| | Hanar |
| | | UKL |
| | | | 2204 | Tinwhistle's Superman Tonight | EXC | 1 | BH1 | CK, BIR, NORD CERT, BIG-1 | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | 18 months, lovely head and expression, exc ears, lovely crest, exc . topline and underline, well angulated shoulder. Lovely length in ribcage, exc angulations and hind quarters. Moves well from all directions, exc coat and feet, well presented. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2205 | Cameron Rw Of Cubadel | VG | 1 | | | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Masculin male, of nice size, exc muzzlw, a bit big ears, nice length to neck. Enough angulation in front, good length to ribgage, could have stronger topline, exc croup, enough angulation in hindquarters, moves ok in behind, bit loose front, could have more power in side movement, exc. coat. |
| | | | 2206 | Mami's Beardie Chick Hicks | borta | | | | | |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2207 | Riverwolf Burning Taste Of Naga Morich | VG | 3 | | | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | 4 years old, exc proportions in head but unfortenately he has very tight underjaw, with no room for the teeth, Excellent neck, lovely topline and underline, well angulated shoulders, and hind quarters, a bit flat in feet. Moves with a nice drive from the size. Prize due to teeth. |
| | | | 2208 | Riverwolf Fate Whispers To The Warrior | VG | 4 | | | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | 2,5 years old, masculin head, a bit too big ears. A bit tight in bite, excellent leg, well layed shoulders and upper arm. Enough angulations in hind quarters, excellent feet. Moving with nice drive, but carrying his tail too high, it ruins the silhuett. Very nice in standing. |
| | | | 2209 | Riverwolf Liekkus Jiehtanas | EXC | 2 | BH3 | CK | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Sound male, nice proportions in head, well set ears, nice neck, excellent topline, well layed shoulders, exc ribgage and strong loin. Moderate angulations in hind quarters, but use them very well in movement, excellent feet, nice temperament. |
| | | | 2210 | Riverwolf Pure Dark | EXC | 1 | BH2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Masculin male, big enough for me. Excellent head, but a bit tight in underjaw, excellent topline and underline, well angulated front and rear, wide thighs. Moves a bit close behind, correct in front, nice side movements. |
| | Tikar |
| | | JKL |
| | | | 2211 | Angitta Aoife | VG | 3 | | | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Very elegant bitch, feminin head with excellent earset, excellent bite with big teeth. Enough angulation in shoulders, but very straight in upper arm. Nice length in ribgage,but needs much more time to develope the spring of ribs. A bit tiny in her hind quarters, moves correct coming and going, but needs much more time to mature. |
| | | | 2212 | Riverwolf Fairytale | EXC | 2 | BT4 | CK, CERT, JUN-CERT | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Feminin bitch with nice proportions, excellent head, strong bite, excellent earset. Enough angulation front and rear, nice bone and feet. Moves ok going, a bit loose coming. Excellent coat. |
| | | | 2213 | Riverwolf Holly The Ruler | EXC | 1 | BT3 | CK, JUN BIR, NORD JUN-CERT | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Exc. bitch, nice head and expression, well set ears, exc. neck and topline. Enough angulation in shoulders, a bit straight in upper arm. Nice angulation in hind quarters, Moves excellent from the side, a bit close going. Promising for the future. |
| | | ÖKL |
| | | | 2214 | Riverwolf Magic Of The Northern Lights | VG | 1 | | | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | 3 years old, feminin head bit round eyes, excellent earset, a bit tiny underjaw. excellent shoulders, good length to ribgage, but needs better spring of ribs, enough angulations in hind quarters, would prefer more substanse, doesn't show her movement very well, because she isnt comfortable in the ring. Needs more practise. |
| | | CHKL |
| | | | 2215 | Hoarystock's Paris Hilton Riverwolf | EXC | 1 | BT1 | CK, BIM, NORD CERT | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Powerful bitch with lots of substance, Excellent carriadge of head, lovely underline and topline, exc angulation front and rear, exc ribgage and loin. Moves very well all sides. |
| | | | 2216 | Riverwolf Sumac My Bitch Up | EXC | 2 | BT2 | CK, NORD RES-CERT | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | Strong bitch of exellent type, excellent head, well set ears, enough length in neck, excellent shoulders, a bit straight in upper arm. Enough angulation in hind quarters. excellent ribgage and strong loin, excellent bone and feet, moves well coming and going, nice side movements. |
| | Uppfödarklasser |
| | | | 5075 | Riverwolf | | 1 | | HP | Doverholt Agneta | |
| | | | 2208, 2209, 2213, 2216
Excellent breed type, lovely heads and expressions, strong bone, exc fore chest. Very similar for being from four combonations. Moves very well,with balanced movement, congratulations to breeder! |