| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 364 | Avicii Airfire | ERI | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good size. Enough strong bones. Complete bite. Enough dark eyes. The head with good proportions but his under jaw should be stronger and there is a little bit too much skin. The ears have correct position but not always optimal. Good front. Strong neck. Good ribcage. Little bit longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 365 | Bombinade's Do You Come Here Often | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Excellent in type with good pigmentation. Correct head with all good proportions. Correct ears. Good neck and level topline. Excellent front. Strong bones. Good spring of ribs. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 366 | Nezmar Tipit Z Hanky | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, JUN VSP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Correct bite and ears. Good pigmentation. Correct head, still not overdone. Excellent front. Strong bones. Good neck. Good length of body. Strong backend with good angulations. Good tail. Correct movement. |
| | | | 367 | Northern Stellar Get On Cowboy | ERI | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Well-developed for 10 months. Correct bite and ears. Good head proportions with enough strong under jaw but a little bit lippy lips and too much skin on his neck. Good length of neck. Enough developed chest for his age. Level topline. Little bit longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 368 | Northern Stellar Hold Your Horses | ERI | 3 | | SA, SERT, JUN-SERT | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Enough strength for his constitution. Correct bite. Good pigmentation. Enough dark eyes. Good muzzle. Correct skull. Good front. Enough strong bones. Good neck and level topline. Enough spring of ribs. Little bit longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 369 | Royaltybolt Our Night To Shine | ERI | 4 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lighter bones. Enough dark eyes. Correct bite. Good length of muzzle with a little bit lippy lips and not enough strong under jaw. Good skull and ears. Strong neck. Good chest. Good tail. The angulations behind should be better. Movement with front is ok, behind is not so much connected. |
| | | | 370 | Royaltybolt Overloaded With Diamonds | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 371 | Vienava Be That As It May | ERI | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 16 months old. Strong constitution. Correct bite, correct ears. Dark eyes. Good head proportions. Good chest. Strong back. Strong neck. Strong backend. Tail is correct. In movement his topline is not level but he moves well. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 372 | Bombinade's Bohemian Raspberry | ERI | 1 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Nice head with good pigmentation and correct bite. Correct ears. A little bit lighter bones but he is overall in correct proportions. Good chest and neck. Level topline. Good angulations behind. Good tail set, which is a little bit higher in movement. Moves well. |
| | | | 373 | Polar Express Mystical Time Paradox | ERI | 2 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Red brindle with white. Good size. Correct bite and ears. Dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Under jaw could be a little bit stronger. Wider skull. Correct front. Good chest. Excellent neck and level topline. Good spring of ribs. Good angulations and movement. His tail a low set, and when he moves the position of the tail is not straight. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 374 | Golden Ferya Nightmoon | ERI | 3 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lighter bones. Dark eyes. Correct ears. Good pigmentation. Good length of muzzle, not enough strong under jaw. Good neck. Not enough forechest. Longer in loin. Level topline. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 375 | Polar Express Checkmate King | EH | 4 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lighter bones. The pigmentation could be darker. Good length of muzzle. Enough strong under jaw. Correct skull and ears. Good length of neck. Not enough forechest. Level topline. Enough ribcage. Good angulations. Movement is not always correct. |
| | | | 376 | Unbreakable's Mister Clutterbuck | ERI | 1 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Enough strong bones and correct size. Excellent head shape, would prefer a little bit darker eyes. Good length of muzzle. Correct bite. Good skull. Enough forechest. Good spring of ribs. Level topline. Strong back end with good angulations. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 377 | Villa Vappulan Challenger | ERI | 2 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Almost 8 years old in excellent condition. A little bit taller, but in good proportions. Correct head with good pigmentation. Correct ears and bite. Good neck and level topline. Enough forechest. Good spring of ribs. Good angulations in front and behind. Correct tail and movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 378 | Masterbolt We'll Be Together | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Excellent in type. Enough strong bones. Enough dark eyes. Correct ears, complete bite. Good head shape, very clean. Excellent neck with level topline. Enough wide front with good chest. Good spring of ribs. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 379 | Masterbolt Gold Rush | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, VET ROP, BIS VET-1 | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 8,5 years old, in excellent condition. Good in type. Strong bones. Very compact body. Excellent head with excellent pigmentation. Correct bite. Correct ears. Good neck and level topline. Excellent front. Good angulations and movement. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 380 | Bombinade's Your Place Or Mine | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 381 | Fuerza Amiga Lady Of Firenze | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Beautiful dark brindle bitch. In excellent condition, also excellent coat condition. Correct head with good pigmentation. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Excellent neck. Good front. Enough deep chest. Short, coupled body with good angulations. Excellent movement. |
| | | | 382 | Jamaica King Of Montenegro Amstaff | ERI | 3 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Good size. Enough clean head. Good length of muzzle, underjaw could be stronger. Good skull. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Good neck and level topline. Enough chest for her age. Short, coupled body. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 383 | Masterbolt In Gold We Trust | ERI | 2 | PN3 | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lovely 11 months old bitch. Good in type. Excellent head with good proportions. Dark eyes. Good front. Good neck and level topline. Enough strong bones. Little bit longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 384 | Masterbolt Just Like Gold | ERI | 4 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Correct head. Correct bite. Enough dark eyes. Good ears. Enough strong neck and level topline. Enough chest for her age. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 385 | Northern Stellar Be My Cow Girl | EH | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lighter bones. Good pigmentation. Correct bite. Good skull. Good length of muzzle with not enough strong underjaw. Good neck. Good forechest. Level topline. Longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 386 | Northern Stellar Miss Summer Hay | ERI | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Lighter bones but in good proportions. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Good neck and level topline. Enough chest. Good ribcage. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 387 | Polar Express Origami | ERI | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Good pigmentation. Correct head with complete bite. Dark eyes. Correct ears. Good neck. Enough strong chest. Level topline. Longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 388 | Sth Lake Eternally Dallas | EH | | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 11 months old. Enough strong bones but not in the best condition today. Correct skull. Enough dark eyes. Good length of muzzle. Not enough strong underjaw. Good forechest. Straight front legs with open and flat feet in front and behind. Good ribcage. Good length of body. Good angulations behind. Movement is ok. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 389 | Polar Express Magnificent Tardigrada | ERI | 1 | PN4 | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Correct size. Enough strong bones. Short, coupled body. Correct head proportions. Correct bite. Good chest. Good neck and level topline. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 390 | Sticky Wicket's Funny Little Poltergeist | EH | 3 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Correct size. Lighter bones. Correct head with good pigmentation. Underjaw should be stronger. Good neck. Not enough chest. Flat ribs. Not the best angulations in front and behind. Good movement. |
| | | | 391 | Vienava Adorable Eureka | ERI | 2 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Enough strong bones. Dark eyes. Correct bite. Correct length of muzzle, not enough strong underjaw. Good neck. Good forechest. Good spring of ribs. A little bit longer in loin. Level topline. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 392 | Golden Ferya Evening Wind | EH | 3 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good size. Enough strong bones. Good skull. Enough dark eyes. Correct length of muzzle. The bite is not correct, underbite. Good ears, neck and topline. Enough forechest. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 393 | Northern Stellar Highland Queen | ERI | 1 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good size and proportions. Clean head with good pigmentation. Correct bite. Enough dark eyes. Good skull. Good neck and level topline. Straight front with enough forechest. Good length of body. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 394 | Polar Express Luminaries Pandora | ERI | 2 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Enough strong bones. In good condition. Good skull. Correct bite. Not enough deep muzzle. Good ears. Good neck and topline. Straight front with enough strong forechest. Angulations behind could be better. Correct movement. |
| | | | 394 | Polar Express Luminaries Pandora | ERI | 2 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Enough strong bones. In good condition. Good skull. Correct bite. Not enough deep muzzle. Good ears. Good neck and topline. Straight front with enough strong forechest. Angulations behind could be better. Correct movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 395 | Bombinade's Nobody's Wife | ERI | 3 | | | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good size. Enough strong bones. Correct head with nice strong underjaw. Correct bite. Enough dark eyes. Good ears. Good neck. Short, coupled body. Straight front with not enough forechest. Good spring of ribs. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 396 | Bornofmagic's Girl Worth Fight For | ERI | 2 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 4 years old well-balanced bitch with correct head proportions. Correct bite. Dark eyes. Good skull. The ears are too high from time to time. Good front. Enough deep chest. Good neck and level topline. Good length of body. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 397 | Royaltybolt Made Of Diamonds | poissa | | | | | |
| | | | 398 | Superstellar Born For Gold Rush | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Good in type. Good pigmentation. Correct bite. Correct ears. Good head proportions. Good neck. Enough strong chest. Little bit longer in loin. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 399 | Pure Power Mystique | ERI | 1 | | SA, VET VSP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 8,5 years old, in good condition. Very nice head with good proportions. Lighter eyes. Good neck and level topline. Enough strong chest. Strong backend. Good angulations and movement. |
| | | | 400 | Sticky Wicket's I Am A Wildog | ERI | 2 | | SA | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | Enough strong, in excellent condition. Correct head. Not enough deep muzzle. Good skull. Strong neck. Excellent front with enough forechest. Short, coupled body. Good angulations and movement. |
| | Kasvattajaluokat |
| | | | 3016 | Masterbolt | | 1 | | KP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 378, 379, 383, 384. All four are very typical, with correct ears. Enough strong bones and good sizes. All very similar in type and have good movements. |
| | | | 3017 | Northern Stellar | | 2 | | KP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 367, 368, 386,393. All of the dogs have correct sizes and bone substance. The ears could be more rose like. The dogs are in good condition and well developed. |
| | Jälkeläisluokka |
| | | | 5004 | Masterbolt Gold Rush | | 1 | | KP | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 383, 384, 386, 398. The type is good, the dogs are very similar. Good bones. Good chests. Level toplines. Good pigmentations and correct ears. |
| | | | 5005 | Northern Stellar Highland Queen | | 2 | | - | Kurent-Serjak Cvetka | |
| | | | 367, 386, 385, 386. Good sized dogs. The ears could be more rose-like. Good pigmentations. Good tails. Tight feet. Good movements. |