| | Bitches |
| | | PUP |
| | | | 291 | Almawhip Abbi Dubbi | | 1 | | HP, BOB | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Very nice type, 8 m old feminine puppy, very nice head, good proportions, correct bite, good length of neck, chest still developing, long ribcage, correct hind angulations, very nice temperament, quite parallel movement, balanced side movement |
| | Dogs |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 292 | Amberonia Atkin With Zazu | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 14 months old, masculine, head with good proportions, I would like more filled under eyes and more stronger under jaw, correct bite, long neck, front still in development, still straight upper arm, strong hind angulations, still narrow in movement, little soft in pasterns, smooth side movement, still needs some socializing |
| | | | 293 | Carwenham Billbergia | Excellent | 2 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 13 month old, masculine head, masculine head with strong muzzle, correct bite, correct head proportions, correct set ears, long next, front still in development, still straight in shoulders, long ribcage, strong hind angulations, nice temperament, bit close in rear, would like longer step |
| | | | 294 | C'mere A Storm In A Teacup | Excellent | 1 | BM2 | CQ, JUN BOB, CAC, JUN CAC | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 9 months, strong masculine male, big size, correct proportions in head, very nice temperament, correct set ears, nice shaped neck, for age deep enough chest, long ribcage, nice balanced hind angulations, parallel movement, very nice productive side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 295 | Lepakkovintin Tiedän Mitä Teit Viime Kesänä | Excellent | 4 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 months, correct bite, strong head, strong muzzle, correct set ears, very strong under jaw, big in size, front in still development, still straight upper-arm, long enough ribcage, correct hind angulations, enough parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice temperament |
| | | | 296 | Mimi Chill's Ivalo | Excellent | 3 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 15 months old, well balanced head, correct bite, well placed ears, nice shaped neck, for age nicely filled front, long enough ribcage, little bit long in loin, balanced hind angulations, parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice temperament |
| | | | 297 | Nenatnak Killer Bunny | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 12 months, strong masculine head, would like better filled under eyes, correct bite, well-set ears, for age very well filled front, long ribcage, nice temperament, well balanced angulations front and rear, nice shaped neck, parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 298 | Silkki-Saaran Captain America | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 months, masculine head, good proportions of head, week under jaw, front is still in development, still narrow in front, strength upper arm, moderate angulations, bit soft in pasterns, not showing movements |
| | | INT |
| | | | 299 | Chosen Tricks Viking Spirit For Sagramour | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 19 months old, very strong masculine head, very strong muzzle, correct set ears, overall very strong in bones, correct bite, strong neck, well filled front, nice temperament, deep enough chest, long ribcage, still straight upper arm, well balanced hind angulations, parallel movement, balanced side movement |
| | | | 300 | Cielo Nocturno Ti Sento | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 1 year and 9 months, little bit shy, well proportions in heart, well placed ears, correct bite, big in size, need some more table training, for age still narrow in front and not filled, still straight upper arm, moderate angulation in rear, parallel enough movement, balanced side movement |
| | | | 301 | Encautom's Sunny Koh Samui | Excellent | 2 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 22 months, masculine, well proportioned head, big in size, correct bite, very strong filled chest, nice head proportions, long ribcage, well balanced rear angulation, parallel movement, balanced side movement, would like longer steps |
| | | | 302 | Mei Dan Poutapilvi | Excellent | 4 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 20 months old, well balanced head, correct bite, would like stronger under jaw, for age deep enough chest, straight in upper arm, correct hind angulations, parallel movement, balanced side movement |
| | | | 303 | Merak | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 18 months, masculine head, correct bite, would like more filled under eyes and stronger under jaw, long neck, deep enough chest, little bit shy, correct hind angulations, need some ring training, soft pasterns, short step, little bit tension in loin |
| | | | 304 | Supeta's Hello Moto | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 18 months, strong masculine, correct bite, strong muzzle, well set ears, well filled front for age, big in size, deep enough chest, still narrow, straight in upper arm, balanced rear angulation, nice temperament, parallel movement, nicely balanced side movement |
| | | | 305 | Undimoon Videung | Excellent | 3 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 20 months, well proportioned head, would like better filled under eyes, correct bite, would prefer stronger under jaw, well filled front, long ribcage, well balanced rear angulations, parallel movement, would prefer longer step in side movement, in nice temperament |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 306 | Ballenbreich Gigalum | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2 years old, elegant head with good proportions, correct bite, nice shaped neck, deep enough chest, nicely placed shoulder, long ribcage, correct angulations front and rear, nice temperament, parallel movement, little bit loose in elbows, would proffer longer step |
| | | | 307 | Belltown Manhattan Shaker | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2,5 years, masculine well balanced head, correct bite, strong enough under jaw, nice expression, deep enough chest, nice temperament, long enough ribcage, would prefer wider, would prefer wider thigh, parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 308 | Big Trick's Tahmatassu | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Nice masculine head, correct head, well placed ears, strong enough under jaw, deep enough chest, long ribcage, would prefer wider thigh, parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice temperament, nice presentation |
| | | | 309 | Lekurin Uljas | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 5 years old, strong masculine head with correct bite, would like better filled under eyes, deep chest, on the big side of size, well shaped long neck, bit straight upper arm, correct hind angulations, parallel movement, nice temperament, bit soft t in pasterns, balanced side movement |
| | | | 310 | Mei Dan Naruto | Excellent | 1 | BM3 | CQ, RES CAC | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Very nice elegant head, well shaped ears, would prefer stronger under jaw, nicely shaped neck, long neck, deep enough chest, long enough ribcage, moderate hind angulations, nice temperament, excellent physical condition, bit narrow in rear, excellent topline in movement, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 311 | Mimi Chill's Bruce Banner | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 4 years old masculine, well proportioned head, strong enough muzzle, well placed ears, big in size, deep enough chest, long ribcage, strong hind angulations, nice temperament, parallel movement, bit soft in pasterns, nice balanced side movement |
| | | | 312 | Mimi Chill's Galad Na Cuil | Excellent | 2 | BM4 | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2 years and 3 months, well balanced head, correct bite, well set ears, well filled front, deep enough chest, nice shaped neck, straight in upper arm, very strong rear angulation, bit narrow in rear, nice balanced side movement |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 313 | Mei Dan Growlithe | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 6 years old, would prefer stronger under jaw, nicely placed ears, elegantly shaped neck, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder, long enough ribcage, correct hind angulations, very nice over all type,parallel enough movement, nice balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 314 | Mei Dan Zz Yuki | Very Good | 3 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2 years, big in size, strong bone, strong long neck, front need to be filled, deep enough chest, straight in upper arm, balanced hind angulation, nice temperament, parallel movement, little bit soft in pasterns, balanced side movement, little bit tension in loin |
| | | | 315 | Tarumetsän Ikiroudan Timantti | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 6,5 years, well balanced head, strong under jaw, well placed ears, long neck, well filled front, deep enough chest, long enough ribcage, well balanced rear angulation, would prefer better physical condition, parallel enough movement, balanced side movement |
| | | CH |
| | | | 316 | Castamere Celtic Rocker | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-1 | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 4 years old, very nice type, well proportioned head, correct bite, strong enough mizzle, well placed ears, well filled front, very nice shaped neck, well placed shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, well balanced rear angulation, nice curved topline and under line, very parallel movement, very balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 317 | Mei Dan Storm | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 5 years, masculine, good proportions in head, strong enough under jaw, correct bite, long neck, well placed shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, balanced rear angulation, little bit narrow in rear, balanced side movement but would prefer longer steps |
| | | | 318 | Pikkuliisan Unohtumaton Timantti | Excellent | 4 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 4 years, masculine, strong head, would prefer better filled under eye, under jaw strong enough, deep chest, long enough ribcage, balanced hind angulation, little bit narrow rear and bit loose in elbows, little bit soft in pasterns, would prefer more balanced side movement |
| | | | 319 | Sagramour La Bomba | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 3 years, masculine head, correct proportions, would better filled únder eyes, strong enough under jaw, long neck, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, balanced rear angulations, little bit narrow in rear, balanced side movement, nice temperament |
| | | VET |
| | | | 320 | Sagramour Go For It | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, VET BOB | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 9 years old, masculine, well proportioned head, correct bite, strong enough under jaw, very nicely shaped neck, well filled and deep enough chest, long enough ribcage, well balanced rear angulations, bit narrow in rear, very nice temperament, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 321 | Sagramour Magic Endeavor | Excellent | 2 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 years old, very good condition for age, strong masculine head, correct bite, correct under jaw, very nicely filled front, deep chest, compact body, balanced rear angulation, parallel movement, still effective and balanced side movement |
| | | | 322 | Tiger's Chaos Epic Experience | Excellent | 3 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 9,5 years, well proportioned head, correct bite, placed ears, enough strong under jaw, deep enough chest, long enough ribcage, balanced angulations front and rear, nice temperament, parallel enough movement, still balanced side movement |
| | Bitches |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 323 | Carwenham Bergenia | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 13 months, feminine head, correct bite, blue eye change a little expression, long head, deep enough chest, strong angulation in rear, long enough ribcage, a little sloping croup, balanced movement, still needs ring training |
| | | | 324 | Carwenham Bryony | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 13 months, correct bite, feminine head, would prefer better fill under eye, well placed ears, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder blade, correct body proportions, correct rear angulations, parallel movement, nice shaped top and underline balanced side movement |
| | | | 325 | Castamere Everything Is Everything | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 12 months, big in size, correct bite, strong head, front still in development stage, still straight in front, well balanced rear angulations, little bit narrow in rear, balanced side movement |
| | | | 326 | Cielo Nocturno En Vie | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 12 months old, feminine, well balanced head, correct bite, well placed ears, nice temperament, for age very well filled front, deep chest, long ribcage, well balanced front and rear angulation, parallel movement, nicely shaped top and under line, balanced side movement |
| | | | 327 | Encautom's Sunshine In My Life | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | feminine, correct bite, well proportioned head, well placed ear, would like more filled under eye, correct bite, strong enough under jaw, deep enough chest, bit long in loin, well balanced rar angulation, parallel movement, balanced side movement, nice temperament, nice presentation |
| | | | 328 | Ikkalan Syyshelmi | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 329 | Lepakkovintin Elämäni Kesä | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 months, correct head proportions, correct bite, would like more filled under eyes, bit low placed ears, deep enough chest, high on legs, correct front and rear angulations, parallel movement, balanced side movement, strong topline in movement, well presented |
| | | | 330 | Lepakkovintin Villi Kesä | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 months, feminine head, correct bite, would like better filled under eye, deep stop, well placed ears, deep enough chest for age, high on legs, still straight upper arm, strong hind angulations, bit long in loin, nice temperament, balanced side movement |
| | | | 331 | Marfidal Jumbo Jet Shes Winner | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 11 months, still needs table training, correct bite, would prefer better fill under eye, long neck, narrow in front, deep enough chest, staring angulation in front, moderate in rear, bit narrow in rear, balanced side movement, still need overall ring training |
| | | | 332 | Mei Dan Klöver Ess | Excellent | 1 | | CQ, JUN BOS, JUN CAC | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 13 months, feminine, well proportioned head, correct bite, would like better filled under eye, strong enough under jaw, well placed ears, strong neck, well placed shoulder blade, filled enough chest, long enough ribcage, moderate rear angulation, little close in rear, nice balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 333 | Pikkuliisan Valon Ja Varjon Harmonia | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 10 months, very nice head proportions, correct bite, nice expression, strong enough under jaw, front still in development stage, on the big site of size, high on legs, still straight upper arm, moderate rear angulation, nice temperament, little bit tension on loin. would like more longer step |
| | | INT |
| | | | 334 | Belltown Amazing Zelda | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 20 months, feminine, needs table training, correct bite, correct head proportions, still narrow in front, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder, balanced rear angulation, still straight upper arm, parallel enough movement, still need socializing, balanced side movement |
| | | | 335 | Cielo Nocturno The Logical Song | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | nearly 2 years, correct bite, very nice temperament, correct head proportions, very nice expression, nicely set and shaped ears, very nice expression, very nicely filled front, deep enough chest, long ribcage, well placed shoulder, nicely balanced angulation, parallel movement, in a movement strong topline, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 336 | C'mon Drop Of Luxury | Excellent | 4 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 23 months, very feminine, nice feminine type head, nice expression, correct bite, strong enough under jaw. correct set ears, very nice shaped neck, well filled deep enough chest, nice pleased shoulden , long ribcage, well balanced front and rear angulation, over all good proportions, parallel movement excellent temperament, nice shape of topline, balanced side movement |
| | | | 337 | Igray Yasmina Oriental'beauty | Excellent | 1 | BB3 | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Feminine head, correct bite, lovely expression, strong enough under jaw, on the bigger side of size, long neck, well placed shoulder blade, well filled deep enough chest, balanced front and rear angulations, nice temperament, parallel movement, excellent side movement, nice strong topline, excellent under line |
| | | | 338 | Kiiturin Lt-See See Rider | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 339 | Mei Dan Palleropilvi | Excellent | 2 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 2 years, feminine head, correct bite, correct proportions, strong enough under jaw, on the bigger side of size, long neck, well places shoulder blade, deep enough chest, well balanced front and rear angulation, long enough ribcage, nice temperament, parallel movement, in the movement strong topline, balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 340 | Absidian Black Swan | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 341 | Absoliuti Idile Noster Magnetite | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 4 years old, in under jaw lack of PM2, feminine head, correct bite, correct head proportions, well set ears, very well filled front, long enough neck, excellent balanced front and rear angulation, over all good body proportions, parallel enough movement, nice temperament, very balanced and effective side movement, strong topline in movement |
| | | | 342 | Belltown Memory Maker | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | very nice type, feminine head, correct bite, nice expression, nicely shaped and set ears, strong enough under jaw, very nice shaped neck, nicely shaped shoulder blade, on the big side of the size, deep enough chest, compact body, well balanced front and rear angulation, excellent temperament, parallel movement, excellent topline and under line, balanced side movement |
| | | | 343 | Carwenham At Eternity's Gate | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 3,5 years, well proportioned head, well shaped and set ears, nice expression, correct bite, would like more filled under eyes, strong enough under jaw, well places shoulder, long enough ribcage, well balanced front and rear angulation, on the bigger side of size, bit narrow in rear, well balanced side movement |
| | | | 344 | Lepakkovintin Pikku-Siiri | Excellent | 3 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 3 years, feminine head, correct bite,little bit low set ears, would like stronger under jaw, nice shaped neck, well placed shoulder, correct rear angulation long enough ribcage, parallel movement, nice temperament, in movement strong topline and balanced side movement, nice presentation |
| | | | 345 | Mei Dan Lockheed Lightning | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2 years, correct bite, bit of masculine type, bigger on size, parallel lines of head, would prefer stronger under jaw, long neck, little bit short in shoulder blade, deep enough chest, high on legs, moderate rear angulations, narrow in rear, strong topline on the move, very nice long step, very balanced side movement |
| | | | 346 | Sagramour Just Like You | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | correct bite, nice feminine head, well placed ears, strong enough under jaw, long neck, little straight upper arm, well placed shoulder blade, would prefer wider thigh, little sloping croup, very balanced side movement, little bit jumping on side move |
| | | | 347 | Silkki-Saaran Victoria | Excellent | 4 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 3 years, feminine hear, correct bite, nice temperament, correct proportion in head, strong enough under jaw, on bigger side of size, deep enough chest, high on legs, little bit short shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, narrow thigh, excellent temperament, parallel movement, little bit soft in pasterns, balanced side movement |
| | | | 348 | Softouch Never A Dull Moment | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOS, CAC | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 4 years, beautiful feminine hear, correct bite, excellent set of ears, strong enough under jaw, well filled deep enough chest, well placed shoulder blade, little bit straight upper arm, long ribcage, beautifully shaped top and underline, excellent temperament, strong topline in move, very nice balanced side movement excellent presentation |
| | | | 349 | Softouch She Is My Sin | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 350 | Wernatza's Style Of Catwalk | Excellent | 2 | BB4 | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 3, excellent typo, feminine correct type, nicely shaped and set ears, strong enough under jaw, beautiful shaped neck, well filled deep enough chest, long enough riblace, well balanced front and rear angulation, nicely shaped topline and underline excellent temperament, bit narrow in rear, parallel movement, strong topline in movement, enough balanced side movement, excellent movement |
| | | | 351 | Woodbrooks Lola Montez | Excellent | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 3 years, on the bigger side of size, balanced head proportions, strong in bone, correct bite, long neck, deep enough chest, well places shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, high on legs, moderate hind angulations, parallel movement, nice temperament, soft in pasterns, would like longer steps |
| | | WRK |
| | | | 352 | Mei Dan Supersonic | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, RES CAC | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 5 years, beautiful feminine, nice type, feminine head, lovely head proportions, correct set of ears, strong enough under jaw, nicely shaped neck, well developed front, deep enough chest, well balanced front and rear angulation, parallel movement, strong topline in move, little bit soft in pasterns, excellent physical condition, balanced side movement, nice temperament |
| | | CH |
| | | | 353 | Absoliuti Idile Pure Vanilla | Very Good | | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Almost 3 years, feminine, on a bigger side of size, strong head, would prefer better fill under eyes, would prefer stronger under jaw, correct bite, well filled front, nicely shaped neck, well placed shoulder blade, little straight in upper arm, high on legs, long enough ribcage, moderate rear angulation, sloping croup, narrow rear, loose in elbows, soft in pasterns and hocks,would prefer longer steps |
| | | | 354 | Belltown Lindy Hop | Excellent | 1 | | CQ | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 4 years feminine, correct bite, nice feminine head, correct bite, strong enough under jaw, nicely shaped neck, well filled front, deep chest, well placed shoulder blade, nicely shaped topline and under line, well balanced front and rear angulation, parallel movement, little bit soft in pasterns, balanced side movement, lovely presentation |
| | | | 355 | Big Trick's Näkymätön Ninni | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 356 | C'mere Zsa Zsa Gabor | Excellent | 3 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | On the bigger size, strong head, correct bite, strong muzzle, little bit funny ears, nicely shaped neck, deep enough chest, nice placed shoulder blade, long ribcage, well balanced front and rear angulation, nice temperament, parallel movement, nicely shaped topline and under line, balanced side movement |
| | | | 357 | Marfidal Luna Lovegood | Absent | | | | | |
| | | | 358 | Play A While Linda | Excellent | 4 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 3 years, on bigger side, very strong stop, would prefer stronger under jaw, long neck, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder blade, long enough ribcage, very long tibia, bit soft pastern, strong topline, nice temperament |
| | | | 359 | Softouch Turn Loose The Mermaids | Excellent | 2 | | | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | 2 years old, feminine, correct bite, well placed but little bit heavy ears, would prefer stronger under jaw, long neck, sufficient front, deep enough chest, well placed shoulder blade, long enough rib cage, balanced front and rear angulation, nice temperament, bit narrow in movement, strong topline in movement, would prefer longer step |
| | Breeder's groups |
| | | | 513 | Lepakkovintin | | 2 | | KP | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Presented dogs 295, 329, 330, 344
Nice group of young dogs, still in developing, mainly nice sizes, good movers, nice temperaments |
| | | | 514 | Mei Dan | | 1 | | KP | Aleknaviciene Ilona | |
| | | | Presented dogs 302, 317, 339, 352
Nice group of consistent type of dog in excellent physical conditions and in good muscles, excellent movers and excellent temperaments, good type of heads with parallel head lines |