Tuusula Riihimäki alla rasers utställning 25.05.2024
tysk spets, mittelspitz, vit
Domare Nodalli Bruno
Inga BIR-resultat | |
| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 854 | Kunhegyesi Bleki Fletcher-Mackó | borta | | | | | |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 855 | Akwarellan Snowflake | EXC | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Excellent scissor bite, complete teeth. Excellent pigment. Nice dark eyes. Correct ear set. Excellent size. Compact body. Enough correct colour. Correct coat texture. Lovely movement. |
| | | | 856 | Kuumankylän Cartier | EXC | 2 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | Good size. Correct scissor bite. Excellent pigment. Enough correct ear set. Sufficient compact body. Good topline & tailset. Nice colour. Sufficient coat texture. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 857 | Abcanitzin Slaine | borta | | | | | |
| | Tikar |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 858 | Kestikievarin Bertta | EXC | 1 | | | Nodalli Bruno | |
| | | | 10 years old. Correct scissor bite, complete teeth. In excellent condition. Pink nose. Slightly open ear set. Good neck. Slightly small head to compare to body. Correct chest. Sufficient compact body. Correct colour & coat texture. |
| | |