| | Hanar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2536 | Dior De Nuit Devon Exe | EXC | 1 | BH4 | CK, JUN BIM, CERT, NORD JUN-CERT, JUN-CERT | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, very good in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2537 | Tazillah Shafir Saad | EXC | 2 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2538 | Tazillah Shah Sulayman | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, should be bit stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 2539 | Al Bhazim Ilai Inaam | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2540 | Aziz Barkhad | EXC | 2 | | CK | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size, medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, very good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2541 | Gafar Ibn Fahyim Al Badaia | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 2542 | Lags Latifha Chanti | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2543 | Kirman Ivanhoe | EXC | 1 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, good eyes and ears, strong neck, good profile lines, good tailset, bit loose in elbows, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2544 | Qashani Bahbuh Al-Kurdi | VG | 2 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size, typical head, strong neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, bit loose in elbows, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2545 | Al Bhazim Hani Haitham | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, very good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, enough strong in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2546 | Aziz Ardashir | EXC | 2 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, very good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, strong legs, very good in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2547 | Aziz Azhar | EXC | | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, bit longer in loins, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperametn. |
| | | | 2548 | Aziz Yamak | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT, BIG-1, BIS-3 | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good square format, nice head, good eyes and ears, nice topline, good tailset, well developed chest, very good in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2549 | Kirman Indrees | EXC | 4 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 2550 | Aziz Pacifico | EXC | 2 | | CK | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, strong neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, in action a bit overcrossing frontlegs, very good hindquarters, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2551 | Quanmarra Kujuri | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIM, NORD VET-CERT, VET-CERT, VUCH | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, very good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, in exc condition for the age, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2552 | Soheil Nour Dalil Hayati | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2553 | Al Bhazim Iphigenia | EXC | | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2554 | Al Bhazim Ismene | EXC | 2 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, bit loose in elbows, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2555 | Aziz Cailan | EXC | 4 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium size, medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, very good in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2556 | Aziz Cyrena | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, JUN BIR, CERT, NORD RES-CERT, NORD JUN-CERT, JUN-CERT, BIS JUN-3 | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size format and type, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, very good in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2557 | B'aftal Sa'diq Al Asmaanii | VG | | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium size, medium strong, typical head, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, bit loose in elbows, turning bit foot out, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2558 | El Hamrah Reginah | EXC | | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size, medium strong, typical head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, bit steep upper arm, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2559 | Tazillah Rafia | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, free action but without full power, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 2560 | Cape Avalia Brassavola Nodosa | EXC | 1 | | CK | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, free action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2561 | Paschdou's E'naya | VG | 2 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, typical head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, bit loose in elbows, feet turned out, should be stronger in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2562 | Aavatuulen Ezela | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 2563 | Aïcha'umm Adularia | EXC | 1 | BT4 | CK, RES-CERT | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, enough developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2564 | Aziz Atifa | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, very good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2565 | Aziz Xarika | EXC | | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, good eyes and ears, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2566 | Aziz Yamama | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 2567 | Aziz Zaina | EXC | 4 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size and format, nice head, elegant neck, very good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2568 | El Hamrah Qaseeda | EXC | 2 | BT3 | CK | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Good size, medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | | 2569 | Qirmizi Uniqa | EXC | 3 | | | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good top and bottom lines, good tailset, well developed chest, enough strong in action, typical coat color and temperament. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 2570 | Aziz Palmira | EXC | 1 | | CK, VET BIR, NORD VET-CERT, BIS VET-3 | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | Medium strong, nice head, elegant neck, good profile lines, good tailset, well developed chest, in very good condition for the age, nice coat color and temperament. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 4086 | Al Bhazim | | 2 | | HP | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | 2539, 2545, 2553, 2554
Good type, nice heads, good profile lines, enough good movers, nice coats and temperaments. |
| | | | 4087 | Aziz | | 1 | | HP | Brankovic Zoran | |
| | | | 2546, 2547, 2548, 2564
Exc type, nice heads, very good top and bottom lines, very good movers, nice coats colors and temperaments, |