muzzle, up to size, a little close in front, needs to develope in chest, looks like a teenager, nice long tail, too long in the back, moves well but very close in front, |
| | | | 3 | Flaming Snow's Slow And Steady Wins The Race | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good size, very pleasing head, nice eyes and ears, good arched neck, good bone, well developed in chest, nice bone, good knee angulation, top quality youngster, must have a bright future, very pleasing |
| | | | 4 | Gwenda Lorenzo | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | a shade over shot, lovely eyes, ears, and expression, could have more underjaw, nice arched neck, good ribs, nice length of back, nice hind angulaiton, good topline, very promising baby of just 9 months, very well balanced, very promising for this age |
| | | | 5 | Jadelmiinan Calypso | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | up to size, big boy , very good ears, nice shaped eye, good chest and bone, nicely boned, good length of body, good angulation both ends, moves well, lovely colour coat, very nice but just too much all over |
| | | | 6 | Jadelmiinan Deimos | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | pleasing head, eyes and ears, could do with a little bit more underjaw, a bit upright in shoulder, good topline, nice hind angulation, moves okay in front, moves bad behind, slightly bow hocked, which is emphasized more because of the high tail, needs ring training, |
| | | | 7 | Kiitäjän Love Me | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice eyes and ears, needs more angulation in front, good ribs, tail a bit short, nice hind angulation, very nice outline, moves well in both ends, good showman, needs some practise with owner, needs to fill in body, very nice youngster |
| | | | 8 | Myhappiness You Are A Heartbreaker | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicelky bakanced head, good eye shape, nice ears, needs more muzzle to make him look more masculine, good front angulation, likes his dinners, good ribs, could have slightly longer tail, moves very well, expression okay nut eyes could be set better |
| | | | 9 | Myhappiness You Are The Boss | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 10 | Pilvikummun Bond - James Bond | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, eyes could be set better, ears well set, good in chest, lovely bone, nice topline, lovely long tail, up to size, very nice type, moves really well, nicely tail kept down, very promising just wish he was a shade smaller all over, |
| | | | 11 | Pilvikummun Diamonds Are Forever | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, nice eyes and ears, good bone, nicely ribbed, nice topline, nice hind angulation, good length of tail, he is a shade large, moves okay in front but very cow hocked behind, needs to move a bit faster to look better, looks a nice shape stood still, nicely presented wit lovely coat, |
| | | | 12 | Saarfox Forest Boy | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice eyes and ears, shade long in head, needs more angulation in front, needs more ribbing, nice length of back, nice tail, very teenagerist, moves too close in front, needs more width of chest, hold nice topline, well presented, good showman |
| | | | 13 | Savean Smooth Fire | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, good eyes, nicely set ears, nicely arched neck, nice bone, needs to lose weight , nice hind quarters, his front movement is affected of the overweight, stands very well, his owner and he need to practise because the showing is destroyed by misbehaving, |
| | | | 14 | Savean Smooth Joker | ERI | 3 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, nice set and used ears, nice underjaw, nice angulation, lovely length of tail, nice body and spring of ribs, up to size, nicely balanced , in good coat, just 9 months, has time to develope, a shade irratic in movement, could be shown a bit faster to make the most of him |
| | | | 15 | Sheepwhisper's Run To You | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | a shade heavy in ears, good bones, nice long tail, a shade deep in skull, a bit fine in bone, a shade feminine in outline, movement difficult to assess, legs all over to place, nice in standing, very well presented, nice coat, |
| | | | 16 | Susadan Voss | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head is too long, neck is okay, not long enough for the rest of the body, ribs okay for age, nice angulation, nice long tail, just too big all over, from side very straight through the head, needs more underjaw, too much daylight under neath, moves okay, if a shade irratic, very good showman just a bit too much of him |
| | | | 17 | Toivesadun Reissumies | ERI | 4 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good head and epxression , if a shade heavy, missing premolars, very heavy boned, profusely coated, on the move just all over the place, very hard to assess movement, he should be taught to behave on the move, prancing about , when standing looks picture, very nice dog, very nice showman |
| | | | 18 | Whirling's Just One Step Ahead | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice eyes and ears, needs to fill out in foreface, needs more chest, good topline, at a teenager stage, needs to drop on the legs, very immature, needs more body, moved actually very well, needs to be taught to keep the tail down, needs time to mature, |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 19 | Aihkin Aamuyön Aarre | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, good ears, needs more spring of ribs, nice hind quarters, good hind angulation, good length of tail , very long in back, needs more depth, up to size for hight, has straight upper arm, lovely expression, nice in outline stood still, moved well in front, but very close behind, hold the topline in movement, nice dog but needs to fill out all over for the future, |
| | | | 20 | Classicway Bolero | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 21 | Feliwing's I'm Too Dashing | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | okay in head, needs balance, ears could be tighter set, nice underjaw, good bone and feet, nice topline, good length of tail, strong hind quarters, needs more ring training, moves really well, well angled, just needs a bit more confidence and behave better |
| | | | 22 | Feliwing's I'm Too Desirable | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head okay, needs to fill out in muzzle ,needs to fill out in chest, very upright shoulder, ribs quite good, nice hind angulation, very long tail , moves well, needs more confidence, needs to fill out also, very immature for this age, needs ring training to stand on the table, good showman when settled, needs more coat and maturity all over the body |
| | | | 23 | Fiksuntähen Valoa Elämään | ERI | 4 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good teeth, nice ears, eyes could be a shade darker, nice muzzle but could do with more underjaw, good shoulder, nice chest, a little bit more spring of rib would be desirable, nice hind quarters, moves really well, holds nice topline on the move, nicely presented, good showman, should do well, |
| | | | 24 | Onnenpisaran Gentlemanni | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, could do with a shade more neck, nice bone and feet, well ribbed, lovely long tail, nice short hocks, nice quality specimen, moves very well, good coat condition, well handled, does not want him to be deeper in stop, |
| | | | 25 | Samuways Peace Of Cake | ERI | 1 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely head, good underjaw, nice dark eyes, neat ears, good front angulation, good ribs, tail just long enough, good hind angulation, very nice male, nicely broken colour, moves really well, just a shade close behind, needs to be trained on the table, a really nice dog, |
| | | | 26 | Smultronets I Love You Because | ERI | 3 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head and ears, good eyes, correct arched neck, good ribs, good back, tail a shade short, good hind angulation, nice highth and length, very loose in elbows on the move, moves well behind, good in stands, needs shade more character to finish the picture and use the ears, |
| | | | 27 | Velvet Iz Grafskogo Pomestija | poissa | | | | | |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 28 | Amor'jade Be My Lover | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | balanced head, nice eyes and ears, good ribs, nice strong hind angulation, good length of tail, very masculine in outlook, has good topline on the move, moves really well, in good coat and condition, good showman, must not go any stronger in head with the age, |
| | | | 29 | Hallauksen Christoffel | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | small for a male, very short in head, incorrect bite, good eyes and nice ears, very straight in upperarm, chest okay, good long tail, weak in hind quarters, movement okay if a shade irratic, should be shade more masculine , well presented and handled, |
| | | | 30 | Ihmetassun Cristoforo Colombo | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | balanced head, good dark eyes, nice eyes, teeth need work, well ribbed, good length of body, short tail, up to size, weak in hind angulation, moves okay in front, very weak in the hind quarters with short tail , needs a new coat, well handled, good showman, |
| | | | 31 | Marsoline Orlando | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | well balanced head, lovely eyes, nice set ears, good front angulation, nice spring of rib and length of body, good hind quarters, lovely length of tail, good hight and length, lovely dog with beautiful expression, lovely balance, moves well, well handled, should have a bright future, paras uros-kilpailussa numero 31 liikkui ja esiintyi paremmin kuin luokkavoittaja eli numero 32 ja siksi varasertti meni sille |
| | | | 32 | Myhappiness Pocket Full Of Rainbows | ERI | 1 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely head and eyes, lovely neat well set ears, nice bone and feet, very good chest, good spring of ribs and length of body, good long tail, strong hind quarters, beautifully coloured male, lovely speckled head on meler, moved well, very well presented, good showman, well handled, should have a bright future,
paras uros-kilpailussa numero 31 liikkui ja esiintyi paremmin ja siksi varasertti meni sille |
| | | | 33 | Onnenpisaran Briljantti Bestman | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | well up to size, nice head, nice bone, nice feet, good ribs, tail could be a shade longer, nice hind quarters, has broken teeth, moved very well, shows very well, very well handled , just too much of him all over, |
| | | | 34 | Onnenpisaran Nalle Nokkela | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice balanced head, good eyes and ears, could have a better skull, very good front angulation, nice bone and feet, nice strong hind quarters, good ribs, nice length of tail, very good on the move, good outline in standing, good showman, could do with more coat to present a full picture, |
| | | | 35 | Pilvikummun Maddox | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, nice set eyes, and well set ears, good front angulation, good chest, could do with a shade more spring of ribs, lovely long tail, nice topline, very good mover, good showman, in good coat but not very well coloured, nicely handled |
| | | | 36 | Susadan Pez | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | a bit feminine outlook, very good bone for size, very good chest, nice spring of ribs, nice length of body, good length of tail, lovely short hocks, very good hind angulation, beautiful mover, lovely showman, well coloured coat, wihs he was more masculine in head and a shade bigger all over, very well handled, |
| | | | 37 | Susadan Under Wraps | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good head proportions, nice set ears, could do with more front angulation, and could do with more spring of ribs, nice short hocks, shade long in body, very good mover, very good in standing, needs more width all through, needs more body substance, very good colour at the front, halfway black, very well used ears, hope he fills out in next couple of years, just needs more maturity, very well handled, |
| | | | 38 | Twisted Serenity Art Of Clinquant Soul | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | very masculine in outlook, good head, eye and ears, very good chest, nice spring of ribs, tail could be a shade longer, nice hocks, very appealing to eye, moves really really well, would move even better with his tail down, very well handled, could have tighter lips to improve the expression, teeth are hanging out a bit, in good condition but could lose weight to his advantage |
| | | | 39 | Usvatar Khaspian | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice hea and underjaw, nice dark eyes, well used ears, good chest, nice bone and feet, good spring of rib, tail just about long enough, nice short strong hocks, very nice male, very good on the move, wish he was in full coat, seems very unsettled today, when settled makes lovely picture, needs more confidence, but should do well with maturity |
| | | | 40 | Usvatar Nachum | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely balanced head, good eyes and ears, very upright upperarm, more angulation needed, needs a bit more chest, good ribs, nice topline, nice long tail, good short hocks, lovely headed dog with beautiful expression, needs to developed all through, time on his side, very good on the move, very well handled, just needs a bit more confidence and a shade more coat, should do very well in the future, |
| | | | 41 | Violetdream Let Me Fly | ERI | 3 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good in head with nicely filled muzzle, must not steepen in skull any more, good neck, good chest, good ribs, nice tail, good hind angulation , top hight, very good mover, very good showman, beautifully groomed, every hair shines on him, a really nice dog, should have a good future, |
| | | | 42 | Violetdream Mister Mysterious | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | shade long in foreface, good ears, nice set eyes, could do with a bit more neck to his highth, very upright in shoulder, needs more spring of ribs, good length of tail nice , strong hocks, very irratic on the move, a very happy boy, over straightens himself when standing, needs to widen all through, very narrow, a very happy character, well handled, |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 43 | Auringonvalon Isännän Iltatähti | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicelyy balanced head, could have darker eye, nice set ears, good front assembly, nice neck, very good spring of ribs, nice strong hind quarters, good length of tail, nice hight and width, moves well, a shade close behind, moves to make the most of himself, deep black coat with lovely dark tan, very well handled, |
| | | | 44 | Classicway Heartache Tonight | ERI | 2 | PU2 | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely eye, neat ears, lovely head, good ribs, good length of tail, nice strong hind quarters, short hocks, beautifully headed dog in profused coat, real showman, lovely type all through, well one with his handler, top quality specimen, |
| | | | 45 | Dreamhill Dreams Are Made Of This | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice headed dog, could have smaller darker eye, good neck, good front assembly, well ribbed, good length of tail, good neck, nice topline, lovely sable, moves okay, very good showman, well groomed, and handled, worthy champion |
| | | | 46 | Feliwing's Too Cute To Be True | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | masculine, very nice head, lovely front, correct topline, lovely carriage of tail, well ribbed, good strong hind quarters with short strong hocks, very well moving tricolour, nice head carriage, very good showman, very attentive to handler, lovely white colour and deep black, worthy champion, |
| | | | 47 | Frostice Makeover | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely head, nice dark eye, neat ears, lovely size, good spring of ribs, nice length of body, good length of tail, nice hind quarters and short hocks, beautiful colour, top quality, so good on the move, very attentive to the handler, lovely outline, makes lovely picture, very worthy champion |
| | | | 48 | Ihmetassun Uinuva Unikuu | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice balanced head, good front assembly, nice spring of ribs, could lose a pound, must not deepen in stop any more, beautiful male, well broken merle coat, profuset coat, shows and moves well, worthy champion, |
| | | | 49 | Lavika Luminary | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely headed sable, neat ears, nice eyes, good front assembly, well boned, good reach of neck, good spring of ribs, nicely bodied, good long tail, nice proportions, top quality golden sable, lovely head carriage, profusely coated,attentive to the handler, worthy champion |
| | | | 50 | Old Solar Sambiya Unkas | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nicely headed sable, ears need to settle, well boned front legs, could have shown more spring of ribs, nice tail, good hocks, very good on the move, needs more coat to complete the picture, lovely head carriage and topline, would like to see him in full coat, worthy champion, |
| | | | 51 | Smartteams Mystic Prince | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice head, very masculine, nicely boned feet, could have more spring of rib, nice topline, good strong hind quarters, lovely dark tricolour, very good on the move, lovely level topline, very good showman, well handled, nicely presented, worthy champion |
| | | | 52 | Sunland Show Time Warrior | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely headed mahogany sable, very good neck and front assembly, good spring of rib, lovely long tail, nice strong hind quarters, profusedly coated, very good on the move, lovely in standing, very well handled, beautifully groomed, worthy champion |
| | | | 53 | Susadan Lewis | ERI | 3 | PU3 | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely headed male, very good in front with lovely bone and feet, could have a shade more spring of rib, lovely strong stifle and hind quarters, lovely size and balance, beautifully moving dog, well groomed, in very good condition, lovely expression, very well handled, very worthy champion |
| | | | 54 | Susadan Pax | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice headed male with lovely dark tan, neat ears, lovely dark eyes, good bone and feet, good spring of rib, nice strong hind quarters, profusedly coated, very well broken merle colour, one with his handler, beautiful condition, worthy champion |
| | | VET |
| | | | 55 | Abundantia's Piece Of Puzzle | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice headed male, still has all the lovely teeth, good bone, lovely spring of rib, nice long tail, top size, good iobn the move, a shade stiff, in good coat, very good steady showman, well presented, recognision for his 11 years, |
| | | | 56 | Genitas Prince Of Whitehaven | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | lovely headed red sable, very good teeth for age, nice bone and front assembly, good reach of neck, lovely spring of rib, nice strong hind quarters and short hocks, super mover, very good showman, in top condition for his age, shown and handled very well, |
| | | | 57 | Pilvimarjan Johan Friso | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 58 | Pm Quality's Twist And Shout | ERI | 3 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | very good teeth, very nice head, sweet expression, good ear carriage, nice front, good length of back, could have a longer tail, nice strong hind quarters, good short hocks, moved okay, a bit close behind, not in full coat but beautifully groomed, lovely type all through, well handled, does not look his age, |
| | | | 59 | Request Bright Gold | ERI | 4 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head okay, eyes a bit grey, good front assembly, nice angulation in front, good ribs, nice long tail, good hind quarters, nicely balanced, in very good condition for 11 years old, moved with ease, showed well, wonderful white teeth, very well groomed, |
| | | | 60 | Susadan Fedya | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT, VMVA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good headed male, dark eyes, neat ears, lovely bone for size, good angulation in front and rear, good spring of ribs, lovely long tale, good short hocks, beautifully balanced, bautiful mover, very well balanced, very good coat and condition, groomed for perfection, my only comment is that I prefer lips that touch, very nice dog, |
| | | | 61 | Usvatar Dominic | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head a shade long, nice neat ears, dark eyes, very upright in front assembly, very tall, a bit short ribs, nice tail length, nice strong hind quarters, needs more angulation in front, looks taller than he actually is, moving well in front, a good showman, very well handled, teeth are good, |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 81 | Ahovirran Lapinlumo | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 82 | Amor'jade Freakin' Gorgeus | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely slim head. Nice ear set. Nice length of muzzle. Good length of shoulder and upper arm. Nice depth of chest. Good length of neck and nice coat. Very good hind angulation, long tail. Level topline. Moved well. Colour could be more broken. |
| | | | 83 | Auringonvalon Sumusateenkaari | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Nice slim head. Good length of muzzle. Ears slightly heavy. Correct bite. Could be a little bit more depth in chest. Length of tail ok. Topline level. Needs to tighten in front.Moves close behind. Slightly erratic. Nice profile when standing. |
| | | | 84 | Bernoban Metsänhaltija | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Smaller bitch. Nice neat ears. Would like more length of muzzle, but very pretty. Shoulder ok. Good length of tail, level topline. Angulations ok front and hind. Movement good but would like her a little bit more all over. |
| | | | 85 | Blenmoon Sweet Serenade | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet, dry. Good length of muzzle and flat skull. Good reach of neck . Slightly long upperarm. level topline. Good length of tail. Moves slightly close behind, crabbing and slightly erratic in movement. |
| | | | 86 | Cinnatess Nellie Nightwalker | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | very pretty sabel. Very nice eye. Nice length of muzzle. Full dentition. Slightly long upperarm. Good reach of neck. Good length of tail and good topline. Nice profile. |
| | | | 87 | Dreamhill Fortune Queen | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Up to size blue merle. Lovely head and expression. She is a little heavy. Shorter upperarm. A little too much weight. Movement erratic and enjoy herself a little bit too much. |
| | | | 88 | Dreamhill Girl You're A Star | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty girl. I would like a tighter ear set but she uses them well. Nice straight front. Good shoulder and level topline. Would like slightly longer tail. Moves slightly close behind, but very well in profile. |
| | | | 89 | Dreamhill Golden Love Story | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA, JUN VSP, JUN-SERT | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful sabel. Lovely eye and expression. Neat well used ears. Very good angulation front and back and nice long tail. Level topline. Beautiful profile. Moves slightly close behind but beautiful in profile. |
| | | | 90 | Dreamhill Happy Midsummer Story | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel girl. Good length of muzzle Would like ears tighter set. Very good length of neck and straight back. Very good topline. Beautiful standing and profile, movement a bit erratic but when she calms very good. |
| | | | 91 | Dreamlook My Heart Will Go On | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head. Good length of muzzle. Slim skull. Correct dentition. Very good shoulder and chest. Very good front and rear angulation. Would prefer slightly more length to the tail. Very good standing in profile, very good movement. |
| | | | 92 | Dreamlook Mysterious Girl | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very fine featured in head, would prefer her more fill of muzzle. Nice eye and ears. Shoulder ok. Hard to asses the rest of her. Needs more confidence. Tend to skip in movement, hard to assess the movements. |
| | | | 93 | Dreamlook Night Miracle | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Pretty sabel. Eyes should be closer set. Would prefer more length of muzzle. Ok shoulder. Good length of neck and level topline. Nice in profile but needs to settle on the move. |
| | | | 94 | Dreamlook Night Surprise | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | A little difficult to asses on the table. Nice head properties. Good length of muzzle but would like more length to skull. Level topline. Good length of neck. Very nice profile. A little high steps on moving. Would like more confident. |
| | | | 95 | Dreamlook Night Wish | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely head. Rounded muzzle. Sweet well set eyes. Shoulder ok, good length of neck. Ok front and rear angulation. Goat slightly wavy but nice and dark. Very nice in profile. Needs to get a little faster in the movement. |
| | | | 96 | Feliwing's Quite A Darling | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Up to size shaded sable. Too much length of muzzle. Very good front and depth of chest. Correct rear angulation and length of tail. Level topline. Toes slightly in when moving and high steps. Over all well constructed but too big for a female. |
| | | | 97 | Feliwing's Quite A Daydreamer | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Length of muzzle too much. Would prefer more length to back skull. Very close in front and good rear angulation and length of tail. Moved well, very good presentation but overall too big. |
| | | | 98 | Feliwing's Quite A Diamond | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | 9 month old sabel. Good length of muzzle. Nice length of skull.Well used ears. Would like more length to upperarm. Good reach of neck. Good rear angulation. Would like slightly longer tail. Erratic in the move and high stepping. A little too confident. |
| | | | 99 | Golden Rose Gone With The Wind | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour but would like a bit more of her. More leght of muzzle. Ears slightly heavy but well used. Short in upper arm. Good depth of chest. Good length of tail. Difficult to asses on the move. Well presented. |
| | | | 100 | Ihmetassun Cirilla | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely colour blue merle. Very nice eye. Would prefer ears to be tighter set, but well used. Good depth of chest. Level topline. Good length of tail. Good rear angulation.Very nice standing in profile. Ok in the move. |
| | | | 101 | Ihmetassun Imperia In Polaris | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour with lovely head properties but would like slightly flatter skull. Incorrect bite. Very good shoulder. Nice level topline. Very good length of tail. Moves very well but has a tendency for high step when she gets exited. |
| | | | 102 | Lellukan Feimi Ferra | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Black and white. Nice expression. Would like more length of back skull. good length of muzzle. Neat well used ears but prefer tighter set. Very close in front. Need to get more substance. Good length of tail. Level topline. Moves close behind. Nice profile when standing. |
| | | | 103 | Lellukan Flirtti Flattery | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Up to size blue merle. Well broken, slightly dark in colour. Very strong in muzzle. Would prefer more stop. Good straight front. Good deep chest. Rear angulation ok. Moves close behind. Needs to settle on move but stands well in profile, just needs to settle. |
| | | | 104 | Lemira Adventure Of A Lifetime | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty black and white. Nicely set and well used ears. Very close in front, needs more depth of chest. Nice level topline. Tail length ok. Nice colour but in between coats. Good rear movement but a little close in front. |
| | | | 105 | Lumoiran Sweet Charlotta | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Smaller pretty bitch. A little round in eye. Good length of muzzle and skull. Neat ears but need tighter set. Very steep upperarm. Good depth of chest. Good length of tail. Needs to settle slightly on the move but when she settles ok. Very good showman. |
| | | | 106 | Merry Moonray's All I Wish | ERI | 3 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful tri-colour with excellent properties. Very sweet expression and lovely length of muzzle and skull. Very good front and shoulder. Good bone. Very good hind angulation and good length of tail. Excellent mover. Super profile. Very good showgirl. |
| | | | 107 | Metsävaaran Kuuran Kukka | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 108 | Minitiimin Tango Till The Dawn | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful tri-colour with sweet expression. Good length of muzzle and skull. Very good shoulder. Good bone. Very good depth of chest. Excellent hind angulation. Very long tail. Very good mover. Excellent showgirl. |
| | | | 109 | Minitiimin Taste The Raindrops | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely tri-colour with nice expression. Good length of muzzle. Would like slightly sweeter eye. Good shoulder, nice straight front. Good depth of chest. Good hind angulation and very long tail. Very good movement but moves slightly close behind. Overall nice bitch. |
| | | | 110 | Myhappiness And I Love You So | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel. Nice expression. Neat well used ears but need tighter set. Need more length of under jaw. Good straight front. Nice shoulder angulation. Good rear angulation. Slightly unsettled on the move but when she settles moves very well. |
| | | | 111 | Nenitan Doing April Fools | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Blue merle with nice expression. Would like slightly less muzzle. Steep in upperarm. Good bone and good depth of chest. Rear angulation ok. Good length of tail. Moves slightly close behind. Slightly erratic in front. Looks very nice in profile. |
| | | | 112 | Savean Sweet Saffron | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Pretty sabel. Sweet eye. Good length of muzzle. Would prefer more length of back skull and tighter ear set. Very good shoulder. Good depth of chest. Incorrect bite. Good front movement but toes out behind. Looks very good in profile. |
| | | | 113 | Sheepwhisper's Fall In Love | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel. Beautiful expression. Needs slightly more length to under jaw. Neat well used ears. Very good neck and good shoulder. Very good bone. Very good depth of chest. Excellent rear angulation. Excellent movement. Very nice in profile. |
| | | | 114 | Sheepwhisper's Wind Whistle | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 115 | Smartteams Quickstar | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel. Very sweet expression. Perfectly set neat ears. Lovely dark eye. Would like more length in head. Bite incorrect. Good shoulder. Good rear angulation and length of tail. Movement ok a little bit erratic. Beautiful in profile just would like a little bit more of her. |
| | | | 116 | Taruaarteen Jääkukka | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very nice expression. Slightly strong in muzzle. Nice slim back skull. Neat well used ears. Good shoulder. Good depth of chest. Good rear and front angulation. Good length of tail. Good mover just need a little bit more schooling. |
| | | | 117 | Taruaarteen Talven Syli | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel with nice good properties. Good length of muzzle, would like a little more length of skull. Neat ears but need tighter set. Good shoulder. Good depth of chest. Good rear angulation. Moves a little bit close in front and behind. Very nice profile. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 62 | Bluemeadow's Zoom In Zoom Out | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice head and eye, ears well set, needs to widen in front a little bit, good chest, nice long tail, good hind angulation, top quality bitch, super mover, lovely topline, hold well on the move, very good in profile, in good coat and condition, |
| | | | 63 | Chilly Breeze Rose Gold Lining | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | very short in head, very heavy ears, good front assembly, nice spring of rib, tail is high set and too short, nice highth to length proportions, hard to assess movement, wish she was a shade bigger, good coat, niceky groomed, needs to behave and settle |
| | | | 64 | Classicway Sign Your Name Across My Heart | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | very short in head with heavy ears, nice bone for size, spring of ribs okay, lovely long tail, nice hind quarters, strong short hocks, very good on the move, expression is spoiled by heavy ears, in good black coat, with nice tan, shows herself well |
| | | | 65 | Feliwing's I'm Too Dazzling | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head is okay but needs muzzle to fill slightly , nice ears and eyes, adequate bone, good shoulder placement, very good spring of ribs,lovely long tail, well balanced, galamourous sable, good in stand, moves very well, very groomed, very nice youngster, |
| | | | 66 | Helmikummun Iltatähti | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | tricoloured, nice head, ears could be set tighter on the top of the head, very good front assembly, top size for a bitch , nice bone and feet, good ribs, tail is well set and of good length, could have shorter hocks, moved very well, expression is spoiled by wide set ears, well groomed, does not look enjoying herself, well handled, |
| | | | 67 | Helskon Mariska | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice head, needs to develope in front, very close in front, needs a shade more bone, depth of chest okay, needs more spring of rib, nice set long tail , very nice type but teenager stage, very good on the move, needs more coat to complete the picture, |
| | | | 68 | Hopealehden Princess Of Moonacre | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | verty strong for a female, nicely balanced head, good underjaw, nicely carried ears, well boned legs, nice tight feet, good chest and ribs, very long tail, rather shade long in body, super mover, very good show girl, shade strong in the head for a young female, shade long in body , beautifully presented, should be okay if does not get any stronger |
| | | | 69 | Ihmetassun Indila | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | a shaver over shot, head is shade too piece ( too much stop, bit rounded skull) , front assembly okay, could do with more depth of chest, nice length of body, tail reaches the hocks, needs to develope in body, very sweet black and white, very pretty, moves well but with tail over her back, wonderful show girl but on the small side, nicely presneted and handled |
| | | | 70 | Kupsakan Helmililja | ERI | 4 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head is good, needs more front underjaw, nice blue eyes, well set ears, could do with the depth of chest, good length of ribs, tail just reaches hocks, top hight for a bitch, well broken nice merle colour, moves okay but tail carried high spoils hind movement, ears could be further over to sweeten the expression, good show girl, well presented, |
| | | | 71 | Kupsakan Metsätähti | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head is okay, would like more underjaw, lovely dark eyes, nice neat ears, good front assembly, lovely spring of rib, nice long tail, could have shorter hocks, movement not so good,affected byt high tail and weak long hocks, front movement okay, nicely balanced body, would like a shade more neck, |
| | | | 72 | Kupsakan Sinivuokko | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head is oaky, needs more front underjaw, nicely set ears, needs more angulation in front, ribcage is okay, rather shallow through the body, good tail length, very high on the leg, long on hocks, lovely coloured, well broken merle coat, too shallow all through, needs more body substance, movement is okay in front but spoiled byt tail too high and throwing herself about behind, needs to mature all through, |
| | | | 73 | Onnenpisaran Dollarihymy | ERI | 1 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | very good head, nicely shaped eyes, very good ear carriage, lovely bone and feet, very good chest and ribs, nice long tail, good strong short hocks, superb mover, young bitch with lot to like, lovely in standing, beautiful expression, must have a bright future, |
| | | | 74 | Saarfox Snow Queen | ERI | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | a shade overshot, okay in head, needs a little bit more front underjaw, nice dark eyes, could do with a shade more length of neck, neat ears, needs more spring rib, good depth of chest, nice neck, good length of tail, correct highth for a bitch, very pretty little bitch, very good topline, moves okay in front with the longest tail of the day I think, just very immature at the moment but everything on the place to mature into a very nice bitch, |
| | | | 75 | Sheepwhisper's Hold Me Near | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | good head, needs to fill under the eyes, could have darker pigmentation, needs more angulation in front, good chest, tail just long enough, movement okay in front, strange behind, all over the place. a bit too long in body, ears are a shade heavy which spoils the expression. nicely shown and presented |
| | | | 76 | Sheepwhisper's Never Leave Me | ERI | 3 | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | golden sable, pretty head, nice dark eye, well used ears, could do with more width in front, nice front legs and feet, good pring of rib, good length of tail, moved well but would have been even better with her tail down, very pretty bitch, good coat, good topline, showing well, very well handled, |
| | | | 77 | Shet Up Great Black Fame | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 78 | Siniketun Bound For Glory | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 79 | Taruaarteen Aamunkuiskaus | EH | | | | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | head needs to be longer, good front . very good ribs, good tail length, nice hocks, good highth to length , nice topline when she stood still, needs to be taught to keep her tail down, lovely black coat, very nice in profile , needs training, |
| | | | 80 | Usvatar Oprah | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | nice head, nice dark tan, well set ears, shade wide in front, good spring of ribs, tail of good length, nice highth to length, needs to tighten in elbows, moves well, but needs to tighten in front movement, lovely in profile in standing, lovely sweet profile, ears tipped nicely, |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 118 | Amor'jade A Dazzling Pride | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | 2 year old bitch with lovely expression .Good head proportions. Flat skull. Well filled muzzle. Nice ear set and used well. Very good front angulation and deep of chest. Very good hind angulation. Good muscular hind. Very nice to asses on the table. Excellent mover. |
| | | | 119 | Auringonvalon Aamuruskon Ensisäde | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Tri-colour with very nice head qualities. Dark expressive eye. Nice flat skull. She is a little larger . Good shoulder and deep chest. Would prefer longer tail. Moves a little close behind. Crosses a little in front. Needs to keep the tail down on the move. |
| | | | 120 | Collyshet's Nena | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Slightly strange expression for a bitch. Sweet eye. Would prefer tighter set ears, a slimmer skull for a female. Steep upperarm. Very good chest. Ok rear angulation, would prefer longer tail. A little loose in front movement, ok movement overall, just a little too much substance for her sex. |
| | | | 121 | Dreamhill Be My Lovely Story | ERI | 3 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel with excellent pigmentation. Dark expressive eyes. Overall very feminine head properties. Beautifully set and used ears. Good shoulder and chest. Strong muscular hind quarters. Need a little more length of tail. Very good mover. Has a beautiful profile. |
| | | | 122 | Fiksuntähen Sielunhoitaja | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Plainly marked sable. Very sweet head, and lovely dark eye. Overall giving a sweet expression. Good length of muzzle and nice neat ears. Slightly steep in upperarm. Good depth of chest. Level topline. Moves too close behind. Good front movement. |
| | | | 123 | Flaming Snow's Kiss For Sweet Dreams | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Sabel with a beautiful head. Good length of muzzle. Nicely shaped and giving a lovely expression. Bite incorrect. Good depth of chest. Slightly short in upperarm. Very good angulation and length of tail. Good size and substance. Moves a little close behind and overreaches in front. Has a nice profile when standing. |
| | | | 124 | Frostice Golden Grace | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, SERT | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head and expression. Lovely dark eye. Slim skull. Neat ears. Good length of neck. Very good front angulation. Very good muscular hind quarters. Tail could be a little longer. Excellent movement just needs to move a little faster. Beautiful in profile. Well presented. |
| | | | 125 | Frostice New Dawn | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sable with lovely head qualities. Beautiful expression. Neat well used ears. Good depth of chest. Well muscled hind quarters. Good length of tail. Beautiful colour. Excellent movement. Overall a lovely bitch. |
| | | | 126 | Halogeenin Aurinkokuningatar | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Blue merle who left her goat at home. Goat slightly broken. Up to size. Too strong in muzzle. Flat skull. Neat well used ears that could be tighter Short upperarm. Level topline. Close behind and high stepping. |
| | | | 127 | Ihmetassun Watercolours In Waikiki | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Blue merle with a very nice head and expression. Good length of muzzle and flat skull. Needs a little more under jaw. Neat ears that could be set tighter. Good shoulder and depth of chest. Ok hind angulation. Good length of tail. Nice straight front. Not paraller movements, front movement good. |
| | | | 128 | Jasmirin Priscilla | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet tri-colour. Nice head properties, but I would like sweeter eye. Nicely used ears. Good length of neck. Slightly short upperarm, good length of chest. Good rear angulation. Moves a little close behind. Moves well in profile. |
| | | | 129 | Kivivuoren Isabella | ERI | | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Sable with lovely head properties. Good length of muzzle and flat skull. Good shoulder. Very good depth of chest. Very good bone. Well muscled hind quarters. Good length of tail. Nice to exam on the table. Very good mover. |
| | | | 130 | Kupsakan Kipakka Pakkanen | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Smaller tri-colour. Very sweet expression. Very slim skull. Good length of muzzle. Very good set ears. Good length of neck. Slightly steep upperarm. Good bone. Good rear angulation. Good mover. |
| | | | 131 | Lellukan Emmää Kestä | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour. Would like a little more length of under jaw. Very sweet expression. Sufficient neck. Good depth of chest. Very well angulated hind quarters. Moves well. Very nice in profile. Would just like more length of neck. |
| | | | 132 | Lellukan Entä Sitte | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty blue merle. Lovely eye. A little fine in fore face. Neat well used ears. Steep in upper arm Straight front. Level topline. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Good length of tail. Toes out a little when moving. Lovely profile would just like a little bit more of her. |
| | | | 133 | Mintolan Rosalina | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 134 | Myhappiness Stand By Me | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Tri-colour with nice expression. Would like more under jaw. Good length of neck . Good shoulder. good chest. Good bone. Strong muscle in hind quarters. Moves a little close behind and wide in front. Nice profile. |
| | | | 135 | Pikikuonon Corellia | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful blue merle with lovely head properties. Very nice eye and lovely ear set. very good front and rear angulatiopn. Level topline. Moves with drive. A lovely profile when standing. |
| | | | 136 | Primemind Deneb | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Tri-colour with nice head properties. Would prefer more filled muzzle. Ears need to be tighter set. Slightly short upper arm. Narrow in chest. Ok rear angulation. Tail could be longer. Moves a little close behind. Keeps tail behind. Nice in profile. |
| | | | 137 | Primemind Euforinen Elrose | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Up to size blue merle. Quite strong in muzzle. Flatt skull. Ears could be tighter set. Good length of neck. Slightly shorter upper arm. Good muscular hind quarters. Good length of tail. Moves close behind. A little naughty on the move. A nice profile but too much for her sex. |
| | | | 138 | Serannan Aamunkaste | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Attractive blue merle. Nice muzzle and slim skull. Nice eye. Would prefer more under jaw. Good length of neck. Good chest and shoulder. Good rear angulation. Tail could be longer. She paces on the move. Good profile. |
| | | | 139 | Shadeland Glory Days | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA, VARA-SERT | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head and expression. Lovely dark eye and slim flat skull. Would like a little more length to under jaw. Excellent front. Excellent hind quarters and beautiful colour. Excellent mover. |
| | | | 140 | Shet Up Excuse Me I'm Lovable | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty blue merle, lovely eye. Neat well used ears. Good length of muzzle. Good length of chest. Slightly short upperarm. Well muscled hind quarters. Moves a little close front and back. Looks nice in profile. |
| | | | 141 | Susadan Kiss Kiss | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty blue merle with sweet expression. Would like more length of muzzle. Nice length of neck, Good shoulder and chest. Very good rear angulation. Very good movement and very nice in profile. |
| | | | 142 | Taruaarteen Canis Minor | H | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet sable with a lovely eye. Ears could be tighter set. Difficult to assess on the table. Movement a bit erratic. Just needs more training. |
| | | | 143 | Usvasaaren Andalusia | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour A little fine in muzzle. A little round in eye. Ears slightly heavy. Deep chest. Good shoulder. Good rear angulations. Goat nicely coloured but slightly wave. Moves a little close behind. Moves well in profile. Presented and showed well. |
| | | | 144 | Usvatar Khasmira | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Pretty sable with slim skull. Very sweet eye and expression. Needs more length to under jaw. Neat well set ears. Good shoulder. Well angulated and muscled hind quarters. A little frightened on the move so hard to asses on the move. |
| | | | 145 | Usvatar Nidawi | ERI | | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely head and expression. Sweet dark eye. Flat slim skull. Neat ears. Good depth of chest. Slightly shorter upperarm. Level topline. Good length of tail. Very good mover. |
| | | | 146 | Zelmarian Golden Lily | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Shaded sable girl. Good length of muzzle. Would like more length to back skull. Need to use more her ears. Could be slightly tighter set ears. Good length of neck. Ok hind quarters. Moves very close behind. High steps in front. Moves ok in profile. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 147 | Flaming Snow's Dream Up My Destiny | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head. lovely dark eye. Nice expression. Perfect length of muzzle. Slim flat skull. Neat well set ears. Very good angulations and deep chest. Straight front and good bone. Very good length of tail. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 148 | Flaming Snow's Gosh All Eyes On This Girl | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely head and expression. Beautiful dark eye. Good length of muzzle. Excellent shoulder. Straight front. Good bone. Very good rear angulation. Very nice coat and colour. Very good movement. Excellent in profile. |
| | | | 149 | Huisin Adorable Jewel | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Stunning head. Neat well used ears giving such a beautiful expression. Very good shoulder. Good depth of chest. Good rear angulation. Beautiful colour. Very good movement and lovely profile. |
| | | | 150 | Onnenpisaran Olivia Omenankukka | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel with beautiful eye and expression. Flat skull. Needs a little more under jaw. Very good shoulder and chest and good bone. Nice deep chest. Good hind quarter. Very elegant mover. Nice shape in profile. |
| | | | 151 | Onnenpisaran Raikas Riimi | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Sabel with very nice head expression. Dark eye. Slim flat skull. Well used neat ears. Good shoulder. Deep chest. Ok rear angulation Movement ok. Coat looks out of condition today. |
| | | | 152 | Smartteams Fioretta | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel with dark eye. Good length of muzzle. Would like slightly more length in back skull and more under jaw. Nice expression. Good shoulder and deep chest. Very good hind angulation and length of tail. Moves well. |
| | | | 153 | Smartteams Grand Lady | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour with lovely expression. Good length of muzzle and slim skull. Neat well used ears. Good shoulder. Very good depth of chest. Very good rear angulation and length of tail.Movement very erratic and hard to asses. |
| | | | 154 | Susadan Ingrid | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very nice eye. Good length of muzzle but needs more under jaw. Slim skull. Neat well used ears. Very good shoulder. Good chest. Very good rear angulation. Good length of tail. Very good mover. |
| | | | 155 | Susadan Royal Queen | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty tri-colour with lovely expression. Nice slim skull. Good length of muzzle. Neat well used ears. Good length of neck. Very good rear angulation and good length of tail. Excellent mover. Lovely profile. |
| | | | 156 | Usvatar Graziella | ERI | 3 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head and expression. Lovely dark eye. Nice slim skull. Neat well used ears. Excellent front and rear angulation. Beautiful colour. Lovely elegant movement. |
| | | | 157 | Whirling's It's Not Rocket Science | ERI | 2 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Tri-colour with lovely head and expression. Very good well rounded muzzle. Slim flat skull. Excellent front and rear angulations. Excellent mover. Lovely profile. |
| | | | 158 | Zelmarian Dazzle Me My Cutie | ERI | | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Lovely expression. Slim flat skull. Good length of muzzle. Good length of neck. Very good shoulder. Excellent front and rear angulations and very beautiful colour. Good movement but enjoy her day a bit too much (too high tail). |
| | | VET |
| | | | 159 | Amor'jade Definitely Wild Soul | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very slim flat skull good length of muzzle. Sweet expressive eyes. Very good front angulation. Straight front. Level topline. Good hind angulation. Excellent mover. In very good condition for her age. |
| | | | 160 | Caravan Ultra Marine | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet expression. Lovely dark eye. Slim skull. Good length of muzzle. Very good front angulation and deep chest. Well muscled hind quarters and level topline. Excellent movement. Very good condition for her age. |
| | | | 161 | New Spices Dreams Of Blueberry | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head and expression. Lovely slim flat skull. Teeth in excellent condition for her age. Very good length in muzzle. Well used ears. Excellent structure in chest. Level topline. Good hind quarters. Wonderful colour and excellent condition of coat. Lovely veteran. |
| | | | 162 | Nicaro'n Diana | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet tr-colour girl. Slim head. Good ear set. Good length of neck. Good shoulder and good deep chest. Good rear angulation. Level topline. Moves slightly wide in front but good in profile. |
| | | | 163 | Onnenpisaran Jalo Justiina | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Sable with nice head properties. Good length of muzzle. Slim skull. Good size of ears. Good length of neck. Good front angulation. Very good depth of chest. Good straight front. Level topline. Good rear angulation. Movement slightly erratic in front. Nice in profile. |
| | | | 164 | Onnenpisaran Kultakutri | ERI | 3 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Beautiful head and expression. Dark eye. Nice slim skull. Good length of muzzle. Teeth in very good condition. Good length of neck. Very good shoulder. Straight front. Good bone. Very good topline. Very good angulation rear. Good length of tail. Very good mover. Elegant profile. |
| | | | 165 | Onnenpisaran Verraton Lysti | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty sabel. Lovely dark eye. Good length of muzzle. Slim skull.Very good movement and nice profile. Nice neat ears. Good length of neck. Good shoulder and fore chest. Good rear angulation and length of tail. |
| | | | 166 | Shadeland The Treasure | ERI | 4 | | SA | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very beautiful head with lovely expression. Good length of muzzle and skull. Ears slightly larger but well used Good shoulder, deep chest. Good bone. Good rear angulation and length of tail. Very good movement. Nice profile. |
| | | | 167 | Shet Up This Is My Fate | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Tri-colour with nice slim head. Good length of muzzle. Neat ears but could be tighter set. Slightly short upperarm. Good length of tail. Moves a little close behind. Good profile movement. Left her clothes home. |
| | | | 168 | Smartteams Unique Juliet | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very sweet head. Would prefer more length of muzzle and skull. excellent ears. Clean teeth. Steep upperarm. Very deep chest and good bone. Level topline. Good rear angulation.Moves well just would like a bit more of her. |
| | | | 169 | Susadan Gala Parade | ERI | 2 | | SA, VET-SERT | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very nice head and expression. Beautiful eyes. Good length of muzzle. Neat well used ears. Good length of neck and good shoulder. Deep chest. Very good rear angulation.Excellent mover. Excellent profile. |
| | | | 170 | Susadan Ylva | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 171 | Usvatar Diorina | EH | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Nice slim skull, good length of muzzle. Nice dark eye. Good length of neck, good front angulation. Level topline. Very good hind angulation and length of tail. Teeth showing a little. Moves very close behind. Very good in profile but crosses her legs. |
| | | | 172 | Violetdream Celica | ERI | | | | Stafford Clare | |
| | | | Very pretty blue merle. Beautiful head and expression. Good length of muzzle.Slim skull.Lovely set well used ears. Good reach of neck. Good shoulder. Very good topline. Very good angulated rear good length of tail. Moves a little close behind. Very good in profile. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 3000 | Dreamhill | | | | | | |
| | | | 45, 89, 90, 121,
very alike, all of nice even size, very similar in head and expression, all nicely balanced and in good coat, |
| | | | 3001 | Dreamlook | | | | | | |
| | | | 91, 93, 94, 95
all of similar type and same size, 2 tricolors and 2 sables |
| | | | 3003 | Flaming Snow's | | 4 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 3, 123, 147, 148
all in lovely coat and condition, lovely heads and expression, all very alike |
| | | | 3006 | Onnenpisaran | | 3 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 34, 150, 164, 165
all very similar , good expression, good for size, very nice colours and overall quality |
| | | | 3007 | Sheepwhisper's | | 2 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 15, 75, 76, 113
all similar in type, some a bit heavy in the ears, all of nice size |
| | | | 3008 | Smartteams | | | | | | |
| | | | 51, 152, 153, 168
not so similar for type, (3 of them are), very good heads and expressions, all very nice type but all slightly different |
| | | | 3009 | Susadan | | 1 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 36, 53, 54, 60
slightly difference in size, lovely and similar in type, |
| | | | 3011 | Usvatar | | | | | | |
| | | | 40, 144, 145, 156,
very alike in head, nice expressions, all of same size, |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 5000 | Auringonvalon Isännän Iltatähti | | 3 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 91, 93, 94, 95
they all look like their sire, they move okay, wish they would keep their tales down |
| | | | 5003 | Old Solar Sambiya Unkas | | 1 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | 51, 78, 80, 117, 129 all have nice heads and expressions, very similar, all very steady standing |
| | | | 5004 | Request Bright Gold | | 2 | | KP | Stafford Ann | |
| | | | they certainly look like their daddy, very nice group, similar in structure |