| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 85 | Bullforest Let It Burn Oberon | | 3 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 6 months. Lovely head for age. Very good dark eye. Good black pigment to muzzle. Nice ear set. Good dentition. Nice reach of neck to good shoulder. Good width of chest, could do with more depth. Very good bone on forelegs. Good feet & pasterns for age. Tiny bit long in back but level. Good angulation Very nice tailset, good length of tail. |
| | | | 86 | Crimlisk Blazing Fire | | 2 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Body is on little narrow side. Very nice head. Well set ear. Nice mask. Good muzzle. God ear set. Dark eye. Nice reach of neck. Good boned forelegs. Nice pastern & tight feet. Good length of back. Good length of tail. Nice rear angulation. Good potential for young dog. Nice rear movement, little loose on forelegs. |
| | | | 87 | Para Bull Molitva | | 4 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 5 months. Lots of growing to do. Fine head. Good ear set. Fair dentition. Good muzzle length. Good stop. Nice reach of neck. Chest is still weak. Forelegs need to tighten up. Feet need to be brought in. Good topline. Tail is off croup. Good length of tail. Needs to muscle up in hind quarters, but fair angulation. Excellent temperament. Needs more gentle exercise. |
| | | | 88 | Remarkabull Man With A Spraytan | | 1 | | KP, ROP, BIS PEN-2 | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Overall very nicely balanced puppy. Just a touch long in body. Nice dark eye. Good ear set. Lovely reach of neck. Fair shoulder. Nice level topline. Good length of tail. God rear angulation. Nice boned forelegs |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 89 | Bullforest Games With Flames Titania | | 4 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head. Very dark mask. Good depth of chest & reach of neck. Nice forechest. Nice level topline. Nice tail set. Tail could little longer. In movement little loose. Shows very well. |
| | | | 90 | Bullforest Riverkeeper Bliss | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice outline. Nice shaped head. Good stop. Lovely dark eye. Good topline. Nice depth of chest. Good tail set. Fairly good angulation. Good dentition. Little narrow in back on movement. |
| | | | 91 | Remarkabull Madventures Are My Adventures | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 92 | Remarkabull Mark My Bark I Sing Like Lark | | 3 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head. Good mask. Would like darker eye. Good ear set. Good reach of neck. Good depth of chest. Lovely boned forelegs. Fair pasterns. Topline is soft & needs to develop. Loin a little long. Little straight in hind quarters. Nice tailset. Moved ok. |
| | | | 93 | Remarkabull More Than Words | | 2 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice balanced outline. Nice feminine head. God dark mask. Good ears. Eye could be darker, but is nice. Nice dentition, little undershot bite. Nice reach of neck. Good depth of chest. Good bone on legs. Nice pasterns. Fair topline. Little soft on tail set. Nice muscle & angulation on hind quarters. Good movement, but could be improved. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 94 | Bulldrome's Nothing Else Matters | | 1 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Square head shape, slightly long muzzle. Slight overshot on dentition. Ears are too big. Far reach of neck. Depth of chest is good, too much white on chest. Straight front. Fair boned legs. Slightly dipping topline. Tail poorly set on croup. Fair length of tail. Straight on hind quarters. Movement needs to improve by taking off a lot of weight. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 95 | Bullapirtin Pingviini | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 96 | Bulldrome's Legally Blonde | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Fair head. Nice mask. Nice dark eye. Fair dentition. Good ear set. Nice forelegs, good bone, muscle & pasterns. Ok chest. Nice topline. Croups slopes & tail could be better set. Very strong muscular hind quarters. Fair angulation. Moved well when settled. |
| | | | 97 | Bulldrome's Master Of Puppets | ERI | 4 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head. Nice shaped body. Good mask. Nice dark eyes. Slightly undershot bite, nice teeth. Good reach of neck. Good shoulder. Nice boned forelegs. Good pasterns. Tight feet. Good topline. Nice tailset. Tail long enough. Good tuck up & depth of body. Good hind quarters, well angulated. Nice movement. |
| | | | 98 | Bulldrome's Missionary Man | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 99 | Bulldrome's Moment Of Truth | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nicely balanced. Good shaped head. Good reach of neck. Nice forelegs. Flat pasterns. Mask could be darker. Nice dark eyes. Nice teeth. Slightly short on tail. Little loose on hip. Little gay tail. |
| | | | 100 | Bulldrome's Most Wanted | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head Heavy dewlaps. Ears too heavy. Good dentition. Little too much mask. Would like more length of neck. Good deep chest. Good bone forelegs. Little soft in pasterns. Little long in back. Tail set could be better. Strong hind quarters. Good angulation. Crossing on forelegs on movement. |
| | | | 101 | Dragon Spirit Gateway Guard | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Fair shaped head. Short in muzzle. No stop. Nice ear set. Nice dark eye. Undershot jaw line. Nice reach of neck. Good depth & width of chest. Good boned forelegs. Pasterns could be stronger. Nice tight feet. Nice topline & ribcage. Nice loin. Strong hid quarters. Good angulation. Poor tail set. Good movement when settled. |
| | | | 102 | Dragon Spirit Get A Grip | ERI | 3 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head. Fair stop. Good ear set. Nice dark eye. Good mask. Nicely flared nostrils. Undershot but acceptable. Good boned foreleg. Pasterns could be improved. Tight feet. Nice muscle to shoulders. Good topline. Nice shaped ribcage & loin. Slightly dropping away on tail. Bit short tail. Hind quarters could be improved, are straight, but nicely muscled. |
| | | | 103 | Dreaming About Candy King Rock | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, BIS-2, BIS JUN-2 | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head. Good dentition. Nice dark eye & mask. Good ear set. Very nice reach of neck into good shoulder. Very nice forelegs, good muscle. Pasterns could be improved. Tight feet. Good hind quarters. Good angulation. Fair tailset. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 104 | Dreaming About Goldfinger | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head, good shape. Very nice ear carriage. Good stop. Fair dentition. Good mask for brindle. Nice reach of neck. Good chest & forelegs. Nice topline. Good tailset. Good angulation in hind quarters. Would li see little less weight on loin. Very nice clean movement when settled. |
| | | | 105 | Dreaming About U Only Live Twice | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head. Good clean eye. Good mask. Good dentition. Nice reach of neck. Little st in shoulder. Could be better on chest. Very black on chest. Nice ribcage. Deep loin. Good muscle to hind quarters. Poor tail set, good length. Good angulation. Moves cleanly & quite smartly. Colour not acceptable in breed. |
| | | | 106 | Rohmutassun Super Sankari | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 16 months brindle. Lovely head. Very good expression. Nice ear carriage. Nice dark eye. Slight undershot, but ok. Good depth & width of chest. Nice boned forelegs. Very flat on pasterns. Good tight feet. Very nice reach of neck. Good depth of body. Good ribcage & topline, slopes of to tail. Hind quarters could do with little more muscle. Tail fractional short. Nice dog. Moved nicely. |
| | | | 107 | Zaidabulls Interest Lies In Meaning | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Lovely head, good ear set. Eyes could be slightly darker. Good mask. Teeth acceptable. Fair depth of chest. Nice reach of neck. Nice shoulders. Good pasterns. Nice tight feet. Good ribcage. Fair croup. Tail of good length. Hind quarters could be improved with little more muscle. Very nice movement when settled. Nice & clean. Not yet a perfect dog but much potential. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 108 | All Heroes John Barnaby From Midsomer | EH | 2 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice shaped head. Good ear set. Fair stop. Very nice dentition. Good mask. Nice depth of chest. Good shoulders. Good boned forelegs, slightly tend to turn out. Nice shaped ribcage. Good tuck up. Very straight in hind quarters. Slightly short tail. Moves slightly erratic, could be improved with more concentration. |
| | | | 109 | All Heroes Most Famous Sherlock Holmes | ERI | 1 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice square jaw. Good dentition. Nice dare eye. Good mask. God ear set. Fair reach of neck. Good shoulders. Little short in chest & upper arm. Nice shaped ribcage. Little long in body. Fair rear angulation, good muscle. Short in tail. Rather flat footed. Fair movement, but could be improved. |
| | | | 110 | Strongbarks You-Know-Who | poissa | | | | | |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 111 | All Heroes Just One More Thing Columbo | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Fair head. Good dark mask. Fair dentition. Slightly light eye. Good ear set. Nice reach of neck. Good depth of chest. Nice shoulders. Good ribcage. Could do with loosing some weight. Nice hind quarters, well muscled. Tail a little short. Movement slightly erratic, but nice. Very powerful |
| | | | 112 | Bullero's Bacon | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very good dentition. Nice white teeth. Good mask. Good ear set & colour. Could do with more chest. Good shoulder. Good boned forelegs. Nice pasterns. Little flat on left foot. Nice ribcage Very nice waistline. Slightly short in tail. Nice angulation. Very nice movement when settled. |
| | | | 113 | Bullforest Urus Mansory | ERI | 3 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Lovely head. Good mask. Very nice dentition. Good ear set. Nice reach of neck. Nice deep chest. Good ribcage. Nice tuck up. Tail set a little high & little short. Fair rear angulation. Good muscle tone. Nice brindle on coat. I like this dog, don ask me why. Would like to see slightly be feet. Happy boy. Very nice movement sometimes, could improve. |
| | | | 114 | Remarkabull Second To None | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VARA-SERT | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nicely shaped brindle. Could be slightly shorter in back. 3, 5 years old. Nice dark eye. Very good mask. Nice ear set. Good temperament Would like better stop, not bad. Slightly undershot, but squared. Nice bone to forelegs. Good shoulders. Fair spring ribs. Good tuck up. Not bad hind quarters, fairly good. Tail a little short. Very striping in coat. Movement very nice, slightly high set tail. |
| | | | 115 | Rohmutassun Remontti Reiska | ERI | 4 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very good dentition. Nice mask. Nice eyes. Nice shaped head. Good ears. Good reach of neck. Fair chest. Pasterns little weak. Good muscle on forelegs. Nice length of back. Good ribcage. Nice loin. Go length of tail. Fair angulation. Moved very well once settled. Tail set very nicely. |
| | | | 116 | Zaidabulls Forest Runner | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 117 | All Heroes Cloud Chaser | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 118 | All Heroes Firestarter Like Arcanine | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Lovely head. Good mask. Dark eye. Good dentition. Fair chest. Nice boned forelegs. Little soft in pasterns. Very heavy muscle on shoulder. Nice topline. Nice tuck up. Fair angulation. Good tail length. Very good movement. Improved as it went along. |
| | | | 119 | All Heroes Tricks Of Green Goblin | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice masculine head. Good ear placement. Nice stop. Good dentition, nice & clean. Nice depth of chest. Nice reach of neck. Good forelegs & pasterns. Very nice ribcage. Good tuck up. Fair angulation. Good length of tail. Very nice moving dog, but has a gay tail disturbing impression. |
| | | | 120 | Bulldale Yamikani | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 3,5 years. Nice shaped head. Good ear set. Light eye. Slightly undershot, but good teeth. Nice reach of neck. Good deep chest. Nice forelegs & pasterns. Slightly soft in back. Good muscled hind quarters, could be bet angulated. Tail set too high & short. Movement very nice, bit close on rear. |
| | | | 121 | Bulldrome's Just In Case | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nicely shaped head. Good ear set. Slightly light eye. Good dentition. Fair depth of chest. Nice forelegs. Fairly good pasterns. Nice shoulder. Good spring of rib. Very straight in hind quarters. Could do with some more muscle. Tail very short. Movement nice when settled. Needs a firm hand. |
| | | | 122 | Bulldrome's Jägermeister Bullberry | ERI | 3 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very nice shaped head. Good mask & ear carriage. Fair nice dark eyes. Level bite, could be better, but not bad. Good depth of chest. Very well muscles in shoulders. Nice ribcage. Good tail set. Level topline Would li more angulation on hind quarters. Very nice movement, part from tail being bit high. Very nice hind movement. |
| | | | 123 | Bullforest Callisto | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 4 years, brindle. Very nice. Well shaped head. Nice stop. Nice eyes. Very slight undershot, small teeth. Nice reach of neck. Very nice shoulder. Very nice boned forelegs. Excellent pasterns. Very nice tight feet. Good topline. Fair angulation. Could do with more muscle. Nice length of tail. Nice tail set. Very nice movement. But needs more exercise & muscle. |
| | | | 124 | Hearsay Sensei At Bullforest | ERI | 4 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Red formed 2,5 years. Nice dark mask. Good eye. Good ear set. Very good wrinkles. Nice shaped muzzle. Nice deep chest. Good shoulder. Very nice muscle to forelegs. Nice tight feet, good pasterns Nice shaped shoulders. Very nice topline. Very good ribcage & tuck up. Fairly good muscle to hind quarters. Would Iike a little more angulated. Tail very short. Nice movement. |
| | | | 125 | Remarkabull The One | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice brindle dog. 3,5 years. Very strong head. Nice eye. Good mask. Nice ear set. Very nice dentition. Nice deep chest of good width. Good forelegs. Nice tight feet, good pasterns. Nice ribcage. Little dippy in back. Good hind quarters & angulation. Nice tail set, good length of tail. Nice movement. |
| | | | 126 | Remarkabull The Story Of My Life | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head. Fair dentition. Good ears. Lovely dark eye. Very friendly. Good deep chest. Fair bone to forelegs. Nice topline. Very good hind quarters. Good tail length, nice set. Very very nice movement, except his tail. |
| | | | 127 | Remarkabull This Is Magic | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 3,5 years. Nice balanced dog, would like see more of him. Nice balanced head. Fairly good teeth. Good ear set. Dark eye. Good length of neck. Could do with little more chest. Good bone on forelegs. Would like them longer. Tuck up ok. Hind quarters of good muscle & bend of stifle. Good tail set. Nice movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 128 | Diiva's Style N'bullgrins Veyron | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VET ROP, BIS VET-1 | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very balanced for age. Beautiful dark eye. Good ears. Nice stop. Not bad teeth. Very nice reach of neck. Lovely muscle to forelegs. Good depth of chest. Nice tight feet. Nice ribcage, very nice waistline. Good muscle to rear quarters. Beautiful coat. Very well balanced. Beautiful movement. |
| | | | 129 | Rohmutassun Ihmemies | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Good dentition, level bite. Very nice eye. Good mask, going a bit grey. Good reach of neck, lots of muscle. Very good shoulder. Nice depth of chest. Good forelegs, just little soft on pasterns. Could do with loosing a little weight. Good hind quarters, nice angulation. Good length of tail. Moves very well, wavering one leg. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 130 | Bullcape's Olga Tjolahopsola Hei Tjolahopsanså | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, JUN-SERT | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 9 months. Nice shaped head. Good ear carriage. Nice mask. Slightly light eye. Nice dentition. Nice length of neck. Good chest. Nice angulation to shoulders. Nice bone to forelegs. Nice pasterns. Could do with loosing few grams. Good hind quarters & good tail length. Very nice movement. |
| | | | 131 | Bulldrome's Middle For Diddle | ERI | 4 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Light fawn bitch 9 months. Slightly light eye. Nice pigment & mask. Good ear. Nice reach of neck. Very good dentition. Go bone to foreleg. Fairly tight pasterns. Nice spring of rib. Slightly straight of stifle. Good tail length. Very nice light fawn coat in good condition. Erratic movement, time to time nice. |
| | | | 132 | Bulldrome's Mumbo Jumbo | ERI | 3 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 9 months fawn bitch. Slightly long in muzzle. Good mask. Nice dark eye. Ears of good length. Good deep chest. Nice shaped shoulders. Nice bone to forelegs. Pasterns are good. Nice ribcage. Nice hind angulation. Good length of tail. Level topline. Good little mover. |
| | | | 133 | Dragon Spirit Going Genie | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 134 | Zaidabulls I'm In Love With You | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very very nice shaped head. Good ears, beautiful dark eye. Good mask. Perfect teeth, beautiful white. Good depth & width of chest. Nice bone to foreleg. Good pasterns. Nice feet. Good topline. Nice tail set. Touch short tail. Very nice angulation to hind quarters. Good movement. Very happy. Just a little over weight. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 135 | All Heroes Mystery Solved By Ms Marple | EH | 2 | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 22 months. Nice fawn bitch. Good size & balance. Very pretty head. Nice dark mask. Good dark eye. Correct sized ears & colour. Fairly good dentition, nice white teeth. Good depth of chest. Nice bone to forelegs. Good pasterns. Feet could be tighter Go shoulder. Nice ribcage. Good topline. Tail just ok. Slightly rise over topline. Moved well. |
| | | | 136 | All Heroes Smartie Like Nancy Drew | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 22 moths. Beautiful head. Excellent mask. Lovely dark eye. Very good ear set & colour. Nice wide nostrils. Very nice dentition. Nice reach of neck. Good depth of chest. Very nice shoulder. God strong bone on forelegs. Very strong pasterns. Nice tight feet. Very nice ribcage. Could do with loosing some grams. Lovely mover, excellent movement. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 137 | Always Up For Drama | ERI | 3 | | SA, SERT | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 2 years, brindle. Nice head. Good ear carriage. Nice dark eye. Good mask. Very nice teeth, slight undershot. Good reach of neck. Would like more chest & bit more bone to foreleg. Nice ribcage & shoulders. Fair angulation in hind quarters, lacks muscle. Very nice movement. |
| | | | 138 | Bulldale Bolanle | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Good shaped head. Nice ear carriage. Slight undershot. Could do with bit more chest. Good hind angulation. Nice topline. Good tail length. Short in upper arm. Not very good movement. |
| | | | 139 | Bulldrome's Kiss From This Miss Is Bliss | EVA | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Beautiful bitch, 2,5 years. Very nice head. Lovely bone. Did not want to move Tail length good. Did not want to be assessed. |
| | | | 140 | Bullero's You Are My Destiny | ERI | 1 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very nice shaped head. Good ear carriage. Nice dark eyes. Nice jaw shape, slightly undershot. Good teeth. Nice reach of neck. Nice depth of chest. Good forelegs & bone. Nice pasterns. Very nice shoulder. Good ribcage. Good tuck up. Strong hind quarters. Tail could be slightly longer. Very nice movement. |
| | | | 141 | Bullforest Duality | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 5 years. Nice brindle. Good coat. Nice stop. Very nice feminine head. Dark eye. Good muzzle. Slight undershot. Nice depth of chest. Good bone to size. Very nice ribcage. Little too bodied. Not bad angulation in rear. Tail a touch short. Would like to see more stripes on brindle. Very nice movement. Could be better on topline. |
| | | | 142 | Bullgrin's What Does T' Fox Say | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very correct size. Very nice shaped head. Good ear carriage. Nice eye. Slight undershot. Very nice strong forelegs. Good shoulder & ribcage. Could do with loosing some gram. Good length of tail. Good angulation, fairy good muscle on hind quarters. Very nice movement. Nice movement. |
| | | | 143 | Dynasty Of N'asteri Blaze Of Sapphire | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very good ear. Nice black ears. Beautiful eye. Nice teeth. Good mask. Nice reach of neck. Could do with more chest. Good boned forelegs. Soft pasterns. Nice shoulder. Good ribcage. Nice rear angulation. Could do with little more muscle. Nice tail set. Moved well. Nice topline. |
| | | | 144 | Oakbull's Fictive Story | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 3 year old. Good ear carriage. Nice reach of neck. Slightly light eye. Very slight undershot. Little long in muzzle. Good depth of chest. Nice shaped shoulder. Good boned forelegs. Pasterns could be firmer. Nice hind quarters. Could do with little more muscle. Good tail length. |
| | | | 145 | Rohmutassun Peppi Pitkätossu | ERI | 4 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Ears of nice length. Nice shaped head. Slightly light eye. Moderate stop. Good mask. Quite good teeth. Good reach of neck. Would like to see more boned forelegs. Good pasterns & tight feet. Good spring of ribs. Good hind quarters. Very nice length of tail. Nice striped brindle. Nice movement. |
| | | | 146 | Roosa | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice level bite. Good reach of neck. Fair ear set. Very light eye. Would like to see bit more chest. Boned good to foreleg. Nice tight feet & pasterns. Very nice ribcage. Little overweight. Very straight in stifle. Good length of tail. Nicely striped brindle. Ok movement. |
| | | | 147 | Strongbarks Magnificent Hufflepuff | ERI | 2 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 19 months. Very nice shaped head. Good ear carriage. Fair stop. Nice darkish eye. Good muzzle. Good coloured mask. Teeth undershot, but very square & white & strong. Nice deep chest. Nice shoulders. Very nice spring of rib. Nice length of tail. Coat in very good condition. Movement very nice. |
| | | | 148 | Zaidabulls Few Wine Glass Later | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Brindle bitch of 2 years. Teeth nice square & strong, slight undershot. Good ear carriage. Nice dark eye. Chest ok. Bone to foreleg good. Nice pastern & tight feet. Very good shoulder. Nice brindle. Could do with loosing some weight. Tail well set. Fair angulation & muscle in hind quarters. Quite nice movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 149 | Bullberry Peony Of Misty Island | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 4 years, fawn bitch. Good ear set. Nice stop. Nice dark eyes. Good mask. Good undershot. Would like little more chest. Nice straight bone to forelegs. Good ribcage. Could loose some weight. Slightly short in tail. Nice movement. |
| | | | 150 | Bulldale Yadira | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 151 | Bulldrome's Have No Limits | ERI | 4 | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very nice dentition. Good shaped head. Nice mask. Good ears. Slightly light eye. Nice chest & shoulders. Very nice ribcage. Good hind quarters. Good length of tail. Very nice movement. |
| | | | 152 | Bulldrome's Je T'aime Amy | EH | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Very nice shaped head. Good ear carriage, no stop. Dark mask. Darkish eyes. Good depth of chest. Nice bone. Pasterns could be stronger. Good shoulders. Good ribs. Good shaped & muscled hind quarters. Tail just long enough. Erratic movement. Could be improved. |
| | | | 153 | Bullero's Xaria | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 154 | Bullforest Venus | ERI | 3 | PN4 | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head. Good mask. Slight undershot. Nice ears. Good reach of neck. Nice shoulders. Nice depth of chest. Good bone to foreleg. Nice pasterns & tight feet. Good shaped ribcage. Very nice hind q & an Very good length of tail. Very nice little mover. |
| | | | 155 | Bullmaxin Ginger | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Dark red fawn. 3,5 years old. Nice feminine. Good ears. Slightly light eye. Nice dark mask. Good muzzle. Slight undershot. Nice dentition. Nice square jaw. Very nice deep chest of good width. Nice shoulders. Good forelegs. Nice pasterns Nice topline. Good tail length. Nice hind quarters with correct angulation & muscle. Nice mover. |
| | | | 156 | Ceridwen | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 2,5 years. Lovely shaped head. Slightly light eye. Lovely dark muzzle. Good ear set Nice stop. Very nice dentition. Slight undershot. Nice reach of neck. Good shoulder. Would like little more chest. Nice foreleg. Good pasterns. Good ribcage. Nice waistline. Good topline. Nice strong muscular hind quarters. Fair length of tail. Nice mover. |
| | | | 157 | Game Keeper's Heart 'N Soul | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Lovely head, classic shape. Lovely eye. Good ear set. Good length of neck. Good deep chest. Nice shoulder. Good bone & forelegs. Very good topline & ribs. Strong hind quarters. Good tail length, slightly high set. Nice shaped bitch. Lovely movement. |
| | | | 158 | Heart Of Gold Dei Guardiani Di Windsor | ERI | | | | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nice head. Very good ear set. Would like to see ne stop. Good mask. Would like slightly darker eye. Very good jawline. Nice depth & width of chest. Good bone to forelegs. Nice shoulders. Lovely spring of rib. Fair angulation in hind quarters. Tail long enough. Little long in loin. Nice mover. |
| | | | 159 | Remarkabull For Love And Glory | ERI | | | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Brindle 7 years young. Nice dark eyes. Fair dentition. Nice bone to forelegs. Good depth of chest. Nice spring of ribs. Nice tail set. Good hind quarters. Bitch on smaller side but nice square shape. Very good movement. |
| | | | 160 | Remarkabull Fun In The Sun | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | Nearly 8 years. Nice head very feminine. Good stop. Teeth ok. Nice depth of chest & reach of neck. Good shoulder. Nice tight feet. Nice hind quarters Tail a touch short. Good hind quarter muscle. Very nice movement. |
| | | | 161 | Rohmutassun Rokki Ripsa | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 162 | Ace Of Beton's Easy Going | poissa | | | | | |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 304 | All Heroes | | 4 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 108, 109, 119, 136
3 combinations. All very nice head. Bodies are not very similar Movement quite good on all. You can see 3 different sizes. |
| | | | 305 | Bulldrome's | | 1 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 96, 97, 99, 121
3 combinations. Similarity in all individuals. I like them. |
| | | | 306 | Bullforest | | 3 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 113, 123, 141, 154
3 combinations. Good heads & good movements. Very good breeding. |
| | | | 307 | Remarkabull | | 2 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 114, 125, 126, 159
3 combinations. One can see for breeder is breeding for type & movement and has done well . |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 502 | All Heroes Firestarter Like Arcanine | | 1 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 108, 109, 135, 136
Very nice progeny group. Good similarities to all offspring. Very pleased to see them in this arena. |
| | | | 503 | Bulldrome's Je T'aime Amy | | 2 | | KP | Quantrill Christopher | |
| | | | 97, 99, 131, 132
Very nice bitch with nice youngsters. All with excellent temperaments & movements. Very nice. |