| | Urokset |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 1 | Amox Time The Relax | | 2 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Puppy needs time to mature and developed. Masculine in outline for age. Correct proportions. Needs to developed in dental condition. Correct in head. Good skull and muzzle. Dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Needs to mature in body. Correct front and rear angulations. Good coat quality for age. Sufficient on the move. Needs to get use to show seen. Very promising. |
| | | | 2 | Amox Touch Of Magic | | 1 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely young male. Needs time to mature and developed. Lovely proportions for age. Good topline and tailset. Correct tail carriage. Lovely head proportions. Nice eye and experession. Strong pigmentation. Good bite for age. Lovely coat quality, Very good texture. Well developed feet. Easy mover. Lovely temperament and presentation. Very promising. |
| | | | 3 | Chambanya Senge Somba | | 3 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Black puppy male. Needs time to mature and developed. Needs more masculinity. Lovely proportion when standing. At the moment I can feel only one testicul. Very nice head profile. Typical proportions in muzzle and skull. Dark eye. Nice bite for age. Very typical in body and front angulations. Good texture of coat for age. Sufficient on the move. Typical temperament and presentation. Very promising. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 4 | Chambanya Quantum Of Solace | | 2 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Masculine male. Sturdy with correct proportions. When standing very nice silhuet. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Well developed body for the age. Correct front and rear angulations. Well developed feet. Typical in head profile with typical skull, stop and muzzle. Very asian in expression. Lovely coat quality for age. Typical on the move. Needs to get a bit more selfconfident on the move. |
| | | | 5 | Senicitas One Heart | | 1 | | KP, VSP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice peppy male. Very happy in the ring. Nice size and proportions for age. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Typical in front and rear angulations. Nice feet. Very typical in head proportions. Dark eyes. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Correct in coat, quality for age. Lovely temperament. Very open temperament. Well presented. |
| | Nartut |
| | | PPEN |
| | | | 6 | Amox Touch My Heart | | 3 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice young puppy bitch. Lovely proportions for age. Very feminine. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Good body for age. Typical in front and rear angulations. Nice front and feet. Very typical in head. Nice skull and ear. Dark eye. Good pigmentation. Needs to developing in bite. Nice coat quality for age. Lovely temperament and presentation. Typical on move. |
| | | | 7 | Chambanya Sonam Shenden | | 2 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely feminine puppy bitch. Lovely size and proportions for age. Typical in front and rear angulations. Reversed scissor bite. Lovely head with very nice expression. Dark eyes. Typical tailset and carriage. Lovely body and topline for age. Lovely coat quality. Typical on the move. Very well presented. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 8 | Sadi-Ya's Zooming For Something Magical | | 1 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely puppy. Beautiful in size, proportions and silhouette. Very nice front and feet for age. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Lovely body. Well developed feet. Beautiful in head profile. Lovely proportions in head. Very asian in expression. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 9 | Ti La Shu You Got The Look | | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch in good type and size. Needs time to developed and mature. Very nice proportions for age. Nice head profile with good eyes, strong pigmentation. Good bite and expression. Needs to get a bit more length of legs. Nice tailset and carriage. Very nice coat quality and texture. Typical front and rear angulation. Correct on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 10 | Chambanya Pugu Pumâ Tunturijärven | | 1 | | KP, ROP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely bitch. Very beautiful in type, size and silhouette. Lovely proportions. Beautiful head. Lovely asian expression. Nice skull and muzzle. Lovely neck, topline and tail carriage. Beautiful coat quality for age. Lovely temperament. Easy mover and good drive. Like to see her back on elderly age. Very well presented. |
| | | | 11 | Chambanya Que Sera Sera | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 12 | Senicitas Heart Of Glass | | 2 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Puppy bitch. Very nice size and proportions. Good body and topline. Typical in front and rear angulations. Well developed feet. Correct head profile. Good skull and muzzle. Good bite. Typical ears. Good coat quality. Typical in expression. Nice temperament. Happy in the ring. Correct on the move for age. Very well presented. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 13 | Fabulous Teddy's Wow That's It | ERI | 3 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger dog. Very square and typical profile. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Good body for age. Well developed feet. Typical in front and rear angulations. Typical in head profile. Pigmentation around on the eyes could be better. Lip and nose pigmentation correct. Very nice expression. Good bite. Sufficient on the move for age. Lovely coat quality. Very nice silhouette when standing. Lovely temperament and presentation. |
| | | | 14 | Festrait Xtra Amazing | ERI | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger dog. Very sturdy in silhouette. Strong bone and lot of substance. Well developed body for age. Typical in topline and tailset. Correct in front and rear angulations. Masculine in head, good skull and muzzle. Good eyes. Full coat with good structure. Does not want to stand still. Sufficient on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 15 | Pet Pursuit Out Of My Way | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, JUN-SERT, JMVA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely male. Very nice in proportions. Very beautiful in type, sturdy and masculine. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Excellent body for age. Typical in front and rear angulations. Very nice head profile. Good nice skull, stop and muzzle. Good body. Nice tibetan expression. Typical on the move. Typical coat quality. Easy mover. Very playful temperament. |
| | | | 16 | Pet Pursuit Phoenix | ERI | 2 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely male. Beautiful in size type, temperament and proportions. Sturdy. Well developed body for age. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely head profile. Good typical muzzle, stop and skull. Good bite. Strong pigmentation. Lovely expression. Good coat quality. Easy mover with nice drive. Lovely repsentative of the breed. Typical tibetan terrier temperament. |
| | | | 17 | Pet Pursuit Quintessential | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Little bit big and heavy dog. Lot of bone and substance. Very sturdy in body. Good neck and topline. Good tailset and carriage. Big feet. Correct in front and rear angulations. Strong skull. Good muzzle. Dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Correct bite. Movement needs to more parallel. Good coat quality for age. Nice temperament. Good presentation. |
| | | | 18 | Pindaros Waiting For My Wave | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Correct in size. Typical in proportions. Needs to mature in body. Need more spring of ribs. Needs more substance in body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Needs to get more stability in front standing and on the move. Lovely head. Good neck proportions. Good bite. Strong pigmentation. Lovely coat quality. Needs to improve on the move. More parallel action needed. Lovely temperament. Very well presented. |
| | | | 19 | Qitsukan Icaros | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger dog. Needs to get used to show seen. Is smelling a lot of nice things on the ground. Correct proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good body. Correct tailset and carriage. Big, round feet. Correct in head proportions. Dark eyes. Good bite. Good texture of coat. Needs to move more parallel. Needs more ring training. Very happy dog. Good contact on handler and dog. |
| | | | 20 | Tuhannenjayhden Ikuinen Ystävä | poissa | | | | | |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 21 | Chambanya Moves Like Jagger | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Little bit on bigger size but very masculine and sturdy. Lovely body. Typical topline and tailset. Correct in front and rear angulations. Lovely neck and tailset. Good feet. Nice head with good skull and muzzle. Good bite. Dark eyes. Typical expression. Lovely coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 22 | Fabulous Teddy's Victorious Wanderer | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Beautiful male. Lovely in size. Beautiful proportions. Tiptop condition. Lovely neck, topline, tailset and carriage. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely head. Very nice expression. Very tibetan like. Lovel coat, nice texture and color. Easy mover. Very well presented. Lovely representative of the breed. |
| | | | 23 | Pindaros View My Moves | ERI | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger dog. Lot of bone and substance. Correct in proportions. Good topline, tailset and carriage. A lot of hairy of the head. Dark eyes. Typical ears. Lovely neck. Strong body, front and rear angulations. Shows plenty of daylight. Sufficient on the move. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 24 | Pindaros Vow For Wow | ERI | 2 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice male. On the bigger size. Very nice proportions. Lovely bone and substance. Sturdy. Typical in front and rear angulations. Big round feet. Typical tailset and carriage. Good front and feet. Masculine head. A lot of hairy round of head. Good bite. Typical eyes and expression. Shows plenty of daylight. Tiptop coat quality, good texture. Nice temperament. Very well presented. Good mover. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 25 | Chambanya Lha Lâm-Shü Tunturijärven | ERI | 1 | PU4 | SA, SERT, MVA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely golden dog. Lovely proportions. Ideal size. Well developed boy. Nice forechest. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Very nice head profile. Nice expression. Good bite. Lovely texture of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. Nice representative of breed. |
| | | | 26 | Pet Pursuit If Walls Could Talk | ERI | 2 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Male of good size. Shade long in silhouette. Could do fraction more length of legs. Typical body and topline. Correct in front and rear angulations. Typical head profile. Eyes could be darker. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Sufficient texture of coat. Good feet. Correct on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 27 | Bakoje's Bob Marley | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Nice male. Lovely in size and proportions. Excellent in body. Typical front and rear angulations. Sufficient length of neck. Good tailset and carriage. Good body. Nice head profile. Good pigmentation. Good bite. Lovely coat quality, excellent in texture. Nice color. Typical on move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 28 | Chambanya Hit The Road Jack | ERI | 4 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger male. Sturdy and lot of substance. Masculine. Typical in proportions. Lovely topline, tailset and carriage. Well developed body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Nice forechest. Typical in head profile. Nice skull, muzzle and stop. Lovely expression. Super coat quality. Easy mover. Shows plenty of daylight. Very well presented. |
| | | | 29 | Chambanya Ken-Tshar-Po | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Beautiful male. Stunning silhouette. Beautiful proportions. Very nice topline and tailset. Beautiful head profile. Lovely eyes and expression. Good bite. Correct in forechest, front and feet. Lovely topline. Typical front and rear angulations. Lovely feet. Beautiful coat quality, lovely texture. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 30 | Fabulous Teddy's Tipsy Turvey | ERI | 2 | PU3 | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Beautiful male. Masculine. Sturdy. Lovely proportions. Beautiful silhouette in standing. Good body, topline and tailset. Correct in front and rear angulations. Lovely feet. Typical in head with very nice proportions and nice tibetan expression. Super coat quality, excellent texture and color. Typical on the move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 31 | Falamandus Universal Classics | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 32 | Pet Pursuit Etch A Sketch | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Male of good size, type and proportions. I would prefer some more masculinity all over in silhouette. Could do a bit more substance and body. Correct front and rear angulations. Nice forechest. Lovely head profile. Good, dark eyes. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Nice coat texture and structure. Shows plenty of daylight. Sufficient on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 33 | Pindaros Oh Lord It's Hard To Be Humble | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Male of good size. Masculine and sturdy. Lovely proportions. Lovely neck, topline and tailset. Excellent body. Strong feet. Typical in front and rear angulations. Very nice masculine head with dark eyes. Nice texture of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Correct on the move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 34 | Pindaros Unlock The Swag | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice male. Lovely size, silhouette and proportions. Beautiful neck, topline and tailset. Lovely body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Very nice head with good skull, stop and muzzle. Good bite. Very nice coat quality, excellent texture of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 35 | Chambanya U-Tshu Lamleh | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET ROP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely veteran male. Very beautiful in size and silhouette. Lovely proportions. Strong bone and substance. Typical neck, topline and tailset. Lovely body. Correct front and rear angulations. Very nice head profile and expression. Dental condition is in line of the age. Strong pigmentation. Lovely coat quality. Typical on the move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 36 | Fabulous Teddy's Leader Of The Gang | ERI | 2 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger male. Typical in proportions. Strong bone and substance. Sturdy body. Typical neck, topline and tailset. Strong head with good skull and muzzle. Good bite. Nice eyes and expression. Lovely coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 37 | Amox Sunshine | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Young bitch needs to mature and developed. Correct in size and proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good bite. Good body. Correct in topline. Good tailset and carriage. Strong pigmentation. Sufficient on the move. Very well resented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 38 | Arsanna´S Afternoon Delight | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice feminine bitch. Lovely size. Typical in proportions and size. Nice body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good feet. Lovely neck, body and topline. Very typical in head with nice skull and muzzle. Lovely expression. Good bite. Very nice coat quality, Good texture of coat. Easy mover. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 39 | Chambanya Oba Obioma | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, VARA-SERT, JUN-SERT | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely blond bitch. Very elegant and feminine. Lovely silhouette when standing. Beautiful topline and body. Correct front and rear angulations. Nice tailset and carriage. Lovely head with beautiful expression. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Well developed feet. Excellent coat quality, excellent color. Typical on the move, Very well presented. Nice representitation of breed. |
| | | | 40 | Fabulous Teddy's Victory Queen | ERI | 2 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Beautiful black and white bitch. Ideal size and proportions. Excellent body and topline. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely feet. Beautiful head proportions, skull, muzzle and stop. Good bite. Strong pigmentation. Lovely expression. Super coat quality. Lovely structure. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 41 | Falamandus Xcuse Me I'm Famous | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Junior bitch needs time to mature and developed. Need to et more substance on body. Needs to get more firm on topline. Sufficient length of neck. Typical front and rear angulations. Correct in head profile. Dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Good bite. Sufficient text of coat. Needs more improve on the move. Nice temperament. Very well presented. |
| | | | 42 | Falamandus Xcuse Me While I Kiss The Sky | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovley bitch. Very beautiful in proportions and size. Elegant. Lovely top- and underline. Good tailset and carriage. Good body and rear angulations. Very nice in head profile. Lovely expression. Good bite. Nice coat quality. Well developed body. Good mover. Typical in temperament and nice presentation. |
| | | | 43 | Nyyppiksen Io Anjushri Lungmo | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 9 months old, needs time to mature and developed. Needs to get more substance on body and stability on topline. Good tailset and carriage. Correct front and rear angulations. Good head profile. Good skull and muzzle. Good bite. Structure of coat is good for age. Needs to improve on the move. Typical in temperament and presentation. |
| | | | 44 | Pet Pursuit On My Way | ERI | 4 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely bitch. Beautiful in type. Very feminine. Beautiful in proportions. Excellent in body, topline and tailset. Nice feet. Lovely elegant head with lovely expression. Typical ear. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Lovely coat quality and shows plenty of daylight. Typical on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 45 | Pet Pursuit Quality Mark For Brozhunters | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 46 | Pet Pursuit Quixotic One | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size. Feminine. Needs time to mature and develop. Could do little bit more length of legs. Good body for age. Typical in front and rear angualtions. Typical topline , tailset and carriage for age. Nice head profile. Needs to improve on the move. Needs to developing coat. Lovely temperament. Very well presented.Very good combination with handler and dog. |
| | | | 47 | Pet Pursuit Rosedust | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Young bitch. Needs time to mature and developed. When standing she has nice proportions. Needs mature in body. Typical front and rear angulations. Well developed feet. Correct tailset and carriage. Good head. Correct bite. Nice proportion in muzzle and skull. Strong pigmentation. Needs to developing in coat. Sufficient on move in the age. Very well presented. Typical temperament. |
| | | | 48 | Pindaros Waka Waka | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Lovely in type, size and proportions. Very nice standing. Correct in body and forechest. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely tailset and carriage. Well developed, nice, big feet. Correct in head. Lovley expression. Nice eyes. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Tiptop coat condition. Shows plenty of daylight. Correct on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 49 | Pindaros Whole Lotta Love | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Young bitch, needs time to develope and mature especially on the move. She is good size, but needs stronger body and topline. Correct in front and rear angualtons. Good tailset. Correct in head profile. Good bite. Nice expression. Needs to developing in coat. Strong pigmentation. Typical in temperament. |
| | | | 50 | Zazaran Unique Hillakedon Love | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch. Strong but elegant. Good bone and substance. Typical proportions. Correct in front and rear angulations. Good body. Good tailset and carriage. Lovely head. Very nice expression. Good skull and muzzle. Typical in bite. Strong pigmentation. Lovely coat quality. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 51 | Chambanya Nicki Minaj | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Very feminine in size and silhouette. Lovely proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Well develop feet. Lovely neck, topline, tailset and carriage. Very nice in head. Typical in expression. Dark eyes. Good pigmentation. Lovely coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 52 | Karamain Eleganza | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size. Sturdy. Typical proportions. Good body. Correct in front and rear angulations. Typical tailset and carriage. Good head profile. Nice eyes. Good pigmentation. Good bite. Sufficient text of coat for age. Sufficient on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 53 | Kiranas Orariana | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 54 | Kiranas Oumuamua | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Typical in silhouette and size. Very feminine with good body, bone and proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good feet. Nice head with good skull, stop and muzzle. Good bite. Strong pigmentation. Good coat quality. Movements could be a bit firmer. Typical presentation. |
| | | | 55 | Nyyppiksen Hariti Loa | ERI | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size. Elegant. Feminine with good bone and substance. Correct front and rear angulations. Well developed feet. Good body. Typical tailset and carriage. Good head profile with good skull, stop and muzzle. Nice eyes. Structure of coat is ok. Movements could be more firmer. Typical temperament and presentation. |
| | | | 56 | Pardain Est Amore | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Strudy bitch with lot of substance and bone. Typical in topline. Well developed body. Correct in front and rear angulations. Good tailset. Nice neck. Good head profile. Good nice expression. Good coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover with good extension and drive. Parallel. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 57 | Qitsukan Honey | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Strong bitch. Strudy. Good body. Good topline and tailset. Correct front and rear angulations. Nice head profile with good skull and muzzle and pigmentation. Typical ear. Nice coat quality, good structure of coat. Easy mover. Very playful in the ring. But when standing she shows nice silhuette. |
| | | | 58 | Sadi-Ya's You Are Something Special | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA, SERT | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very elegant bitch. Nice in size, proportions and type. Lovely topline. Good body. Correct in front and rear angulations. Nice strong feet. Very nice head. Lovely proportions in head. Beautiful eyes and expression. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Lovely text of coat. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 59 | Amox Limited Edition | ERI | 3 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Very nice size and proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good body. Nice forechest. Typical in head profile. Good skull and muzzle. Good bite. Lovely coat quality. Easy mover. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 60 | Chambanya Lha Ling-Ga Tunturijärven | ERI | 2 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Small bitch. Very nice in type and proportions. Lovely topline. Very typical tailset and carriage. Good body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely head. Very good skull, stop and muzzle. Good bite. Nice well developed feet. Lovely text of coat. Nice color. Easy mover. Very well presented. Lovely expression. |
| | | | 61 | Nyyppiksen Gewa Moon | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch with good size and type. Correct in proportions. Good front and rear angulations. Nice tailset and carriage. Good head proportions. Good eyecolour and pigmentation. Sufficient on the move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. Shows plenty of daylight. |
| | | | 62 | Nyyppiksen Girana Moon | ERI | 1 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Sturdy with good proportions. Lovely neck, topline, tailset and carriage. Good body. Correct front and rear angulations. Nice feet. Typical in head profile and expression. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Easy mover. Very nice coat quality, good structure of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 63 | Pet Pursuit Ma Jolie | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch. Correct in proportions. Feminine. Elegant. Good body, topline and bone. Typical in front and rear angulations. Well developed feet. Nice head profile. Strong pigmentation. Typical expression. Good bite. Nice texture of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Correct on the move. Typical presentation and temperament. |
| | | | 64 | Pindaros Twelve Points | ERI | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size type and proportions. Elegant and feminine. Could be firmer on topline but she shows nice silhouette when standing. Typical tailset and carriage. Correct in front and rear angulations. Very good in head. Dark eyes. Very good pigmentation. Nice coat quality and texture. Typical on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | | 65 | Senicitas My Time | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch with nice type and size. Elegant and feminine. Good body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely tailset and carriage. Nice neck and topline. Very nice head profile and expression. Strong pigmentation. Nice texture of coat. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 66 | Zazaran Sound Of Music | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch with substance and bone. Correct in proportions. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good feet. Correct head profile. Dark eyes. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Good tailset and carriage. Lovely coat quality. Excellent texture of coat. Typical front and rear angulations. Sufficient on move. Very well presented. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 67 | Amox Fantastic Me | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size. Correct in proportions. Good neck, topline and tailset. Good body. Could be a bit firmer in front. Typical in head profile. Lovely pigmentation and expression. Good bite. Good structure of coat. Sufficient on the move. Very well presented. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 68 | Amox Guardian Angel | EH | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bigger bitch. Could do a little bit elegant and feminity for me. Would prefer firmer topline. Correct front and rear angulations. Good feet. Muzzle could be fraction shorter. Good eyes and skull. Good pigmentation. Good texture of coat. Could be bit firmer on the move. Could hold topline better when gating. |
| | | | 69 | Chambanya Extremely Attractive | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Beautiful bitch. Lovely proportions. Beautiful topline and tailset. Excellent body and front and rear angulations. Lovely head. Very beautiful expression. Tiptop coat quality. Lovely silhouette when standing. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 70 | Chambanya Gawa Galme | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very nice feminine bitch. Lovely silhouette when standing. Very nice proportions. Beautiful neck, topline and tailset. Excellent body. Typical front and rear angulations. Good feet. Beautiful head and expression. Nice eyes. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Lovely expression. Super coat quality. Could show a bit more daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 71 | Chambanya Heart Of Gold | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch. Very elegant silhouette and size. Beautiful in type. Lovely proportions. Very elegant with lovely topline, tailset and carriage. Beautiful head and expression. Good bite. Excellent body. Very typical angulations from the rear. Typical coat, tiptop condition. Very easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 72 | Chambanya Highly Attractive | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Very beautiful bitch. Lovely size and proportions. Very elegant. She has lovely topline, tailset and carriage. Very beautiful head with lovely expression. Super coat quality. Excellent structure and color. Typical in front and rear angulations. Very easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 73 | Fabulous Teddy's Passionate Love | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Elegant bitch. Not the smallest but lovely silhouette and proportions. Very nice in head and expression. Good bite. Lovely neck, topline , tailset and carriage. Sufficient spring of ribs. Correct in front and rear angulations. Lovely coat quality and shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 74 | Falamandus Take Me To Tiffany's | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch with o lot of bone and substance. Very elegant. Lovely silhouette when standing. Strong body. Beautiful head profile. Nice expression. Strong pigmentation. Typical in front and rear angulations. Full coat in tiptop condition. Under the coat could show more daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 75 | Falamandus Uups Made Another Touchdown | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch up to size. Very elegant silhouette when standing. Beautiful proportions. Lovely neck , topline and body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely head with beautiful eyeshade and color. Strong pigmentation. Tiptop coat quality. Could show bit more daylight under the coat. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 76 | Kiranas Margosa | ERI | 4 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Nice bitch with good type and size. Elegant. Typical in front and rear angulations. Good body and topline. Lovely neck, tailset and carriage. Very beautiful head and expression. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Nice coat quality. Good texture of coat. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 77 | Milington's Liz Captura De Los Ojos | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch but she is feminine and elegant. Strong body with good spring of ribs. Good tailset and carriage. Correct in front and rear angulations. Lovely head and expression. Strong pigmentation. Lovely coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Good mover. Nice temperament. |
| | | | 78 | Pet Pursuit Every Little Step | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely size bitch. Very elegant and feminine. Lovely topline and body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Very nice in head. Lovely proportions, stop, muzzle and skull. Lovely expression. Tiptop coat quality. Easy mover. Very nice presentation and temperament. |
| | | | 79 | Pet Pursuit It Had To Be You | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Sturdy bitch up to size, but elegant and feminine. Lovely topline, tailset and carriage. Good body. Typical in front and rear angulations. Lovely head profile with nice eyes. Good pigmentation. Good bite and expression. Lovely coat quality, shows plenty of daylight. Good structure of coat. Easy mover. Very well presented. Lovely temperament. |
| | | | 80 | Pindaros Stargasm | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Super feminine bitch. Lovely in size and proportions. Sturdy and feminine. Lovely neck and topline. Typical tailset and carriage. Lovely head with nice dark eyes. Strong pigmentation and expression. Good body. Correct front and rear angulations. Tiptop coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 81 | Pindaros Unicorn Made Me Do It | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Bitch of good size and type. Very typical in proportions. Excellent in body. Lovely neck, topline, tailset and carriage. Well developed feet. Nice head profile. Good skull, stop and muzzle. Strong pigmentation. Good bite. Excellent coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Nice temperament. Very well presented. |
| | | | 82 | Sehaliah Better Be Fabulous | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Lovely bitch. Very elegant and sturdy. Very nice in proportions. Lovely topline, tailset and carriage. Nice body. Typical front and rear angulations. Lovely topline. Very typical in head with nice expression. Strong pigmentation. Lovely coat quality and coat texture. Shows plenty of daylight. Easy mover. Very well presented. |
| | | | 83 | Tibicinan Un Vento Danzante | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | Blond bitch with long in silhouette but elegant and feminine in type. Could do a bit firmer topline. Typical in head profile. Good pigmentation and expression. Good topline and tailset. Lovely coat quality. Shows plenty of daylight. Correct front and rear angulations. Typical on the move. Very well presented. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 84 | As You Wish From Taste Of Ambrosia | ERI | | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 12 yearn old bitch shown today in perfect condition. typical in size and in proportions. good body. typical topline tail set and carriage. very nice head profile. good dental condition for age. lovely coat quality. shows plenty of day light. easy mover sufficient reach and drive. very well presented. |
| | | | 85 | Chambanya Tacita Lamleh | ERI | 2 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | lovely bitch. very elegant and typical proportions, bones and size. excellent front and rear angulations. lovely topline and tailset. lovely head profile. typical expression. excellent dental condition for age. lovely coat quality. shows plenty of day light. easy mover very well presented |
| | | | 86 | Kiranas Karabee | ERI | 3 | | SA | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 10 year old bitch. shown today in tip top condition. very nice proportions and bone. excellent tailset and carriage. good body. very nice head profile. good muzzle stop and scull. excellent dental condition. lovely coat condition. shows plenty of day light. easy mover very well presented. |
| | | | 87 | Kiranas Kharesse | ERI | 4 | | | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 10 years old. nice veteran bitch. typical in proportions. good body and bones. correct front and rear angulation. lovely tailset and carriage. very nice head profile. dark eye, good pigmentation typical expression. good bite. lovely coat quality lovely structure. shows plenty of day light. lovely temperament and presentation good mover. |
| | | | 88 | Pet Pursuit Blazing Wish | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP, VET-SERT | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 8 year old bitch. lovely size and proportions. nice body typical topline and bone. correct front and rear angulations. lovely neck, topline and tailset and carriage. very nice feminine head and expression. tip top coat quality. very nice structure of coat. easy mover very well presented |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 202 | Chambanya | | 1 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 29, 69,71,72
Lovely group. Very beautiful type. Lovely overall head and expression. Very typical feet. Tiptop coat quality. Very nice silhouette and size. Very typical on move. Presentation perfection. |
| | | | 203 | Fabulous Teddy's | | 3 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 22, 30, 36, 40
Group of nice type. Typical in proportions. Nice in head profile and silhouette. typical in coat quality. Overall proportions. Typical on the move. Sex type is known very well. typical overall temperament and presentation. |
| | | | 205 | Kiranas | | 2 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 54, 76, 86, 87
Correct of size overall balance and proportions. Typical in head profile with nice expressions. Good body and topline. Nice silhouette when standing and moving. Lovely coat quality. Excellent overall condition. Very nice coats and movements. |
| | | | 207 | Pet Pursuit | | 4 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 15, 26, 63, 79
Nice group of size and overall type. Correct head proportions. Typical in body and topline. Excellent coat quality. Typical on the move. Very well presented. |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 301 | Chambanya Extremely Attractive | | 1 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 28, 51, 71, 72
Nice overall silhouette and size. Very typical head profile. Very nice in expressions. Typical in proportions and bone. Nice structure of coat. Very equally in type. |
| | | | 302 | Chambanya U-Tshu Lamleh | | 2 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 25, 39, 52, 60
Nice group. Very similar in type. Correct inside and proportions. Typical in expession. Very similar in bones and substance. Structure of coat very similar. typical on the move. Very nice overall picture and presentation. |
| | | | 303 | Pet Pursuit Etch A Sketch | | 3 | | KP | Doedijns Rony | |
| | | | 15, 26, 44, 79
Very equally on type. Typical in head profile. Nice overall proportions and bones. Very equally in expressions. Nice overall on sizes. Typical coat quality and structures. They have to improve in move. Very well presented. |