Jyväskylä INT 11-12.05.2024
Italian Greyhound
Judge Robbins Janelle
| BOB | Fightbells Flaming Feather (Uuttu Annika) | |
| BOS | Heraldin Wind Of Change (Ruotsalainen Jukka) | |
| CACIB dog | Heraldin Wind Of Change (Ruotsalainen Jukka) | |
| CACIB bitch | Fightbells Flaming Feather (Uuttu Annika) | |
| CAC bitch | Ego Estetikos Caya (Iisakka Hanne) | |
| | Dogs |
| | | INT |
| | | | 1201 | Heraldin Wind Of Change | Excellent | 1 | BM1 | CQ, BOS, CACIB | Robbins Janelle | |
| | | | 20 months. Excellent type. Correct length of head and neck. Excellent bone and feet. Correct fine coat. Excellent movement behind, correct in front. Good side gait. |
| | Bitches |
| | | OPN |
| | | | 1202 | Ego Estetikos Caya | Excellent | 1 | BB2 | CQ, CAC, RES CACIB | Robbins Janelle | |
| | | | 2 years old. Excellent head, long with a good muzzle. Excellent ear. Good movement up and down. She’s got a good movement on the side profile. Good fine coat. Would like maybe just a bit more maturity in body. |
| | | CH |
| | | | 1203 | Fightbells Flaming Feather | Excellent | 1 | BB1 | CQ, BOB, CACIB, BIG-4 | Robbins Janelle | |
| | | | 3,5 years. Excellent type. Correct neck and topline. Excellent front with correct bone and feet. Excellent skull. Would like bit more fill under eye. Good scissor bite. Excellent neck. Correct topline. Good body. Excellent hind quarter. Her movement out and back was excellent. |
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