Lahden kansainvälinen koiranäyttely 23-24.03.2024
ibizanpodenco, lyhytkarvainen
Tuomari Brandt Rudi
| ROP | Cazaion Ewandor (Nikkanen Tiina & Nikkanen Henri) | |
| VSP | Cazaion Habibi (Laitinen Outi) | |
| CACIB uros | Cazaion Ewandor (Nikkanen Tiina & Nikkanen Henri) | |
| CACIB narttu | Cazaion Habibi (Laitinen Outi) | |
| SERT narttu | Cazaion Habibi (Laitinen Outi) | |
| | Urokset |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 3569 | Cazaion Ewandor | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, ROP, CACIB | Brandt Rudi | |
| | | | 3569 6 years old, masculine dog of lovely type correct head, good skul and stop, good pigmentation, correct eyes, scissors bite, big well set ears that he used well, well laid back shoulders with correct upper arm, moderate angulations rear, correct an mouth of sprung of ribs, good depth of chest, correct bone and feet, moves typically, and very well collected, excellent coat and temperament a quality dog. |
| | | | 3570 | Podelux El Conejo Blanco | ERI | 2 | PU2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Brandt Rudi | |
| | | | 3670 6 years old, masculine dog, typical head and expression. correct scissor bite. typical eyes, well set ears, elegant neck, correct topline with disable hip bones and correct croup, I would prefer him 2 cm shorten in body, typical angulations front and rear, the length of his body has slightly affected in his moves and tend flatting out, excellent coat. |
| | Nartut |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 3571 | Cazaion Habibi | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, VSP, SERT, MVA, CACIB | Brandt Rudi | |
| | | | 3671 27 months old, high quality feminine bitch with excellent constructions and every detail is correct, lovely length of body, correct spring of ribs, excellent depth of chest, she moves highly typically on the breed, shown in lovely condition, excellent coat quality, I could take her home. |
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