| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 81 | Big Bugbear's Ramses | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 6 kk. Erinomaiset luusto. Lupaava urosmainen pää. Hyvä korvien asento. Keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvä purenta. Rintakehä saisi olla täyteläisempi ja leveämpi. Kuroutunut alalinja. Riittävän karhea karva. Keskiruskeat värimerkit. Sapelin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Seistessä köyristää selkää. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 82 | Hurmankallion Camo | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tasapianoisesti kehittynyt erinomainen raajaluusto. Hyvä rungon mittasuhteet. Selvä sukupuolileima. Hyvät korvat. Keskiruskeat silmät. Hieman lyhyt kuono, hyvä purenta ja Leuat. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta. Karva saisi olla karheampi. Punaruskeat värimerkit. Ylöskiinnittynyt häntä. Häntä kaartuu ja koskettaa lantiota. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Levälihaksikas reisi. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. Lupaava kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 83 | Kolisweiler's Arpaonni | | 3 | | KP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8kk . Rungon mittasuhteiltaan oikea. Erinomainen luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Hyvä kallo. Korvat saisivat asettua enemmän posken myötäisesti. Hyvä otsapenger. Keskiruskeat silmät. Lyhyehkö kuono, hyvä purenta. Tilava pitkä rintakehä. Hyvä eturinta. Karva saisi olla karheampi. Kauniin punanruskeat värimerkit. Sapeli muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Voisi liikkua tehokkaammin ja varoo toista takajalkaa liikkeessä. |
| | | | 84 | Paasi-Fantin Real Precious Diamond | | 4 | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Noin 8 kk. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet erinomainen luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Ikäisekseen kallo ja oikeinkiinnittyneet korvat. Ilmeikkäät tummat silmät. Vahva otsapenger. Lyhyehkö kuono. Hyvä purenta. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta. Selkä painuu. Karva saisi olla karheampi. Keskiruskeat värimerkit. Ohut sirpin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoisen kulmaukset. Liikkuu ikäisekseen hyvin. |
| | | | 85 | Rebel Riot's Falkor | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Oikeat rungonmittasuhteet erinomainen luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Vielä kapeapiiretinen pää. Riittävä otsapenger. Hyvä korvien asento. Keskiruskeat silmät. Väljä saksipurenta. Löysää kaulanalusnahkaa. Riittävän täyteläinen eturinta ja rintakehä. Rintalasta voisi olla vähän pidempi. Karva saisi olla karheampi, kauniin punaruskeat värimerkit. Sirpin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Köyristää selkäänsä sekä seistessä että liikkeessä. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. |
| | | | 86 | Rebel Riot's Frederik | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Vajaa 9 kk. Kokoon sopiva luusto, hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Vielä kapeapiirteinen pää. Hyvät korvat. Tummat silmät. Lyhyehkö kuono, hyvä purenta. Löysää kaulanalusnahkaa. Hyvä karvanlaatu, karva vaihtumassa. Keskiruskeat värimerkit. Riittävät, mutta tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Ohut sirpin muotoinen häntä. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. |
| | | | 87 | Rebel Riot's Freyr | | 2 | | KP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Vajaa 9 kk. Rungon mittasuhteiltaan oikea. Erinomainen luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Lupaava urosmainen pää. Hyvä korvien kiinnitys. Hyvä kuono ja purenta. Hieman kapea alaleuka. Ikäisekseen hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä. Hyvä karvanlaatu. Kauniin punaruskeat värimerkit. Ohut sirpin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat, hyvin kulmautuneet raajat. Liikkuu hyvällä askeleella. |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 88 | Big Bugbear's Renee | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 89 | Big Bugbear's Rosie | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 90 | Big Bugbear's Ruby | | 1 | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 6 kk. Luusto saisi olla vahvempi. Lupaava narttumainen pää. Oikein asettuneet korvat. Keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvä purenta. Ikäisekseen hyvä rintakehä, rintalasta voisi olla pidempi. Keskiruskeat värimerkit. Vielä kapea edestä ja ulkokierteiset käpälät. Paremmin kulmautunut takaa kuin edestä. Alalinja kuroutuu. Ohut sapelin muotoinen häntä. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. Hampaiden näyttöä tulee harjoitella lisää. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 91 | Baksun-Bertan Hilda | | 1 | | KP, ROP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tasapainoisesti kehittynyt. Erinomainen rungon mittasuhteet ja luusto. Lupaava kaunispiirteinen narttumainen pää. Hienot korvat. Tummat silmät. Hyvä purenta ja vahvat hampaat. Kaunis ylälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta. Hyvä karvanlaatu, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Hyvin kulmautuneet raajat, lihaksikas reisi. Sapelin muotoinen häntä, hännänpää kaartuu. Kevyt, joustava maatavoittava sivuaskel. Lupaava kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 92 | Baksun-Bertan Hulda | | 2 | | KP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tasapainoisesti kehittynyt. Erinomainen luuston vahvuus. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet. Lupaava, kaunis narttumainen pää. Oikein asettuneet korvat. Ilmeikkäät, keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvä purenta ja leuka. Hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta. Hyvä karvan laatu ja keskiruskeat värimerkit. Oikein kiinnittynyt sapelin muotoinen häntä, hännänpää kaartuu. Lihaksikkaat hyvin kulmautuneet raajat. Kevyt joustava sivuaskel. Lupaava kokonaisuus. |
| | | | 93 | Hurmankallion Cherry | | 3 | | KP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tasapainoisesti kehittynyt. Rungon mittasuhteeltaan oikea, erinomainen luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Lupaava narttumainen pää, mutta otsapenger voisi olla selvempi. Hyvä korvien kiinnitys. Keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvä purenta ja hampaat. Hyvin kehittynyt pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhea karva, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Sirpin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat, tasapainoisesti kulmautuneet raajat. Liikkuu ikäisekseen hyvin. |
| | | | 94 | Kolisweiler's Aamutähti | | 4 | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Erinomainen luusto, hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Lupaava narttumainen pää, mutta loiva otsapenger. Hyvä korvien asento, tummat silmät. Hyvä purenta. Vielä kovin kapea alaleuka. Vasemman alakulmahampaan asentoa tulee seurata, jotta asettuu oikealle paikalle. Ikäisekseen hyvin kehittynyt rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhea karva, kauniin punaruskeat värimerkit. Hieman ohut häntä. Hännän pää hieman kaartuu. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. |
| | | | 95 | Kolisweiler's Aito Helmi | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 kk. Tasapainoisesti kehittynyt. Erinomainen luuston vahvuus. Hyvät rungon mittasuhteet. Hyvä kallo. Saisi näyttää korviaan paremmin. Tummat silmät. Hyvä kuono ja purenta. Hieman ahdasasentoinen vasen alakulmahammas. Kaunis ylälinja. Hyvin kehittynyt pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Hyvä karhea karva ja kauniin punaruskeat värimerkit. Sapelin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat, hyvin kulmautuneet raajat. Liikkuu hyvin halutessaan. |
| | | | 96 | Nightweiler Kuuma Kimma | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 7 kk. Hyvät rungon mittasuhteet ja luuston vahvuus. Lupaava narttumainen pää. Korvat tulisi asettua paremmin. Tummat silmät. Lyhyehkö kuono. Hyvä purenta. Kapea rintakehä. Riittävän karhea karva. Keskiruskeat värimerkit. Sirpin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Iän mukaiset liikkeet. |
| | | | 97 | Rebel Riot's Frida | | | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Vajaa 9 kk. Erinomaiset rungon mittasuhteet ja luusto. Selvä sukupuolileima. Ikäisekseen hyvä kallo. Hieman kookkaat, oikein asettuneet korvat. Riittävä otsapenger. Tummat silmät. Hyvä kuonon pituus ja purenta. Hieman huulipussia ja löysää kaulanalusnahkaa. Hyvin kehittynyt pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhea karva, kauniin punaruskeat värimerkit. Hieman ohut häntä, sapelin muotoinen ja hännän pää kaartuu. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset. Köyristää selkäänsä liikkeessä. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1 | Akela Vom Goldhygel | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 2 | Cynther Vom Benety Haus | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 14 months. Complete bite, incisor 3 right lower jaw is standing too much forward. Young male in full development, tall somewhat long in body, still showing too much freedom in underline. Head with wide skull. Too high and too steep forehead. Very strong stop. Short muzzle. Medium size ears. Brown eyes. Heavy lip. Excellent mouth pigmentation. Slightly long neckline. Topline should firm up. Shows medium long to long sloaping croup. chest must deepening and wideing further. Pasterns must firm up. Good angulations. Medium stock hair. Clear markings. Turns out in front. Movement only sufficient drive. |
| | | | 3 | Groovy Spirit's Ice Groke | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 10 months. Complete scissors bite. P3 in right upper jaw is not in line. Young dog full development. Needs to firm up all over. Young male head. Large skull, well carried ear. small to medium size brown eye. Well arched forehead. Pronounced stop. short muzzle and acceptable proportions. Excellent mouth end lip pigmentation. heavy lip. Good neckline. Topline must firm up. Shows medium long, somewhat sloaping croup. Chest depth and wide must develop further. Very good angulation in front. Pasterns may slightly firm up. Long tucked up loin. Very good angulation in rear. Medium long stock hair. Warm markings, but lighter color in chest. Natural movements, very good reach, but pasterns should firmer, good drive. |
| | | | 4 | Heizelwood Vegas | EH | 4 | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 15 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male. Correct bones very good male head shape but expression is bothered with flying ears. Arched forehead very good stop. Short broad muzzle with very good proportion. Medium size ears, must lay nearer to skull. Small to medium size brown eye. Good lip and mouth pigmentation. Open mouth corner. Sufficient depth of chest, must develop further. Tucked up underline. Somewhat short upper arm. Pasterns may firm up. Slightly turns out in front. Good angulation in rear. Harsh stock hair. Clear markings. Movement very hard to judge. Dog is showing to be healing instead of natural gate. Good reach and drive. Showing croup. |
| | | | 5 | Heizelwood Venom | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 6 | Heizelwood Viper | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 15 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male in full development. Compact, still shows too much freedom under belly, specially tucked up loin. Very good young male head shape. Medium size well carried ear. Medium sized almond shaped brown eye. Slightly bolding eyelips. Moderately arched forehead. Wrinkled cheek. Very good lip and mouth pigmentation. Very good neckline. Topline must be straighter and firmer shows dip behind the shoulder. Medium long croup. Very good forechest. Chest should develop further. Good angulation in front. Very good angulation in rear. Good pasterns. Well closed and arched feet. Soft stock hair. Good markings, could be better defined in chest. Natural movement, only sufficient reach, topline should be firmer. |
| | | | 7 | Judgement Day Fire Attack 86 | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 15 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male already full development. Untypical head, massive and very large skull. Too high and too steep forehead. Too short muzzle. Medium sized brown eye. Very good lip and mouth pigmentation. Open mouth corner. Small high set ears, should lay better. Good neckline. Very good topline, broad and slightly round croup. Very well developed chest, excellent forechest and wide of chest. Muscled forearm, short pastern. Well arched and closed feed. Good angulation in front and very good in rear. Slightly tucked up in loin. Medium long stock hair. Clean markings. Slightly turns out in front. Natural movement, lacks mental drive, sufficient reach, good drive. |
| | | | 8 | Mustan Konnun Neuvokas Nipa | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 12 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male must still firm up and develop further substance and type. Sufficient bone. Large skull, somewhat low set large ears. Very large skull. Small almond shape brown eye. Moderately arched forehead. Short muzzle, still good proportions. Excellent lip & mouth pigmentation, heavy lip and open mouth corner. Strong neckline. Topline should be more stronger, firmer and straighter. Shows dip behind the shoulder. Sloaping croup. Chest should develop further, very good chest, good forechest and width. Dog is slightly roachig over the tucked up loin. Good angulations in front, pasterns must firm up. Turns out in front, somewhat long toas, very good angulation in rear, soft stock hair. Warm pure markings. Movement only sufficient drive. |
| | | | 9 | Mustan Konnun Nokinen Norppa | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 10 | Nightweiler Just Fabulous | EH | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 18 months. Complete scissors bite. Small size. Already very well devoleped his final type. Very good shape of the skull. Expression is bothered loose ears. Too much skin in throat and wrinkled cheek. Well arched forehead, stop deep behind the eyegates. Too short muzzle, but acceptable proportions. Very good lip & mouth pigmentation. Strong neck. Long but straight topline. Dog is somewhat short in legs. Shows very deep chest, excellent forechest, very good width. Short pasterns, long toe in front. Tucked up in loin. Dog tends to stand too closed in front. Short upperarm. Very good angulation in rear. Short to medium long stock hair, warm markings, might be better defined in chest. When handler let dog move it is natural pace, shows good reach and drive. |
| | | | 11 | Nordrott's Disaster | ERI | 3 | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 10 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male still in full development. Correct bone for the dog. Skull of young male, skull should widen further. Large well set and carried ear, somewhat large brown eye. High, strongly arched forehead. Very good stop, too short muzzle. Very good mouth pigmentation, open lip & mouth corner. Slightly sloaping, correctly arched neckline. Long topline, much be stronger and straighter, medium long to long croup. Very well developed chest for age, very good angulations rear & front, long loin. Somewhat closed front feet, long toes in front. Soft double coat. Dog stands close in front. Clear markings. Movement natural, with very good reach and drive, harmonious. |
| | | | 12 | Reeweil Ome-Duke | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 13 | Sapeliuksen Daavi Jytynpoika | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 13 months. Two missing P2 in upperjaw. Scissors bite. Very strong head & wide skull. Medium sized ears. Small almond shaped brown eye. Well arched forehead, very good stop. Nosebridge should be straighter. Short muzzle still acceptable proportions. Heavy open lip, dark pigmentation, Strong topline, excellent depth of chest & forechest, excellent width, stands too closed front. Pasterns must firm up, very good angulation in front, short to medium long double coat. warm markings, should be better defined in chest. Movement with good reach, weaker pasterns. |
| | | | 14 | Sapeliuksen Datte Jytynpoika | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 15 | Sapeliuksen Donni Jytynpoika | ERI | 2 | | SA | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 14 months. Complete scissors bite. Young male still in full development. Lively attentive, very good in type. Small to medium size, long in body. Very good skull shape, expression is bothered too flying ears, ears small to medium sized, should be closer to cheek. small to medium sized almond shaped brown eye. Very well arched forehead, stop is pronounced behind eyegates. Short muzzle, acceptable proportions, very good mouth & lip pigmentation. Wrinkled cheek. Open mouth corner. Strong neck, very good topline, slightly firmed up. Excellent chest, depth and width & forechest, good underline, correct angulation rear & very good in front, good pasterns, well arched and closed feet. Short to medium long double coat, warm markings, much lighter color in chest. Movement natural, good reach & drive, bothered by too weak topline witch doesn’t allow to bring drive to the front. |
| | | | 16 | Von Hartmut D'guardians | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, JUN-SERT | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 11 months. somewhat wide scissors bite. Attentive and live, very promising in body type. Young male head, too high and steep skull & forehead. Very short muzzle. Medium sized ears, with uneaven tips, medium sized almond shape brown eyes. Good lip & mouth pigmentation. Some loose in mouth corner, good neckline, long but straight topline, medium long croup. Excellent chest depth, wide and forechest for age of the dog. Very good bone. very good angulations, pasterns must firm up. Somewhat long in loin. Tence, hard, stock hair. Clear makings. somewhat lighter in chest. Natural movement very good reach and drive, topline should remain firmer. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 17 | Deus Vox Bentley | EH | 1 | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 21 months. Scissors bite. Right i3 in lower jaw stands besides upperincives. Young male, strong bone. As already reach his final substance and type. Wide skull. Slightly low set, small, well carried ears, correct forehead, very good stop. Short strong muzzle. Small almond shape brown eyes. Very good lip & mouth pigmentation, wrinkled cheek. Muscled neck. Long topline, should firm up. Short on legs, massive deep and wide chest. Very good angulation in front, good angulation in rear. Slightly turns out in front. Well closed feet, long toe. Medium long stock hair. Warm & clear markings. Natural movement, with harmonic reach & drive, shows short legs and does not cover much ground. |
| | | | 18 | Fenbrassen Berro | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 22 months. complete dentition, irregular scissors bite. 2 lower i3 is not in line with upper incives. Very lively and attentive. Shows to be long in body. Still good in type. Sufficiently wide skull, too high set small ears, should be carried better, small to medium sized almond shape brown eye, somewhat bolding eyelips, moderately arched forehead, very good stop. Muzzle very good proportions, might be slightly straighter, open mouth corner. wrinkled cheek. Correct neckline, straight topline, could be stronger. Somewhat shot in legs, very good chest and forechest and width, too long in loin. Slightly short upperarm. Very good angulation rear, good pasterns, long toes in front, hard stock hair. Clear makings, warm and well defined. Movement with still very good reach, good drive, topline should stay straighter and firmer, to allow more harmony ingate. |
| | | | 19 | Heizelwood Uto | T | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 22 months. Complete dentition. I3 in underjaw right side does not stand behind with upper incives. Dog 22 months does match with 61 cm, is too small. Young male has reach his final type, correct bones. Expression young male head, wide skull, medium size well carried ears, medium size almond shape muzzle very good prop vg lip& m pig open mouth corner. Very good topline, strong angulation rear & front. Very good chest depth, forechest and width, pasterns must firm up. Well closed feet with long toes. Medium hard stock hair. Wavy and open on the neck, warm markings, very slightly inpure in pasterns, should be better defined in front. Natural movement with very good reach and drive. |
| | | | 20 | Heizelwood Vito | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 15 months. Missing m3 in right lower jaw. Very well developed, eventual type, very good bone. Skull of young male, expression is bothered too wrinkled forehead, muzzle and cheek. Medium size ears, tips should be closer to cheek, medium size brown eye. Very good mouth & lip pigmentation, pigmentation missing in mouth corner. Well arched forehead, short muzzle with still good proportions. Overall head will mature further. Correct neckline, very good topline, very good chest, excellent forechest, good angulation in front, very good in rear. Muscled forearm, pasterns must firm up. Slightly long toes. Correct angulation in rear. Medium long stock hair, wart pure markings, slightly light in chest. Natural movement with very good reach and drive. Topline should be firmer. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 21 | Baksun-Bertan Figaro | ERI | 3 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 7 years. Complete scissors bite. very good in type. strong bone, good male head, moderately arched forehead, vg stop, strong muzzle with very good proportion, very good lip & mouth pigmentation, slightly marbled lip. strong neck, very good topline witch should firm up, broad round croup, excellent chest depth, very good forechest and width, pasterns must be firmer. Long toe in front, slightly short upperarm. Very good angulation in rear. Soft stock hair. Clear markings, much darker on mask, should be better defined front. Natural movement with very good reach and drive, slightly bothered with too weak pasterns. |
| | | | 22 | Bumban Happy Prince | EH | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 4 years. Complete scissors bite. Good in type, needs overall to firm up. Good head, medium size to large well carried ears, medium sized almond shaped brown eye. Well arched forehead. Very good stop. Short muzzle still in good proportions. Heavy open lips. Open mouth corner, wrinkled cheek. Straight neckline. long topline, should be straighter and stronger. Medium long somewhat sloping croup. Very good chest depth & width, good forechest. Good angulation in front, pasterns must be firmer, long toes. Good angulation in rear. Short hard stock hair. Clear markings. Natural movement, with good reach and drive, bothered weaker pasterns, long topline should remain firmer. |
| | | | 23 | Finnways Gonzo | ERI | 2 | | SA | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 6 years. Complete scissors bite. Very good in type. correct bone for dog. somewhat small ears, medium sized almond shaped brown eye. Strongly arched forehead, very pronaunced stop, very short muzzle with acceptable proportions. Dark lip & mouth pigmentation. Correct neckline. long straight topline. excellent chest depth, forechest. very good width. Somewhat short upperarm, good pasterns, well closed & arched feet. Very good angulation in rear. Short to medium long stock hair. Warm markings, clear and well defined. Natural movement, harmonic reach and drive. |
| | | | 24 | Finnways Jura | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 25 | Giikuran Cinco | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 26 | Groovy Spirit's Dark Draco | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 4 years. Complete scissors bite. Good in type. sufficient bone. good head, medium size to large ears unevenly carried, medium size almond shape brown eye. high arched forehead, straight muzzle, very good mouth pigmentation, heavy & open lip, good neckline. Topline need to be straighter firmer, good chest depth & width, well closed and arched feet. Good angulation front & rear, short coat, tucked up loin. markings slightly inpure in pasterns, should be better defined in chest. Movement only sufficient reach & drive. |
| | | | 27 | Heizelwood Red | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 28 | Konunkodin Elastinen | EH | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 2 years 10 months. Small, max. 61 cm. Shows overall nice image, lacks strength. Young male head, wide skull. Small & well set & carried ears. Complete scissors bite. Right ear carried foldered. Medium size, round brown eye. Excellent lip & mouth pigmentation. Well arched forehead. Very good stop. Strong muzzle with good proportions. Straight neckline, long topline witch should firm up. Shows medium long croup. Very good chest depth, excellent forechest, good width. Short upperarm, good angulation in shoulder, pasterns may firm up. Very good angulation in rear, somewhat long undertigh. Very strong angulated hock. Soft medium long stock hair. Clear markings, well defined, much lighter on chest. Natural movement very good drive, reach is bothered by pasterns. Shows shorter upperarm. |
| | | | 29 | Kovan Onnen Dom | H | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 2 years 3 months. Very small. Complete scissors bite. Good bones. Sufficient in type & substance. Head with wide skull. Small wellset & carried ears, mediums size almond shaped eyes. wrinkled forehead and cheek. high steeply arched forehead, broad stop behind eyegates. Short muzzle, good proportions. slightly throaty, well arched neckline. Long topline, straight. Short upperarm, good chest depth, forechest must develope, sufficient depth. Well closed, arched feet. Very good angulation in rear. Tucked up long loin. Short dence stock hair. Stands much too close in front. Clear markings. Movement good reach, slightly bothered pasterns. |
| | | | 30 | Paasi-Fantin King Of The Midnightsun | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 3 years. Complete dentition, I3 right lower jaw slightly stands in front of upper incives. Tall, strong bone. short upperarm, still very good to excellent in bodytype. Massive round skull, large well set carried ears, small dark brown eye, pigmentation loose in innerlip, open lipcorner. Too short muzzle, broad no longer correct proportions. Muscled neck, correctly archer. Long topline should firm up. Short upperarm, needs more forechest, very good chest depth & width, pasterns should firm up. Well closed front feet, long in loin, very good underline. Good angulations. Tence, medium long stock hair. Warm markings but darker on mask. well arched forehead. Tendency to pace, shows only sufficient reach & drive. |
| | | | 31 | Papittaren Zappa | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 32 | Papittaren Zoltan | ERI | 4 | | SA | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 5 years. Complete dentition. Short in upper arm, slightly short in leg, long in body, still very good in body & substance. Very good male head, wide skull, Medium size ears, tips should be closer cheek. Good stop. Broad too short muzzle, acceptable proportion. Excellent pigmentation, open mouth corner, correct neckline. Long topline, should firm up. Very good angulations. Excellen chest depth & width. good forechest. long in loin, very good bottomline. good pasterns, slightly turn out in front. short dence stock hair, warm, pure color, should be better defined in chest. Natural movement very good harmonic reach & drive, slightly bothered with length of body. |
| | | | 33 | Papittaren Ärman | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 3,5 years. Complete dentition, i3 right lower jaw stand in front of upper incives. root of teeth itself is no longer in line with other lower incives. No longer scissors bite. Correct bones for dog. Shows to be long still very good in type & substance. good head, medium sizes ears should be carried better, medium size almond shape brown eye, open mouth corner wrinkled cheek. good stop, moderately arched forehead, strong muzzle with good proportions. good neckline. long topline should be stronger, straighter. Shows dip behind shoulder. medium long croup. excellent chest. tence to stand bit closed front. show short upperarm. Pasterns must firm up. Very good angulation in rear. Long in loin, very good bottomline. Short stock hair, warm pure markings, well defined. Steep in shoulder. Movement still weak pasterns limiting reach and break topline. |
| | | | 34 | Papittaren Öyvind | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, SERT | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 2 years. Complete dentition, both lower i3 stand in line with upper incives. Lively and attentive. Excellent in type for young dog. correct bone. male head, to still mature further. medium size almond shape brown eyes. well carried ears, excellent lip & mouth pigmentation. moderately arched forehead. broad straight muzzle, good proportions. correct neckline. straight, firm topline. very good to excellent chest depth, will develop further. very good forechest, excellent width for age of dog. pasterns may slightly firm up. well closed and arched feed. Good angulation front, very good rear. slightly tucked up in loin. soft med long stock hair. warm markings. Natural movement, very good harmonic reach & drive. |
| | | | 35 | Rott Power Ihimemies Ippe | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 4 years. Complete dentition, lower i3 right side stans before upper incives and also the root i3 is no longer in line with other lower incives. strong male, very good bone, very strong head, almost massive very wide skull. Large correct set & carried ears, large eyes almond shape. well arched forehead. very good stop. very broad, too short muzzle. good lip & mouth pigmentation. open mouth corner. very strong short neck. long topline should firm up. round croup. excellent chest depth, very good forechest & width, very good angulation rear & front. good angulation in shoulder. medium hard stock hair. Warm markings, inpure on pasterns, should be better defined in chest, very dark on mask. Good reach, pasterns should remain firmer, good drive, you can hear respiration during critic and movement. |
| | | KÄY |
| | | | 36 | Kovan Onnen Tuplaturbo | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 7,5 years. Complete scissors bite. Small to medium size, correct bones. Very good in type. Very good male head, very wide skull, medium size ears should lay closer to cheek. Medium size almond shape brown eyes. moderately arch forehead. Good stop. straight muzzle, excellent lip & mouth pigmentation. Marbled open mouth corner. Correct neckline. long topline should firm up. short upperarm, Very good chest depth, forechest, good to very good width, pasterns may firm up. Long loin, good bottomline. need more angulation between upper and under thigh. strongly angulated hock. hard, tence stock hair. warm markings, should be better defined in chest. Natural movement, with very good harmonic reach and drive, bothered by weaker pasterns. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 37 | Bumban Black Diamond | EVA | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 5 years. Irregular scissors bite. both lower i3 in line with upper incives. Good bones. Very good in type. Dog is not showing to be free. Can not be judged. |
| | | | 38 | Bumban Bugatti | ERI | 2 | PU2 | SA | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 7 years 11 months. Complete dentition, lower i3 right side stands line with upper incives, irregular scissors bite. Correct bones. very long in body. very good male head. medium size ears, should be carried better, large dark brown eye, very good mouth & lip pigmentation, slightly marbled. Very well arched forehead, very good stop, broad muzzle in good proportion. some throaty. good neckline. too long topline but straight. broad round croup. excellent chest depth, forechest & width. pasterns must firm up. turns out in front. strong angulation in front & rear. dence medium long stock hair. warm clear markings. dog don’t show mental drive. Natural movement with harmonic reach & drive, not bothered long topline. Shows very good mental drive in movement. |
| | | | 39 | Ecco Ekland | HYL | | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 5 years. Complete dentition, i3 on the right side stand before upper incives, very good to excellent body type, correct bone. good male head, expression bothered tips of ears should be closer to skull. medium size dark brown eye, well arched forehead . very good stop. too short muzzle, acceptable proportions. dark outerlip, total pigment lose in innerlip. correct neckline, very good topline, showing medium long round croup. Excellent chest depth & forechest, good to very good width. slightly tucked up in loin. very good angul in rear, medium long stock hair. clear marking, should be better defined in chest. Natural movement, very good reach & drive, pasterns should be stronger. |
| | | | 40 | Rott Power Jämäkkä Jortikka | EH | 3 | | | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 4 years. Complete scissors bite. small to medium size. very good bones. long in body, very good in type. male head, high set medium size ears well carried. Medium size almond shape dark brown eye. very good mouth & lip pigmentation. moderately arched forehead. very good broad stop. muscled neck. long topline, should be stronger & firmer, medium long round croup. excellent chest depth, width & forechest. Muscled forearm. well closed feet, slightly long toe in front. steep in shoulder. good angulation in rear. soft medium long stock hair. warm pure markings, should be better defined in chest. sufficient reach, good drive, overbuilding croup. covers sufficient. |
| | | | 41 | Rush Van Hof Ter Cammen | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 5 years. Complete scissors bite. strong male. good bone for dog. very strong head, still very good in type. wide skull, medium size to large ears, tips should be closer to cheek. medium size almond shape dark brown eye. excellent lip &mouth pigmentation. wrinkled cheek. expression in head is bothered too dark mask. strong, muscled neck, slightly arched. good topline. shows medium long croup. excellent chest depth, width & forechest. good pasterns. closed feet, slightly turns out in font. correct angulation in rear. slightly steep in shoulder. medium long stock hair. inpure markings on pasterns, should be better defined in chest and mask. natural movement, very good reach & drive, rounding croup in higher speed limiting length of drive. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 98 | Kovan Onnen Pirate | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 9 v. Erinomaisessa kunnossa esitetty veteraani. Erinomainen luusto. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet. Vahva urosmainen pää, jossa oikein kiinnittyneet korvat. Hyvä otsapenger ja kuono vahvuus ja pituus. Keskiruskeat silmät. Iän mukainen purenta ja hampaat. Vahva leuka. Lihaksikas kallo. Hyvä pitkä tilava rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhea karva, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Vahva sapelin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat hyvin kulmautuneet raajat. Hyvät käpälät. Kevyt, joustava, maatavoittava sivuaskel. |
| | | | 99 | Papittaren Theoden | ERI | 2 | | SA, VET-SERT, VMVA | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8,5 v. Erinomaiset rungon mittasuhteet ja raajaluusto. Oikeapiirteinen vahva urosmainen pää. Oikein asettuneet korvat, keskiruskeat silmät. Hyvä otsapenger, kuonon pituus ja vahvuus. Hyvä purenta, vahva leuka. Hyvä lihaksikas kaula. Hyvä pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhea karva, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Eturinnassa hieman nokista. Hyvä sapelin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat, hyvin kulmautuneet raajat, hyvät käpälät. Liikkuu hyvällä askelpituudella. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 42 | Betterway Agga | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium size. Very good type. Medium size female head. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Rather small, well set ears. Good strong neck. Good brest width. Good topline. Well set legs, could be more angulated in the rear. Rather good movement. The rear action could be better. Back is rolling. Good coat, sufficient colours. |
| | | | 43 | Finnmaiden's For Your Eyes Only | ERI | 4 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized, well built. Excellent type. Typical female head. Very good long muzzle. Dark eyes. A bit long, well worn ears. Strong neck. Good forebrest. Very strong body lines. Medium strenght of bones. Well set, well angulated. Good active movement. Strong back. Good coat. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 44 | Finnweilers Grace | ERI | 3 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Big, well built. Slim. Excellent type. Good strong female head. Good muzzle. Dark brown eyes. A little big ears. Good strong forebrest. Good deep underline. Strong topline. Stronger bones. Well set and well angulated. Very good and active movement. Strong back. Good coat. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 45 | Freaking Caramel | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 46 | Heizelwood Vonda | ERI | 2 | | SA | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium size. Very well built. Excellent type. Good well-sized female head. Dark brown eyes. Strong muzzle A little big ears. Strong neck. Very good and elegant body lines. Strong bones. Well set and agulated. Very active and elegant movement with a good steady back. Very good coat, sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 47 | Joukonheimo Gabriela | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Body strong. Very good type. Good female head. The muzzle could be broader. Dark eyes. A little big ears. Very strong forebrest. Deep buttonline. Strong topline. Strong bones. Well set, well angulated. Good active action with a good steady back. The tail is rolling over the back and on the side. Good coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 48 | Joukonheimo Greta | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized, rather well built. Middle sized head. Good dark eyes. Rather strong muzzle. Strong neck. Good forebrest. Good strong body lines. Medium strong bones. Well set in the front, could be better set in the rear. Active movement. The rear action is short and under the dog and a bit hacking. Good coat. A bit light in the colours. |
| | | | 49 | Mustan Konnun On Se Emäntä | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Tall. Very slim and of good type. Medium sized female head. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Big ears. Sufficient forebrest. The buttonline could be even. Long, medium strong legs. A bit loose elbows. Could be better angulated in the back. The action could be more fluent. The back is rolling and the rear action is short and hacking. Good sufficient long coat. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 50 | Nightweiler Just The Best | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over medium high. Very well built. Good strong body lines and excellent of type. Strong female head. A bit big ears. Dark eyes. Good lenght of muzzle. Good strong forebrest. Very strong body lines. Good strenght of bones. Well set and sufficient angulated in the rear. The movement could be more active and the rear action can not follow higher speed. Good middle long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 51 | Paasi-Fantin Preziosa Of The Stardust | HYL | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium sized, rather well built of very good type. Very good female head, good expression. Dark eyes. A bit long ears. Missing P2 in left under. Very good and strong body lines. Medium strong bones. Well set and rather good angulated. Good balanced action, could be a bit more active. Steady back. Good lenght of steps. Good middle long coat. Rather warm colours. |
| | | | 52 | Rott Power Quqa Muu Muqa | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Well built, of a very good type. Good strong female head. Good dark eyes, rather small ears. Good strong neck. Good forebrest. Good strong buttonline. The croup is falling a bit. Strong of bones. Well set in the front, could be better set and angulated in the rear. Rather active action. Steady back. A bit stiff rear action. Good coat and warm colours. |
| | | | 53 | Rott Power Quumaa Qamaa | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Tall, very long-legged. Slim, of a very good type. Rather broad female head. Dark eyes. Very big ears. A bit short muzzle. Slim, strong neck. Sufficient forebrest. Strong topline. The buttonline could be deeper. The bones could be stronger. Steep shoulder. Well set and well angulated in the rear. Very active movement with the steady back. The rear action could be more active. Good short coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 54 | Rott Power Ritzy Bitchy | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Body strong. Of excellent type. Medium sized, very good female head. Dark eyes. Sufficient long muzzle. Strong neck, good forebrest. Good buttonline. Good strong topline. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Very good active movement, strong back and good leght of steps. Good coat, sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 55 | Sapeliuksen Delsa Jytyntytär | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium sized. Very body strong. Of excellent type. Good strong female head. Dark eyes. Good muzzle. Well sized, well set ears. Very strong neck. Strong forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Strong topline with high wither. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Rather active movement with rather loose and rolling back. Good middle-long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 56 | Wendy Vom Wiengraberland | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 57 | Von Hartmut D'red Sox | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium sized. Rather well built. Of very good type. Medium sized female head. Dark eyes. A bit big ears. A bit too short muzzle. Strong neck. Rather strong, slim body lines. Medium strong bones. Well set and rather well angulated. Sufficient active movement, steady back. The rear action could be more active. Good middle long coat. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 58 | Caya Aus Der Hexenkiste | ERI | 1 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium sized. Very well built. With good body lines and excellent type. Good medium sized female head. Sufficient small ears. Dark eyes. Good muzzle. Very strong neck and forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Excellent topline. Good strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Good active movement with good rear action and good lenght of steps. The back could be a bit more steady. Good middle long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 59 | Elisa Ars Rottis | EH | 3 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Medium sized. Well built, body strong. Of excellent type. Well sized female head. Small ears. Dark brown eyes. Short muzzle. Very strong neck and very strong forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Strong topline. Good strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Active and fluent movement. Good strong back. Correct lenght of steps. |
| | | | 60 | Heizelwood Vaiana | ERI | 2 | | SA | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over medium size. Very well built and body strong. Of excellent type. Well sized female head. A little big ears. Dark eyes. Sufficient muzzle. Strong neck. Very strong forebrest. Very good buttonline. Strong topline, high wither. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Good active movement with steady back. Good leght of step and sufficient active rear action. Good middle long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 61 | Just Ask Zienna O'shea | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middlesized. Rather well built. A bit long. Of very good type. Middle sized female head. Very small ears. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle, the bite is a bit open. Very strong neck. Sufficient forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Good topline. Medium strong bones. Steep shoulder. Well set and well angulated at the rear. Rather active movement. Nearly steady back. The rear action is very short and stepping. Good short coat, sufficient warm colour. |
| | | | 62 | Lemmenmäen Yumi | EH | 4 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Well over middle sized. Well built. With very strong body. Of very good type. Strong female head. Rather big ears. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Strong neck and forebrest. Very good buttonline. Strong topline. Very strong and fluent movement with totally stedy back. Good lenght of steps and active rear action. The tail is very much rolled up when running and sometimes when standing. Good middle long coat, sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 63 | Nightweiler Infinite Lady Domina | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Just middle sized. A bit light, but rather well built. Of very good type. A bit heavy but good female head. Big ears. Dark brown eyes. Good strong muzzle. Good strong slim neck. Sufficient forebrest. Sufficient buttonline. Topline with rather high wither. Medium strong bones A bit steep shoulder. Well set and well angulated at the rear. Rather active movement with a rather falling back, but good step leght and good rear action. Good middle long coat, sufficient warm colours. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 64 | Cheerott's Admira | ERI | 4 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Very well built and body strong of excellent type. Very good well proportioned female head. A little big ears. Dark brown eyes. Very good muzzle. Strong neck and strong forebrest. Very slim and strong body lines. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Very good and active movement. Strong back and excellent action. Good middle long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 65 | Järvenalhon Because I'm Unique | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Well over middle sized. Very body strong and rather well built of very good type. Rather strong female head. A bit big ears, dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Very strong neck. Sufficient forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Strong topline. Medium strong bones. A bit steep shoulder. Well set. Could be better angulated in the rear. Rather active movement. Good stedy back. Sufficient rear action. Good coat. A bit light in the colours. |
| | | | 66 | Karmossen Mellow Girl | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Just middle sized. Rather well built. Of very good type. Good middle sized female head. A bit long ears. Dark brown eyes. Sufficient strong neck. Good forebrest. Deep buttonline and good topline. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Very good active movement, steady back. Limping on the left rear leg. Middle long coat, curling a little on the back. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 67 | Lemmenmäen Xoxo | ERI | 2 | | SA | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized, very well built and well proportioned. Of excellent type. Very good female head. Sufficient small ears. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Strong slim neck. Sufficient forebrest. Good strong body lines. Medium strong bones. Very well set and very well angulated. Very active and harmonic movement. Steady back and excellent actions. Good coat, sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 68 | Papittaren Zyrah | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 69 | Papittaren Ännie | ERI | 3 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Just middle sized. Very body strong and well proportioned of excellent type. Good middle sized female head. A bit long ears. Dark brown eyes. Very good muzzle. Very strong neck. Strong forebrest. Deep buttonline. Very big brest volyme. Good topline. Strong bones. Very well set and angulated. Very active and harmonic movement, nearly steady back and very good rear action. A bit long. Good coat, sufficient colours. |
| | | | 70 | Papittaren Öda | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle sized. Very well built, strong of body and excellent of type. Good strong female head. Rather big ears. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Strong neck. Sufficient forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Good topline. High wither. Very strong of bones. Well set and well angulated. Very active movement. Nearly steady back. The rear action could be more steady and harmonic. |
| | | | 71 | Papittaren Önja | EH | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle sized. Rather well built. Of very good type. Medium sized female head. Big ears. Dark brown eyes. Good long muzzle. Good slim neck. Sufficient forebrest. Sufficient deep buttonline. Strong topline. Rather active movement. The back is rolling a bit. The rear action could be more effective. Good short coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 72 | Papittaren Östine | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, SERT | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle sized. Very well built and harmonic of excellent type. Very good female head. Very long ears. Dark brown eyes. Very good muzzle. Strong neck. Excellent forebrest. Very good body lines. Good brest volyme. Medium strong bones. Very well set and well angulated. Very active movement. Strong stedy back. Good lenght of step. Good stable rear action. Good coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 73 | Rott Power Omg Octopussy | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 74 | Ånnipojan My Diamond Baby | H | | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Rather well built. A very good type. Good small female head. High worn big ears. Middle brown eyes. Short muzzle. Rather strong neck. Very good forebrest. Deep buttonline. Rather good topline. Strong bones. Well set and well angulated. The movement could be more active. A bit unsteady back and the rear action could be more effective. Good middle long coat, curling a bit. Warm colours. |
| | | KÄY |
| | | | 75 | Katajavuoren Muusa Meripihka | EH | 1 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle size. Very well built and harmonic. Excellent type. Medium sized good female head. A little big ears. Dark eyes. Very good muzzle. Strong slim neck. Sufficient forebrest. Good deep buttonline. Strong topline. Medium strong bones. A bit steep shoulder. Very well set and well angulated at the rear. Very strong and long movement with nearly stedy back and excellent rear action. Good middle long coat. Sufficient warm colours. |
| | | | 76 | Katajavuoren Uma Lapintaika | EH | 2 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle sized. Well built and body strong. Of excellent type. Good strong femle head. Big ears. Dark brown eyes. Good muzzle. Good strong neck. Sufficient forebrest. Very good and strong body lines. Strong bones. A bit steep shoulder. Well angulated at the rear, much out-toed at the rear.Good active movement with nearly steady back, the rear action could be more effective. Good middle long coat. Good warm colours. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 77 | Heizelwood Runo | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Well over middle sized. Very body strong and harmonic, of excellent type. Good sized female head. Small ears. Dark brown eyes. Sufficient long muzzle. Good strong neck. Very strong forebrest. Excellent strong body lines. Strong bones. Very well placed and very well angulated. Standing all parallel. Very good active and harmonic movement. Good steady back. Very effective rear action. Good middle long coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 78 | Rott Power Karma Is Cute | ERI | 3 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Well over middle sized. Well built with good body volyme and of excellent type. Not too heavy well sized female head. Rather small ears. Sufficient long muzzle. Red in the lips. Good strong neck. Good forebrest. Deep buttonline. Rather good topline with high wither. Strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Rather out-toed in the rear. Very good harmonic and effective movement. Steady back and good rear action. Good coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 79 | Rott Power Lady Domina | EH | 4 | | | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Middle sized. Very body strong. Well built of excellent type. Good strong female head. Small well worn, a bit airy ears. Dark brown eyes. Strong slim neck. Just sufficient forebrest. Very good and strong body lines. Medium strong bones. Steep shoulder. Well set and well angulated at the rear. Very active movement. Good steady back. The rear action is a bit ineffective and limping. Good short coat, warm colours. |
| | | | 80 | Rott Power Omg Opium | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | Over middle sized. Very well built and harmonic, of excellent type. Good middle sized female head. Well set small ears. Dark brown eyes. Sufficient long muzzle. Good slim neck. Very heavy forebrest. Excellent strong buttonline. Strong topline with high withers. Medium strong bones. Well set and well angulated. Standing nearly parallel. Very active and harmonic movement. Steady back. Correct lenght of step. Energetic rear action. Good short coat and warm colours. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 100 | Emma-Kaarinan Luomu-Uniikki | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 101 | Papittaren Ushma | EH | 4 | | | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 8 v. Rungon mittasuhteiltaan oikea, erinomainen luusto. Vahva narttumainen pää. Korvat saisivat olla poskenmyötäisemmät. Pyöreät keskiruskeat silmät. Lyhyehkö kuono. Iän mukainen purenta ja hampaat. Lihaksikas kaula. Hyvä pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävän karhean karva, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Sirpin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoset kulmaukset, lihaksikas reisi. Edestä kääntää kyynärpäitä hieman ulospäin. Sivuaskel jää lyhyeksi ja takaraajan liike jää rungon alle. Suosittelen lihashuoltoa. |
| | | | 102 | Redvilla's Uxi | ERI | 2 | | SA | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | 10 v. Erinomaisessa kunnossa esitetty. Oikeat rungon mittasuhteet ja erinomainen luusto. Narttumainen oikeapiirteinen vahva pää. Hyvä korvien asento. Tummat silmät. Hyvä purenta ja leuat. Hyvä pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Selkä hieman painunut. Karva vaihtumassa. Riittävä karheus ja hieman vaaleat värimerkit. Sapelin muotoinen häntä. Tasapainoiset kulmaukset, leveä lihaksikas reisi. Kevyt, joustava, maatavoittava sivuaskel. Liikkeessä iän tuomaa arvokkuutta. |
| | | | 103 | Rott Power Cheer | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, VET ROP | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Vajaa 10 v. Erinomaisessa lihaskunnossa esitetty veteraani. Erinomaiset rungon mittasuhteet ja luusto. Kaunispiirteinen narttumainen pää. Hyvä korvien kiinnitys. Tummat silmät. Hyvä kuonon pituus ja vahvuus. Iän mukainen purenta ja hampaat. Kaunis ylälinja, lihaksikas kaula. Erinomainen pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Hyvä karvapeite ja keskiruskeat värimerkit. Eturinnassa hieman nokista. Sapelin muotoinen häntä. Lihaksikkaat, hyvin kulmautuneet raajat. Kevyt, joustava, maatavoittava sivuaskel. Liikkeessä iän tuomaa arvokkuutta. |
| | | | 104 | Rottlife Diiva | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 105 | Rottrobis Zmilla | ERI | 3 | | SA | Putkonen Juha | |
| | | | Noin 10 v. Erinomainen luusto ja rungon mittasuhteet ja lihaskunto. Kaunispiirteinen narttumainen pää. Hyvä kuonon pituus. Oikein kiinnittyneet korvat. Tummat silmät. Hyvä purenta. Lihaksikas kaula. Hyvä pitkä rintakehä ja eturinta. Riittävä karvan karheus, keskiruskeat värimerkit. Tasapainoisesti kulmautuneet raajat. Sapelin muotoinen häntä, jonka voisi nostaa paremmin liikkeessä. Kevyt, joustava, maatavoittava sivuaskel. Liikkeessä iän tuomaa arvokkuutta. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 3000 | Heizelwood | | 1 | | KP | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | 2 combination, high degree of homogenetic, three of the dogs are littermates. show homogenetic in manor of development. all dogs shows substance end strenght. still regonacible excpession. very good type in details they show.
4, 46, 60, 77 |
| | | | 3001 | Papittaren | | 3 | | - | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | shown dogs good in type. not highly regonisable homogenetic in expression of the head.
32, 34, 69, 72 |
| | | | 3002 | Rott Power | | 2 | | KP | Vandecasteele Dirk | |
| | | | showing a high homogenetic in type & expression. all four dogs are not directly related. they show good type & development in substance.
54, 79, 80,103 |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 5002 | Papittaren Tamara | | 1 | | KP | Henriksen Carsten | |
| | | | good similarity in body shape and quality. good similarity in head & expression, more in puppies than mother. very good similarity in general. they have same strenght of bones, same eye color, very good result. only thing is that thereto mention is difference in males and females.
33, 69, 70, 72 |