KalaDOGI Show 20-21.07.2024
Tuomari Milanovic Milan
| ROP | Zorrazo Hit The Nail On The Head (Kela Noora & Fredrikson Marika) | |
| VSP | Emmalindan Heta (Juutinen Pentti) | |
| CACIB uros | Zorrazo Hit The Nail On The Head (Kela Noora & Fredrikson Marika) | |
| CACIB narttu | Emmalindan Heta (Juutinen Pentti) | |
| SERT uros | Zorrazo Hit The Nail On The Head (Kela Noora & Fredrikson Marika) | |
| ROP veteraani | April Design Ululando A La Luna (Kaskinen Jatta) | |
| ROP juniori | April Design Key To Kharisma (Sirén Marika) | |
| VSP juniori | Taa Palati's De Voo Let Me Do (Pönkkä Riikka-Marja) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1400 | Taa Palati's De Voo Let Me Do | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN VSP, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head and pigment. Correct neck and topline. Somewhat narrow hocks in movement. Good temeperament. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 1401 | Mario | ERI | 3 | | SA | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head and bite. Correct neck and topline. Narrow hocks in movement. |
| | | | 1402 | Pablo | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA, VARA-SERT | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct bite. Strongbuild. Showcondition. Correct movement. |
| | | | 1403 | Zorrazo Hit The Nail On The Head | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, SERT, CACIB, RYP-2 | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct bite. Good colour. Strong build. Showcondition. Correct neck and topline. Excellent movement and temperament. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 1404 | Brisa Marina Cedro | ERI | 2 | | | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Showcondition. Correct head and bite. Strong build. Excellent coat. Narrow hocks in movement. |
| | | | 1405 | Luces Delnorte Lethal Weapon | ERI | 1 | | SA | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head. Showcondition. Correct neck and topline. Correct coat and movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1406 | Canes Marinos Intenso | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | In showcondition. Correct movement and temperament. |
| | | | 1407 | Luces Delnorte Lebron James | ERI | 2 | | | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head. Correct coat and temperament. Narrow hocks in movement. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 1408 | April Design Ululando A La Luna | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VET ROP, VET-SERT, VMVA, CACIB-V | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Excellent condition for this age. Correct movement. Excellent temperament. |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 1409 | April Design Key To Kharisma | ERI | 1 | PN2 | SA, JUN ROP, CACIB-J | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head. Correct building condition. Correct, nice colour. Correct movement. |
| | | | 1410 | Flocela De La Gallaecia Atlantica | poissa | | | | | |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 1411 | Faroleiro A Miracle Nugget | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Nice head, correct topline. Good build. Showcondition. Good temeperament. Good movement. |
| | | | 1412 | Luces Delnorte Dakota | EH | 2 | | | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Somewhat lighter build. Open front. Narrow hocks in movement. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 1413 | Emmalindan Heta | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, CACIB | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Nice head. Showcondition. Correct movement. Good temperament. |
| | | | 1414 | Zorrazo Uptown Girl | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA | Milanovic Milan | |
| | | | Correct head and neck and topline. Narrow hocks in movement. Good temperament. |
| | |