KalaDOGI Show 20-21.07.2024
irländsk röd setter
Domare Drobnjak Darko
| BIR | Original Wondrous Elderflower (Lehto Krista-Maria) | |
| BIM | Northstorm's Excuse Me (Heikkinen Annaliisa) | |
| CACIB hane | Northstorm's Excuse Me (Heikkinen Annaliisa) | |
| CACIB tik | Original Wondrous Elderflower (Lehto Krista-Maria) | |
| BIR-veteran | Entice Karibbean Pirate (Rajamäki Taija & Tommi) | |
| BIR-valp | Original You Snooze You Lose (Sirviö Anu) | |
| | Tikar |
| | | VALP7 |
| | | | 1157 | Original You Snooze You Lose | | 1 | | HP, BIR | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body size and proportions for her age. Correct head. Correct set ears. Correct eyes and expression. Correct muzzle. Correct pigmented nose. Correct neck and topline. Correct set and carried tail. Correct chest and ribcage. Correct forechest. Correct legs. Correct in movement. |
| | Hanar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1158 | Dollydane's Take You Dancing | EXC | 2 | | | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body proportions and body format. Correct head. Correct set ears. Nice neck. Good back. Croup could be in the little better position. Nice chest. Correct ribcage. Correct forchest. Correct in parallel front legs. Good angulated in rear. A little narrow in movement in rear with correct reach. |
| | | | 1159 | Fairhaven Irish Man | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 1160 | Merryview's Keep On Rockin' | VG | 3 | | | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Good body format. He could be a little better body condition. Good head. Correct position of ears. Correct neck. Back should be more firm. Good ribcage. Little bit wide in front. Good front legs, but the paws go out a little bit. Good in rear. In movement he should be more balanced with better reach and drive. |
| | | | 1161 | Northstorm's Excuse Me | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIM, CACIB | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body with correct body proportions. Correct head. Correct scull. Correct set ear and muzzle. Excellent neck and topline. Correct ribcage. Correct deep chest. Correct forechest. Excellent front. Correct angulated in rear and front. Correct in movement. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 1162 | Jet Star's Cookie Monster | EXC | 2 | | | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Good body format. Good head. Correct scull. Lips could be more tight. Good neck and topline. Correct deep chest. A little bit short in upper arm. Good in front. Correct in rear. Good in movement. He could have a little bit better reach and drive. |
| | | | 1163 | Nobleton Rock 'N' Love | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body and body proportions. Correct head. Good neck and topline. Good chest. Correct in front. Good in rear. Good in movement. |
| | | VETKL |
| | | | 1164 | Entice Karibbean Pirate | EXC | 1 | BH3 | CK, VET BIR, CACIB-V, BIS VET-3 | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body condition for his age. Good head. Correct set ears. Good neck. Good topline. Correct chest. Correct front and rear legs. Excellent in movement for his age. |
| | Tikar |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 1165 | Frinan Midsummer Merry Maid | EXC | 2 | | | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body proportions. Good head. Correct neck and topline. Correct set and carried tail. Nice chest. Correct in front. Good angulated in rear. Good in movement. She could have a little better drive and reach. |
| | | | 1166 | Kolmiloukkusen Tesla | G | | | | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | A little bit under size for her age. Good body format. Proportions in the muzzle and scull could be better. Good neck. Straight topline. She could have deeper chest and better developed forechest. She could have stronger bones for female. In movement, she could be more balanced with better reach and drive. |
| | | | 1167 | Merryview's Love Poem | borta | | | | | |
| | | | 1168 | Original Wondrous Elderflower | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIR, CACIB | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Excellent body proportions. Correct head. Correct set ears. Correct eyes with nice expression. Excellent neck and topline. Correct tail. Correct deep chest. Excellent forechest. Correct chest. Correct front. Correct angulated in rear. Excellent in movement. |
| | | | 1169 | Redword Charming Star | borta | | | | | |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 1170 | Northstorm's Don't Mess With Me | EXC | 1 | BT2 | CK, RES-CACIB | Drobnjak Darko | |
| | | | Correct body and body proportions. Correct feminine head. Correct set ears. Correct neck. Good topline. Correct chest. Correct in front. Correct angulated in rear. Correct movement. |
| | |