Lahden kansainvälinen koiranäyttely 23-24.03.2024
Tuomari Antonopoulos Dimitrios
| ROP | Bländvita Kreme Karamell (Haromo Heidi & Jokinen Siiri) | |
| VSP | Dream Of Souls Fabulous Porche (Styrman Pauliina) | |
| CACIB uros | Dream Of Souls Fabulous Porche (Styrman Pauliina) | |
| CACIB narttu | Bländvita Kreme Karamell (Haromo Heidi & Jokinen Siiri) | |
| SERT uros | Dream Of Souls Fabulous Porche (Styrman Pauliina) | |
| SERT narttu | Lumivyöryn Fantastinen Fiilis (Minkkinen Reetta & Minkkinen Ilona & Minkkinen Anita) | |
| ROP veteraani | Harmittoman Ainotar (Virtanen Emma-Sofia) | |
| ROP juniori | Lumivyöryn Fantastinen Fiilis (Minkkinen Reetta & Minkkinen Ilona & Minkkinen Anita) | |
| ROP Pentu | Bella Godivas Rapunzel (Lehtonen Kirsi & Lehtonen Irina) | |
| | Nartut |
| | | PEN |
| | | | 3598 | Bella Godivas Rapunzel | | 1 | | KP, ROP | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice puppy. good head. correct body. good temperament. good coat. |
| | Urokset |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 3599 | Dream Of Souls Fabulous Lexus | ERI | 1 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | heavy head. good body. correct ears. better angulated rear than front. good bone. good coat. good temperament. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 3600 | Adamoren Aitne | HYL | | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | disqualification because of very bad behavior on the table and tried to bite. |
| | | | 3601 | Adamoren Aoede | ERI | 2 | | SA | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | typical male. correct head. good pigmentation. excellent length of body. good bone. moves well. |
| | | | 3602 | Dream Of Souls Fabulous Porche | ERI | 1 | PU1 | SA, VSP, SERT, CACIB | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice male. masculine head. well built in body. excellent coat. beautiful mover. well presented. |
| | | | 3603 | Tulkkiaavan Räjähtävä Raketti | ERI | 3 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | a bit refined head. good ears. good shoulders. could have more upperarm. good body. moves better in rear, bit high steps in front. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 3604 | Adamoren Adrastea | ERI | 2 | | SA | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | beautiful male head. correct body. well angulated. good mover |
| | | | 3605 | Lady Snowhite Dumle Dreamer | ERI | 3 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | well built body. too big round eyes. good pigmentation. good coat. excellent temperament.
hammastodistus esitetty |
| | | | 3606 | Lady Snowhite Faithful Thor Odinson | ERI | 1 | PU3 | SA, VARA-SERT | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | excellent dog, a bit short in muzzle. correct body. good angulations. moves well. |
| | | | 3607 | Udodirkschneider | EH | 4 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | big size. too snipy head. better angulated rear that front, moves almost crossing rear legs. could have better presented coat. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 3608 | Harmittoman Don't Kill My Vibe | ERI | 2 | PU4 | SA | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice male. excellent head. good neck. good length of body. good bone. excellent depth of chest. correct feet. good coat. excellent presented. |
| | | | 3609 | Lumivyöryn Xtra Innokas | ERI | 1 | PU2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | very nice male allover. beautiful head. excellent build body. correct angulated. excellent temperament. excellent mover, excellent presented |
| | Nartut |
| | | JUN |
| | | | 3610 | Lumivyöryn Fantastinen Fiilis | ERI | 1 | | SA, JUN ROP, SERT, JUN-SERT, CACIB-J | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | beautiful female. excellent built. correct angulated. excellent forechest. beautiful mover. excellent temperament. good coat. |
| | | | 3611 | Mahti Vahdin Jin | ERI | 3 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | a bit snipy head. good ears. good angulated. excellent mover. good pigmentation. |
| | | | 3612 | Yukiko's Great Go Hertta | ERI | 2 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice feminine head. correct eyes and ears. correct length of body. could have more parallel underjaw. enough forechest. moves typically. |
| | | NUO |
| | | | 3613 | Adamoren Amalthea | ERI | 1 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice bitch. correct built. good length of body. needs more training in the ring. good mover. |
| | | AVO |
| | | | 3614 | Lumivyöryn Upea Unelma | ERI | 1 | | SA, VARA-SERT | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | nice head and expression. well angulated. good bone. could better coat. good mover. excellent temperament. |
| | | VAL |
| | | | 3615 | Bländvita Kreme Karamell | ERI | 1 | PN1 | SA, ROP, CACIB | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | a beautiful bitch all over. has extreme quality. well built body. excellent tail. excellent mover and presented. |
| | | | 3616 | Harmittoman Curious Alice | ERI | 2 | PN2 | SA, VARA-CACIB | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | beautiful female. good breed type. slightly long in loin. beautiful head. correct angulations. good temperament. excellent presented. |
| | | | 3617 | Twinibon's Freetime | EH | 3 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | snipy head. too round eyes. good topline and underline. good depth of chest. moves with very high steps in front. could be more confident on table. |
| | | VET |
| | | | 3618 | Harmittoman Ainotar | ERI | 1 | PN3 | SA, VET ROP, CACIB-V | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | beautiful bitch, very well constructed. good bone. excellent depth of chest. well spread ribs. excellent tail. excellent mover. |
| | | | 3619 | Snowtime's Ichou Go | ERI | 3 | | | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | feminine head. too long muzzle. good neck. good topline. she is loose in rear legs. could have better coat.
hammastodistus esitetty |
| | | | 3620 | Twinibon's Zilver Bicain | ERI | 2 | PN4 | SA | Antonopoulos Dimitrios | |
| | | | beautiful female. 12 yrs old. good neck. good topline. a bit high tailset. good bone. good mover. a bit fat today. |
| | |