| | Nartut |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 1 | Faustkämpfen Zhara | | 1 | | KP, ROP, BIS PEN-4 | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type. Good in size and format. Lovely head. Correct in size and proportion of skull and muzzle. Strong muzzle. Excellent pigmentation. Correct placed dark eye. A little bit light ears. Correct neck set. Strong topline. Excellent croup. Could be better tail set. For the age well developed chest. Enough angulated in front, good rear angulation. Must be a bit stronger in elbows. Typical color and coat. Coat according to age. Lovely temperament. Very promising. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 2 | Grinch From Dolina Rivendell | ERI | 2 | | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Nice type. Excellent size and body format. A bit overweight. Nice head. Long enough. Good lines in skull and muzzle. Strong, long enough muzzle. Could be better ear set. Correct dark eye. Excellent pigmentation. Good neck. Enough marked forechest. Good angulation in front. Strong topline. Excellent volume in ribcage. Correct rear angulation. Enough harsh coat. Good color. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 3 | Jettyspoof's Hat Trick | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, JUN VSP, SERT, JUN-SERT | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type. Compact body. Nice head with correct expression. Excellent dark eye. Good sized and strong muzzle. Correct lines in skull and muzzle. Excellent ear set. Elegant neck. Good forechest. At the moment a bit empty under elbows. Enough deep chest. Correct topline. Could be better tail. Good rear angulation. Moves well. Good coat. Excellent temperament. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 4 | Jettaharjun Ice King | EH | 2 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Nice type. Compact. A bit big in size. Lovely head that is good in size. Enough parallel lines of skull and muzzle. Correct volume in muzzle. Correct placed dark eye. Good pigmentation. Could be better neck set. A bit short shoulder blade. Must be better proportioned of upper arm and shoulder blade. Needs a more marked forechest. Enough deep chest. Good topline. Excellent tail set. In movement must be more parallel behind. Enough clean color. Good coat. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 5 | Jettyspoof's Stylish White | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type. Good in size and body format. Lovely head that is good in size. Excellent proportion of skull and muzzle. Could be a little bit more volume under eye. Correct ear set. Enough dark eye. Could be a bit stronger pigmentation. Correct topline and underline. Good forechest. A little bit open front in movement. Correct angulated in both ends. Harsh coat. Could be better tail. Excellent temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 6 | Backout's Life Is Life | ERI | 3 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | A bit big in size. Good body format. Good bones. Lovely head that is good in size. Must have stronger pigmentation. Correctly set, dark enough eye. Good proportions of skull and muzzle. Enough volume under eye. Enough good ear set. Good neck. Could be more marked forechest. Enough strong pastern. A bit empty under elbows. Good topline. Enough angulated in front, excellent in rear. Correct coat structure. Clean color. Lovely temperament. Moves well. |
| | | | 7 | Darya's Qissing Quy | ERI | 2 | | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | A bit big. Excellent type. Enough compact in body. Correct sized head, good in proportions and lines of skull and muzzle. Enough dark eye. Strong muzzle. Strong enough pigmentation. Needs much better marked forechest. Good ribcage. Strong topline. Wide and long croup. Could be a bit better tail set. Enough parallel in movement. Harsh coat. Enough clean color. Excellent temperament. Moves well. |
| | | | 8 | Jettyspoof's Halloween King | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, BIS-4 | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type. A bit big in size. Compact, elegant with good bones. Excellent long head. Strong muzzle. Enough dark eye. Good pigmentation. Correct lines of skull and muzzle. Excellent volume of muzzle. Good ears. Good neck. Excellent strong topline. Correct tail set. Enough marked forechest. Enough angulated in front, correct rear angulation. Excellent harsh coat. Enough parallel behind in movement, nice side movement. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 9 | Petremma's Spider-Man | ERI | 4 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Big in size. Could be more elegant. Compact body. Strong masculine head. Good in proportions. Correct pigmentation. Correct eye set and color. Could be more elegant in skull. Excellent ear set. Strong neck. Good topline. A little bit rounded croup. Needs more angulation in front and more forechest. Excellent volume of ribcage. Correct rear angulation. Excellent clean coat. Good coat structure and volume. Nice temperament. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 10 | Jettyspoof's Oh So Man | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, VET ROP, BIS VET-2 | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type and size. 11,5 years old in beautiful condition. Still elegant with very good body balance in movement. Typical, long enough head. Could be a bit better proportions of skull and muzzle. Excellent pigmentation. Good eye set and expression. Elegant neck. Strong topline. Could be more marked forechest and better front. Correct rear angulation. Excellent ribcage. Excellent coat structure. Clean color. Correct grooming. Moves well. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 11 | Jettyspoof's Piece Of Cake | ERI | 2 | | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | A bit big in size. 9 years old. Compact, elegant. Lovely head that is good in size. Could be a bit stronger muzzle. Dark enough eye. Good pigmentation. Could be better ear set. Elegant neck. Enough marked forechest. Correct topline and tail set. A bit narrow behind in movement, good in front. Correct coat structure. Clean color. Moves well. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 12 | First Royal Look Like A Blue Sky | EH | 3 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Feminine excellent type. Correct size. Elegant. Enough strong in bones. Feminine head but must be a bit longer. Correct, narrow and flat skull. Enough long and strong muzzle. Correct eye set and expression. Good eye pigmentation, but must be better nose pigmentation. Excellent ear set. Elegant neck. Good topline and tail set. Could be much better marked forechest. Must have better proportions of upper arm and shoulder blade. Enough marked withers. Sometimes in movement the front goes a bit down. Closing hocks behind in movement. Typical coat for age. Excellent clean color. Could be stronger topline in movement. A bit rounded loin in movement. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 13 | Jettyspoof's Tricky One | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA, VARA-SERT | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Feminine. Excellent type. Compact in body. Nice feminine head, good in size and good lines of skull and muzzle. Muzzle long enough and good volume. Enough strong pigmentation. A little bit light ears. Enough marked forechest. Excellent volume of ribcage. Enough deep at the moment. Strong topline. Enough long croup. Could be better tail. Must be more parallel behind in movement. Excellent in front. Correct coat structure. Enough clean color. Excellent movement and temperament. |
| | | | 14 | Jettyspoof's Tricky Star | EH | 4 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Nice type but must be more feminine. Looks a bit heavy. A bit long in body. Lovely head. Good in size. Could be better ear set. Expressive dark eye. Elegant neck. Could be stronger topline. Looks a bit low in legs in front. A bit long in loin. Excellent volume of ribcage. Correct coat structure. Lovely temperament. Moves with enough long step and temperament. |
| | | | 15 | Otis Boanergos Lotus | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, BIS JUN-4 | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Very feminine. 9 months old. Excellent size. Compact body. Needs a bit more time to fully develop. Lovely feminine head. Long enough. Good lines of skull and muzzle. Excellent pigmentation. Corerct expression. Correct ear set. Elegant neck. Strong topline. Good tail set but tail could be of better form. Correct forechest. A bit short ribcage, but deep enough. Good angulated in both ends. Typical coat structure. Moves well. Lovely temperament. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 16 | Macarena De Pichera | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Feminine. Good in size but must be a bit more compact in body. Lovely head. Correct in size with very good expression. Good proportions of skull and muzzle. Typically marked stop. A bit light ears. A bit straight in front. Must have more forechest and better angulation in front. Strong topline but a bit long in loin. Excellent croup and tail set. Good rear angulation. Excellent coat structure. Clean color. Moves well with enough energy. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 17 | X-Luce Lysithea | ERI | 1 | | SA | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Feminine. Good in size. Enough compact in body. Elegant with good bones. Nice head that is of good size with typical expression. Must have a bit more volume under eye. Enough strong muzzle. Excellent ear set. Could be darker eye. Good nose pigmentation. Good forechest and chest. Excellent strong topline. A little bit long in loin. Excellent croup and tail set. Good front movement. Must be more parallel in hind movement. Correct coat structure with enough volume for today. Moves well. Typical temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 18 | Faustkämpfen Unforgettable In White | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | A bit big but still feminine. Compact in body. Elegant. Lovely head with good expression. Could be better ear set. Typical lines of skull and muzzle. Strong muzzle. Elegant neck. Excellent strong topline. Correct tail set. Could be a bit more marked forechest. Must be stronger in elbows. Enough angulated in both ends. Moves well with a good step and temperament. Excellent harsh coat. Today in full coat. Correct color. Excellent temperament. |
| | | | 19 | Jettyspoof's Xo Gautier | ERI | 2 | | | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | 6 years old. Looks a bit masculine in type. Must be more elegant and feminine. Excellent long head with nice expression. Very good proportions. Excellent ear set. Dark expressive eye. Could be better nose pigmentation. Enough elegant neck. Strong topline. A little bit long in loin. Good tail set. Excellent volume of ribcage. A bit open elbows. Correct rear angulation in movement. Excellent coat structure and color. Moves with enough energy. |
| | | | 20 | Petremma's Viva La Vita | poissa | | | | | |
| | | VET |
| | | | 21 | Greedy Rascal's Yes I Am Lovely | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | Excellent type. 11 years old in beautiful condition. Lovely head. Good in size. Enough good proportions of skull and muzzle. Enough dark, correctly placed, expressive eye. Could be better ear set. A bit short neck. Needs more forechest and angulation in front. For age good topline and underline. Today in a bit long coat but excellent coat structure and color. Moves well. Nice temperament. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 3000 | Jettyspoof's | | 1 | | KP | Pablaka Inese | |
| | | | 3, 5, 8, 11.
Excellent breeding group. Four dogs of the same type. Correct in size. Excellent in type. Excellent strong and long heads with typical expression and pigmentation. All four have elegant and strong toplines. Correct movement. Excellent coat structure. Typical grooming. Congratulations to the breeder! |