Jyväskylä INT 11-12.05.2024
FCI 1|FCI 2|FCI 3|FCI 4|FCI 5|FCI 6|FCI 7|FCI 8|FCI 9|FCI 10
Group results|BIS results|Junior Handler results
Labrador Retriever
Judge Pawlowski Lukasz
BOBMy Brand Night To Remember (Jäntti Virve & Zahharov Haita-Maarit)
BOSMaximinas Best Of My Love (Haikara Minna)
CACIB dogMy Brand Night To Remember (Jäntti Virve & Zahharov Haita-Maarit)
CACIB bitchMaximinas Best Of My Love (Haikara Minna)
CAC dogTyynenmaan The King Of Rock (Laine Annika)
CAC bitchCheektail's Pink Peppercorn (Hartikainen Kirsi)
BOB veteranTawastway's Hottentot (Jäntti Virve & Jäntti Ilkka)
BOS veteranMallorn's Miu Miu (Eklund Tanja & Mäntynen Taru)
BOB juniorHowi-Tazzun Black Jack (Ranta Laura & Ranta Noora)
BOB puppyRantakankaan Wivi Olivia Gran (Hillu Helena)
BOS puppyStrongline's Gold Fever (Ranta Laura)
BOB breederBlack Bet's (Pietiläinen Tarja)
421Rantakankaan Eliel Gottlieb Gran2HPPawlowski Lukasz
422Strongline's Firesoul3HPPawlowski Lukasz
423Strongline's Gold Fever1HP, BOSPawlowski Lukasz
424Puustisen Volcano Vera3Pawlowski Lukasz
425Rantakankaan Signe Ida Gran2HPPawlowski Lukasz
426Rantakankaan Wivi Olivia Gran1HP, BOBPawlowski Lukasz
427Do Day's PizarroExcellent3Pawlowski Lukasz
428Do Day's PolarisExcellent2Pawlowski Lukasz
429Howi-Tazzun Black JackExcellent1CQ, JUN BOB, JUN CAC, CACIB-JPawlowski Lukasz
430Ricy's No More GamesVery Good4Pawlowski Lukasz
431Summery Sea's Handsome Moon Of NipponVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
432Ever Rest Mr WelhoExcellent1CQ, RES CACPawlowski Lukasz
433Halolan ValttikorttiExcellent2Pawlowski Lukasz
434Rantakankaan TähtitalvikkiVery Good3Pawlowski Lukasz
435Ricy's I Am A KingVery Good4Pawlowski Lukasz
436Summery Sea's GoldfingerVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
437Black Bet's My Dream And I Love ItExcellent2CQPawlowski Lukasz
438Strongline's Zo CalledAbsent
439Tyynenmaan The King Of RockExcellent1BM3CQ, CAC, CH, RES CACIBPawlowski Lukasz
440My Brand Night To RememberExcellent1BM1CQ, BOB, CACIBPawlowski Lukasz
441Upwards JourneymanExcellent2BM4CQPawlowski Lukasz
442Nokinutun NestoriNot JudgedPawlowski Lukasz
443Tawastway's HottentotExcellent1BM2CQ, VET BOB, CACIB-VPawlowski Lukasz
444Pilvikummun Fresh Peach MargaritaSufficientPawlowski Lukasz
445Strongline's Better To RumbleExcellent1Pawlowski Lukasz
446Alexsinas BrownillaVery Good1Pawlowski Lukasz
447Neptune's Legacy Tinker BellAbsent
448Black Bet's FreesiaExcellent3Pawlowski Lukasz
449Black Bet's Hooligan GirlExcellent2BB4CQ, RES CACPawlowski Lukasz
450Black Bet's Kiss Of FireVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
451Cheektail's Pink PeppercornExcellent1BB2CQ, CAC, RES CACIBPawlowski Lukasz
452Cheektail's Tiny DancerVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
453Neptune's Legacy Tropical PassionAbsent
454Rantakankaan Good Day SunshineVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
455Rantakankaan Here Comes The SunExcellentPawlowski Lukasz
456Rantakankaan MetsäorvokkiExcellent4Pawlowski Lukasz
457Scentaction's Favourite SparklingVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
458Strongline's Charming ChickVery GoodPawlowski Lukasz
459Tawastway's Lucky StarExcellentPawlowski Lukasz
460Neptune's Legacy Sunset PassionAbsent
461Scentaction's I Do I Do I Do I Do I DoExcellent1Pawlowski Lukasz
462Black Bet's HelmiinaExcellent2BB3CQPawlowski Lukasz
463Maximinas Best Of My LoveExcellent1BB1CQ, BOS, CACIBPawlowski Lukasz
464Black Bet's Adalmina HelmiExcellent2Pawlowski Lukasz
465Mallorn's Miu MiuExcellent1CQ, VET BOS, VET CAC, VCH, CACIB-VPawlowski Lukasz
Breeder's groups
4012Black Bet's1KPPawlowski Lukasz